
his patron. In fhort, matters are come to fuch an extremity, that the 'fquire has not faid his prayers either in public or private this half year; and that the parson threatens him, if he does not mend his manners, to pray for him in the face of the whole congregation.

Feuds of this nature, though too frequent in the country, are very fatal to the ordinary people; who are so used to be dazzled with riches, that they pay as much deference to the underftanding of a man of an eftate, as of a man of learning; and are very hardly brought to regard any truth, how important foever it may be, that is preached to them, when they know there are feveral men of five hundred a year who do not believe it.


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that I mentioned a great affliction which my friend Sir Roger had met with in his youth; which was no less than a disappointment in love. It happened this evening that we fell into a very pleafing walk at a distance from his houfe; a. foon as we came into it, " It is, quoth the good "old man, looking round him with a fmile, ve❝ry hard, that any part of my land fhould be fet"tled upon one who has ufed me fo ill as the 'perverse widow did; and yet I am fure I could not fee a sprig of any bough of this whole "walk of trees, but I fhould reflect upon her " and her severity. She has certainly the finest "hand of any woman in the world. You are "to know this was the place wherein I ufed to "mufe upon her; and by that cuftom I can never come into it, but the fame tender fenti"ments revive in my mind, as if I had actually "walked with that beautiful creature under the "fhades. I have been fool enough to carve her name on the bark of several of thefe trees; fo "unhappy is the condition of men in love, to at"tempt the removing of their paffions by the "methods which ferve only to imprint it deeper. "She has certainly the finest hand of any wo66 man in the world."


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Here followed a profound filence: and I was not displeased to obferve my friend falling fo naturally into a discourse, which I had ever before taken notice he induftrioufly avoided. After a very long pause he entered upon an account of this great circumftance in his life, with an air which I thought raised my idea of him above what I had ever had before; and gave me the picture of that chearful mind of his, before it received that ftroke which has ever fince affected his words and actions. But he went on as follows.

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"I came to my eftate in my twenty-fecond year, and refolved to follow the fteps of the "moft worthy of my ancestors who have inha"bited this fpot of earth before me, in all the "methods of hofpitality and good neighbour"hood, for the fake of my fame; and in coun"try sports and recreations, for the fake of my "health. In my twenty-third year I was obliged to ferve as therin of the county; and in my "fervants, officers, and whole equipage, indulged



"the pleafure of a young man, who did not "think ill of his own perfon, in taking that pub"lic occafion of fhewing my figure and beha"viour to advantage. You may easily imagine "to yourself what appearance I made, who am pretty tall, rid well, and was very well dreffed, "at the head of a whole county, with mufic be"fore me, a feather in my hat, and my horse "well bitted. I can affure you I was not a lit"tle pleased with the kind looks and glances I "had from all the balconies and windows as f "rode to the hall where the affizes were held. "But when I came there, a beautiful creature in 66 a widow's habit fat in court, to hear the event "of a caufe concerning her dower. This com"manding creature, who was born for the de"ftruction of all who behold her, put on fuch a "refignation in her countenance, and bore the "whifpers of all around the court with fuch a "pretty uneafiness, I warrant you, and then re"covered herself from one eye to another, until "fhe was perfectly confused by meeting fome"thing fo wiftful in all the encountered, that at "laft, with a murrain to her, the caft her be"witching eye upon me. I no fooner met it, "but I bowed like a great furprised booby; and "knowing her caufe to be the firft which came "on, I cried, like a captivated calf as I was, "Make way for the defendant's witneffes. This "fudden partiality made all the county imme"diately fee the theriff alfo was become a flave "to the fine widow. During the time her caufe was upon trial, fhe behaved herself, I warrant yon, with fuch a deep attention to her business, "took opportunities to have little billets handed "to her counfel, then would be in fuch a pretty "confufion, occafioned, you must know, by act"ing before fo much company, that not only I "but the whole court was prejudiced in her fa


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vour; and all that the next heir to her husband "had to urge, was thought fo groundless and fri"volous, that when it came to her counsel to "reply, there was not half fo much faid as every 66 one befides in the court thought he could have "urged to her advantage. You must under"ftand, Sir, this perverfe woman is one of those unaccountable creatures, that fecretly rejoice "in the admiration of men, but indulge them"felves in no farther confequences. Hence it is "that he has ever had a train of admirers, and "The removes from her flaves in town to those in "the country, according to the feafons of the ❝ year. She is a reading lady, and far gone in "the pleasures of friendship: fhe is always ac"companied by a confident, who is witnefs to "her daily proteftations against our fex, and con"fequently a bar to her firit steps towards love, upon the ftrength of her own maxims and de"clarations.

