TABLE TO THE TITLES, AUTHORS NAMES, &c. of the Publis cations reviewed in this Volume. N. B. For REMARKABLE PASSAGES, in the Extracts, fee the INDEX, at the End of the Volume. A BRITISH PUBLICATIONS. For the CONTENTS of the FOREIGN Articles, in the Appendix, fee the laft Page of this Table. BSCESS. See CLARE. ABSTRACTS. See CHATHAM ADDINGTON on Afflictions, ADDRESS to the Lords of the Admiralty, to the Hon. Auguftus Keppel, BERINGTON's Letter to Fordyce, BLACKBURNE, Mr. Catalogue of Plants BOSTONIAN Prophet, 240 479 14 BRISTOL, Earl of, his Speech, 394 155 BRYSON'S Sermons, 77 BURROW'S Apollonius, 456 AMERICAN Controverfy, 64, 316, 320 469 C. a Poet, 236 C CALIFORNIA, Voyage to, ANSTY's Paraphrafe on St. Paul, 72 other Pamphlets on the fame CANDID and impartial Narrative of the Fleet under Lord Howe, 70 CARTWRIGHT, Mrs. her Memoirs of Lady Audley, 240 Rev. Mr. his Prince of 372 73 APOLLONIUS Pergæus tranflated, 466 CARVER's Travels in North America, 90 concluded, 281 AYECOUGH's Letters concerning France B. ACHMAIR on the Revelation, 327 BABAMAULD, MER, Iher Leffons for CHARI, Abbé, his Voyage to Califor CASSETTE Verte, &c. 394 398 ELEGY on the Death of a young Gentleof Dr. Langhorne, 395 CHATHAM, Earl of, Abstracts of two CHELSEA Penfioner, CHESTER. See PORTEUS. man, 228 ELLIS's Translation of Aristotle on Go 399 CLARE on the Cure of Abfceffes by Cauftic, &c. ELSTOB's Trip to Kilkenny, 191 406 482 EPISTLE from the Rector of St. Anne, to the Vicar of Rochdale, 160 76 317 233 to Admiral Keppel, 163 from Edward, 231 ERSKINE'S Translation of Gaubius's Pathology, 391 on the Spirit of Popery, 404 ESSAY on bleeding in Pregnancy, 159 on the Toleration of Papifts, 243 on the Immateriality, &c. of the 289 Soul, on the Simplicity of Truth, 326 EVANSON, Mr. Publications relative to his Perfecution, 239 EVANS's Sermon against Popery, 80 73 471 builder, EVELYN'S Terra, new Edit. EXAMINATION of the Northern Expe. dition, 320 EXETER, Bifhop of, his Sermon on Jan. 164 321 FAWCETT's Advice to Youth, Congress, FEY Joo's Six Effaye, 66 317 318 197 392 ib. DE COURCY's Letter to a Perfon in declining Health, FIELDING's Comedy, The Fathers, 56 DEFENCE of the Clergy of the Church FORDYCE's Sermon against Popery, 248 of Scotland, 404 FOREIGN Literature, 136, 303, 388 DELIBERATION, 155 FORREST's Voyage to New Guinea, 264 DELINEATION, a Poem, FORMULE Medicamentorum Selectæ, DERBYSHIRE, Wonders of, DIALOGUES on innate Principles, 333 DIMSDALE, Baron, his Remarks on Lettfom's Letter to Sir R. Barker, 319 DISCONSOLATE Widow, a Tale, 163 DISCOURSE previous to a Day of Humi liation, 245 DISSENTERS Bill, Pamphlets relative 403, 404 Fax's Select Prescriptions, 408 396 G. ARTH. See WHITEHURST. tive to, EGYPTIAN Grammar, Dictionary, I ib. GAUBIUS's Pathology tranflated, 6 |