
ANONYMOUS, continued.

ASTROLABII quo primi mobilis motus deprehenduntur canones; [to which is added] De mensurationibus rerum tractatulus incipit. 4o* ASTRONOMIE des marins par l'auteur des mémoire de mathématique et de physique rédigés à l'Observatoire de Marseilles, [E. Pezenas; also] Tables astronomiques. 8° Avignon, 1766.

ASTRONOMISCHE Tafeln der mittlern geraden Aufsteigungen der Sonne in Zeit und ihrer mittlern Bewegungen für Monate und Tage zur Verwandlung der Sternzeit in mittlere Sonnenzeit und umgekehrt. 8° Gotha, 1804.

ASTRONOMY [by Sir B. Malkin]. (Library of Useful Knowledge.) Nos. I-III. 8° London, 1830–1831.

AUSLEGUNG (die) und Bedeutung der siben grossen Coniunctionen oder züsamen fügung der dreyer höchsten Planeten. 4o

AUXILIARY tables for Mr. Bessel's method of clearing the distances [of the Sun and Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn from the Moon; by H. C. Schumacher]. 8° [Copenhagen, 1835.]+

BREF om Cometen. 12° Stockholm, 1774.

BRIEF (a) account of the chronometer. See Anonymous. Brief (a) account, &c. 8° (Mechanics.)

CATALOGUE de l'ascension droite et de la déclinaison de 5505 étoiles d'après les observations de Piazzi, et de 372 nébuleuses et d'amas d'étoiles d'après les observations de plusieurs astronomes pour le 1 Janv. 1800, [by J. E. Bode ;] Fr. & Germ. 4o [Berlin, 1805.] CONJECTURES sur la réunion de la Lune à la Terre et des satellites en général à leur planète principale; à l'aide desquelles on essaie d'expliquer la cause et les effets du déluge, la disparition totale d'anciennes espèces vivantes et organiques, et la formation soudaine ou apparition d'autres espèces nouvelles, et de l'homme lui-même; par un ancien officier de marine [de Montlivault]. 8° Paris, 1821. (Two copies.)

CORFU lighthouses. 8° London. [No date.]

DESCRIPTION (the) and use of the carpenter's which is added, the use of a geometrical sun-dial, &c. See Anonymous. Description, &c. 12° 1656. (Mathematics.)

DESCRIPTION of a method of taking the differences of right ascension and declination, with the Reticule Rhomboide of Dr. Bradley, without placing the instrument in the plane of the equator, by H. E. [Sir H. Englefield]. 4o Bath.

DIRECTIONS for the North Sea from the Strait of Dover to the Hoek of Holland. 8° London, 1832.

DISCOURSES on the Hebrew and Julian year; on the Sabbatical year, and years of the Jubilee. 12° London, 1773.

EASTER not mis-timed; a letter written out of the countrey [by J. Pell] to a friend in London concerning Easter day. 4° London, 1664. ÉLÉMENS du système général du monde. 120 Amsterdam, 1771. ELEMENTARY illustrations of the celestial mechanics of Laplace. See Anonymous. Elementary illustrations, &c. 8° 1821. (Mechanics.) ELOGI storici di C. Colombo [by Durazzo], e di A. D'Oria [by Cattaneo]. 4o Parma, 1781.

* No date: probably printed about 1490 by Ratdolt at Augsburg.

+ From Schumacher's work Distances of the Sun, &c.

ANONYMOUS, continued.

EPHEMERIDES astronomicas calculadas para o meridiano do Observatorio de Coimbra, para 1804-1813; 9 vols. 4o Coimbra, 1803–


EPHEMERIS (Meridian) of the sun and planets for the year 1836. Roy.8° London, 1835.*

EXAMEN desinteressé des différens ouvrages qui ont été faits pour déterminer la figure de la Terre, [by Maupertuis;] seconde édition augmentée de l'histoire du livre; [with an] Examen des trois dissertations que M. Desaguliers a publiées sur la figure de la Terre. 8o Amsterdam, 1741.

EXPLANATION (an) of the nature of equation of time and use of the equation table, for adjusting watches and clocks; also the description of a time keeper. 4° London, 1731.

