
Avec des Notes très-instructives. Par DEMETRIUS
CANTIMIR, Prince de Moldavie. Traduite en
François par M. de Joncquieres. Paris 1743, 8vo.
iv tom.

1750. Histoire des Revolutions de l'Empire de Constantinople, depuis la Fondation de cette ville jusqu'à l'an 1453, que les Turcs s'en rendirent maîtres. Par M. De Burigny. Paris 1750, 12mo. iii tom.

1754. Recueil des Rits et Cérémonies du Pélerinage de la Mecque, auquel on a joint divers Écrits relatifs à la Religion, aux Sciences et aux Mœurs des Turcs. Par M. (ANTOINE) GALLAND. Interprete du Roi. Amsterdam 1754, 8vo.

1755. Dictionarium Arabico-Turcicum Van-kuli dictum, auctore VANI MUHAMMED EFENDI; imprimatore IBRAHIM EFENDI: aliter JAUHARII Lexicon Arabicum AL-SAHAH dictum, in Compendium redactum et Turcicè explicatum à MUHAMMEDE ben MUSTAFA al VANI. Constantin. 1169-70 (1755-56) fol. ii vols. (Vid. 1728.)

1756. FRANCISCI à MESGNIEN MENINSKI Institutiones linguæ Turcicæ, cum Rudimentis parallelis linguarum Arabicæ et Persicæ. Editio altera, methodo linguam Turcicam suo marte discendi aucta. Curante ADAMO FRANCISCO KOLLAR. Vindobonæ 1756, 4to. ii tomi.

1757. Tableau de l'Empire Ottoman. Où l'on trouve tout ce qui concerne la Religion, la Milice, le Gouvernement Civil des Turcs, &c. Paris 1757, 12mo. 1764. ANTONII ARRIGHII de Bello Cyprio Libri V. Patavii 1764, 4to.

1767. Letters of Lady MARY WORTLEY MONTAGUE, written during her Travels in Europe, Asia, and Africa; which contain, among other curious relations, accounts of the Policy and Manners of the Turks. London 1767, 8vo. iii vols.

A Tour to the East, in the years 1763 and 1764. With Remarks on the City of Constantinople and the Turks. Also select Pieces of Oriental Wit, Poetry and Wisdom. By F. Lord BALTILondon 1767, 8vo.


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Relazione esata dell' Imperio Ottomanno, e di tutto ciò che riguarda la Religione, la Milizia, il Governo, e lo stato presente di questa nazione. Firenze 1770, 8vo. ii tom.

1771. Remarques sur le Militaire des Turcs et des Russes sur la façon la plus convenable de combattre les premiers; sur la Marine des deux empire belligérants; &c. Par M. DE WARNERY. Breslau 1771, 8vo.

Epistolæ Turcicæ et Narrationes Persicæ editæ ac Latine conversæ a JOHANNE URY. Oxonii 1771, 4to.

Histoire de l'Empire Ottoman, depuis son Origine jusqu'à la Paix de Belgrade en 1740. Par M. MIGNOT. Paris 1771, 12mo. iv tom.

The History of the Turkish or Ottoman empire, from its Foundation in 1300, to the Peace of Belgrade in 1740. To which is prefixed an Historical Discourse on Mahomet and his successors. Translated from the French of MIGNOT by A. Hawkins. Exeter 1787, 8vo. iv vols.

Législation Orientale, ouvrage dans lequel, en montrant quels sont en Turquie, en Perse et dans l'Indoustan, les Principes fondamentaux du Gouvernement, on prouve, &c. Par ABRAHAM HYACINTHE ANQUETIL DU PERRON. Paris 1771, 4to. iii tom.

1772. L'Empire Turc considéré dans son Établissement et dans ses Accroissemens successifs. Par M. D'ANVILLE. Paris 1772, 12mo.

1782. Memoirs of PETER HENRY BRUCE, containing an Account of his Travels in Germany, Russia, Tartary, Turkey, &c. London 1782, 4to. Revolt of Ali Bey against By SAVIOUR LUSIGNAN. London 1783, 8vo. (Vid. EGYPTIAN.)

1783. A History of the

the Ottoman Porte.

