
serious charge. If he (the Judge Advocate) had done so, he should no longer desire to hold that station; but he would explain to the Court the circumstances to which this assertion had alluded. When he entered upon this business, he found among the charges one for misbehaviour before the enemy-he meant a charge of cowardice. At the time he felt, as he had since stated to the Court, that the dispatches of Gen. Whitelocke himself were sufficient to justify the charges that came before them for investigation; but he felt that, however the other charges might disgrace him as an officer, they could not as a man, though such a charge as this might sink him in society, whether proved or not proved, and would stigmatize him for ever. He thought, therefore, it ought not to be brought forward without a certainty of proof. It was under these considerations he submitted it to his Majesty's Council: but as to suppress such a charge, if well founded, would, on the other hand, have been as wrong, he did, though reluctantly, determine to see some of the officers of Gen. Whitelocke's Staff, with a view to ascertain facts, not to collect evidence, or to establish public clamour. The result of these inquiries was already known to the Court, as not affording the necessary proof; and they could say how far he merited this complaint against him.

There was also another observation for him to make. It was the complaint Gen. Whitelocke had preferred of his harsh treatment, that he had been pursued to his private moments, by the requiring of disclosures of conversations from his secretary. The only reply he should offer to this was, by reading to the Court the evidence alluded to. (Here the evidence of Col. Torrens respecting his transactions with the General was read.) He then adverted to the first part of the charges, namely, the requisition of the civil officers as prisoners of war; and upon this he must observe, Gen. Whitelocke had not brought forward one solitary precedent to jus. tify such a measure. This charge stated, that instead of holding out to the Spanish Government such terms as would give a favourable impression of the British army, the General, on the contrary, called upon them to deliver up to him their Magistrates, the very persons to

whom the inhabitants looked up for pretection.

Gen. Whitelocke's private dispatch stated his reasons for abandoning the bombardment of the town, and for risk'ing the unfortunate plan which was the ground of the second charge against him. He had, he said, abandoned the bombardment, because it would irritate the inhabitants;-surely the requisition of the civil officers was more likely to irritate. It was for the Court to decide, whether Colonia, the only strong fortress besides Monte Video, should have been abandoned and dismantled, though it could have been maintained by a very small force. But compared with the points in the two after-charges, these were unimportant. He then retraced the march from Reduction to the arrival of the army at the Coral, and brought forward the leading occurrences:-That the advanced corps on the 2d defeated the enemy; the main body following, after a march of seven miles, were halted; that a cannonading was heard, and no means taken to learn from whence it proceeded, or the cause; that Col. Mahon, with the rear-guard, arrived at Reduction, and opened a communication with the navy, yet received no further orders till the 6th; that according to the positive testimony of Generals Gower and Craufurd, if they had advanced on the town on the 2d, it would have been captured, by the measure of entering on the westward, where they were not expected; that guides were not confronted; that the necessary orders for the march were not given; and that no communication was kept up with the advanced corps, from the time it moved, though the main body had only marched seven miles.

On the points which applied to the plan, he meant to offer no observation; it was for the Court to decide upon its merits or demerits. It appeared that Gen. Whitelocke received information of the defence of the enemy from Mr White, which proved to be accurate : he arranged the plan of attack, with ut having made any reconnoissance of the town; he had not, in orders or otherwise, intimated the station himself was to occupy; he had fixed no point of retreat, if retreat was necessary; that the gun-boats might have assisted in the attack; that, by his orders, Col. Mahon,

with his brigade, remained at the bridge; and that in consequence of this separation, the army lost the assistance of

1800 men.

In the latter part of the third charge, it appeared that the Plaza del Toros was taken by Sir Samuel Auchmuty by nine o'clock; that it contained a quantity of ammunition and provisions, and that Gen. Lumley, having no communication to act by, was obliged to join Sir S. Auchmuty that General Craufurd and Col. Pack, with their forces, were obliged to surrender for want of further erders, and those officers who had displayed so much gallantry were left without support. He next adverted to the necessity of the Commander in Chief's personal exertions, which, though by no means necessary at all times, in some instances, were an indispensable part of his duty; in proof of which he instanced the personal exertions of the late Lord Lake, from which his country derived the greatest benefits, and himself unfadng laurels. He then adverted to the occupation of the Corali by Sir Samuel Auchmuty, the reports made to the General of the success or failure of the other columns, and the want of necessary communications between the head quar. ters and these columns in order to support them. He then spoke of the situation of the fortress of Monte Video at the time of the treaty, and enforced the arguments of Sir S. Auchmuty against giving up the possession of that place, and condemned in strong terms the motives which had induced Gen. Whitelocke to sign the treaty, as subversive of all the principles hitherto acted upon in such circumstances.

