IMPERATO (FERRANTE). Historia naturale nella quale si tratta della diversa condizion di minere, pietre preziose, &c. con varie historie di piante ed animali; aggiontovi da G. M. Ferro alcune annotationi alle piante. fol. Venetia, 1672. J. JACQUIN (NICOLAUS JOSEPHUS). Collectanea ad botanicam, chemiam, historiam naturalem spectantia; ; 4 vols. 4o Vindobona, 1786-1790. Wanting a fifth volume and two of Miscellanea which should precede. Collectaneorum supplementum. 4o Vindobona, 1796. JONES (WILLIAM). See Adams (G.). Lectures on natural and experimental philosophy. 8° 1799. JONSTONUS (JoH.). Admiranda meteororum. See Jonstonus (J.). Thaumatographia naturalis. 12° 1632. (Miscellaneous.) JOURDAN (A. I. L.). Dictionnaire raisonné, etymologique synonymique et polyglotte des termes usités dans les sciences naturelles; 2 tom. 8° Paris, 1834. JOURNALS, &c. COMMENTARII de rebus in scientia naturali......gestis. See Journals, &c. Commentarii, &c. 8° 1752, &c. (Journals.) L. L AET (JOANNES de). See Piso (G.). De medicina Brasiliensi libri Iv; fol. 1648. LECLERC (GEORGE LOUIS de BUFFON). See Buffon (G. L. L. de). LEIBNITZ (GOT. GUL.). Chymia. See Leibnitz (G. G.). Opera omnia; tom. II. 4o 1768. (Miscellaneous.) LESKE (NATHANAEL GOTFRIED). Anfangsgründe der Naturgeschichte; vol. 1; 8° Leipzig, 1779. LIEBSTAD (GEORGIUS MARCGRAVIUS de). See Marcgravius de Liebstad (G.). LINNÆUS (CAROLUS). Reflections on the study of nature, [being the preface to the Museum regis Adolphi Friderici, translated from the Latin [by J. E. Smith]. 8° London, 1785. -. Systema naturæ, sive regna tria naturæ systematice proposita, per classes, ordines, genera et species. fol. Lugduni Batavorum, 1735. -, in quo naturæ regna tria, secundum classes, ordines, genera, species, systematicè proponuntur. 8° Stockholmiæ, 1740. ; accesserunt nomina Gallica; [to which are added] funda menta botanica; 2 pts. in 1 vol. 8o Parisiis, 1744. -. Systema naturæ. 8° Holmia, 1748. 2 pts. 8° Holmiæ, 1758-1759. -. 4 vols. 8° Holmia, 1766-1768. LOW (GEORGE). Fauna Orcadensis; or the natural history of quadrupeds, birds, reptiles and fishes of Orkney and Shetland. 4o Edinburgh, 1813. Μ. MARCGRAVIUS or MARGGRAW de LIEBSTAD (GEORGIUS). Historiæ rerum naturalium Brasiliæ lib. octo. See Piso (G.). De medicina Brasiliensi libri Iv; fol. 1648. MARKWICK (W.). A calendar and observations, &c. See White (G.). The works in natural history, &c. 8° 1802. (Miscellaneous.) MARSIGLI (FERDINANDE). Histoire physique de la mer. fol. Amsterdam, 1725. MERRETT (CHRISTOPHORUS). Pinax rerum naturalium Britannicarum, continens vegetabilia, animalia, et fossilia, in hac insula reperta. 8° London, 1666. NIEUWENTYT (BERNARD). Ν. The religious philosopher. See Nieu wentyt (B.). The religious philosopher, &c. 8° 1718. (Natural philosophy, General works on.) 0. OVIEDO VALDEZ (GONÇALO HERNANDEZ). See Anonymous. Histoire (l') naturelle et généralle des Indes. fol. 1556. PASUMOT (FRANÇOIS). Histoire naturelle (des Pyrénées). See Pasumot (F.). Voyage physique dans les Pyrénées, 8° 1797. (Voyages.) PINTIANUS (FERDENANDUS). In C. Plinii historiæ naturalis libros omnes, observationes. See Plinius (C.S.). Historiæ mundi lib. xxxvII. fol. 1615. PISO (GULIELMUS). De medicina Brasiliensi libri quatuor; 1. de aere, aquis et locis; 11. de morbis endemiis: III. de venenatis et antidotis; IV. de facultatibus simplicium: et G. A. Marcgravi de Liebstad Historiæ rerum naturalium Brasiliæ; de plantis, piscibus, avibus, quadrupedibus, serpentibus, insectis, de ipsa regione et illius incolis, cum appendice de Tapuyis et Chilensibus; J. de Laet in ordinem digessit, annotationes addidit et varia omissa supplevit; 2 pts. in 1 vol. fol. Lugduni Batavorum, 1648. PLINIUS (CAIUS SECUNDUS). See Camers (J. R. V.). Prima (et secunda) pars Pliniani indicis, &c. 4° 1514. 