1784. The Present State of the Ottoman Empire. Containing a more accurate and interesting Account of the Religion, Government, Military establishment, Manners, Customs, and Amusements of the Turks, than any yet extant. Including a particular Description of the Court and Seraglio of the Grand Signor. And interspersed with many singular and entertaining Anecdotes. Translated from the French manuscript of ELIAS HABESci. London 1784, 8vo.

État actuel de l'Empire Ottoman. Par EL. ABESCI, qui a résidé plusieurs années à Constantinople, attaché au service du Grand Seigneur. Traduit de l'Anglois par M. Fontanelle. 1792, 8vo. ii tom.


1785. Tarikh Fenâyi (A Chronicle of the Kings of Persia from the reign of Husheng, to the period of the Arabian conquest). Constantinople 1199 (1785) 4to.

Mémoires du Baron DE TOTT sur les Turcs et les Tartares. Paris 1785, 8vo. ii tom. 1787. Letteratura Turchesca dell' Abate GIAMBATISTA TODERINI. In Venezia 1787, 8vo. iii tomi. 1788. Tableau général de l'Empire Othoman, divisé en deux Parties, dont l'une comprehend la Législation Mahométane; l'autre, l'Histoire de l'Empire Othoman. Par M. M*** (Muradgea) D'OHSSON. Paris 1788, 8vo. ii tom.

Considerations sur la Guerre actuelle de Turcs, par M. DE VOLNEY. Londres (Paris) 1788, 8vo. 1789. Révolutions de l'Empire Ottoman, et Observations sur ses Progrès, sur ses Revers, et sur l'État présent de cet empire; par M. DE CHÉNIer. Paris 1789, 8vo.

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1791. The Route to India through France, Germany Hungary, Turkey, Natolia, Syria, and the Desart of Arabia. By Capt. MATHEW JENOUR. London 1791, 4to.

1799. Tableau historique, politique et moderne de l'empire Ottoman. Traduit de l'Anglais de M. ETON, par le C. Lefebvre. Paris an VII. (1799) 8vo.

1800. JOH. CHRISTOPH. GATTERERS Abhandlung von Thracien nach Herodot und Thucydides, aus dem Lateinischen übersezt von Herman Schlichthorst. Göttingen 1800, 8vo.

Voyage dans l'empire Othoman, l'Egypte et la Perse, fait par ordre du Gouvernement, pendant les six premières années de la République, par G. A. OLIVIer. Paris an IX. (1800-1801), 4to. iii tom.

Atlas pour servir au Voyage dans l'empire Othoman, l'Egypte et la Perse. Par G. A. OLIVIER. Paris an IX. (1800-1801) 4to.

Atlas to illustrate the Travels in the Ottoman empire, Egypt, and Persia, by G. A. OLIVIER. London 1801, 4to.

Tarjamah berhânî kâtî Traductio in linguam Turcicam Dictionarii Persici Berhânî Kâtî nuncupati, curâ ABD-AL-RAHMAN EFENDI. Constantin. 1214 (1799-1800) fol.

1801. Kitab lahjat al-loghat Dictionarium TurcicoArabico-Persicum, auctore ESAD EFENDI, curâ ABD-AL-RAHMAN EFEndi. Constantin. 1216 (1801-2) fol.

Sharh tuhfat wehbi Commentatio in Vocabularium Turcico-Persicum Wehbi, auctore SEID AHMED HAYATI Efendi. Constantin. 1216 (1801-2) 4to.

1804. Mùrabi al-izhar lezini zadeh Interpretatio operis grammaticalis auctoris ZINI ZADEH, curâ ABDAL-RAHMAN. Scudari (Constantin.) 1219 (1804)


1805. Murabi auamil Commentatio Centum Regen2Q 2 tium

tium, seu Syntaxis Arabicæ liber; unà cum Vocabulario Turcico-Arabico, seu Rosario Puerorum Subhah sabiyan dicto. Curâ ABD-AL-RAHMAN. Constantin. 1220 (1805) 4to.

The Bulletins of the French Campaigns against Austria and Russia, translated into the Turkish language, and printed in the Turkish character. (Paris) 1220 (1805) 4to. (Autogr. of Lord Collingwood, by whom a copy was sent to W. M., the vessel which contained the impressions of the work having been captured by one of his cruizers.)