"However, I must needs fay this accomplished "mistress of mine has diftinguished me above "the reft, and has been known to declare Sir Ro


ger de Coverly was the tameft and most humane "of all the brutes in the country. I was told the "faid fo, by one who thought he rallied me; but " upon the ftrength of this flender encourage "ment of being thought leaft deteftable, Imade "new liveries, new-paired my coach-horfe, fent "them all to town to be bitted, and taught to "throw their legs well, and move all togther, "before I pretended to cross the country, and "wait upon her. As foon as I thought my reti"nue fuitable to the character of my fortule and


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"youth, I fet out from hence to make my ad-
dreffes. The particular skill of this lady has
ever been to inflame your wishes, and yet com-
"mand respect.
To make her miftrefs of this
art, he has a greater fhare of knowledge, wit,
" and good fenfe, than is ufual even among men
"of merit. Then he is beautiful beyond the
race of women. If you will not let her go on
"with a certain artifice with her eyes, and the
"fkill of beauty, fhe will arm herself with her
"real charms, and ftrike you with admiration
"inftead of defire. It is certain that if you were
to behold the whole woman, there is that dig
"nity in her afpect, that compofure in her mo.
tion, that complacency in her manner, that if
"her form makes you hope, her merit makes you
fear. But then again, the is fuch a defperate
fcholar, that no country-gentleman can ap-
"proach her without being a jeft. As I was go.
"ing to tell you, when I came to her houfe I
was admitted to her prefence with great civili-
ty; at the fame time fhe placed herself to be
"first seen by me in fuch an attitude, as I think
you call the pofture of a picture, that the dif-
❝covered new charms, and I at last came towards

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I found my friend begin to rave, and infenfibly. led him towards the houfe, that we might be joined by fome other company; and am convinced that the widow is the fecret caufe of all that inconfiftency which appears in fome parts of my friend's difcourfe; though he has fo much command of himfelf as not directly to mention her, yet according to that of Martial, which one knows not how to render into English, 'Dum 'tacet hanc loquitur.' I fhall end this paper with that whole epigram, which reprefents with much humour my honeft friend's condition. Quicquid agit Rufus, nihil eft, nifi Nævia Rufo, Canat, propinat, pofcit, negat, annuit, una eft Si gaudet, fi flet, fi tacet, hanc loquitur : Scriberet befternâ patri cùm luce falutem, Navia; fi non fit Nevia, mutus erit. Navia lux inquit, Nævia numen, ave.

her with fuch an awe as made me fpeechlefs. "This the no fooner obferved but the made her "advantage of it, and began a difcourfe to me "concerning love and honour, as they both are "followed by pretenders, and the real votaries "to them. When the difcuffed these points in a difcourfe, which I verily believe was as learned as the best philofopher in Europe could poffibly make, the asked me whether the was fo happy as to fall in with my fentiments on thefe important particulars. Her confident fat by ❝ her, and upon my being in the laft confufion "and filence, this malicious aid of hers turning "to her fays, I am very glad to obferve Sir Roger "paufes upon this fubject, and feems refolved to "deliver all his fentiments upon the matter "when he pleafes to fpeak. They both kept "their countenances, and after I had fat half an "hour meditating how to behave before fuch "profound cafuifts, I rofe up and took my leave. "Chance has fince that time thrown me very of❝ten in her way, and the as often has directed a "difcourfe to me which I do not understand. "This barbarity has kept me ever at a distance "from the most beautiful object my eyes ever << beheld. It is thus alfo fhe deals with all man"kind, and you must make love to her, as you "would conquer the fphinx, by pofing her. But "were the like other women, and that there were "any talking to her, how conftant muft the plea"fure of that man be, who could converfe with a creature-But, after all, you may be fure her "heart is fixed on fome one or other; and yet I "have been credibly informed; but who can be"lieve half that is faid! After he had done "fpeaking to me, he put her hand to her bofom and adjusted her tucker. Then fhe caft her eyes a little down, upon my beholding her too earneftly. They fay the fings excellently! her "voice in her ordinary fpecch has fomething in it "irexpreffibly fweet. You must know I dined "with her at a public table the day after I first "faw her, and the helped me to fome taníy in "the eye of all the gentlemen in the country. "She has certainly the fincft hand of any womran in the world. I can affure you, Sir, were you to behold her, you would be in the fame "condition; for as her speech is mufic, her form


