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"And I, if I be lifted up, will draw all men unto me!" These are the words of our divine Redeemer, in the immediate prospect of his last sufferings, and have reference to the efficacy of his death, as an atonement for sin, on the moral and imperishable nature of man. But how are men to be drawn to the Saviour, if he be not still lifted up, by a full and faithful exhibition of the gospel of reconciliation ? How especially are our seamen to be drawn to his cross, and experience the purifying and healing efficacy of his blood, unless he be preached to them as the Saviour of the lost? Oh! how beautiful upon the ship's deck are the feet of him that bringeth good tidings-that publisheth salvation! Let the crowded cabin-the eager attention of the hardy hearers - the full heart-the glistening eye-the falling tear, all proclaim. But why are there so few thus to preach? Another question will answer this:—why is so limited a fund placed at the disposal of those who have taken on themselves the deeply responsible duty of providing for the sailors' spiritual necessities? Ships may now be had in hundreds, in which Bethel services may be held; and were resources to be supplied equal to the facilities which now exist to prosecute our design, or proportionate to the just claims of those whose good we seek, we think that every ship might soon have its Bethel FLAG; and, wherever that sacred colour was displayed, there, we may rest assured, Christ would be lifted up, and draw to himself thousands on thousands of our seamen, till the abundance of the sea should all be converted!


The state of the weather, during part of December and January, was so severe as to prevent the regular discharge of duty on the part of the Missionaries and the other agents. No report, therefore, is now offered of the labours of that period; yet what follows will be read with interest—as having a bearing on the great common cause.


Second Station.-Mr. PALMER.Having given the outlines of my labours in my last report, I promised


to send the details. The particulars of the meetings at Billingsgate market, I need not enumerate; this has

been done by my brother agent, Mr. Rowland, and reported by him. But as the Long-reach station appears to have excited, in the minds of some, a particular interest, I now proceed to give an account of my past engagements there, as a specimen of the rest.

I left London, on Saturday, by one of the steamers, for Gravesend. All was activity and bustle on board, and various were the objects of the different passengers; -some going for pleasure others for business; and I perhaps alone endeavouring to promote the present and eternal happiness of the most interesting class of men with whom we can be connected. We passed at a rapid rate down the river; and at half-past six, I reached the fleet, all riding at anchor, where I was to preach on the morrow. I felt at the moment inexpressible concern for the men on board the ships, which increased as we passed on toward Greenhithe. At a little before seven, I took the boat for my lodging on shore, and was met by the friends who were kindly waiting on the beach to receive me. At an early hour I retired to rest, thanking God for his protection and care of me. After being refreshed by a sound sleep, ('He giveth his beloved rest,') I arose the next morning at six, to prepare, by meditation and prayer, for the duties of this holy day. The room in which I slept was delightfully situated, having two windows, one of which looked toward the Thames-the scene of my labours.

After breakfast and family prayers, at nine o'clock, with books and tracts, I passed through Greenhithe toward my destination. Having reached the Flamer, (which is the name of the government ship, where the revenue officers are stationed,) several persons joined to accompany me along the seawall, a winding course, to the ship where the morning service was to be held, occasionally directing our atten

tion to the favourite standard-the Bethel flag, intermixed with a variety of other colours, all flying at the mastheads of the different ships. Reaching the spot opposite our vessel, we hailed her, and a boat was immediately sent to shore, for the purpose of taking us all on board. I then occupied one half-hour, before the service, in going from ship to ship, inviting the sailors, many of whom went with us.

On looking around, I saw many boats filled with seamen, and captains at their heads, from different parts of the Reach, all repairing to the appointed place; but before I could reach the ship, my ears were saluted with the sounds of praise to God, commenced by the sailors themselves, who had assembled together. Need I say it was especially delightful to me, as borne on the breeze. The morning was fine -the breeze peculiarly refreshing— the prospect delightful. The extended moors of Kent, well covered with grass, the gently rising hills covered with trees, at the distance, gave full effect to the foreground scenery; while the opposite coast of Essex, and its peculiar flatness-the passing and repas. sing of steam-packets and sailing vessels, each and all availing themselves of the state of the tide ;-boats with oars, and sailing yatchts, gave a rich, full, and interesting appearance to the whole scene. The scriptures were read-prayers offered-and the text, as suited to the season and time-the Lord God is a sun,'-was announced. The seamen's attention was fixed and solemn; and, after a hymn, fitting the subject, was sung, two captains briefly united in fervent prayer, that God would more abundantly communicate His Spirit and grace to their seafaring brethren, throughout the world. I then closed with the benediction; and after distributing books, tracts, etc., to them all, left the ship to attend, on shore, the public services of the afternoon and evening,