1808. A brief Narrative of the Travels and Literary Life of the R. J. F. Usco, Chaplain to the Factory at Smyrna; but driven recently from thence, with the whole English Factory, by apprehension of Danger from the Turkish government; and now resident in London. Written by himself. London 1808, 12mo.

Manzumah tuhfah Donum metricum seu Tuhfahi WEHBI Donum WEHBI. Vocabularium rhythmicum Persico-Turcicum. Scutari 1223 (1808) 8vo.

Muribi al-kafiyah seu izhar Grammaticæ Arabicæ liber. Scutari 1223 (1808) 4to.

Sharhi amentu Commentary on a part of the Koran. Scutari 1223 (1808) 4to.

1809. Subhah sabiyan Rosarium Puerorum. Vocabularium Turcico-Arabicum. Curâ ABD-AL-RAHMAN. Scutari 1224 (1809) 8vo.

Sharhi al-berkwi. Commentary on a passage in the Koran by SHEIKH MUHAmmed al-BerkWI. Scutari 1224 (1809) 4to.

A survey of the Turkish empire. By WILLIAM ETON. London 1809, 8vo. ed. 4. (1797.) 1814. Notice de l'ouvrage intitulé: Buch des Kabus, &c. traduit du Turc, et accompagné de Dissertations, et de Notes par Fr. Diez. Berlin 1811, 8vo.' Par M. S. de SACY. Paris 1814, 8vo. 1817. Karamania, or a brief Description of the South coast of Asia minor, and of the Remains of Antiquity. By FRANCIS BEAUFORT. London 1817, 8vo.

1818. Journey through Asia Minor, Armenia, and Koordistan, in 'the years 1813 and 1814; with remarks on the Marches of Alexander and Retreat of the Ten Thousand. By JOHN MACDONALD KINNEIR. London 1818, 8vo.

1823. Élémens de la Grammaire Turke, à l'usage des Élèves de l'école royale et spéciale des Langues Orientales vivantes. Par P. AMÉDée Jaubert. Paris 1823.

1824. Journal of a Tour in Asia Minor, with compa

rative Remarks on the ancient and modern Geography of that country. By WILLIAM MARTIN LEAKE. London 1824, 8vo.

1826. Choix de Fables, traduites en Turk par un Effendi de Constantinople, et publiées, avec une Versione Française et un Glossaire, par L. VICTOR LETELLIER. Paris 1826, 8vo.

1827. Personal Narrative of a Journey from India to England, by Bussorah, Bagdad, the Ruins of Babylon, Curdistan, the Court of Persia, the Western Shore of the Caspian Sea, Astrakhan, &c. in the year 1824. By the Hon. GEORGE Keppel. London 1827, 8vo. ii vols. ed. 2.


1826. Remarks on some Egyptian Monuments in England. By the R. H. CHARLES YORKE and W. MARTIN LEAKE, Esq. (Read at the R. Society of Literature June 6, 1826.) 4to.

1827. A Dictionary of the English language; by Samuel Johnson. With numerous Corrections and Additions by H. J. TODD. London 1827, 4to. iii vols. ed. 2.





Designatio Linguarum, adornata a CHRISTIANO GUILIELMO BÜTTNERO. Jenæ 1785, 8vo. form. (In the hand-writing of that celebrated philologist.)

Catalogus librorum Linguas omnes, præsertim Orientales, spectantium. Studio PHILIPPI MASSON Franco-Galli. Circiter an. 1693, 8vo. iii vol. (Possessed by his son Philip in 1744.)

Lexicon Signorum, or an attempt to form a System of Universal Characters. Folio oblongo.

A number of printed Vocabularies filled up with various languages in manuscript; circulated about forty years since, for the purpose of a general compa



A Grammar of the Arabic language in the Arabic character. Dated 1035 of the hejrah or A.D. 1625. Small 4to.

The Koran (neatly written, but worm-eaten). 8vo.


to me in the first instance. These I sent to Mr. (afterwards St Charles) Malet, at Bombay, for explanation. By him they were forwarded to Dr John Fleming, at Calcutta, who put them into the hands of St W. Jones. Many years afterwards, by extraordinary chance, the remaining part of the book, from whence the two leaves had been separated, came into my possession.)

Alcorani Suratæ 75 ad 114, Arabice, literis Europæis expressæ.

Extracts from the Korán, particularly the Chapter of the Spider. 8vo. (This book having been long used in the administration of Oaths, the cover is soiled by the betel-stained lips of true Believers.)

