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The whole amount of his estimates for

expenses of the half year to 1st July, 1843, for military services, $620,949 78 Do. for the year ending 1st July, 1844, 4,144,154 80 Every exertion is being made by the civil authoriThese estimates are exclusive of sundry topogra-ties, but no trace has yet been discovered of the perphical and civil expenses, which, under the charge petrator of this horrid deed. of the department of war, do not belong to the army proper, such for instance, as light houses, improveinent of harbours, rivers, surveys, &c.


The appropriations for pensions for the
year 1842, was
The estimate for the first half of 1843, are
do. for the year ending 1st July,

$730 000

tonness has increased the deep distress felt for his mediate state matters some of them are lengthened
loss by his numerous and warmly attached friends out into extensive disquisitions upon the principles
and messmates.
and tendency of the great national questions that agi-
tate the union. The new district and apportionment
subject forms one of the chief matters in them all.
Those of the governors of Ohio and Virginia may be
justly commended for their reasonable and satisfac-
tory brevity. Others are heavy with the great bur-
thens that seem to oppress their several executive

The deceased received three stabs with a knife in the left breast; one of which pierced his heart, causing instant death. His mortal remains were interred this morning in the American burial ground with the usual military honors. I have the honor to be, very respectfully, your CHAS. W. MORGAN, obedient servant, Commander-in-chief of the United States Naval forces in the Mediterranean. CAPT. DAVID CONNER, U. S. navy, former naval This diminution is predicated upon the deminution of pensioners, there being now 1,496 less in num-commissioner, and recently appointed to the head of ber upon the pension roll, than in the last annual re- the bureau of construction and equipment, we report. The whole number on the roll at present is gret to learn, is laying dangerously ill at his resi25,035, of whom 2,662 are invalids. It is supposed dence near Port Deposite. that of these 18,074 approximates the actual number

now alive, as that was the number, that were paid

during the first and second quarter of 1842.


The expenditures are regulated by treaties, &c., and the estimates for the first half of the year 1843, including all that becomes payable during 1844, amount to $791,484 49

During the year ending 1st July, 1844 850,978 00 Several important treaties with Indian tribes have been concluded during the year. That with the Wyandots acquires very valuable lands in Ohio; that with the Senecas settles a very vexatious dispute and acquires their titles to valuable lands in the state of New York; that with the Sax and Fox Indians acquires ten millions of acres in Iowa. The Chippewas relinquish fifteen millions of acres in Michigan and Wiskonsin.


The secretary further reports, that in the office of the second auditor, there are 57 accounts presented in 1841, and 815 presented in 1842, which remain unsettled-in all 872, being 300 less than in the last annual report of that officer.

In the office of the third auditor, 294 of the accounts presented in 1840;-345 of those presented in 1841, and 840 of those presented in 1842, remain unsettled-total, 1,479, being 335 less than reported in his last annual report.

The secretary asks for additional clerks to enable him to get through this tremendous mass of deferred claims; every day's delay makes it of course more difficult to adjust them-or to obtain sufficient vouchers, &c.

The U. S. Razee Independence, flag ship of the home squadron, com. Chas. Stewart, will sail in

few days from N. York on a winter cruize.


U. S. ship Columbia. This ship has arrived safe at Rio de Janeiro, after a tedious passage of upwards of three months from New York. A letter published in the Herald runs thus:


The senate of this state, on the 6th inst., passed the following resolutions; the first by a vote of 10 to 2-the second by a vote of 9 to 3.

Resolved by the senate and house of representatives in general court convened, That the congress of the United States are not authorised by the constitution, to pass any act, distributing to the states the proceeds arising from the sales of the public lands," or that arising from the sales of any other description of property belonging to the U. States, and that the adoption of such a system tends to impoverish the treasury and creates a necessity for the imposition of additional taxes upon the people, alU. S. ship Columbus, Rio de Janeiro, Oct. 26, 1842. About six o'clock on the evening of the 23d, we together unnecessary, if this source of revenue was came to anchor in the harbor of Rio, having been applied to "the general charge and expenditure of absent from the city of New York ninety-eight the U. States." days. We have been for two months on an allow-receive that portion of "the proceeds of the sales of Resolved, Tha this legislature hereby decline to ance of sometimes two, but oftener three quarts per man of water per day; for the last twenty days we the public lands," assigned to the state of New had neither pork, beans, bread, molasses, vinegar, Hampshire, agreeably to the act of congress, entiand were on half allowance of rice, so that none of tled "an act to appropriate the proceeds of the sales us, officers or men, had anything to eat but salt junk, rice and cheese. All the time we were out we had but one severe gale, and then all hands were "on


of the public lands and to grant preemption rights, approved Sept. 4, 1841," and that our senators in congress be instructed, and our representatives requested to use their best exertions to have the same applied "to the general charge and expenditure of the United States;" and that they be requested to lay these resolutions before congress.


COMMODORE BARRON. The pensioners at the Na-
val Asylum at Philadelphia, on learning the inten-
tion of Com. BARRON to retire from the command
of that institution, immediately addressed that vene-
rable officer a letter, in which they solicited him to
alter his determination if "consistent and compati-
ble" with his personal convenience. They add that governor of this state.
this request is made with "hearts overflowing with
intense gratitude and high respect."

The commodore, in his answer, which is credita-
ble alike to his head and heart, and to the profession
to which he has been attached throughout a long
life of usefulness, states that circumstances will not
permit him to remain in command of the institution.
The concluding paragraph of his letter is as fol-

The accounts of the disbursing agents of the In-lows: dian department, the secretary says, "defy any powers of the executive officers to bring them to a close"-and he asks, therefore, for legislative interference.


Extract of a letter from captain Kearney, of the
United States ship Constellation:

U. S. ship Constellation, Macao Roads, June 26, 1842.
Dear sir. I send you a bag of letters for the United
States, and I request you will, on arriving there, re-
port the East India squadron-the Constellation and
Boston-in Macao Roads; that the officers and crews
of both ships have been attacked with colds and fe-
vers, but at this time, under a favorable change of
weather, the sick list is much reduced-all the cases
have readily yielded to medicine, and no case has
proved fatal or are in any way likely to do so.
ships will sail in a few days from Macao, and after
visiting the seat of war in the north, will proceed
home by way of the Sandwich and Society Islands,
California and Valparaiso.