In conclusion, he observed, that it was for the Court to determine whether so gallant an army were deserving of such a fate as to be obliged to purchase their safety by so disgraceful a sacrifice of their honour and character as British soldiers. The prisoner had endeavour ed to make it out, that in the event of a bombardment, the lives of the prisoners would be put in imminent peril, and that had made him refrain from ordering that measure, although he was amply supplied with the means of carrying it into effect. The learned Judge Advocate said, he had looked into the instructions, and could not find one ingle sentence that gave him such disJuly 1898.

cretionary power; it was therefore free for him to say, that this conduct was not that which ought to be pursued by a British officer. What ought to have been his conduct as the Commander in Chief of a British army, even under the pressure of the cessation of arms by a capitulation of his advanced corps? Not to have given up the distant post of Monte Video under circumstances that did not require it.-But, in answer to any application that might have been made to such a purport from the Spanish General, he should have said-I will do every thing in my power to compel you to submission, and as to your threats of ill-usage to the prisoners, if you dare, in defiance of the laws of nature and of nations, to take away an hair from their heads, I will retali ate with that degree of severity that such conduct will merit.

Lieut-Gen. Whitelocke then declared that he did not mean to impute any thing improper to the conduct of the Judge Advocate; and the proceedings on each side were then declared to be closed.

liberation on the evidence, and having The Court were several days in deat length agreed upon their sentence, it was communicated to and approved of by his Majesty, and published as follows in


Horse Guards, March 24, 1808. At a General Court Martial, &c. Lieut. General John Whitelocke was tried upon the following Charges, &c.


"The Court Martial having duly considered the evidence given in support of the charges against the prisoner, Lieutenant-General Whitelocke, his defence, and the evidence he has adduced, are of opinion, That he is guilty of the whole of the charges, with the exception of that part of the second charge which relates to the order that the columns should be unloaded, and that no firing should be permitted on any account.

The Court are anxious that it may be distinctly understood, that they attach no censure whatever to the precautions taken to prevent unnecessary

firing during the advance of the troops


to the proposed points of attack, and do therefore acquit Lieut-Gen. Whitelocke of that part of the said charge.

Sketch of the Life of
Gen. Whitelocke is a native of Berk-
shire, and was born about the year 1759.

"The Court do therefore adjudge, that the said Lieut-General Whitelocke be-He received a good grammar-school cashiered, and declared totally unfit and unworthy to serve his Majesty in any military capacity whatever.

The King has been pleased to confirm the above sentence, and his Royal Highness the Commander in Chief has received his Majesty's command to direct, that it shall be read at the head of every regiment in his service, and inserted in all regimental orderly books, with a view of its becoming a lasting memorial of the fatal consequences to which officers expose themselves, who, in the discharge of the most important duties confided to them, are deficient in that zeal, judgement, and personal exertion, which their Sovereign and their country have a right to expect from of ficers intrusted with high commands.

To his Majesty, who has ever taken a most lively interest in the welfare, the honour, and reputation of his troops, the recent failure in South America has proved a subject of the most heart-felt regret; but it has been a great consolation to him, and his Majesty has commanded it to be intimated to the army, that, after the most minute investigation, his Majesty finds ample cause for gratification in the intrepidity and good conduct displayed by his troops lately employed on that service, and particularly by those divisions of the army which were personally engaged with the enemy in the town of Buenos Ayres, on the 5th of July 1807; and his Majesty entertains no doubt, that had the exertions of his troops in South America been directed by the same skill and energy which have so eminently distinguished his commanders in other quarters of the world, the result of the campaign would have proved equally glorious to themselves, and beneficial to their country.

By command of his Royal Highness
the Commander in Chief,

Major-Gen. and Adj..Gen, of the Forces.

education at Marlborough, and was af-
terwards placed by the late Earl of Ay-
lesbury (whom his father served as stew-
ard) at Lochee's Military Academy, near
Chelsea, where he remained untill the
year 1777, when his Lordship procured
him an ensigncy in the 14th regiment
of foot. This regiment was then at
Chatham birracks, and there he formed
a friendly connexion with the present
Quart.-Mast.-Gen. Brownrigg, then a
Lieutenant, and afterwards Adjutant of
that corps. Whitelocke accompanied his
regiment to the West Indies in the ear-
ly part of 1780, and returned with it to
England towards the end of the war.—
In 1787 he was still a Lieutenant, and
was then quartered at Chatham, where
he held some kind of garrison rank in
the depot principally established for re-
cruits for the regiments serving in In-
dia. In the mean time, he and Gen.
Brownrigg (both then but Lieutenants)
had married daughters of the late Mr
Lewis, chief clerk of the War-office.
Quick promotion was the natural result
of an union so fortunate. He soon be-
came a field-officer, and, on the com-
mencement of the war in 1793, he was
promoted to the Lieutenant-Colonelcy
of the 13th foot, in which he served a
considerable time in the West Indies.

