was a service of carrying salt by tenants for their lords. C. GOLDING. Colchester, REV. HENRY ADAMS (8th S. iii. 387, 417, 478.)-The statement quoted from the Gent. Mag. of July, 1839, to the effect that Mr. Adams had been at the time of his death, in 1839, for fortynine years chaplain to Lord Montagu, must be qualified by the fact that the eighth and last Viscount of Cowdray, was, as every one knows, drowned at the Falls of Laufenburg or Schaffhausen in 1793. It is true that Mark Antony Browne assumed the title, but as he had previously been a friar of the Roman Church, in which communion he died in 1797, it is unlikely that he required the services of the chaplain of Beaulieu. PERCEVAL LANDON. ROBERT MONTGOMERY MARTIN (8th S. iii. 408, 477). A memoir of this writer is prepared, and will appear in due course in the 'Dictionary of National Biography.' SIDNEY LEE. RELICS IN A LONDON CHURCH (8th S. iii. 466). -The correctness of the statements contained in the paragraph which appeared in the City Press has been challenged by no less an authority than the learned vicar of Holy Trinity, Minories, who, in the following extract from a letter addressed to the editor of the Standard, says :— "An article has gone the round of the papers purporting to give particulars of my church and its past history, some extracts of which appeared in your morning and evening editions of the 25th instant. Will you permit me, then, to say that none of the statements in that article are correct? In the first place, the name of my church is not 'St. Mary in the Minories,' but Holy Trinity, Minories '; secondly, the mummified head which we have could not be that of the Duke of Norfolk, as the writer states, for that nobleman never had anything to do with the abbey or the church that I am aware of; but it may be the head of the Duke of Suffolk, to whom the abbey was given for a residence, by royal letters patent, in the reign of Edward VI., and who, whilst resident there, was beheaded for attempting to place his daughter, Lady Jane Grey, upon the throne. The head was found in 1853 in one of the vaults, in a box of oaken sawdust, which, acting as an antiseptic, has marvellously preserved the skin of the face. Thirdly, the writer says that the ancient Priory of Holy Trinity was founded by Matilda, Queen of Henry I., in 1108,' whereas we know that the abbey (not priory) and its church were built in 1293 by Queen Blanche, widow of Henry Le Gros, King of Navarre, who afterwards married Edmund, Earl of Lancaster. The arms of the Queen, with those of the Earl of Lancaster, are now in our vestry. Fourthly, the writer states that on the dissolution of monasteries by Henry VIII., the priory and its precincts were given to Thomas Audley, Lord Chancellor of England, who, after pulling down the church, made the place his residence until his death in the year 1554.' These mistakes are even worse than the former ones, for Henry VIII. gave the abbey to the Bishop of Bath and Wells (Dr. John Clerk) for a place of residence, where he died, and was buried in the vaults of our church, though afterwards his body was, for some cause, removed to Aldgate Church. This was the man who took to the Pope of Rome a copy of King Henry's book against Luther, which led to that sovereign receiving the title of 'Defender of the Faith,' still used, though with a very different meaning. The church was not pulled down ou the dissolution of the abbey, but remained until 1706, when, being in a very dilapidated and dangerous state, it was taken down and rebuilt from the ground, with the exception of the north wall, upon which the chief monuments are placed. Then the writer says that the parishioners of St. Catherine Cree, in 1622, obtained leave of Charles I. to rebuild the priory church with the assistance of Lord Mayor Barkham. From this it is our church and the abbey with another church and some quite evident that the writer of the article has mixed up priory. What in the world could the parishioners of St. Catherine Cree have to do with Holy Trinity, Minories? Also, as the church was not rebuilt until 1706, it in 1622; but Sir William Pritchard, who was Lord Lord Mayor Barkham certainly did not assist to rebuild Mayor in 1683, purchased the abbey, and resided in it during his mayoralty, calling it, I believe, the Mansion House. EVERARD HOME COLEMAN. 