The ships are full provisioned and manned, and so far as American commerce is concerned, all is safe and under the best footing in the Chinese seas.

Wishing you a short and pleasant passage, I am L. KEARNEY. very respectfully, yours,

To capt. Lovell, of ship Huntress.

MIDSHIPMAN J. S. PATTERSON. The following letter, detailing a most atrocious assassination, is pub

lished in the Madisonian:

On taking my leave of you, I cannot forbear to say that with a few exceptions, your conduct has been so very exemplary that I confidently indulge the belief, that as a body of temperate old seamen you stand unrivalled. With every feeling of my heart deeply interested for your happiness, I bid you adieu. God bless you all.

NATIONAL INSTITUTE-TRANSLATION. To the secretary of the National Institute at Washington. Private correspondence of the minister of state for the department of war and marine.

National Place, Mexico, Nov. 3, 1842.
MY DEAR SIR: Availing myself on the kindness of
Mr. Brantz Mayer, secretary of legation of the Unit-
ed States, I send to you for the mineralogical cabinet
of the National Institute at Washington three boxes
containing minerals and beautiful crystalizations from
Guanajuato, which the institute will receive as a
proof of my profound gratitude for the honor it has
conferred upon me by placing me on the list of its
corresponding members. I am, sir, your most obe-
dient servant,

Minister of war and marine.


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We continue our extracts from foreign presses in order to exhibit their tone in relation to the negotia tion, concluding with a jeu d'esprit, from the London Punch.

From an article in the London Evening Star, of Oct. 31

After ably repelling the unwarranted attacks of the Times, the Chronicle, and other tory papers on our institutions, the Evening Star says:

"This war has burst out since Lord Ashburton returned from America with his finger in his mouth, and Boz well knew how to minister to the bitter an ti-American prejudices which our privileged orders so deeply feel, but which they are rather afraid openly to express, as they know that a war with America would, in all human probability, put an end forever to their whole machinery of plunder and peculation at home.

"But it might be instructive to inquire on what evidence do these Threadneedle street philosophers pronounce the degeneracy of the American people, and the failure of their republican institutions? If these sturdy republicans are such monsters as the Times, Boz, &c., represent them, and their institutions a failure, what intellectual and physical signs of the facts do they present? During the present year, we have seen two remarkable instances of their great intellectual superiority and moral power, over the combined mind and moral force of Great Bri


"Their representative at the court of St. Cloud, General Cass, by one effort of his capacious intellect rent to atoms the Quintuple treaty, which our statesmen spent months in cooking up in Downing street. He scattered its broken fragments to the winds, at the very moment when we fancied that the commerce The press of national documents precludes that at- of the civilized world was under the surveillance of tention to the proceedings of the legislative bodies of British naval officers. Our statesmen have had to pocket the mortifying defeat which they thus sufferthe states and the messages of their several governors, ed from the superior intellect of the American which their space in the public prints seems to de-statesman who represented his country at the court mand. They may hereafter obtain a more full refe- of France. This single fact is a sufficient refutation rence than our pages can at present allow. Since the reception of the president's message, we have had presented those of the governors of N. Carolina, Virginia, Ohio, Missouri, Arkansas, Indiana, and Illinois, and until the middle of January we shall continue to This foul and cruel murder has been committed have them in succession with their accompanying yithout any known provocation, and its very wan-documents from other states. Besides their own im

U. S. ship Columbus, Mahon, Oct. 20, 1842. To the hon. A. P. Upshur secretary of the navy: The melancholy duty devolves upon me of announcing to the department the untimely death of passed midshipman John Smith Patterson, of the United States navy, acting master of the frigate Con

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[blocks in formation]

can secretary at Washington. Lord Palmerston had very cavalierly, and with rather insulting nonchalance, declared that Great Britain would exercise the right of search, no matter to what nation the ship belonged; and when Lord Aberdeen came into office, he reiterated the same; now behold the disgraceful position we have been placed in.

"Mr. Webster boldly tells Lord Ashburton what Gen. Cass told M. Guizot, that the American government would never tolerate the exercise of such a right on the part of Great Britain, and Lord Aberdeen now, in the face of the threats of Gen. Cass and Mr. Webster, virtually abandons the whole ground which he and Lord Palmerston assumed as an unquestionable right. The French minister, following up the pow. erful argument of Gen. Cass, will soon put an end to the exercise of the right of search by Great Britain-already Lord Aberdeen has conceded the principle and our statesmen are in the disgraceful position of Sawney, after being detected on his way to rob an orchard-"going bock agen." While Great Britain has thus, in eight months, exhibited two signal instances of intellectual inferiority and pusillanimity, these degenerate Americans have achieved over us two mental triumphs, not inferior to their memorable capture of Lord Cornwallis at York Town, sixty years ago, and the destruction of Lord Pakenham and our army before New Orleans, in 1815.

"This is the evidence of American degeneracy which our money changers wail over. To people accustomed to think and trace effects to causes, such evidence would lead to the conclusion that universal suffrage, untaxed knowledge, and frequent elections were producing in America, a nation, which for intellect, enterprise, arts and arms, and universal comfort, had never been equalled."


From the London Punch.

Lord Ashburton to Mr. Webster.

SIR: I am a very old man, and have come out to the United States for the sake of peace and quietness between England and America. My private opinion about the boundary question is, that there is a considerable quantity of gammon on both sides, to say nothing of the enormous amount of spinnage that has been the result of the yarns which former negotiators have been spinning. Diplomacy is all my eye, and perhaps, sir, if I added Elizabeth Martin, I should not be going too far in my description I think, sir, it would be almost as pertinent on my part to inquire of you whether your mother knows you are out, as to ask whether the country is to be done out of a large portion of territory, which is fit for nothing at all but to grow thistles; and as such I willingly give it up to produce food for the American citizens.

of it.

