
Ross, Sunderland and Caithness, and the islands of Orkney and Shetland. 4° London, 1795.

SLOANE (Sir HANS). Catalogus plantarum quæ in insula Jamaica sponte proveniunt, vel vulgo coluntur; adiectis aliis quibusdam quæ in insulis Maderæ, Barbados, Nieves et Sancti Christophori nascuntur. 8° Londini, 1696.

SMITH (Sir JAMES EDWARD). See Linnæus (C.). Flora Lapponica. 8° 1792.

A grammar of botany, illustrative of artificial, as well as natural classification, with an explanation of Jussieu's system. 8° London,


[ocr errors]

An introduction to physiological and systematical botany. 8° London, 1807.

A selection of the correspondence of Linnæus and other naturalists, from the original manuscripts; 2 vols. 8° London, 1821. Compendium floræ Britannica. 8° Londini, 1800.

8° Londini, 1816.

8° Londini, 1825.

Disputatio physiologica inauguralis quædam de generatione complectens. 8° Lugduni Batavorum, 1786.

English botany, or coloured figures of British plants with their essential characters, synonyms and places of growth, to which will be added occasional remarks; the figures [and first part] by J. Sowerby; 35 vols. 8° London, 1790-1813.

Flora Britannica; 3 vols. 8° London, 1800-1804.

The English Flora; 4 vols. 8° London, 1824-1828.

Reliquiæ Rudbeckianæ, sive Camporum Elysiorum libri primi ab O. Rudbeckio editi, quæ supersunt. fol. Londini, 1789.

Spicilegium Botanicum, [or] gleanings of botany, pt. 1. fol. [English only]. London, 1792.

Syllabus of a course of lectures on botany. 8° London, 1795. SONNERAT (PIERRE). Voyage à la Nouvelle Guinée......détails rélatifs à l'histoire naturelle dans le règne végétal. See Sonnerat (P.). Voyage, &c. 4° 1776. (Voyages.)

SOULANGE-BODIN (-). See Loudon (J. C.). Traité de la composition et de l'exécution des jardins. 32° 1830.

SOULAVIE (JEAN-LOUIS GIRAUD) Histoire naturelle de la France méridionale, séconde partie; les végétaux; vol. 1. 8° Paris, 1783.

No more published. The 1st part contains Les minéraux, 7 vols. 8°. See Geology. SOWERBY (JAMES). Coloured figures of English fungi or mushrooms; 3 vols. fol. London, 1797-1803.

[ocr errors]

See Smith (Sir J. E.). English botany, &c. 8° 1790, &c. SPALLANZANI (LAZZARO). Expériences pour servir à l'histoire de la génération......des plantes. See Spallanzani (L.). Expériences, &c. 8° 1786. (Anatomy.)

Opuscoli di fisica......vegetabile. See Spallanzani (L.). Opuscoli, &c. 8° 1776. (Anatomy.)

Opuscules de physique......végétale. See Spallanzani (L.). Opuscules, &c. 8° 1787. (Anatomy.)

SPRENGEL (CURTIUS). Flora Halensis tentamen novum. 12° Halæ Saxonum, 1806.

Index plantarum in horto botanico Academiæ Halensis cultarum. 12o Hala, 1797.

STACKHOUSE (JOHN). Nereis Britannica, containing all the species of fuci natives of the British coasts, with a description in English and Latin. fol. Bath, 1801.

STANHOPE (EARL). Address to the Medico-botanical Society for the anniversary meeting, January 16, 1836. 8° London, 1836. STEUDEL (ERNESTUS). Nomenclator botanicus enumerans nomina atque synonyma plantis phanerogamis imposita. 8° Stuttgardæ & Tubinga, 1821.

Nomenclator botanicus enumerans ordine alphabetico nomina atque synonyma à Linnæo et recentioribus de re botanica scriptoribus plantis cryptogamis imposita. 8° Stuttgardiæ & Tubinge, 1824. STILLINGFLEET (BENJAMIN). Tracts relating to......husbandry...... to which is added the calendar of Flora. See Stillingfleet (B.). cellaneous tracts relating to natural history, &c. 8° 1762. (Miscel laneous.)