71, Brecknock Road. [Many replies to the same effect are acknowledged.] Miscellaneous. NOTES ON BOOKS, &c. History of St. Edmund's College Old Hall. By the Very Rev. Bernard Ward, the President. (Kegan Paul & Co.) THE Catholic College of Old Hall is the only existing educational institution which can trace its history back to the times of the penal laws, when it was contrary to statute for the Roman Catholic body to have schools of their own where their faith was taught. Twyford School was established in the reign of James II., when for a short time the penal statutes were suspended. The Revolution does not seem to have materially affected Twyford, for Mr. Ward tells us that it continued to exist for more than fifty years. It was suspended during the Rebellion of 1745, but was revived at Standon eight years. after, from which place it was removed to Old Hall, where it yet remains, in 1769. In its earlier days it was a mere lay school; but when the French Revolution swept away the English colleges on the Continent, Old Hall received a large influx from Douay, so that the present college of Old Hall may be said to have a double parentage, the one lay and the other ecclesiastical, Douay was founded in the reign of Elizabeth as a place of education for Catholic exiles by Cardinal William Allen, a Lancashire man, who had been educated at Oriel College, Oxford. He graduated in arts in 1554, and shortly after became head of St. Mary's Hall and a canon of York. When Protestantism was established by Queen Elizabeth he threw up his preferments and went over sea, where at length he founded Douay, which was an important educational centre until 1793. In a certain shadowy way Douay may be said to have represented the old traditions of Oxford, and to have handed them on to its daughter Old Hall, We have seldom met with a fuller or more accurate history of an educational establishment. From the first page to the last Mr. Ward's book overflows with facts, many of which will prove of interest to all personswhatever their form of religious belief-who care for the educational progress which has been so marked a characteristic of the century now closing. The fifth chapter, which gives an account of the sufferings Two Centuries of Stepney_History, 1480-1680. Three Lectures. By Walter Howard Frere. (Thomas & Boutell.) MR. FRERE is one of the curates of Stepney parish church. He has occupied his leisure in compiling these lectures, which were, we gather, delivered to his people. Their character and tone are excellent, and the breadth of view all that could be wished. In popular lectures of this kind we do not expect to find original discoveries. Probably there are no facts in Mr. Frere's pages which have not before found their way into printed books; but he has been a diligent student not only of the local annals of his parish, but also of general history so far as it has affected Stepney. Dean Colet, Bishop Fox, the Charterhouse monks, Thomas Cromwell (Henry VIII.'s Vicar General), and many other notable men of the Reformation period flit before us. Their respective characters are sketched in a few words, and this is done without prejudice or partisan bitterness. When we arrive at the period of the great Puritan revolt, in the following century, Mr. Frere becomes more sketchy; but he chronicles several matters of importance. The account of the local dissenting congregations in the reign of Charles II. is very good. Marriages, Regular and Irregular, with Leading Cases. By an Advocate. (Glasgow, William Hodge & Co.) THIS book is intended for those persons about to marry, and others of the general public who are interested in the subject. It has not been written for the legal practitioner, but for the ignorant layman, whose loose and hazy conceptions of marriage quite astonish the learned advocate. Free use has been made of the law reports, and many of the cases which have aroused great popular interest are referred to. Much curious and interesting matter will be found in the pages of this little book. A Fragment of the Apocryphal Gospel of St. Peter found at Akhmim in Egypt. Translated from the Greek. (Norgate.) THE apocryphal gospel attributed to St. Peter has been discussed so fully in magazines and newspapers that we shall discharge our duty by acknowledging this translation and saying that the rendering is correct and scholarlike. Where difficulties occur-and there are several-the anonymous author of this version has given the alternative renderings of other scholars. WE have received the fifth volume of the Acts of the Privy Council of England, edited for the Master of the Rolls by John Roche Dasent (Her Majesty's Stationery Office). It includes the years 1554-1556. In the sixteenth century the Privy Council was in many respects a far different body from what it is now. The servile parliaments of the Tudors dared not resist the royal will, whether it was on the side of the old religion or the new. The Privy Council was a committee nominated by the sovereign, and we have no reason to suppose that either the Peers or the Commons had any influence, however indirect, in the appointment of its members. The years included in this volume were the times of great Papal reaction. Almost every page bears witness of this, and for the purposes of the local his torian the facts it contains are invaluable; we do not think, however, that it adds so much to our stock of knowledge as to general history as some of the previous volumes have done. We need hardly say that the editorial work is excellent. A NEW LITERARY SOCIETY.