In my conference with you, I believe I distinctly stated that I came out for the sake of peace; and though I am instructed to stick up for the right of fishing for oysters in the St. John's river, I do not say I may not make a concession on this point, if the comfort of the natives is an object with your government. I must, however, distinctly declare that I cannot resign the right of looking at the mile stone on the boundary road; and this point I am the more resolute upon, because I think you told me it was to you a matter of indifference. If I was mistaken, pray let me know, and I will reconsider the matter; but, if I understand you rightly, and you do not object to the concession, then, sir, let me tell you emphatically that the honor and dignity of the great nation I represent must be maintained; and I shall adhere resolutely to the right of visiting the mile stone alluded to.

Permit me to repeat, sir, that I am a very old man, and am determined on peace; for it would ill become me, at my time of life, to assist in promoting


With assurances of my distinguished consideration, I am, sir, your obedient servant.

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Mr. Webster to Lord Ashburton.
The undersigned will consider any treaty drawn
up by Lord Ashburton on the basis already under-
stood between the undersigned and Lord Ashburton.


extremely grateful for. If, sir, you will only let | The National says: "This door, then, is closed for ev-
me know the heads of a treaty, it shall be drawn up; er; but there are still two open which must be closed.
for I am a old man, and peace, as I said before, is It is not sufficient now to restrict the limits of the
my object. If I misunderstood that you would con- right of search; it must be abolished. When the
cede on the question of the mile stone, be so good as chamber palpitating and en masse, rose in favor of the
to set me right. And believe me, with renewed as- amendment, which peralyzed the Britannic sallies of
surances of rather more distinguished consideration M. Guizot, it was not only the future that it was de-
than I expressed in my last letter, your obedient ser- sirous of protecting-it was desirous also of falling
ASHBURTON. back on the past. It did not seek alone for guaran-
tees; but also for reparation. England has formally
renounced in favor of the United States a principle
which Europe has been weak enough to adopt. M.
Guizot, in short, in order to obtain the closing of the
protocol, could only found his application upon the
formal and imperative manifestations of the cham-
bers and of the country. And is not the manifesta-
tion more energetic now than ever? The govern-
ment, then, owes to itself, to the chambers, and to the
Lord Ashburton to Mr. Webster.
country, to obtain from England, or to announce to
SIR: The treaty is now ready for signature, and her, the definitive suppression of the right of search
though I must insist upon the extreme justice of all its interest in this affair is in accord with its duty."
I ask, yet as I now ask for nothing, there can be no The Siecle says: "The English journals have in-
further ground for difference. I shall return to my formed us that the result would have been very dif-
own country with the full conviction that I have done ferent if the electors had given the slightest encour-
nothing inconsistent with what, at my time of life, agement to our minister of foreign affairs. We can
could have been expected; and as I came out with a easily believe it, and we are disposed to assign to the
determination to maintain peace, I have fully accom-electoral colleges of France, as well as to the late
plished the object of my mission.
chamber, the honor of this satisfaction so tardily
vouchsafed to the wishes of France. The sanction
which the treaty concluded by lord Ashburton with
the United States has received in England gives an
immense force to our opinion, and it is difficult to
suppose that the Britannic government should make
it a point of honor to maintain with respect to France
under pretext of zeal for the interests of humanity,
principles which she has thought fit to abandon in her
recent negotiations."

I have several books of arguments, proving the justice of all the English demands, but as those demands are now relinquished, it would be useless to trouble you with any of them.

I remain, sir, with accumulated assurances of my most distinguished consideration, your very humble and obliged servant,



From the National Intelligencer.

We are told, under the German head, that a reply to the pamphlet of general Cass has been distributed Paris, Nov. 15, 1842. gratis at Berlin, and the cost is charged to the British In my rapid epistle of the 1st instant I mentioned government. I should suppose it to be Prussian to you that a certain number of American gentlemen, work, if any official hand is in the matter, and for residents and visiters in this capital, were preparing the purpose of invalidating Mr. Wheaton's pamphlet, a valedictory dinner to general Cass. I was not a which was better known at Berlin. The king of party to the affair, in any way; it took place on the Prussia, you know, is one of the philanthropic alli11th instant, and some of the company informed me the rounds" of the Paris gazettes in relation to the ance. A paragraph of a complimentary strain, "goes that the entertainment was excellent, good-humor universal, and order perfect throughout. From the departure of general Cass. It ends in these terms: printed circular inviting subscription, which I receiv- "we think that the arrival of the general in his own ed, and from verbal statements, I inferred that politics country will considerably increase the chances, alwould be wholly excluded; but I learn that the ad-ready great, of his candidateship for the office of dress of the estimable chairman emblazoned the president." Your notes of preparation for the mighty general's pamphlet on the British claim of visit much struggle sound from many quarters, even to this disbeyond its intrinsic desert and external effects, as I tance. I do not wish the head of any man, for whom appreciate them, at the same time that I adhere to entertain personal sentiments so friendly as those my original opinion of the propriety and usefulness which I sincerely profess for the general, ever to lie of the publication. The general is said to have dwelt so "uneasy" as that wearing the American crown in his address on the menacing import of the Quin- must ever do, by whatever party or majority it may tuple treaty for the liberties of mankind; but I know not whether he accepted the credit meant to be given, of having defeated that portentous project. I learn that it is the intention of several leading members of the chamber to vindicate, early in the next session, that credit for the early unanimous vote of their body, by which the treaty was vetoed, and the ratification of it rendered impossible for the government before the pamphlet appeared, and from considerations and feelings entirely national and domestic. It is understood that the ratification, and, indeed, all further participation in the treaty, have been formally abandoned by the cabinet. You may find it worth the space to record some of the ideas just expressed by the journals on this subject:

be conferred.