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Epig. 69. 1. fa

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Economy in our affairs has the fame effect

upon our fortunes, which good-breeding has upon our converfations. There is a pretending behaviour in both cafes, which instead of making men efteemed, renders them both miserable and contemptible. We had yesterday at Sir Roger's a fet of country gentlemen who dined with him; and after dinner the glafs was taken, by thofe who pleased, pretty plentifully. Among others I obferved a perfon of a tolerable afpect, who feemed to be more greedy of liquor than any of the company, and yet, methought, he did not tafte it with delight. As he grew warm, he was fufpicious of every thing that was faid; and as he advanced towards being fuddled, his humour grew worse. At the fame time his bitternefs feemed to be rather an inward diffatisfaction in his own mind, that any dislike he had taken to the company. Upon hearing his name, I knew him to be a gentleman of a confiderable fortune in this county, but greatly in debt. What gives the unhappy man this peevishness of fpit it is, that his eftate is dipped, and is eating out with ufury; and yet he has not the heart to fell any part of it. His proud ftomach, at the cost of restless nights, conftant inquietudes, danger of affronts, and a thousand nameless inconveniences, preferves this canker in his fortune, rather than it fhall be faid he is a man of a fewer hundreds a year than he has been commonly reputed. Thus he endures the torment of poverty, to avoid the name of being


lefs rich. If you go to his house you fee great plenty; but ferved in a manner that fhews it is all unnatural, and that the master's mind is not at home. There is a certain wafte and careleffnefs in the air of every thing, and the whole appears but a covered indigence, a magnificent poverty. That neatnefs and chearfulnefs which attends the table of him who lives within compafs, is wanting, and exchanged for a libertine way of fervice in all about him.

This gentleman's conduct, though a very common way of management, is as ridiculous as that officer's would be, who had but few men under his command, and fhould take the charge of an extent of country rather than of a small pafs. To pay for, perfonate, and keep in a man's hands, a greater eftate than he really has, is of all others the moft unpardonable vanity, and muft in the end reduce the man who is guilty of it to difhonour. Yet if we look round us in any county of Great Britain, we fall fee many in this fatal error; if that may be called by fo foft a name, which proceeds from a falfe fhame of appearing what they really are, when the contrary behaviour would in a fhort time advance them to the condition which they pretend to.

Laertes has fifteen hundred pounds a year, which is mortgaged for fix thousand pounds; but it is impoffible to convince him that if he fold as much as would pay off that debt, he would fave four fhillings in the pound, which he gives for the vanity of being the reputed mafter of it. Yet if Laertes did this, he would, perhaps, be cauer in his own fortune; but then Irus, a fellow of yesterday, who has but twelve hundred a year, would be his equal. Rather than this fhall be, Laertes goes on to bring well-born beggars into the world, and every twelvemonth charges his eftate with at least one year's rent more by the birth of a child.


Cowley with the greatest pleasure; his magnanimity is as much above that of other confiderable men, as his understanding; and it is a true diftinguifhing fpirit in the elegant author who pub. lifhed his works, to dwell fo much upon the temper of his mind and the moderation of his defires by this means he has rendered his friend as amiable as famous. That ftate of life which bears the face of poverty with Mr. Cowley's great Vulgar, is admirably defcribed; and it is no fmall fatisfaction to those of the fame turn of de. fire, that he produces the authority of the wisest men of the best age of the world, to strengthen his opinion of the ordinary pursuits of mankind.

It would methinks be no ill maxim of life, if according to that ancestor of Sir Roger, whom I lately mentioned, every man would point to himfelf what fum he would refolve not to exceed. He might by this means cheat himself into a tranquillity on this fide of that expectation, or convert what he fhould get above it to nobler uses than his own pleasures or neceffities. This temper of mind would exempt a man from an ignorant envy of reftlefs men above him, and a more inexcufable contempt of happy men below him. This would be failing by fome compass, living with fome defign; but to be eternally be wildered in profpects of future gain, and putting on unneceffary armour againft improbable blows of fortune, is a mechanic being which has not good fenfe for its direction, but is carried on by fort of acquired instinct towards things below our confideration and unworthy our efteem. It is poffible that the tranquillity I now enjoy at Sir Roger's may have created in me this way of thinking, which is fo abftracted from the common relifh of the world; but as I am now in a pleafing arbour furrounded with a beautiful landfcape, I find no inclination fo ftrong as to continue in thefe manfions, fo remote from the oftentatious fcenes of life; and am at this prefent writing phi lofopher enough to conclude with Mr. Cowley; "If e'er ambition did my fancy cheat, "With any with fo mean as to be great; * Continue, Heav'n, ftill from me to remove "The humble bleffings of that life I love.