Specimens of Arabic of the islands of Johanna and Madagascar.

A Vocabulary, English, Mauritanian, and Shilha, in the Maghrabi or Western Arabic character. 4to. (Procured for me by M. J. M. MATRA, Consul at Tangier, in the year 1788.)

The Books of the Four Evangelists, in Arabic. 4to. (The division of the Chapters differs from that of our Versions; the Second chapter of St Matthew, for example, beginning at the 18th verse of our First

The Koran (neatly written, but worm-eaten). 12mo. chapter.)


The Koran written in a peculiar and elaborate character, having for its basis the Cufic; with a memorandum on the subject of it, in the hand-writing of St W. JONES. (The two loose leaves alone belonged

Lexici Syriaci CAROLI SCHAAF Supplementum. 4to. Descripsit JOHANNES BOUŸER, Berolensis, anno 1735.

A Treatise on Arabic Grammar, written in the Maghrabi or Western Arabic character, by MUHAM



ARMENIAN. AUSTRALASIAN, &c. MED ibn MALIK, called the Alfiya, because it is composed in a thousand verses. 8vo.

The Mirah, a treatise on the Inflections of the Arabic Verb; by AHMED ibn ALI ibn MASÛD; in Arabic. The Tasrif, on the same subject, by IBRAHIM YANJANI; with Models of Arabic Conjugation. 8vo.

A Commentary on the Arabic Grammar called Tasrif by the SHEIKH FAID ibn MUBARAK al HANAFî. In Arabic. Sm. 8vo.

"The form of Absolution, and Prayers, according to the Catholic ritual," in Arabic. 12mo.

The Fâl-nâmah or Book of Divination of Jafar Sâdik. The Tali-námah, a treatise on Destinies, in Turkish 12mo.


Homilies in the Armenian language, with illuminated Figures. 12mo.

BUGIS, &c. BURMAH, &c.

An original Treaty between the Dutch Indian government and certain chiefs of the island of Celebes,

bearing the date of 1781. In the Bûgis and Dutch languages.

Small tracts in the Bugis language and character, neatly written.

Sundry Papers (chiefly Accounts) in the Bûgis language. (Received from Capt. Owen R.N.)

Charts of the Eastern Archipelago, with the Names of places written in the Bugis character. (Given to me by Capt. Thomas Forrest.)

The Conquest of Mangkásar (Macassar) by the united forces of the Hollanders and Bûgis, under the command of Admiral Cornelis Speelman and Rajah Palaka, in the year 1667: a Poem in the Malayan language, by Inchi Ambun. 4to. (See Valentyn, Macasarische Zaaken, iii deel, p. 153.)


Vocabulary of the language of New South Wales, in the neighbourhood of Sydney; Native and English. By-DAWES. Sm. 8vo.

Grammatical Forms of the language in the neighbourhood of Sydney. By- DAWES, in 1790. Sm. 8vo.

Vocabulary of the language of N. S. Wales, in the neighbourhood of Sydney; Native and English. 8vo.

Short Vocabularies of the language spoken by natives of Van Diemen's land, collected by the Officers of the French frigates, la Recherche and l'Espérance, in 1793.


A Diary, from 1184 to 1190-1770 to 1776, in the Bûgis language and character. (The names of the Months are European, written in the Arabic character.) fol.



Alphabetum Barmanum seu Bomanum, auctore Domino MELCHIORE CARPANI. ("Communicante amicissimo Auctore exscripsi in nave Gallico l'Actif, mense Maii 1775, G. P." It was printed at Rome in the following year.)

Four large Leaves of Burmah or Pali writing; each leaf containing twice four lines. Their dimensions 21 inches by 3. (Attached to them was found the following notice: "Indian Code or system of Morality, from a temple of the Talapoins in Pegu." Mr. Molleson gave a similar one to Mr. Astle, of twenty leaves, in 1781.)

A Collection of letters in the Siamese language and character; written on the peculiar Paper of the country: with a letter in the Portuguese language from PHEJA CALOHOм, Minister of the King of Siam, to Captain Lec (probably Captain Light, of Po Pinang) dated 19th Nov. 1787.

A Passport in the Siamese language and character, for the Bearer's proceeding from Bankok to Jutea.

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