At the lord mayor's banquet at Guildhall, on the 9th instant, Mr. Everett returned thanks for the diplomatic corps in a short, terse, judicious address, which is best reported in the London Times. He, most ably and rightfully, pronounced the Ashburton treaty honorable and beneficial to both parties. We have heard different language from the legation here. Supposing the terms of the instrument not the most favorable for the United States, palpably and demonstrably, yet those who represent the American government, wheresoever and in this meridian in particular, should think it incumbent on them to put the best aspect on the work and predict the happiest results consistent with any degree of reason, reality, and likelihood. I must write to you with frankness on every public matter, and, as I always do, without personal bias or individual reference. You will observe in the speech of sir Robert Peel, at the lord mayor's feast, this emphatic passage:

The Courier Francais says: "We admit at once that the cancelling of the protocol, and the consequent withdrawal of the signature attached by the French government to the treaty extending the right of search, are a triumph for the chambers which had condemned that treaty. The treaties of 1831 and 1833 "Our earnest wish is to cultivate the relations of may bring on a war between two allied nations, and, peace, and to extend its inestimable blessings in therefore, all prudent men desire their revocation.- every way consistent with the permanent and comAnother circumstance, not less imperative, forces us prehensive interests of the country. The object of to endeavor to accomplish by all means in our power our policy is to maintain the lustre of the British the abrogation of these treaties. When they were arms on every occasion on which an appeal to them signed, England admitted no other means of repres-may be necessary. The object of our policy is to eusing the slave trade than the right of search, which courage the demand for labor, and to extend our ought, she said, successively to extend to all nations. commercial prosperity. [Loud cheering.] The obAt present she has voluntarily changed the principle The undersigned, in the name of the American gov- of her public rights in this respect, by making with ernment, accedes to all that Lord Ashburton ex- the United States, for the suppression of the slave presses his readiness to give up, while the under- trade, on agreement which excludes the right of igned consents to nothing that Lord Ashburton re-search, and substitutes for this dangerous expedient (Signed,) DANIEL WEBSTER. the plan of two squadrons acting in concert. modifying her position England has modified ours.She has virtually repudiated the principle of the treaties of 1831 and 1833 to adopt one of a contrary character. It is, therefore, our duty and our right to insist that France shall not be treated less favorably than the United States."



From Mr. Webster to Lord Ashburton.


Lord Ashburton to Mr. Webster.

SIR: Your note is so far satisfactory that it agrees my concessions on the part of England, and your oliging intimnation that you consent to nothing, I am


ject of our policy is to maintain the public credit and that character for public faith which no country can lose without losing also the main foundation of its strength and stability."

Upon this text the London Morning Post, (high Tory) makes the following comments:

"The only circumstance that calls for any particular notice with regard to the speech, as bearing upon financial questions, is to be found in the fact that the necessity of a strict observance of national engagements is a moral that was enforced, and this

with more than ordinary eloquence, emphasis, and effect, in the presence of several diplomatic personages, who could not but have felt a consciousness,




the festivities were disappointed in being necessarily excluded.

The company sat down at 7 o'clock; when the Beasley, esq. the respected consul at Havre, who was assisted by Nathaniel Niles, J. B. Greene, and F. P. Corbin, esqs. as vice presidents.

Communicated to the New York Courier and Enquirer.
The recent departure of General Cass for Ameri- The only guest who was invited, excepting the gene-
ca, after a long and honorable representation of his ral, the secretary of legation, and Mr. Lewis Cass, jr.
country at the court of France, was marked by one was the son of the illustrious friend of Washington and
of the most gratifying testimonials of respect ever America, George Washington Lafayette, who unfor-
received from his fellow citizens abroad, by a diplo-tunately was unable to attend.
matic agent of the United States.

mon country.

1st toast. The president of the United States. 2d-The king of the French.

It is needless for me to remind you, gentlemen, that we have come here, without distinction of party, to testify our affectionate respect for our distinguished guest, Gen. Cass, who has asked leave of our government to return home.

though perhaps an unpleasant because a humiliating BY HIS FELLOW CITIZENS ON HIS LEAV-chair was taken by the president of the day, R. G. one, of its justice. Mr. Everett, the American minister was present, and was doubtless made to feel acutely for the trespasses of the defaulting states of North America, as must have been the representatives of such of the South American states as were at the entertainment also for the trespassses of those of the south. There were, however, but few of the number, and it must be conceded to Mr. Everett that the debts of his country, which have been condemned to the disgraceful sentence of repudiation, General Cass had won all hearts at Paris. His are not national debts at all, but more in the way of turnpike responsibilies so common in the local finan-hospitable mansion was ever open-his fellow citiThe president then addressed the company as folcial affairs of this country, and which are but too zens found in him an ever ready friend and counsel-lows: lor; his name was mentioned with delight and respect often suffered to be neglected, likewise to the great by the authorities of France, and there are few if been called to preside at this festive board, when I How has it come to pass, gentlemen, that I have detriment of individuals. The money owing by the states of North America has, moreover, been well any of our foreign representatives who have had the see so many around me so much fitter to occupy this appropriated. It has, for the most part, been expend-good fortune to deserve and receive the sentiments chair? I doubtless owe this honor more to the pared in the completion of public works, such as docks, and expressed towards him. And his countrymen, merit of my own, and I have accepted it partly in of high personal consideration so universally felt tiality of some kind friends among you than to any canals, and rail roads; not wasted in ruinous and useless wars, or on worthless employes and officials, too, knew and felt that in the last crowning act al- this belief, and partly induced by the occasion so as has been the ease in a majority of instances nearer their native land a signal service. They loved the if a friendly partiality has placed me here, a friendly most of his diplomatic life the general had done grateful to my own heart. Let me trust, then, that Here is more liberal views of the case than you man; they admired the dauntless envoy of their com-indulgence will be extended to the deficiencies which find in any whig oracle. The Chronicle noticing the I may here betray. triumphant re-appearance of Mlle. Celeste at New As soon as it was known that he had determined York, remarks that "Jonathan has no want of mo- to leave the post he had so long and so satisfactorily ney for the encouragement of foreign actresses." filled, to return once more to his home, it was the Fraser's Magazine for this month, has a long, labor- unanimous feeling of his fellow citizens in Paris that ed, heavy, rancorous article on the Ashburton treaty, it was due to themselves to testify in some small dewhich article the Chronicle copies in extenso by in-gree their high regard to their minister; and a meetstalments. All the obloquy before and during the ing was accordingly held at the American Atheneum, session of parliament will fail. The political trou- to consult upon what measures would most appropribles in Canada would be enough to reconcile John ately carry into effect their intentions. Bull to the settlement with you, even if his affairs at home and in the east were much less dismal than whigs and tories and radicals describe them, respectively, from patriotic or party impulses. The language of the London Times, of the 7th instant, on the ulterior projects of the British armies in Affghanistan and on the borders of the Indus, has produced a sensation, and many copious "leaders in the Paris press. The Ameers of Hyderabad are to be put down; the present chief of the Sikh country "made a subsidized monarch," and his country placed under British management, and the whole Punjaub to be Occupied. The Times adds: "The possession of the Punjaub and of the banks of the Indus will very soon to you some evidence of their high respect and warm/alert in a degree far beyond the usual duty of the enable the Indian government to make good any deficiency caused by the late expenditure of its finan-esteem, have appointed the subscribers a committee representatives of other powers, not only from their We shall regulate the commerce of that noble to invite you to partake of a public dinner at such river, the Indus, and form India into a compact and time as may best suit your convenience. easily administered whole." I enclose for you a We have the honor to be, with sentiments of great translation of an autograph letter of the regent of consideration, your obedient servants, Spain to a Spanish friend, which lies on my table. The pennmanship is bold, free and clear; the diction very good; the tone and sentiments do him honor, and all are his own.