STOKES (JONATHAN). See Withering (W.). A botanical arrangement of British plants. 8° 1787, &c.

STONE (THOMAS). General view of the agriculture of the county of Bedford. 4° London, 1794.

General view of the agriculture of the county of Huntingdon. 4o London, 1793.

General view of the agriculture of the county of Lincoln. 4° London, 1794.

STRAND (BENEDICTUS JOH.) Flora Palæstina; sub præsidio C. Linnai. 40 Upsalia [1756].

STRANGE (GIOVANNI). Lettera sopra l'origine della carta naturale di Cortona, corredata di varie altre osservazioni relative alli usi, e prerogative della Conferva Plinii, e di altre piante congeneri. 4o Pisa,


STRUVE (JACOBUS Bernhardus). Dissertatio botanica de Erica; præside C. P. Thunberg. 4o Featherstone, 1800.

STUBBE (HENRY). The nature of the cacao-nut examined. See Stubbe (H.). The Indian nectar. 8° 1662. (Miscellaneous.) SWAINSON (WILLIAM). The naturalist's guide for collecting and preserving subjects of......botany. See Swainson (W.). The naturalist's guide, &c. 8° 1822. (Zoology.)

SWARTZ (OLOF). Nova genera et species plantarum seu prodromus descriptionum vegetabilium maximam partem incognitorum quæ sub itinere in Indiam occidentalem annis 1783-1787 digessit. 8° Holmiæ, Upsalia, & Aboæ, 1788.

SYEN (ARNOLDUS). See Rheede (H. van) et Casearius (J.). Hortus Indicus, &c. fol. 1678.



AEGIO (BARTOLOMEO). L'humore. See Taegio (B.). L'humore, &c. 8° 1564. (Miscellaneous.)

TATTI (GIOVANNI). Della agricoltura libri cinque; con le figure delle biave, delle piante, de gli animali e delle herbe così medicinali, come comuni et da mangiare. 4° Venetia, 1560.

TEMPLEMAN (PETER). Curious remarks and observations in...... botany. See Templeman (P.). Curious remarks and observations in physics, &c. 8° 1753, &c. (Miscellaneous.)

TESSIER (HENRI-ALEXANDRE). See Encyclopédie méthodique. Agriculture. 4° 1787, &c. (Miscellaneous.)

THIÉBAUT-de-BERNEAUD (ARSENNE). Coup d'œil......agricole botanique......sur le Monte Circello. See Thiébaut-de-Berneaud (A.) Coup d'œil, &c. 80 1814. (Miscellaneous.)

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Mémoire sur la culture des dahlies. 8° Paris, 1812.

Mémoire sur la Cactus Opuntia. 8° Paris, 1813.

THORY (CL. ANT.)_ Rosa Candolleana; seu descriptio novæ speciei generis rosæ. 8° Parisiis, 1819.

THOUIN (A.). Déscription de l'école d'agriculture pratique du Muséum d'histoire naturelle; Mémoires 1-x; 4 pts. 4° Paris.

Extracted from several vols. of the Annales du Muséum.

Histoire d'une nouvelle espèce d'arbre fruitier, étranger à l'Europe et appartenant au genre du Coignassier. 4°


From the Annales du Muséum.

Mémoire sur la greffe par rameaux, dite à orangers. 4°

From the Annales du Muséum.

Mémoire sur l'emploi du mâchefer dans le jardinage. 4o

From the Annales du Muséum.

Mémoire sur une nouvelle sorte de greffe [Greffe du Muséum]. 4o

From the Annales du Muséum.

Mémoire sur une nouvelle sorte de greffe, nommée Greffe en arc.

From the Annales du Muséum.

Mémoire sur une nouvelle sorte de greffe par approche [Greffe Buffon]. 4o.