一 Historia naturalis. See Sabellicus (M. A. C.). In Plinii historiam naturalem. fol. Historiæ mundi libri xxxvii......cura......J. Dalecampii. fol. Lugduni, 1587. -.-; variis quoque S. Gelenii, F. Pintiani (et B. Rhenani), lectionibus et adnotationibus ornatum; 3 pts. in 1 vol. fol. Coloniæ Allobrogorum, 1615. Historia naturale tradotta per C. Landino, emendata per A. Brucioli. 4° Venetia, 1543. Historia naturale, tradotta per L. Domenichi; con le postille in margine. 4o Venetia, 1573. 一。 Historiæ naturalis præfatio; ex MSS. et veteri editione recensuit et notis illustravit D. Durandus. 8° Londini, 1728. -. The first and thirty-third books of Pliny's Natural history; a specimen of a proposed translation of the whole work, with notes, &c., by J. Bostock. 8° London, 1828. PLOT (ROBERT). The natural history of Oxfordshire. fol. Oxford, 1677. The natural history of Staffordshire. fol. Oxford, 1686. POIRET (-). Essai sur l'histoire naturelle de (Barbarie). See Poiret (-). Voyage en Barbarie, &c. 8° 1789. (Voyages.) PONTOPPIDAN (ERICH). Kurzgefasste Nachrichten die Naturhistorie in Dännemark betreffend; aus dem Dänischen übersetzt. 4° Kopenhagen und Hamburg, 1765. PONTOPPIDAN (ERICH). The natural history of Norway, translated from the Danish original; 2 pts. in 1 vol. fol. London, 1755. R. AY (JOHN). Philosophical letters between Mr. R. and several of his lished by W. Derham; the whole consisting of many curious discoveries and improvements in the history of quadrupeds, birds, fishes, insects, plants, fossils, fountains, &c. 8° London, 1718. (Two copies.) Select remains, with his life, by the Rev. W. Derham, published by G. Scott. 8° London, 1760. RAZOMOWSKY (G. de). Histoire naturelle du Jorat et de ses environs, et celle des trois lacs de Neufchatel, Morat, et Bienne; précédées d'un essai sur le climat, les productions, le commerce, les animaux de la partie du Pays de Vaud, ou de la Suisse Romande, qui entre dans le plan de cet ouvrage; 2 vols. Lausanne, 1789. RECCHUS (NARDUS ANTONIUS). See Hernandez (F.). Rerum medicinalium Novæ Hispaniæ thesaurus. fol. 1651. RHENANUS (BEATUS). In C. Plinium annotationes. See Plinius (C. S.). Historiæ mundi lib. xxXVII. fol. 1615. RICUZZI-VELLINI (JOANNES CAMERS). See Camers (J. R. V.). RISSO (A.) Histoire naturelle de principales productions de l'Europe méridionale, et particulièrement de celles des environs de Nice et des Alpes maritimes; 5 vols. 8° Paris, 1826. RUSSEL or RUSSELL (ALEXANDER). The natural history of Aleppo, &c. See Russel (A.). The natural history, &c. 4° 1756. (Miscellaneous.) 4° 1794. (Miscellaneous.) RUSSEL or RUSSELL (PATRICK). See Russel (A.) The natural history of Aleppo, &c. 4° 1794. (Miscellaneous.) RUTTY (JOHN). An essay towards a natural history of Dublin, affording a view of its vegetables, catalogue of its vegetable poisons, and a botanical kalendar; of its animals; of its soil, agriculture, fossils, minerals and mineral waters; of the nature of the climate, &c.; 2 vols. 8° Dublin, 1772. S. SABELLICUS. (In Plinii historiam naturalem; Beroaldi variæ et contra annotationes; Politiani miscellanea.) fol. Panzer, iv. 185. 1056, supposes it printed before 1500. SAUSSURE (HORACE-BÉNÉDICT de). Voyages......précédé d'un essai d'histoire naturelle des environs de Genève. See Saussure (H. B. de). Voyages, &c. 4° 1803, &c. (Voyages.) SCOPOLI (JOANNES ANTONIUS). Introductio ad historiam naturalem. 8° Praga, 1777. SEBA (ALBERTUS). Locupletissimi rerum naturalium thesauri accurata descriptio et iconibus artificiosissimis expressio; vols. I, II et Iv. fol. Amsteledami, 1734-1765. SMITH (CHARLES). Natural history of the (county of Cork). See Smith (C.). The ancient and present state, &c. 8° 1750. (Miscellaneous.) SMITH (Sir JAMES EDWARD). Tracts relating to natural history. 