In addition to former cases, I have lately met with pleasing instances of good effected on the river. One in the conversion of a captain's son, for whose soul's salvation his father had prayed for many years. And another, that of a captain, on board whose ship several successive Bethel services have been

held. Also at the Sailor's Chapel, Bell Wharf, in the decided piety of a shipcarpenter's wife, through the instructions given there and likewise of a pilot's widow, both of whom are steadily and constantly attending the means of grace in that place of worship.


In our December number, we had the pleasure of introducing so much of Captain Butchardt's narrative as was then in our possession. Since then, we have been favoured with important communications, both from Capt. Reed, and several other captains, which we have no doubt will be read with equal interest. When, oh! when, will every captain be a man of God, and live for Christ?


Letters from Capt. Reed, to Capt. B. Prynn, Thames Missionary.

When I had the pleasure of being with you in London, you expressed a wish that an account of Bethel proceedings in foreign ports, should be transmitted to you. I now, with heartfelt pleasure, as also my fellow-workmen in the good cause, transmit you an account of our endeavours to promote the spiritual interests of our brother sailors in this port.

Our operations commenced on Sunday, 11th October, when I displayed the Bethel flag which was kindly presented me. In the morning I was earnest at a throne of grace, that one might be sent me to aid in the good cause. I pleaded not in vain with Him who heareth prayer. Captain Newby of the Patriot, of Hull, came, and kindly offered to take part in the service. On the deck of the Georgiana,

I addressed about one hundred from
Genesis xlv. and on God's power in
raising his people; when Captain
Newby concluded with prayer.

On the following sunday, (18th,) in the hold of the Georgiana, I again addressed about 150 from Joshua xxiv. 15,

As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.' On this occasion., Captain Walker, of the Sunbeam, of Whitby, and Capt. Newby, assisted in the devotional exercise. At the conclusion of the service, Captain Reid, of the Helena, of Limekiln, came forward and kindly offered his services, to aid us in the singing, or in any other way that would promote the good cause. In the evening a prayer-meeting was held on board the Sunbeam; I again ad. dressed them from Acts xxvii. 23.Paul's faith in God.-The latter named

gentlemen took part in the exercises. Which night we took our leave of Capt. Walker, of the Sunbeam, bound for Dundee.

Monday evening, the 19th. We had a friendly meeting on board of the Maria, of Stockton, Captain Baxter. Before parting, Messrs. Newby, and Reid, and myself united in prayer.

Tuesday evening, we met in the cabin of the Georgiana for prayer;— service conducted in the same manner as on the former evening. Wednesday evening, we met in the cabin of the Patriot, Captain Newby, when we were addressed by Capt. Reid, from John ii, 1-11-on Christ's first miracle-when we all again joined in prayer. That evening we resolved, trusting in divine aid, to make these meetings more public. Thursday evening, at the request of Captain Skeny, of the Wilberforce of Scarbro', these meetings were held in the cabin of his vessel, up to Monday the 26th: attendance every night, about from thirty to forty. Masters and seamen we addressed alternately, as also in the devotional exercises. On Sunday morning, 25th, the Bethel flag was hoisted on board of the 'Marion Ann of Dundee,' Captain Guthrie, who kindly offered his vessel for this purpose, having made excellent preparations for our accommodation in the hold. Captain Reid addressed us from Prov. i. 10, "My son, if sinners entice thee, consent thou not." In the afternoon, I addressed about one hundred and fifty, from John i. 5, on the Divinity of Christ; and Captain Newby took part in the devotional exercises, and in the evening, in the Wilberforce's' cabin, addressed us from Proverbs iv. 7, "Get wisdom, and with all thy getting get understanding." On Tuesday evening, we held most encouraging meetings on board of the 'Thistle,' of Aberdeen, Captain Alexander, who very kindly offered his cabin, which has, up to this date, been crowded to excess, by masters and sea

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men-services conducted in the usual manner, which, in the strength of God, we intend to continue.