It was the general wish that a public dinner should be offered to General Cass, and a committee, consisting of gentlemen of all political parties, and from every section of the union, was accordingly appointed, to correspond with him, and to make the proper arrangements.

The committee met at once and addressed the following letter to the general:

Paris, October 20, 1842.

To his excellency General Cass.
DEAR GENERAL. Your fellow citizens now in Paris
United States, and feeling a common desire to exhibit
having heard of your intended departure for the

E. T. Throop,
J. B. Greene,
F. P. Corbin,
Robert Ray,
F. C. Stewart,
N. Niles,

To which the following

A. S. Willington,

B. G. Wainright,
F. A. Lovering,
R. W. Bush,

F. W. S. Coolidge.
answer was returned:
Paris, October 21, 1842.

His long long stay among us has taught us to know his value, and makes us regret the more our separation-I will not say our loss, for all fellow citizens, all having the same home, we may hope to meet him again.

But, besides the respect and affection of his countrymen, General Cass has enjoyed not only the highest consideration of this court, but the genetlemen, his absence will be felt and considered a ral esteem of this community. Here then gen


The post of minister at Paris or London is not sufficiently understood in our country. Our relations involving such a variety of interests, it is important ful sentinels, always on the qui vive. that our ministers at these posts should be, like faith

And American ministers are obliged to be on the

distance from home, but from the economical scale of our public service, which withholds those means and facilities that make European diplomacy comparatively easy; and, gentlemen, from the latter

cause, we have seen that the services of these two posts have generally impaired the private fortunes of our ministers; for-and I am proud to say it-they have not counted the cost to themselves of a proper representation of their country.

These are posts, then, of difficulty, responsibility, and personal sacrifice. How General Cass has filled his, need I ask you, gentlemen? I am sure I need not; for, present or absent, you have all been atten tive observers of so important a representative of your country's interest and honor.

Translation of an autograph letter from the duke Regent of Spain to an eminent Spanish savant. Madrid, July 12, 1842. MY DEAR FRIEND: I received with lively satisfaction your acceptable letter of the 18th ultimo. You GENTLEMEN: I have just received your favor of should not be surprised if our journals do not notice yesterday, by which you make known to me that you your fine book, because, unfortunately, they do not are authorised as a committee of our countrymen in attend to what is most useful for our country. I do Paris, to invite me to a public dinner before my de- Of the manner in which the ordinary duties of not ascribe this so much to things as to persons. I parture. I am very sensible to this kindness, and the office have been fulfilled, I believe, then, that can assure you that it affects me with regard to beg you to accept for yourselves and for the gentle- here and elsewhere there has been but one opinion. Spanish destinies, and that I am still more chagrined their good feelings. I owe it more to their generous upon our distinguished guest an extraordinary duty; men associated with you, my thanks for this proof of But, gentlemen, not long since there devolved when I regard the condition of our youth, whom you seemed to understand so well when we conversed appreciation of my limited efforts to promote the and as the performance of that duty, bringing him as about their education and propensities. Nevertheless, cause of our country, and the convenience of our it did beyond the line of diplomatic action establishI confide in Spanish regeneration. I trust that we shall countrymen in a foreign land, than to any suc-ed by the usage of old governments has brought him renounce the superficial and futile for what is truly cess I can flatter myself I have attained. It becomes under observation, I shall take the liberty of briefly solid and beneficial; that we shall adopt the school of me the more readily to yield to their wishes, and I alluding to the occasion, confident as I am that it thinking men, who, like you, incessantly labor for therefore accept the invitation with which you have was one most fortunate for his own reputation, most honored me. the solution of social problems on which depends auspicious to our country's welfare. national welfare. Continue, my esteemed friend, to As you are good enough to leave to me to deterpursue your excellent plan and studies, and believe mine upon the time, as soon as I have definitely fixed that the present indifference or apathy of the gene- the period of my departure I will make known to rality of our countrymen is occasioned only by the you the day which will be most convenient to me, unfortunate excitement of political and other irre- in the hope that it will suit also the convenience of gular passions. I rejoice in perceiving that, in this yourselves and your constituents. capital, opinion about the government has undergone no slight change in certain circles. The day will come when foreigners, and many who are not so, will see our affairs in the true light, and then will do me justice. I know the great reforms to be The general having made his arrangements to effected in our country, and I am not ignorant of the leave Paris on the 12th of November, the eleventh means of effecting them; but, let me repeat, that the was fixed upon for the dinner, on which day upwards excitement of the public passions is the great obsta- of eighty of his fellow countrymen sat down to one of cle. I may hope that calm and reflection will come, and we Spaniards prove at last such as we ought to be. On this head, as every other, I will receive It is much to be regretted, however, that the only your suggestions with the frankness becoming our apartment almost in Paris that was proper for this friendly relations, and be assured of the sincere purpose, was not sufficiently large to accommodate friendship of BALDOMERO ESPARTERO. a greater number, as many who were anxious to join

With great regard, gentlemen, I have the honor to be your obedient servant, LEWIS CASS.