In July 1794, Col. Whitelocke returned to England, with a very handsome testimonial of his military conduct from Gen. White. From his matrimonial connexions, he was soon appointed to the home Staff, and successively rose to the ranks of Brigadier-Major-and Lieut. General, and to the command of the 89th regiment of foot. In 1797, he was second in command at Portsmouth, where he had many opportunities of displaying his parade talents, both in the garrison, and in the inspecting and reviewing of the different volunteer corps in the vicinity. In 1800 he was removed from this situation, and appointed to the depot at Carisbrooke, in the Isle of Wight. In 1807, he was appointed to the chief command of an expedition des tined for the re-capture of Buenos Ayres,


Scottish Chronicle.


SATURDAY, June 4. being the anniversary of his Majesty's Birth-day (who entered into his 71st year,) the same was celebrated at Edinburgh with every demonstration of loyalty and respect. The Court of Session did not meet, and the Banks and Public Of fices were shut. The flag was displayed from the Castle in the morning, and at noon all the guns were fired. The whole military force in the district paraded in the New Town; and after the brigades were drawn up, they passed his Excellency Lord Viscount Cathcart in the following order: -A detachment of the Royal Artillery Berwickshire, Lanarkshire, Aberdeenshire, Dumfrieshire, Edinburghshire, Invernessshire regiments of militia-Mid Lothian Cavalry-1st regiment Royal Edinburgh Volunteers-1st battalion 2d regiment Royal Edinburgh Volunteers--Loyal Edinburgh Artillery-Royal Leith Volunteers-Trinity House Artillery-Loyal Edinburgh Volunteers-2d battalion 2d regiment Roy. al Edinburgh Volunteers-Royal Highland Volunteers Royal Edinburgh Artillery.

They then marched to Hope Park, where they were drawn up in the walks, and fired a feu-de-joye. In the evening a grand collation was given by the Lord Provost and Magistrates, in the Parliameat House, which was elegantly decorated with flowers and shrubs, to a number of noblemen and gentlemen, and many of the first characters in the country. The Dumber of men under arms amounted, it is supposed, to between 9000 and 10,000.

MILITARY INTELLIGENCE, On Friday, July 22. the 1st Regiment of Royal Edinburgh Volunteer Infantry conduded their permanent duty with a grand feld-day, when they were brigaded with the 1st battalion of the 2d Regiment on Bruntsfield Links. It is but doing justice to the parent corps, and to its first shoot, to state that their performance on this occasion was most masterly, whether considered in the accuracy of position, correctress of manoeuvre, steadiness of march, or closeness and regularity of firing, Lieut. Gea. Lord Viscount Cathcart, commanding the forces in Scotland, with several other distinguished officers, honoured the feld with their presence, and his Lordship then bestowed a most flattering testi

mony of approbation on the good conduct and discipline of these corps.

Next day the following general order was issued.

"The Commander of the Forces having been present yesterday at a field-day of the 1st Regiment of Royal Edinburgh Volunteer Infantry, and of the 1st battalion of the 2d Regiment of Royal Edinburgh Volunteers, when both battalions were exercised together on Bruntsfield Links by the Right Honourable Charles Hope, approves most highly of their appearance and performance in all respects, and is satisfied that their discipline and instruction are such as would enable them to act with advantage in the line with any troops in the service.'

The following regiments belonging to the city and county of Edinburgh, have volun teered into the Local Militia, viz. the 1st and 2d battalions of the 2d regiment of Royal Edinburgh Volunteers -Royal Highland Volunteers-Loyal Edinburgh Volun teers-Royal Leith Volunteers-Musselburgh and Dalkeith Volunteers, and Royal Mid Lothian Artillery.-Similar offers have been made by the Glasgow Highland regiment, the Loyal Greenock Volunteers, the Mearns-shire battalion, the Aberdeed Light Infantry regiment, the Fraserburgh corps, and the Culloden battalion.


On Friday, June 24. the Senatus Acade micus of the University conferred the degree of Doctor in Medicine on the following Gentlemen, after having gone through the appointed examinations, and publicly defended their inaugural dissertations:

Of Scotland-J. M. G. Malloch, Charles Wightman, James Ranken, John Morrison, George Goldie, Colin Rogers, Charles Ferguson Forbes, James Veitch, Wil liam Thomson.

From England.-Peter F. Luard, Charles Carr, James Cowles Prichard, N. Thomas Smith, William Back, John Clayton Hall, Joseph Arnoulde, Hardwicke Shute, Edwin Goddin Jones, John Bunnell Davis.