8° London, 1798. SONNINI de MANONCOURT (CHARLES-NICOLAS-SIGISBERT). See Buffon (G. L. L. de). Histoire naturelle, &c.; 127 vols. 8° Paris. SUE (P.). Tables analytiques et raisonnées des matières et des auteurs pour la nouvelle édition de l'Histoire naturelle de Buffon, rédigée par Sonnini; 3 vols. 8° Paris, 1808. т. TERRENTIUS (JOANNES). See Hernandez (F.). Rerum medicinalium Novæ Hispaniæ thesaurus. fol. 1651. TOULOUZAN (-). See Gavoty (-) et Toulouzan (...). Essai, &c. 8° 1815. V. VALENTINUS (MICHAEL BERNHARDUS). Aurifodina medica e tri plici naturæ regno, minerali, vegetabili, et animali; cum India literata seu dissertationibus epistolicis a G. E. Rumphio, H. de Jager, A. Cleyero, &c. de aromatum cultura. fol. Giessæ & Francifurti, 1723. The assertion that the title only of this work is Latin, whilst the work itself is German, is incorrect. The work is in Latin. VALLISNERI (ANTONIO). Raccolta di varie osservazioni spettani all istoria......naturale. See Vallisneri (A.). De' corpi marini che su'monti si trovano, &c. 4° 1728. (Geology.) VELLINI (JOANNES CAMERS RICUZZI). See Camers (J. R. V.). VIREY (J. J.). Philosophie de l'histoire naturelle ou phénomènes de l'organisation des animaux et des végétaux. 8° Paris, 1835. W. WEBSTER (THOMAS). See Imison (J.). Elements of science and art. 8° 1822. (Natural philosophy, General works on.) WHITE (GILBERT). Works in natural history. See White (G.). The works of, &c. 8° 1802. (Miscellaneous.) The natural history and antiquities of Selborne, in the county of Southampton. 4° London, 1789. WILLUGHBY (FRANCIS). Letters. See Ray (J.). Philosophical letters. 8° 1718. WOOD (WILLIAM.) Catalogue of an extensive collection of works on natural history, arranged in classes according to the Linnean system. 8° London, 1824. 589 TRANSACTIONS OF SCIENTIFIC SOCIETIES. AMSTERDAM. HOLLANDSCHE MAATSCHAPIJ. Werken der Hol. Maats. van fraaije Kunsten en Wetenschappen; 8 vols. in 10 pts. 8° Amsterdam & Leyden, 1810-1830. NEDERLANDSCHE INSTITUUT VAN WETENSCHAPPEN, LETTERKUNDE EN SCHOONE KUNSTEN. Nieuwe Verhandelingen der eerste Klasse; vols. I-v. 4° Amsterdam, 1827-1836. ARCUEIL. SOCIÉTÉ D'ARCUEIL. Mémoires de physique et de chimie; 3 vols. 8° Paris, 1807-1817. BALE. ACTA Helvetiæ physico-mathematica botanico-medica; 9 vols. 4.o Basilea, 1751-1787. BARBADOES. SOCIETY FOR THE ENCOURAGEMENT OF ARTS, &c. IN BARBADOS. Institution and first proceedings of the Society for the encouragement of arts, manufactures, and commerce, established in Barbados, 1781. 12° Barbados. -. The abridged minutes of the society continued. 12° [1785.] BERLIN. BERLINISCHE GESELLSCHAFT NATURFORSCHENDER FREUNDE. Beschäftigungen; 4 vols. 8° Berlin, 1775-1779. Schriften; 11 vols. 8° Berlin, 1780-1794. PREUSSISCHE AKADEMIE DER WISSENSCHAFTEN. Sammlung Astronomischer Tafeln. See Academies, &c. K. P. Acad. &c. Sammlung, &c. 8° 1776. (Astronomy.) Brevis enarratio conditæ a Friderico I. in regia sua Societatis Scientiarum. 4° Berolini, 1712. Miscellanea Berolinensia ad incrementum scientiarum, ex scriptis Societatis edita. 4o Berolini, 1710. Miscellanea Berolinensia ad incrementum scientiarum ex scriptis Societati exhibitis edita; tom. 1, 1749; 11, 1723; 1, 1727; iv, 1734; v, 1737; vı, 1740; VII, 1743; VIII, (viz. Jacobi Elsner schediasma criticum, quo auctores, aliaque antiquitatis monumenta......emendantur, &c.) 1744; 8 vols. 4° Berolini, 1749; 1723-1744. The first vol. is a reprint of the one published in 1710. 1771. Histoire (et mémoires), 1745-1769; 25 vols. 4° Berlin, 1746, Nouveaux mémoires, avec l'histoire; 1770-1785; 16 vols. 4o 1772-1787. |