To hon. E. T. Throop, &c. committee.

the most recherche entertainments ever provided at
the Trois Freres Provencaux.

It was an occasion requiring original conception, calling for original action; one where a timid minister, retiring within diplomatic usages, would have waited for instructions-would have hesitatedwould have lost the occasion of serving his country.

But General Cass, gentlemen, was equal to the occasion. He saw that, at such an emergency, his course of action was not to follow precedents and rules, however sanctioned by "time honored" usage.

These were well enough for governments contiguous to each other; but he was three thousand miles from his instructions, and the case was urgent.

He felt then that the case made its own rule; that his circumstances defined his duty; and he looked to his duty with the enlarged view of a minister plenipotentiary.

He saw France on the point of committing herself to a policy which would change our relations with her-which might make us enemies-and he

believed her government did not see the danger. He
therefore felt bound to warn, and even protest. a-
gainst a step tending to disturb the peace of the two
great nations; the one our ancient friend and ally,
the other our own, represented by him with plenary
powers. Under such circumstances General Cass
Gentlemen, the professed object of the policy in
which France was going to become a party was well
addressed to the ardent sympathies of a generous
nation: but our minister saw its danger. He rang
out the alarm; and after the tocsin was sounded
why then, gentlemen, every body saw the fire.
Gentlemen, our distinguished guest is now about
to withdraw from the diplomatic service, retiring
upon the only pension known to our laws-the appro-

bation of his fellow citizens.

Let us hope he will have no reason to be dissatisfied with the pay.

Let us trust it will be such, and in such measure, as we now mete out to him in the pride and fulness of our hearts.

I thank you, gentlemen, for the patience with which you have listened to my humble voice on this


Let us drink3d toast. Honor to our illustrious fellow citizen, and a happy return to a grateful country. [Drank with great enthusiasm, and with three times three cheers.]

Gen. Cass rose, and said in reply:

tions on the presidential question, or any other. My conduct has shown me to be for Mr. Van Buren for the presidency, and against myself for any place whatever, except the one I have; and with this declaration, I hope my correspondents in all parts of the union will be satisfied, and will consider their inquiries fully answered. Yours, respectfully,



pass away, leaving unharmed the institutions of the
country, and exhibiting but in bolder relief the
strength of our political system, and the wisdom and
energy of public opinion. And it is good, while we
are here together in these old regions of rank and
distinction, to recall one of the most beautiful traits
in our whole system of government, of which I am
myself a practical illustration; and that is, the per-
fect equality which is the very foundation of our
constitution-an equality which opens all the aven-
ues of advancement to the whole community, and
New York, December 10, 1832.
leaves success or failure to the exertions of each.
MY DEAR SIR: You must have observed since your
That this principle should be dear to me you will at arrival at Boston, that you have been recommended
once believe, when I tell you that it is now between in many of the public papers in different parts of the
forty and fifty years since I crossed the mountains on United States as a candidate for the chief executive
foot, without patronage and without powerful family office of the republic--and particularly that you were
connexion, a young adventurer in that region, then nominated to that office at a large democratic meet-
so wild and solitary, now teeming with life and li-ing at Harrisburg, on the 21st ultimo.
berty. And whatever services I have been able to The manner in which your nomination is mention-
render, and with whatever rewards these have been ed by some of the whig papers, is such as to excite
greatly overpaid, I owe all to this life-giving princi-a suspicion among those who do not know you, that
ple-to this great test and preservation of republican you favor whig principles, and some have said that
institutions. Still, my friends, there is obviously one your views on a national bank are identical with
want in our country; one lesson to be learned, which those of the whigs.
would do more to unite and to render us happy than I know that there is no ground for such suspicions,
any measure proposed by any party as a remedy for and that you are entirely willing that your views upon
evils felt or anticipated; and that is, a just apprecia- those subjects should be known to all parties. From
tion of our own condition-a deep-felt realization of the long and friendly relations which have existed
the great blessings we enjoy-a conviction that the between us, before as well as during the time we
sun never shone upon a land more favored by Provi- were fellow members of the cabinet of president Jack-
dence, and that all those subjects of discussion which son, and ever since, I take the liberty of asking from
divide us, important as they are, never can justify you such explanation of your views upon these sub-
the fierce animosity to which they often give birth,jects, as shall be entirely satisfactory to your politi-
but that they sink into insignificance when placed in eal friends. With the highest respect and esteem,
the balance against all that God has done for us to I am your friend and humble servant,
make us a happy people. This lesson is well learned
abroad, by comparing what we have left with what
we see around us, and I trust we shall carry it back
with us as a precious acquisition, influencing our
conduct and opinions for life.

Permit me to conclude by offering you a sentiment
in which I am sure you will all cordially join:
"Our native country-Still nearer the further we
are separated from it."

4th toast. The army and navy of the United States.
5th. The memory of Washington.
6th. The memory of Lafayette.
7th. Peace with all nations, entangling alliances
with none, for any end, holy or unholy.