-The birth of a new literary society, which we hope to make one of the first rank, is an event worthy of being chronicled in 'N. & Q.' The happy event took place at the Royal United Service Institution on the afternoon of Tuesday, the 13th inst., when, by a meeting called together to consider the question, it was formally resolved "That a society be, and is hereby, formed for the publication of rare or unedited Works relating to the Navy." Lord Spencer has accepted the office of president, and a provisional committee was appointed to consider the name of the society, to draft laws, &c., and prepare a list of council and officers, all which are to be reported to a general meeting of the society, at the United Service Institution, on Tuesday, July 4, at 5 P.M. Though nominally a meeting of the society, we shall be glad to welcome any one who is interested in the subject of naval literature. The society contemplates working on similar lines to those of the Camden and Hakluyt Societies, and printing for its members some of the interesting and important MSS. in the Record Office, the British Museum, or in private collections, as well as some of the rare works of which only one or two copies now exist, and some also of those not perhaps so rare, but practically inaccessible from the form in which they have been published. Monson's it, in Churchill's collection of voyages, is avowedly 'Tracts' is one such work; and as the only version of edited," it is not improbable that when we come to compare it with the original MS. we may find the printed copy as much Churchill's hack as Monson. Many others might be named; but I will not trespass further on your space, except to say that if any one wishes to become a member of the society, or wants to know more about it, let him ask, not a policeman, but the provisional secretary, J. K. LAUGHTON. Catesby House, Manor Road, Barnet. Notices to Correspondents. We must call special attention to the following notices: ON all communications must be written the name and address of the sender, not necessarily for publication, but as a guarantee of good faith. WE cannot undertake to answer queries privately. To secure insertion of communications correspondents must observe the following rule. Let each note, query, or reply be written on a separate slip of paper, with the signature of the writer and such address as he wishes to appear. Correspondents who repeat queries are requested to head the second communication "Duplicate." PENTELOW (8th S. iii. 109).-Will E. be good enough to communicate with A. B: Pentelow, 6, Claremont Villas, Sydenham, S.E. CORRIGENDUM.-P. 468, col. 1, 1. 18 from bottom, for "Wilson" read Winslow. NOTICE. Editorial Communications should be addressed to " The Editor of Notes and Queries ""-Advertisements and Business Letters to "The Publisher"-at the Office Bream's Buildings, Chancery Lane, E.C. We beg leave to state that we decline to return communications which, for any reason, we do not print; and to this rule we can make no exception. THE ATHENEUM JOURNAL OF ENGLISH AND FOREIGN LITERATURE, SCIENCE, The ATHENEUM, every SATURDAY, price THREEPENCE, of DES L'INTERMÉDIAIRE CHERCHEURS ET CURIEUX; OR, FRENCH NOTES Founded in 1864. Literary, Historical, and Artistic Correspondence and Notes. Questions and Replies; Letters and Documentary Authorities, Discoveries and Curiosities, Literary News and Gossip. Erudition. Offers for Sale and Advertisements of Things to be Sold; Exchanges, Lists of Sales and Accounts of the same; Lists of Acquisitions by Public Collections and Museums, for the use of Literary Men, Artists, Bibliophiles, Professors, Formers of Collections, Archæologists, Genealogists, Numismatists. L'INTERMEDIAIRE appears three times a month. It is an absolutely necessary tool to literary workers. The system of Notes and Queries, on which it rests, is one of the most simple, useful, and practical possible. The object of the paper is to lend its considerable amount of publicity to all literary workers and literary inquirers who find themselves embarrassed in their work. We reply to all, Among literary men, learned men, professors, artists, persons forming collections of pictures and other art objects, bibliophiles, lovers of prints and autographs, archæologists, collectors of coins, there is not one who does not sometimes find that he has got beyond his own knowledge and needs that of others. He has consulted his friends, the library of his town, the societies of his district, he has written many letters he has not obtained the information that he wants. Another wishes to find