Laertes and Itus are neighbours, whofe way of living are an abomination to each other. Irus is moved by the fear of poverty, and Laertes by the fhame of it. Though the motive of action is of fo near affinity in both, and may be refolved into this, "that to each of them poverty is the great"eft of all evils," yet are their manners very widely different, Shame of poverty makes Laertes launch into unneceffary equipage, vain expence, and lavish entertainments; fear of poverty makes Irus allow himself only plain neceffaries, appear without a fervant, fell his own No 115. THURSDAY, JULY 12. corn, attend his labourers, and be himself à labourer. Shame of poverty makes Laertes go every day a ftep nearer to it; and fear of poverty

Ut fit mens fana in corpore fano.

Juv. Sat. 10. v. 356.

ftirs Trus to make every day fome further pro- A healthy body and a mind at ease. grefs from it.


These different motives produce the exceffes which men are guilty of in the negligence of and provifion for themfelves. Ufury, stock-jobbing, extortion and oppreffion, have their feed in the dread of want; and vanity, riot, and prodigality, from the fhame of it: but both thefe exceffes are infinitely below the pursuit of a reasonable creatüre. After we have taken care to command fo much as is neceffary for maintaining ourselves in the order of men fuitable to our character, the care or fuperfiuities is a vice no lefs extravagant, than the neglect of neceffaries would have been before.

Certain it is, that they are both out of nature, when the is followed with reafon and good fenfe, It is from this reflection that I always read Mr. 2


ODILY labour is of two kinds, either that which a man fubmits to for his livelihood or that which he undergoes for his pleasure. The latter of them generally changes the name of labour for that of exercife, but differs only from ordinary labour as it rifes from another motive.

A country life abounds in both these kinds of labour, and for that reafon gives a man a greater ftock of health, and coníequently a more perfect enjoyment of himself, than any other way of life. I confider the body as a fyftem of tubes and glands, or to ufe a more ruftic phrase, a bundle of pipes and ftrainers, fitted to one another after fo wonderful a manner as to make a proper engine for the foul to work with. This defcription does not only comprehend the bowels, bones, tendons,

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veins, nerves and arteries, but every muscle and every ligature, which is a compofition of fibres, that are fo many imperceptible tubes or pipes interwoven on all fides with invifible glands or #trainers.

This general idea of a human body, without confidering it in its niceties of anatomy, lets us fee how abfolutely neceffary labour is for the right prefervation of it. There must be frequent motions and agitations, to mix, digeft, and feparate the juices contained in it, as well as to clear and cleanfe that infinitude of pipes and ftrainers of which it is compofed, and to give their folid parts a more firm and lasting tone. Labour or exercife ferments the humours, cafts them into their proper channels, throws off redundancies, and helps nature in thofe fecret diftributions, without which the body cannot fubfift in its vigour, nor the foul act with chearfulness.

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I might here mention the effects which this has upon all the faculties of the mind, by keep ing the understanding clear, the imagination untroubled, and refining thofe fpirits that are neceffary for the proper exertion of our intellectual faculties, during the prefent laws of uuion between foul and body. It is to a neglect in this particular that we muft afcribe the fpleen, which is fo frequent in men of ftudious and fedentary tempers, as well as the vapours to which thofe of the other fex are so often fubjock.

Had not exercife been abfolutely neceffary for our well-being, nature would not have made the body fo proper for it, by giving fuch an activity to the limbs, and fuch a pliancy to every part as neceffarily produce thofe compreffions, extenfions, contortions, dilatations, and all other kinds of motions that are neceffary for the prefervaof fuch a fyftem of tubes and glands as has been before mentioned. And that we might not want inducements to engage us in fuch an exercise of the body as is proper for its welfare, it is fo ordered that nothing valuable can be produced without it. Not to mention riches and honour, even food and raiment are not to be come at without the toil of the hands and fweat of the brows. Providence furnishes materials, but expects that we fhould work them up ourselves. The earth must be laboured before it gives its increase, and when it is forced into its feveral products, how many hands muft they pafs through before they are fit for ufe? Manufactures, trade, and agriculture, naturally employ more than nineteen parts of the species in twenty; and as for those who are not obliged to labour, by the condition in which they are born, they are more miferable than the reft of mankind, unless they indulge themfelves in that voluntary labour which goes by the name of exercife.