From the Annales du Muséum.

THOUIN (HENRI). See Encyclopédie méthodique. Agriculture. 4o 1787, &c. (Miscellaneous.)

THUNBERG (CAROLUS PETRUS). Åminnelse-tal. See Billberg (G. J.). Åminnelse-tal. 8° 1832.

See Elgström (P.). Museum naturalium Academiæ Upsaliensis.

4o 1806.

See Struve (J. B.). Erica. 4o 1800.

Flora Capensis, sistens plantas botanicas Promontorii Bonæ Spei Africes secundum systema sexuale; vol. 1. 8° Upsalia, 1807.

See Wulf (C. F.). Museum naturalium Acad. Upsaliensis, &c. 4° [1706].

Flora Japonica. 8° Lipsia, 1784.

TILLI (MICHAEL ANGELUS). Catalogus plantarum horti Pisani. fol. Florentiæ, 1723.

TOALDO (GIUSEPPE). La meteorologia applicata all' agricultura. See Toaldo (G.). La meteorologia, &c. 8° 1786. (Chemistry.)

TOURNEFORT (JOSEPH PITTON de). Vie. See Lauthier (H. M). Lettre à Mr. Bégon, &c. 4° 1709.

De optima methodo instituenda in re herbaria ad G. Sherardum epistola, in qua respondetur dissertationi D. Raii de variis plantarum methodis. 8° [Paris, 1697.]

History of plants growing about Paris, with their uses in physick; and a mechanical account of the operation of medecines; with additions, and accommodated to the plants growing in Great Britain, by J. Martyn; 2 vols. 8° London, 1732.

Institutiones rei herbariæ; ed. 3a, appendicibus aucta ab Antonio de Jussieu; 3 vols. 4° Lugduni, 1719. TREVIRANUS (LUDOLPHUS CHRISTIANUS). Symbolarum phytologicarum quibus res herbaria illustratur, fas. 1. 40 Gottinga, 1831.

TREW (CHRISTOPHORUS JACOBUS). Herbarium Blackwellianum emendatum et auctum, i. e. Elis. Blackwell collectio stirpium quæ in pharmacopoliis ad medicum usum asservantur, quarum descriptio et vires ex Anglico idiomate in Latinum conversæ sistuntur, figuræ maximam partem ad naturale exemplar emendantur, floris fructusque partium representatione augentur et probatis botanicorum nominibus illustrantur; 4 vols. fol. Norimberga, 1750-1760.

This copy is incomplete; the work consists of 6 vols.

Librorum botanicorum catalogi duo, quorum prior recentiores quosdam, posterior plerosque antiquos ad annum MDL. usque excusos breviter recenset. fol. Norimberga, 1752.

Librorum botanicorum catalogus tertius, in quo recentiores quosdam recenset. fol. Norimbergæ, 1757.

Plantæ selectæ quarum imagines ad exemplaria naturalia Londini in hortis curiosorum nutrita pinxit G. D. Ehret; in æs incidit et vivis coloribus repræsentavit J. J. Haid; Decuriæ I-VII; 2 vols. fol. Norimbergæ, 1750-1765.

Wanting three decuriæ.

TROTTER (JAMES). General view of the agriculture of the county of West Lothian. 40 Edinburgh, 1794.

TUKE (-). General view of the agriculture of the North Riding of Yorkshire. 4° London, 1794.

TURBILLY (LOUIS-FRANÇOIS-HENRI de MENON). See Anonymous. Mémoire sur les défrichemens. 12° 1760.

Pratique des défrichemens. 12° 1761.

TURNER (DAWSON). Extracts from the literary and scientific correspondence of Richard Richardson. 8° Yarmouth, 1835.

TURNER (DAWSON) & DILLWYN (L.W.). The botanist's guide through England and Wales; 2 vols. 80 London, 1805.

TURNER (GEORGE). General view of the agriculture of the county of Gloucester. 4° London, 1794.