I thank you, Mr. President, for the too kind sentiments you have been pleased to express towards me, and I thank my fellow citizens, whose organ you have been, for the distinguished proof of their esteem which their presence and this occasion furnish me. It is a testimonial which I shall cherish as one of the proudest incidents of a life of almost forty years devoted to the public service, and chequered by many vicissitudes in peace and in war. This is its closing scene, and I now return to pass what remains to me of time in comparative obscurity. I am well aware that during my career I have accomplished little to deserve the consideration of my countrymen at home, or the estimate you have been pleased to form of my services abroad. I can claim only the merit of good intentions, and that, fortunately, is a virtue so often found among our public men, as to render its absence a signal cause of reproach, while its possession is but the exercise of a duty. Events, 8th. The sovereignty of the seas, common to all to which you have just alluded, called upon me re-nations, but exclusive under every flag. cently to interpose, in the name of our country, by a The dinner went off with great eclat, and the comdecisive measure, to prevent the establishment of a pany separated at an early hour, bearing with them maritime pretension which would have been as inju- the recollection a most delightful and agreeable evenrious to our interests in its execution, as it was in- ing, and with but one circumstance to modify their sulting to our honor in its enunciation. This at- pleasure-the necessity of bidding adieu to him tempt to gain the dominion of the seas has failed, as whose guests they had so often been, and who now every similar attempt will, I trust, hereafter fail. An and for the last time was theirs. American representative encounters little hazard in asserting the just claims of his country. He will find a response, as I have done, in the hearts of his countrymen, and a reward in their approbation, which government can neither give nor take away. We, who have put the ocean between ourselves and our native land, can, in my opinion, best appreciate the blessings which Providence has conferred upon our beloved country. Without seeking to decry the institutions of the old world, or to describe its condition as worse than it is, no American can fail to be struck by the immense superiority in all the elements of human happiness which our confederated republic presents over the eastern hemisphere. He who leaves our shores for a residence abroad, and does not return a wiser and a better citizen, will have looked upon life with as little wisdom as profit. The questions, social and political, which agitate hese large and densely settled regions, are questions of life and death. Antagonist principles are in conact, liable at every moment to break into fierce acion, and which in their operation may, and probably will, affect the whole frame of society. Changes ing day. may come, which can only be produced by desperate truggles between those who hold and those who seek he power; between those who have much and those Washington City, Dec. 9, 1842. who have nothing; between want and misery striving MESSRS. BLAIR & RIVES: A movement of some of or existence, and wealth and power striving for de- my friends in Missouri, which was intended as a ence. Happily for us this state of things is unknown mere compliment to me, and a mere expression of our country. We are, indeed, divided into parties, their individual opinions, has brought upon me a nd this perhaps is one of the conditions of the pre- great deal of trouble in the shape of a cloud of letervation of freedom. But we have no organic dis- ters from all parts of the union, calling upon me "to nctions by which classes are created and maintain- define my position in relation to the next presidency.” d; we have no physical misery nor political oppres- The number of these letters puts it out of my powon to array one portion of the community against er to answer them; and, not to answer, might seem nother, and to teach it to seek relief in the destruc- to admit the conclusions which they imply; and, to on of existing institutions. Our questions, indeed, make a definition of my position, is a thing that e debated with a zeal which proves that all are in cannot do. I never change my position, and, thereernest, and that they result from honest differences fore, never have to find it, or define it. I leave it to opinion, respecting persons and principles, and my conduct to tell what I am; and if that is not sufmctimes, unfortunately, with a bitterness which ficient, I do not think the use of phrases will help the Im patriotism may deplore. But, after all, they matter. I am no political enigma, and need no solu

To general Lewis Cass.


New York, December 10, 1842. MY DEAR SIR: I have received your letter of this day, and have no difficulty in giving you a prompt and unequivocal answer to the questions you present

to me.

I am a member of the democratic party, and have been so from my youth. I was first called into public life by Mr. Jefferson, thirty-six years ago, and am a firm believer in the principles laid down by him. From the faith as taught and received in his day, I have never swerved a single instant.

So much for my general sentiments. With respect to a national bank, I think the feelings and experience of the country have decided against it, and that no such institution should be chartered by the general government.

I will add, that my residence in France, and a careful observation of the state of that nation, have satisfied me that, while a due degree of credit is highly useful in the business concerns of a country, a sound specie basis is essential to its permanent prosperity. With great regard, I am dear sir, truly yours, LEW. CASS. Hon. Mahlon Dickerson.

War department, Nov. 26, 1842. SIR: I have the honor to submit the following report upon the various subjects committed to the charge of this department:

POLITICS OF THE DAY. GEORGIA LEGISLATURE. The committee on the state of the republic, in the Georgia house of representatives, to whom was referred that portion of the message of his excellency REPORT OF THE SECRETARY OF WAR. the governor, relative to the preamble and resolutions of the legislature of last year, transmitted to the Georgia senators in congress, and to the recent address of the hon. John M. Berrien, have reported a preamble and resolutions calling upon the said hon. John M. Berrien to resign, as not representing the The condition of the army, of the fortifications, and political views and feelings of Georgia, inasmuch as of the other branches of the military service, and the they are opposed to a national bank, the distribution state of our Indian affairs, and of the pensions and of the proceeds of the sale of the public lands, the military bounty lands, are exhibited, as presented in abolition or modification of the veto power, and a ta- the copious and very satisfactory reports of the genriff of protection, all of which it seems were advo-eral-in-chief, and of the heads of bureaus, to whose cated by Mr. Berrien in his address to the people of immediate direction the respective subjects are asGeorgia, issued just before the general election, and signed. Such suggestions and recommendations as intended to operate on the results. This preamble the good of the service seems to require, are made, and resolutions were to be considered on the follow- and an account is given of the measures taken in execution of the laws passed at the last session of congress.


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Inspections and examination of the men and means provided for the national defence, by independent and responsible officers, afford the only means by which an accurate knowledge of their condition can be acquired, by which responsibility can be enforced, and by which judicious improvement can be effected.During the last year they have been made rigorously and thoroughly. Posts and portions of the army that have not been inspected for many years, have been examined; the fortifications, the armories, arsenals and depots of military stores, have been visited; and it is believed that but a very small portion of the army, and no important military establishment of the government has, during the year, escaped inspection. The information which the department is thus enabled to obtain, and much of which appears in this report, and those of the various bureaus is of the most satisfactory character.

