CONTENTS of the FOREIGN ARTICLES, in the APPENDIX to this Volume. N.B. For the CONTENTS of the Foreign Articles in the COR- RESPONDENCE, inserted in the Reviews for February, April, and May, fee the GENERAL INDEX, with which they are incorporated. THE MONTHLY REVIEW, For JANUARY, 1779 ART. I. CHRISTIANI SCHOLTZ, Grammatica Ægyptiaca, utriusque Dialecti; quam breviavit, illuftravit. edidit, CAROLUS GODOFREDUS WOIDE, S. A. S. OXONII Typogr. Clarendoniano. 1778. 4to. IOS. 6d. in Sheets. ART. II. LEXICON ÆGYPTIACO-LATINUM, ex veteribus illius Linguæ Monumentis fummo Studio Collectum, &c. à Maturino Veyssiere la Croze, &c. Oxonii è Typogr. Clarendoniano. 4to. 15 s. i. e. An Egyptian Grammar and Dictionary, by the Rev. Mr. Woide. Sold by Elmsley in London. E GYPTIAN literature was but flightly regarded in Europe before the last century, and might, perhaps, have been still fo, if De la Valle had not brought to Rome, from Egypt, among other curiofities, some Coptic or Egyptian manuscripts, of which he gave the perusal to Athanafius Kircher, a voluminous but very indifferent writer, in regard to folidity and fidelity. Kircher, however, has the merit of being the first who published a book, relating to the Egyptian language, under the title, Lingua Ægyptiaca Reftituta, which was, in fact, nothing but the manufcript dictionary or vocabulary of De la Valle. Theodore Petræus, who had been in Egypt in the same century, enriched Europe with several valuable manuscripts; and he well understanding the Egyptian tongue, would have proved a restorer of Egyptian literature, had he met with proper encouragement: but he could no where find it, not even in London, where he printed the first psalm as a specimen of the Egyptian language. Fortunately his manuscripts were sold to the Elector of Brandenburgh, and placed in his library at Berlin. Dr. Wilkins, a German, and la Croze, a Frenchman, diftinguished themselves, in the beginning of this century, by their cultivation of the Egyptian tongue. The former met with encouragement and preferment in England; and printed, at Oxford, in 1716, the Egyptian New Testament, in the Coptic or Lower Egyptian dialect. He also printed the Pentateuch, at London, in 1731. But being unacquainted with the Sahidic VOL. LX. B or |