My friend Sir Reger has been an indefatigable man of business of this kind, and has hung feveral parts of his houfe with the trophies of his former labours. The walls of his great hall are covered with the horns of feveral kinds of deer that he has killed in the chace, which he thinks the most valuable furniture of his houfe, as they afford him frequent topics of difcourfe, and shew that he has not been idle. At the lower end of the hall is a large otter's skin stuffed with hay, which his mother ordered to be hung up in that manner, and the knight looks upon with great fatisfaction, becaufe it fems he was but nine

A little

years old when his dog killed him. room adjoining to the hall is a kind of arsenal filled with guns of feveral fizes and inventions, with which the knight has made great havock in the woods, and deftroyed many thousands of pheasants, partridges, and woodcocks. His ftable doors are patched with nofes that belonged to foxes of the knight's own hunting down, Sir Roger fhewed me one of them that for diftinction fake has a brass nail struck through it, which coft him about fifteen hours riding, carried him through half a dozen counties, killed him a brace of geldings, and loft above half his dogs. This the knight looks upon as one of the greateft exploits of his life. The perverse widow, whom I have given fome account of, was the death of feveral foxes; for Sir Roger has told me, that in the courfe of his amours he patched the western door of his ftable. Whenever the widow was cruel, the foxes were fure to pay for it. In proportion as his paffion for the widow abated and old age came on, he left off fox-hunting; but a hare is not yet fafe that fits within

ten miles of his houfe.

There is no kind of exercife which I would fo recommend to my readers of both fexes as this of riding, as there is none which fo much conduces to health, and is every way accommodated to the body, according to the idea which I have given of it. Doctor Sydenham is very lavish in its praifes; and if the English reader will fee the mechanical effects of it defcribed at length, he may find them in a book published not many years ince, under the title of Medicina Gymnaftica. For my own part, when I am in town, for want of thefe opportunities, I exercife myfelf an hour every morning upon a dumb bell that is placed in a corner of my room, and pleafes me the more, becaufe it does every thing I require of it in the most profound filence. My landlady and her daughters are fo well acquainted with my hours of exercise, that they never come into my room to disturb me whilst I am ringing.

When I was fome years younger than I am at prefent, I used to employ myfelf in a more laborious diverfion, which I learned from a Latin treatife of exercises, that is written with great erudition: it is there called the exquaxia, or the fighting with a man's own fhadow, and confifts in the brandishing two fhort fticks grafped in each hand, and loaden with plugs of lead at either end. This opens the cheft, exercifes the limbs, and gives a man all the pleasure of boxing without the blows. I could wish that feveral learned men would lay out that time which they employ in controverfies and difputes about nothing, in this method of fighting with their own fhadows. It might conduce very much to evaporate the spleen, which makes them uneafy to the public as well as to themfelves. To conclude, as I am a compound of foul and body, I confider myself as obliged to a double fcheme of duties; and think I have not fulfilled the bufinefs of the day when I do not thus employ the one in labour and exercife, as well as the other in study and contemplation.



No 116. FRIDAY, JULY 13.

-Vocat ingenti clamore Citharon, Taygetique canes

Virg. Georg, 3. V. 43., The echoing hills and chiding hounds invite.


HOSE who have searched into human nature obferve that nothing fo much thews the noblencfs of the foul, as that its felicity.confifts in action. Every man has fuch an active principle in him, that he will find out fomething to employ himself upon, in whatever place or ftate of life he is pofted. I have heard of a gentleman who was under clofe confinement in the Baftile feven years; during which time he amufed himself in fcattering a few fmall pins about his chamber, gathering them up again, and placing them in different figures on the arm of a great chair. He often told his friends afterwards, that unless he had found out this piece of exercife, he verily believed he should have loft

his fenfes.