whence comes a quotation which his memory does not correctly supply, or to find a particular book, a manuscript, an art object, heraldic bearings, a family descent, or to verify the authenticity of a text or of an autograph, or to learn the commonness or scarcity and the consequent value of some object; to know whether the subject which occupies his mind has already been studied, whether a particular document has already been published, whether librarians or custodians of archives or museums or other collectors can give him hints or supply documents which will help him in his studies. He has looked at everything that he can find, and consulted all easily available works of reference, and yet is at a standstill. Here comes in L'INTERMEDIAIRE. That paper prints his ques tion and carries it to the door of all the learned, and in a following number brings him the answer for which he had so long waited. There is a bond which brings together all the readers of L'INTERMEDIAIRE-the desire to help one another. The question and the replies are inserted without the drawing of any distinction of political or of religious opinion. The independence of L'INTERMEDIAIRE is complete, and that of its correspondents is guarded, if they wish it, by the most scrupulous anonymity. Whatever may be the excitement of politics, our Notes and Queries have always interested the press and the world of letters, for they explain the historical, artistic, and literary past, and bring out from their ordinary reserve men who are able to answer, and who often have not previously spoken. Many have been the indiscretions committed in the paper to the benefit of history. In addition to the Notes and Queries part, L'INTERMEDIAIRE publishes, in its part which has to do with discoveries and curiosities, letters and authorities which have not previously seen the light, and this important part of the paper greatly adds to its attraction and variety. In its news part L'INTERMEDIAIRE publishes a supplement of eight columns with each number which informs the reader of all that is doing in the world of letters and arts, of discoveries, researches, acquisitions of the libraries and archives and museums of the world. It also contains proposals for sale, exchange, and barter among the subscribers to the paper, and those only, and lists and accounts of public sales in France and abroad. The discoveries which are due to L'INTERMEDIAIRE amount to thousands, and it is impossible to close any literary inquiry with safety without first submitting it to that paper. L'INTERMEDIAIRE is published on the 10th, 20th, and 30th of the month, and each number, price 1 franc, contains 48 columns, beautifully printed, and the paper forms at the end of every six months an elegant volume of not less than 1,000 columns, with indexes. Subscriptions for Twelve Months for France, 16 francs; Six Months, 9 francs; Three Months, 5 francs. For abroad, Twelve Months, 15s.; Six Months, 8s. 4d.; Three Months, 4s, 2d. LUCIEN FAUCOU, 13, Rue Cujas, Paris. Printed by JOHN C. FRANCIS, Athenæum Press, Bream's-buildings, Chancery-lane, E.C.; and Published by the said Queries, with No. 82, July 22, 1893. INDEX. EIGHTH SERIES.-VOL. III. [For classified articles, see ANONYMOUS Works, Bibliography, BOOKS RECENTLY PUBLISHED, EPIGRAMS, Epitaphs, A. on heraldic query, 91 A.M. and P.M., 34 A A. (A.) on Ware bell chimes, 172 A. (E. S.) on "Luce," 372 "Stilbon," in Chaucer, 249, 432 A. (H.) on "Sing old Rose," 78 Abbé, or abbot, 375 Abbey churches, double, 188, 257, 349, 378, 451 Abbotsford, "a romance in stone and lime," 68, 151 Acre, Austrian flag at, 427, 497 Actress, English, in Paris, 1748, 308, 395 Ad Librum on works of King Alfred, 347 Veto, royal, 369 Adamant on preposition followed by a clause, 112, 435 Adams family of Gore Hall, Kent, 247 Adams (F.) on "Ale-dagger,” 436 Alvernus, Mount, 197 Belinda, the name, 66 Both, with verb singular, 85 Brouette, its meaning, 70, 251 "Dimanche de Quasimodo," 437 Editorial note, curious, 106 Eke-names, parish, 251 Adams (F.) on "Luce," 372, 493 Mandragora, 498 Oast, fish trade term, 173 Proverbs, 234, 265 Rose, damask, 149, 339 St. Grasinus, 232 St. Thomas of Waterings, 369 Sedan chair, 214 Shakspeariana, 103, 284 "Simple Simon," 25 Squin, its meaning, 299 "Thirty days hath September," 475 Tram, its derivation, 373 Verlucio, its locality, 272, 397 Yeomen of the Guard, 86 Adams (Rev. Henry), M.A., his biography, 387, 417, Adams (Col. William Henry), his biography, 167 "Sans Paviours," 148 Alba Columba on Furye family, 68 Albacini (Carlo), Italian sculptor, 369, 495 Aldgate or Aldersgate, 488 Aldred (H. W.) on Cope family, 187 Ale-dagger, its meaning, 387, 436, 494 Alfred (King), his works, 347, 438, 474 "Laborare est orare," 147 Allen (S.) on Lucy of Leinster, 274 America, first English theatrical company in, 65 |