JOHN LONGMUIR, of brig 'Georgiana,' of Aberdeen.

JOHN NEWBY, of the schooner
'Patriot,' Hull.

JOHN REID, of brig 'Helena,'

The annexed statement of our religious services in Riga was drawn up conjointly by the individuals whose signatures are attached, which was intrusted to me to forward you upon my arrival at this port. From unavoidable circumstances, I was detained at Riga until the second of November: on the first we were again privileged with the means of grace, in the hold of the 'Thistle,' Captain Alexander, where excellent preparations were made, and to whom the cause is under great obligations, for his kind and attentive exertions to promote our comfort. In the morning, I addressed from 2 Kings, iv. 8-37, "Is it well with thee?" and in the afternoon Mr. Longmuir addressed us on 'Paul's confidence in God, and His care over his people.' Mr. Newby addressed us in the evening, and joined in the devotional exercises of the day, when I took an affectionate farewell of my brethren, and sailed early the following morning.

My dear Sir,-let us trust that those days which are predicted in God's word, respecting the bringing in of those who go down to the sea in ships, have in some measure begun; and the prayers offered up in their behalf been answered, for those days will assuredly come to pass. Oh! let us therefore strive earnestly for the faith once delivered to the saints. Trusting the above will go safely into your hands, when I shall be glad to hear from you to acknowledge its receipt, I remain, Your christian friend,


Letter addressed from Capt. Butchardt, to the Secretary.

[We are pained to record, that fears are entertained that Capt. B. has recently been called to suffer shipwreck. His life is spared, but his vessel lost.]

As my last letter did not contain all the particulars of our voyage, I hereby, according to promise, send you a few more, which I hope will not be altogether without interest. I mentioned the excellent meetings which we enjoyed, while crossing the Atlantic. When I say excellent meetings, I mean meetings marked with the special bles. sing and presence of God. How it would have cheered the heart of many a friend to the spiritual welfare of sailors, to have beheld a solitary vessel in the midst of the ocean far from land -necessarily cut off from having communion with the saints on shore, yet having fellowship with the Father, and with his Son Jesus Christ-joining together, with cheerful hearts, in praising Him,

"Who plants his footsteps on the sea, And rides upon the storm;"

and also pouring out their souls in prayer to Him "who is the confidence of all the ends of earth, and to them who are afar upon the sea."

The meetings we held at St. John's were of a truly interesting character. The people would frequently come down to see if we intended to hoist the flag that day, that they might have an opportunity to hear and join with the praying sailors. To satisfy the desire of the people, I have been obliged to hoist the flag, even on a Saturday.

You must not, however, suppose that our meetings were confined to people on shore. several captains, with their crews, frequently attended also. I received a copy of " Britannia," the prize essay, which was presented to me by Captain Harris, of the brig Amity,' of Whitehaven, at St. John's. I recollect

saying to my men, before we arrived,—

"If we be spared to arrive, we will make the barren hills of Newfoundland echo with the songs of Zion,"-which was literally fulfilled one evening. After holding our service below the deck, we repaired upon deck, and, with our own crew, there were several captains and their crews, joined together in singing a favourite hymn, called the "Gospel Ship." The effect produced was excellent, and a powerful impression made; which will appear when I mention the words of a preacher of the Gospel, who said, He never saw such a sight in his life: a number of those men who go down to the sea in ships assembled, with their captains at their head, singing, in transporting melody, one of Zion's sweetest songs."

I remember, when on our passage to Mirimachi, after having been enveloped in fogs and darkness for several days, the fog providentially broke away, and in consequence thereof, we avoided danger which might have proved fatal to the loss of the ship. In this I could see the hand of God, and was a matter of unfeigned thankfulness. The clouds and mists gradually dispersed, the sun broke forth in splendour, cheering us with his beams; and, towards the close of the evening, the winds hushed into a calm, and the sea was perfectly smooth.

We met together upon the deck, to hold our evening service; we commenced by singing an appropriate hymn and prayer, after which, I spoke from Rom. xii. 1.-"I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God," &c. The scene was truly sublime and inspiring. No object to be seen, as far as the eye could reach, but the sun declining in the western sky,-tinging the clouds with his golden

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