After what has been faid, I need not inform my readers, that Sir Roger, with whofe character I hope they are all pretty well acquainted, has in his youth gone through the whole courfe of those rural diverfions with which the country abounds here in a far greater degree than in towns and citics. I have before hinted at feme of my friend's exploits: he has in his youthful days taken forty coveys of partridges in a season; and tired many a falmon with a line confifting but of a fingle hair. The conftant thanks and good wishes of the neighbourhood always attended him, on account of his remarkable enmity towards foxes, having destroyed more of thofe vermin in one year, than it was thought the whole country could have produced. Indeed the knight does not fcruple to own among his intimate friends, that in order to establish his reputation this way, he has fecretly fent for great numbers of them out of other counties, which he used to turn loofe about the country by night, that he might the better fignalize himself in their deftruction the next day. His hunting-horfes were the finest and beft managed in all thefe parts: his tenants are ftill full of the praifes of a grey stone-horfe that unhappily staked himself feveral years, fince, and was buried with great folemnity in the orchard.

Sir Roger, being at prefent too old for foxhunting, to keep himself in action, has difpofed of his beagles and got a pack of Stop-Hounds. What thefe want in fpeed, he endeavours to make amends for by the deepnefs of their mouths and the variety of their notes, which are fuited in fuch a manner to each other, that the whole cry makes a complete confort. He is fo nice in this particular, that a gentleman having made him a prefent of a very fine hound the other day, the knight returned it by the fervant with a great many expreffions of civility; but defired him to tell his mafter, that the dog he had fent was indeed a moft excellent bafs, but that at prefent he only wanted a counter-tenor, Could I believe my friend had read over Shakespear, I hould certainly conclude he had taken the hint from Thefeus in the Midfummer Night's Dream.

My hounds are bred of the Spartan kind,
So flu'd fo fanded; and their heads are hung

"With ears that fweep away the morning dew. "Crook-knee'd and dew-lap'd, like Theffalian "bulls,

"Slow in purfuit, but match'd in mouths like bells,

"Each under each: a cry more tunable "Was never halloo'd to nor chear'd with horn."

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Sir Roger is fo keen at this sport, that he has been out almcft every day fince I came down; and upon the chaplain's offering to lend me his eafy pad, I was prevailed on yesterday morning to make one of the company. I was extremely pleafed, as we rid along, to obferve the general benevolence of all the neighbourhood towards my friend. The farmers fons thought themfelves, happy if they could open a gate for the good old Knight as he paffed by; which he generally requited with a nod or a fimile, and a kind enquiry after their fathers and uncics.

After we had rid about a mile from home, we came upon a large heath, and the sportsmen be gan to beat. They had done fo for fome time, when, as I was at a little diftance from the reft of the company, I faw a hare pop out from a fmall furze-brake almoft under my horfe's feet. I marked the way the took, which I endeavoured to make the company fenfible of by extending my arm; but to no purpose, until Sir Roger, who knows that none of my exraordinary motions are infignificant, rode up to me, and afked me if pufs was gone that way?" Upon my anfwering "Yes," he immediately called in the dogs, and put them upon the scent. As they were going off, I heard one of the country-fellows mattering to his companion, "that it was a wonder "they had not loft all their fport, for want of "the filent gentleman's crying fiole away."

This, with my averfion to leaping hedges, made me withdraw to a rifing ground,, from whence I could have the pleature of the whole chace, without the fatigue of keeping in with the hounds. The hare immediately threw them above a mile behind her; but I was pleafed to find, that instead of running ftraight forwards, or in hunter's language, "flying the country," as I was afraid fhe might have done, the wheeled about, and dcfcribed a fort of circle round the hill where I had taken my station, in fuch manner as gave me a very diftin&t view of the fport, I could fee her firft pafs by, and the dogs fome time afterwards unravelling the whole track the had made, and following her through all her doubles. I was at the fame time delighted in obferving that deference which the rest of the pack paid to each particular hound, according to the character he had acquired amongst them: If they were at a fault, and an old hound of reputation opened but once, he was immediately followed by the whole cry; while a raw dog, or one who was a noted liar, might have yelped his heart out, without being taken notice of.

The hare now, after having fquatted two or three times, and been put up again as often, came ftill nearer to the place where he was at first started. The dogs purfued her, and thefe were followed by the jolly knight, whe rode upon a white gelding, encompaffed by his tenant and fervants, and cheering his hounds with all the gaiety of five and twenty. One of the sportsmen rode up to me, and told me, that he was fure the chace was almoft at an end, because the old dogs, which had hitherto lain behind, now



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