EXPOSITION des moyens les plus faciles de résoudre plusieurs questions de navigation; avec une table des sinus verses et de leurs logarithmes, [by P. C. Lemonnier; also] Élémens de géométrie et de la trigonométrie rectiligne; 2 pts. in 1 vol. 8° Paris, 1772.

GENERAL (a) and particular account of the annular eclipse of the Sun which will happen on Sunday, April 1, 1764, in the forenoon, [by R. Heath.] 40 London, 1764.

GENERAL sailing directions for Helgoland, and for the entrances of the rivers Elbe and Weser. 8° London.

GENERAL tables of the Moon's distances from the Sun and ten principal fixt stars, useful for finding longitude at sea or land. fol. London, 1787. GENTLEMAN'S (the) diary, or the mathematical repository, an almanack for the year 1835. 12° London.

GLOBE (le) céleste, cours d'astronomie contemplative, [by A. J. U. Hennet.] 8° Paris, 1820.

HET Ghebruyck des Quadrants; door G. K. J. 4o Haarlem, 1643. HISTORY of Astronomy [by R. W. Rothman,] (Library of Useful Knowledge,) Nos. 1-IV. 80 London, 1832.

HUMBLE (an) address to the commissioners appointed to judge of all performances relating to the longitude; wherein it is demonstrated from Mr. Flamsteed's observations, that by Sir I. Newton's theory of the Moon, as it is now freed from some errors of the press, the longitude may be found by land and sea, either night or day, when the Moon is visible, and in proper weather, within very few miles of certainty, by R. W. [Wright]. 4° London, 1728.

INSONNIO de Daniel. Questo sie el modo de veder le significatione de Daniel propheta secondo li di de la Luna. 4o

INSTITUTIONS astronomiques, ou leçons élémentaires d'astronomie, avec des nouvelles tables d'équation corrigées et particulièrement les tables du Soleil, de la Lune et des satellites, précédées d'un essai sur l'histoire de l'astronomie moderne, [by P. C. Lemonnier.] 4o Paris, 1746.

JOBELÆUM Astronomicum seculi ineuntis quarti in alma matre Leucorea celebratum 1757. 4° Vitembergæ, 1759.†

* Computed at the expense of F. Baily, esq., and printed by the Royal Astronomical Society.

+ This is but a fragment—the notes only of a work of which the title is given here as anonymous, although perhaps in a complete copy it has a name. There is the name Boze' written on the title-page.

ANONYMOUS, continued.

LADIES' (the) diary for the year of our Lord 1835...; with an appendix of...mathematical papers. 12° London.

LEÇONS élémentaires de mathématiques contenant les l'astronomie, &c. See Anonymous. Leçons élémentaires, &c. 8° 1784. (Mathematics.)

LETTRE de M. D..... à l'auteur des élémens du système général du monde, avec la réponse de l'auteur. 12° 1772.

LIFE (the) of Kepler, [by J. E. Drinkwater.] 4° London, [1831.]* MANTICE, ou discours de la verité de divination par astrologie, [by P. de Tyard.] 4° Lion, 1558.

MEMOIR on the navigation of South America, [by B. Hall.] 8° London,


MÉMOIRE explicatif sur la sphère Caucasienne, et spécialement sur le zodiaque; par C. G. S. [Schwartz]. 4° Paris, 1813.

MODERN Astronomy, [by N. Bowditch;] from the North American Review for April 1825. 8° Boston, 1825.

NAVIGATION, or the art of sailing upon the sea, [by W. Emerson.] 12o London, 1764.

NEW (a) system of fire and planetary life; shewing that the Sun and planets are inhabited, and that they enjoy the same temperament as our Earth; also, an elucidation of the phænomena of electricity and magnetism, [by R. Harrington.] 8° London, 1796.

NEW (the) astronomer, or astronomy made easy by instruments that shew the stars' or planets' places, or of Luna; they also take the latitude, find the variation of the needle and a true hour of the day; likewise they are instruments ready and useful in surveying; by W. R. [Ross]. 8° London, 1735.

NOUVELLES tables de navigation, avec la manière de résoudre tous les problêmes d'astronomie ou de géographie pratiques, et une exposition des méthodes pour la détermination du problême des longitudes; par M. L*** [Le Balleur]. 8° Rochelle, 1789.