TURNER (MARGARET). On the importance of botany. See Rootsey (S.). Syllabus of a course of botanical lectures. 12° 1818.

TURNOR (-). See Lloyd (T.) and Turnor (-). General view of the agriculture of Cardigan. 4° 1794.

TURPIN (P. J. F.). See Chaumenton (F. P.) Flore médicale. 8° 1815, &c.



RE (DAVID). General view of the agriculture in the county of
Dumbarton. 4° London, 1794.

General view of the agriculture of the county of Kinross. 4o Edinburgh, 1797.

General view of the agriculture of the county of Roxburgh. 4o London, 1794.

USSIEUX (LOUIS d'). See Chaptal de Chanteloup (J. A. C.), Rozier, Parmentier, &c. Traité sur la culture de la vigne. 8° 1801. (Miscellaneous.)

USTERI (PAULUS). See Jussieu (A. L. de). Genera plantarum. 8° 1791.


VAHL (MARTIN). Dissertation on the genus Cinchona. See Lambert (A. B.). A description of the genus Cinchona, &c. 4o 1797. VALLANCEY (CH.). The first report of the Commissioners appointed to inquire into the nature......of the......bogs in Ireland. See Vallancey (C.). The first report, &c. fol. 1810. (Geology)

VANCOUVER (CHARLES). General view of the agriculture in the county of Cambridge. 40 London, 1794.

General view of the agriculture in the county of Essex. 4° London, 1795.

VANDELLUS (DOMINICUS). Viridarium Grisley Lusitanicum, Linnæanis nominibus illustratum. 80 Olisipona, 1789.

VANDERSTRAETEN (F.). Improved agriculture......including a sketch of the Flemish system. See Vanderstraeten (F.). Improved agriculture. 8° 1816. (Miscellaneous.)

A supplement. See Vanderstraeten (F.). A supplement to the work entitled Improved agriculture,' &c. 80 (Miscellaneous.).

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Analysis of the views contained in a work entitled Improved agriculture,' &c. See Vanderstraeten (F.). Analysis, &c. 80 1816. (Miscellaneous.)

VAUCHER (JEAN-PIERRE). Histoire des conferves d'eau douce, suivie de l'histoire des trémelles et des ulves d'eau douce. 4° Genève, an XI-1803.

VIRGANDER (DAVID MAGN.). Frutetum Suecicum; præside C. Linnæo. 40 Upsaliæ, [1758.]

VIVIANI (DOMENICO). Della struttura degli organi elementari delle piante e delle loro funzioni nella vita vegetale. 8° Genova, 1831.

Plates. 4°

Esame d'un sistema di respirazione nelle piante ammesso da Brongniart e Dutrochet, analogo a quello che ha luogo negli animali; (Art. inserito nel T. 67 della Biblioteca Italiana). 8° Milano, 1832.


Flora Corsica specierum novarum vel minus cognitarum diagnosis.
Genuæ, 1825.

Floræ Libycæ specimen, sive plantarum enumeratio Cyrenaicam, Pentapolim, magnæ Syrteos desertum et regionem Tripolitanam incolentium. fol. Genua, 1824.


WA AHLENBERG (GEORGIUS). Flora Lapponica, exhibens plantas in

Lapponiis Suecicis necnon Lapponiis Norvegicis indigenas. 8° Berolini, 1812.

WALKER (D.). General view of the agriculture of the county of Hertford. 4° London, 1795.

WALLERIUS (JOHANNES GOTSCH.) See Gyllenborg (G. A.) Agriculturæ fundamenta chemica. 4o [1761].

The natural and chemical elements of agriculture. 12° 1770. WALLICH (NATHANIEL). See Aikin (A.). List of Indian woods, &c. 8°

Upon the preparation and management of plants during a voyage from India; (from the Horticultural Transactions). 4° London, 1832. WALLIS (JOHN). Dendrology; in which are facts, experiments, and observations demonstrating that trees and vegetables derive their nutri

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