From Ireland.-James Beatty, William Maccartney, Robert Bradine, Richard Greene, Edmund G. Ryan, George Augustus Borthwick, John Moore, J. De Courcy Lattan, Michael McCreery, Richard Kennedy, Mason Stanhope Kenny.

From Wales-William Bonsall,


From America. -Francis Hunter, John Grimke.

From the West Indies.-Robert Benstead Wright, of Jamaica, R. Hamden, of Barbadoes, J. T. Caines, of St. Christopher's, Richard H. Dyett, of Montserrat.

ECCLESIASTICAL APPOINTMENTS. Whitehall, July 16. 1808-The King Has been pleased to order a Conge d'Elire to pass the Great Seal, empowering the Dean and Chapter of the Cathedral Church of Hereford, to elect a Bishop of that See, the same being void by the translation of the Right Rev. Father in God, Folliott Herbert Walker Cornwall, late Bishop thereof, to the See of Worcester; and his Majesty has also been pleased to recom. mend the Right Rev. Father in God John Luxmore, Bishop of Bristol, to be elected Bishop of the said See of Worcester.

The King has been pleased to appoint Dr Andrew Grant Minister of Kilmarnock, to be first Minister of Canongate church, Edinburgh, void by the death of the Rev. Robert Walker.


At New York, James Arnott, Esq. merchant, Philadelphia, to:Miss Stewart, daughter of the late Tho. Stewart, of Steel-end, Perthshire.

June 11. Mr William Johnston, Halltree, to Miss Margaret Fulton, daughter of the late Mr Mark Fulton, Bessborough Mains.

19. At Clifton, Robert Andrew Riddel, Esq. London, to Miss Miles, daughter of the late William Miles, Esq. merchant in Bristol.

20. At London, Brigader Gen. the Hon. Robert Meade, to Miss Dalling, daughter of the late General Sir John Dalling, Bart.

21. At Edinburgh, Mr John Logan, Hassington Mains, to Miss Thomson, daughter of James Thomson, Esq. of Earnslaw.

28. Lord Arthur Somerset, brother to the Duke of Beaufort, to the Hon. Miss Boscawen, daughter of the late Viscount Falmouth.

23. At Inverary, Mr James Pollock, manufacturer in Glasgow, to Miss Ewart, eldest daughter of Mr John Ewart, Landsurveyor of the Customs at Greenock.

27. At Barr, Wigtonshire, John Hannay, Esq. younger of Crochmore, to Susanna, daughter to John M'Gill, Esq. of Glencaird.

30. At Inverary, Mr Colin McKenzie, merchant, to Miss Agnes Campbell.

At Lendon, James Moncrieff, Esq. Advocate, to Miss A. Robertson, youngest daughter of the late Capt. G. Robertson, of the Royal Navy.

July 1. At Easter Elchies, Dr James Gor

don of Keith, to Mary, daughter of the late John Grant, Esq. of Gallovie.

2. Alexander William Mitchell, Esq. of Virginia, to Miss Eliza Fowler, eldest daughter of Reeves Fowler, M. D. Nassau, New Providence.

3. At Inverary, Mr John M'Murchy, writer, to Miss Giles Campbell.

4. At Edinburgh, George Ross, Esq. Advocate, to Miss Hunter, eldest daughter of the Rev. Dr Andrew Hunter of Barjarg, Professor of Divinity.

4. At Glasgow, Mr Michael Neilson, merchant, to Margaret, eldest daughter of Jas. Spreull, Esq. Chamberlain of Glasgow.

4. At Throsk, Stirlingshire, James Wilson, Esq. late of the island of Jamaica, to Wilhelmina, youngest daughter of WilliamDeas, Esq. of Throsk.

5. At Glasgow, Mr James Paterson, writer in Edinburgh, to Euphemia, daughter of the late Mr Walter Aitchison, merchant in Glasgow.

5. At Edinburgh, Mr Alexander Blackadder, Hill of Dreip, to Miss Eliza Fraser, second daughter of Mr William Fraser, Pilrig Street.

6. At Dunkeld, Mr Thomas Wilson, merchant, Monymusk, to Mary, daughter of the late Patrick Reid, Esq. St Domingo

7. Mr Nathaniel Harvie, writer, Campbelton, to Janet, second daughter of the late John Campbell, sen. merchant, Campbelton. 19. At Barskimming House, Ayrshire, William Macdonald, Esq. younger of St Martin's, Advocate, to Miss Miller, eldest daughter of the Hon. Sir William Miller of Glenlee, Bart. one of the Senators of the College of Justice.

20. At Haddington, Capt. John Turner, of the 75th regiment, to Miss Nancy Hamilton, eldest daughter of Lieut. William Hamilton, Royal Lanark Militia.

-. At Aberdeen, Mr Wm. Littlejohn, merchant, to Miss Ann Littlejohn, of Lan

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