OBSERVATIONS sur quelques objets d'utilité publique pour servir de prospectus à la seconde partie de la Physique du Monde, ou à la carte hydrographique de la France, et au traité général de la navigation intérieure de ce royaume, [by É. C. de Marivetz.] 8° Paris,


OPÉRATIONS géodésiques et astronomiques, &c. See Anonymous. Opérations, &c. 4° 1825. (Mathematics.)

PANCRONOMETER (the), or universal Georgian calendar, adjusted to the Gregorian and Julian accounts; by H. J. 4° London, 1750. PHILOLAI, Sive Dissertationis de vero systemate mundi Libri Iv, [by J. Boulliau or Bullialdus.] 4o Amsterdami, 1639.

POOR Robins opinion of the present blazing star appearing in the northeast part of the heavens this present year 1677, which is far more remarkable than any before of that nature. fol. London, 1677. PRÉCIS d'astronomie à la portée de tout le monde, donné par une réfutation de l'inégalité des mois lunaires et des mois solaires, dans laquelle on a inséré pour sa preuve la vraie course du Soleil et de la Lune démontrée par le rapport de 16 à 19, qui est la proportion juste du diamètre avec la circonférence. 8° Amsterdam, 1758.

* From the Library of Useful Knowledge, printed on large paper.

ANONYMOUS, continued.

RAGGUAGLIO del R. Osservatorio di Napoli eretto sulla collina di Capodimonte, [by C. Brioschi.] 4° [Napoli, 1821.]

RECHERCHES Sur la gnomonique, les rétrogradations des planètes, et les éclipses de Soleil, [by Dionis du Séjour and Goudin.] 80 Paris, 1761. SIX maps of the stars [laid down under the superintendence of J. W. Lubbock]. (Library of Useful Knowledge.) fol. London, 1830. SOME very useful new problems in astronomy for the further improvement of geography and navigation;...humbly proposed to the examination of the Royal Society. 4° [London, 1710.]

SPHERA mundi [by J. Holywood], cum tribus commentis nuper editis viz. Cicchi Esculani, Francisci Capuani de Manfredonia, Jacobi Fabri Stapulensis; [to which are added] Theoricæ novæ planetarum G. Purbachii astronomi celebratissimi; et in eas eximii F. Capuani sublimis expositio et luculentissimum scriptum. fol. Venetiis, 1499.* TABLES astronomiques...pour servir à la troisième édition de l'astronomie, [de Lalande.] 4° Paris, 1792.†

TABULE, [by Gael. Morris.] 4° [1763.]

TIDE tables for Plymouth, Portsmouth, Ramsgate, Sheerness and London for the year 1834. 8° London, 1834. (Two copies.)

TIDE tables for the English and Irish channels and river Thames for the year 1835. 8° London, 1835.

TIDE tables for the English and Irish channels and river Thames for the year 1836. 8° London, 1836.

TIDES, [by T. Young.] 4°


TREATISE (a) containing the description and use of a new and curious quadrant...for solving...problems in navigation, astronomy, &c. Anonymous. Treatise, &c. 4° 1756. (Mechanics.)

TREATISE (a) on the parallactic angle; extracted from a letter to the Earl of Mansfield, to which is added an appendix containing a complete set of solar and lunar tables entitled Tabula Dunelmenses, [by Spencer Cowper.] 4° London, 1766.

Us (les) et coutumes de la mer divisées en trois parties; 1, de la navigation; II, du commerce naval et des contrats maritimes; III, de la jurisdiction de la marine; avec un traité des termes de la marine, réglemens, &c., [by Cleirac.] 4o Rouen, 1671.

VINDICATION (a) of the new theory of the Earth, from the exceptions of Mr. Keill and others; with an historical preface of the occasions of the discoveries therein contain'd: and some corrections and additions, [by W. Whiston.] 8° London, 1698.

WEST India directory, vol. I, containing directions for navigating the Caribbean sea, and the Gulf of Mexico, with a description of the coast of Colombia, Yucatan, Mexico and Florida, and the adjacent islands and shoals. 8° London, 1829.

ZODIAQUE (le) expliqué, ou recherches sur l'origine et la signification des constellations de la sphère Grecque, traduit du Suédois de C. G. S. [Swartz]. 8° Paris, 1809. (Two copies.)

AOMAZ. See Collections. Liber novem judicum. 4° 1509.

Cosmographia, sive descriptio

This date is placed at the end of Faber's comment: 'decimo calendas Novembres. The reverse of this folio is blank, and on the recto of sig. p begin Theoricæ novæ' &c. + From the first volume of the edition mentioned in the title-page.

From the Supplement to the Encyclopædia Britannica, vol. vi. pt. II.

orbis; adiecti sunt alii tum Frisii, tum aliorum ejus argumenti tractatus. 4° Antverpiæ, 1584.

APRÈS de MANNEVILLETTE (J. B. NIC. DEN. d'). Le Neptune Oriental. fol. Paris, 1775.

ARAGO (F.D.). See Biot (J. B.) and Arago (F.D.). Recueil d'observations......astronomiques......exécutées pour determiner .....les degrés terrestres, &c. 4° 1821. (Mechanics.)

See Collections. Observations astronomiques, &c. fol. 1825. ARATUS Solensis. Phænomena. See Firmicus (J.M.). Astronomicorum lib. VIII. fol. 1499.

See Hipparchus Bithynus. In Arati et Eudoxi phænomena, &c. fol. 1567.

[ocr errors]

See Hyginus (C. J.). Tabulæ, &c. 8° 1578.

See Manilius (M.). Astronomicon lib. v. 8° 1786.

Genus et vita. See Petavius (D.). Uranologion. fol. 1630.

Phænomena. See Proclus de sphæra, &c. 8° 1553.

Φαινόμενα και διοσημεία Θεωνος σχόλια Λεόντιου Μηχανικών Tepi ȧpareías opaipas. 4o Parisiis, 1559.*

Φαινόμενα και διοσημεία Θεωνος σχόλια Ερατοσθένους καταστε ρισμοί Διονυσίου Ὕμνοι ; accesserunt annotationes in Eratosthenem et hymnos Dionysii, [by J. Fell;] 2 pts. in 1 vol. 8° Oxonii, 1672.

Phænomena et diosemea Gr. & Lat.; accedunt Theonis scholia; Leontii de sphæra Aratea libellus, et versionum Arati poeticarum, Ciceronis, Germanici, et R. F. Avieni quæ supersunt; curavit J. T. Buhle; 2 vols. 8° Lipsia, 1793-1801.

Rufi Festi Avieni interpretatio phænomenorum Arati, et Dionysius de situ orbis; item Arati interpretatio per Germanicum et Ciceronem. Quinti Sereni medicinæ liber. Omnia impressa curante V. Pisano. 4o Venetiis, 1488.† ARATUS Solensis et GERMANICUS (C.). Les phénomènes, avec les scholies de Théon, les catastérismes d'Ératosthène, et la sphère de Leontius; traduits par Halma; Gr. & Lat. ; 2 pts. in 1 vol. 4o Paris, 1821. ARAU y SANPONS (DON FRANCISCO). Nueva espera Copernicana con las orbitas elipticas (accompanied with a plate). 4° Barcelona,

1835. ARGELANDER (FRED. GUIL. AUG.). Observationes astronomicæ in specula universitatis litterariæ Fennicæ factæ a. a. 1824-1827; 2 vols. fol. Helsingforsia, 1830-1831.

560 stellarum fixarum positiones mediæ ineunte anno 1830. 4o 1835. ARGOLI (ANDREAS). Ephemerides exactissimæ cœlestium motuum ad longitudinem Almæ Urbis, et T. Brahe hypotheses, ac deductas è cœlo accurate observationes ab anno MDC.XLI ad annum MDCC; 3 vols. 4° Lugduni, 1659.

Exactissimæ secundorum mobilium tabulæ juxta T. Brahe et auctoris

This work to be complete wants a second volume with the Latin translations of Cicero, Germanicus, &c. according to Lalande. Brunet speaks of two editions of this work printed the same year at Paris by Morel, and mentions the Latin translation as forming part of one but not of the other. As he gives the titles in Latin, it is impossible to say whether this ought or not to have the translation. According to this bibliographer, the one with Leontii mechanica has no Latin translation, but the Greek of the edit. in the R. S. library is translated by Lalande de sphæra Arati as part of the edit. with a Latin translation.

+ This copy wants the title-page, and the above is from Lalande.

Panzer, 111, 253,

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