The reduc

In pursuance of the act of the last session altering of hostilities in Florida having been communicated to thousand nine hundred and twenty men. the fiscal year, the estimates of this department have congress by your special message, during the last tion is gradually proceeding, in the manner contembeen prepared for the first six months in 1843, and session, and the policy recommended having been plated by the act, and the excess, according to the for the year commencing the 1st of July, 1843, sepa-sanctioned by that body, by its adoption of the peace-last return, is 1970 men. It is supposed the prescrib rately. Those for the army proper, for the half year ful measure of inviting the occupation of the territo-ed minimum will be reached by the beginning of the of 1843, amount to $553,586 88. The appropriations ry by actual settlers, the number of troops serving year 1844. for the same purpose for the service of 1842, amount- there has been gradually diminished, leaving an ade- From the general returns of the army, accompanyed to $4,284,669, of which the half would be $2,142,- quate number to protect the inhabitants from the ing this report, appears that the whole number of 334. This very great reduction is owing to various miserable remnants of tribes still remaining. We troops now in service is nine thousand eight hundred causes; first, the diminished expenses in Florida, ef- have advices that arrangements have been made with and forty-seven, consisting of seven hundred and fected mainly by the vigilance of brigadier general all but a very few of those Indians, for their remo- eighty-one commissioned officers, nine thousand six Worth before the cessation of hostilities; of which an val to the west of the Mississippi or to the district in hundred non-commissioned officers, musicians, artifiaccount was transmitted to the house of representa- the southern part of the peninsula assigned them for cers, and privates, and two hundred and forty-seven tives at its last session; secondly, the termination of their habitation. And it is believed that by this time enlisted men of ordnance. The aggregate is eight those hostilities; third, the stopping of the recuiting all the bands north of that district have agreed to hundred and forty-seven less than the number stated service in August last; fourth, the doubt whether the cease hostilities and remove there. Two or three in the last annnal report. state of the treasury would warrant even the expen-instances of outrages have occurred since the orders ditures authorized, particularly those in the engineer were issued for the termination of hostilities, but they and ordnance departments, induced a suspension of are ascertained to have been committed by bands many of those which could be suspended with the who were ignorant of the measures adopted, or of the least public injury, and considerable balances in con- terms offered. sequence remain; and fifth, a desire to economise, which is believed to have influenced all the branches of service. These, and other causes not so important have saved the expenditure of a large portion of the amount appropriated for 1842, and left it to be applied to the service for the year 1843.

The desertions have not been numerous, but an unprecedented number of men have been discharged by the judges and courts (three hundred and eightyeight between July 1, 1841, and October 31, 1842,) principally on the ground of their being aliens. The During the past year four hundred and fifty Indians state of the law on this subject has occasioned varihave been shipped to the west, and it is supposed two ous constructions, perplexing to the officers charged hundred more have surrendered, and accepted the with the duty of recruiting, embarrassing to the deproposition to remove to the district assigned them.partment, and injurious to the government. It is A force consisting of two regiments and four com- very desirable that it should be rendered precise and panies, amounting to sixteen hundred and forty-four definite. While on the one hand it is obvious our The same desire to economise and adapt our ex-men, is retained in Florida to afford protection to the army ought not to consist of an undue proportion of penses to any probable state of the treasury, has in- inhabitants, and a sufficient number to garrison the foreigners, yet, on the other, the low wages offered duced the very moderate estimate for the service of posts will be kept there with a view to remove all constitute an inducement quite insufficient to the the army proper, during the fiscal year commencing apprehension. young men of our land, whose habits and enterprise July 1st, 1843, of $3,204,568 60; being $1,080,100 40 The troops withdrawn from Florida have been enable them so easily to acquire the means of subless than the appropriations for the same objects in stationed at points where their presence was essential sistence, and of independence, if not wealth, in the 1842 and 867,430 40 less than the expenditures in to the defence of our western and northern frontiers, cultivation of the soil. Probably a middle course 1840. It is confidently believed that the present mili- or have relieved others at similar points, who have would avoid all difficulties, namely, allowing those tary establishment of the country, including all the been collected on the sea-board. Our artillery regi- to be recruited who are citizens, or who have taken expenses of the military academy of a permanent or ments had been drilled and employed as infantry, and the preliminary oath and initiatory steps to naturalicontingent character, may be maintained at a cost not were quite unacquainted with the duties of their pe-zation. exceeding $3,100,000. This estimate does not, of culiar arm. It was deemed of great importance to The report of the officer in charge of the ordnance course, include the appropriations for ordnance, ord- bring together at the fortifications on the Atlantic bureau exhibits the very satisfactory condition of nance stores, small arms, and equipments, which are frontier as many companies as possible, that they that most important branch of the service. By a distributed among the states, or are accumulated for might there practice at the guns, and learn the exer- steady perseverance in the system of laying up, in future use; nor does it include the expenditures of the cise of garrison and field artillery. the season of peace, those materials which require engineers in erecting fortifications or other military The invasion of Texas by Mexico, and the threat-length of time to adapt them to use, and of fabrica defences, or in the measures preparatory to such ening appearances among some of the wild tribes at ting those articles which cannot be supplied on an erections. It will be seen that no appropriations are the south-west, rendered it expedient that a strong emergency, we shall soon have at our command canasked for the ordnance service for the first six months corps of observation should be placed near our non, small arms, fixed ammunition, gunpowder and of 1843. Those recommended for the fiscal year southwestern boundary line, as well to keep the In-its component parts, to an extent commensurate with commenced 1st July, 1843, are $775,200. The ap-dians in that quarter at peace among themselves, as our wants. propriations for the same objects in 1842, were $921,- to check any disposition and prevent any attempts to By the table exhibiting the apportionment of arms 300. These have been reduced more in reference to engage in the conflict in which Texas was about to to the several states, under the act of 1808, for arm the possible state of the treasury than to the actual be involved. The dictates of humanity as well as ing and equipping the whole body of the militia, it wants of the service. In the engineer department our neutral relations with that country, demanded will be seen that, notwithstanding the efforts made the appropriations asked for the ensuing eighteen by the department, and which are mentioned in the months amount to $1,245,500. The amount approlast annual report, several states are delinquent in priated in 1842 was $278,000. A portion of the esthe returns of the militia. As these returns consti. timates is indespensable for the preservation of works tute the basis of the apportionment, the states which already commenced-the residue is deemed necessary fail to make them are deprived of their just proporand it is believed that true economy will be consulted tion of military supplies. It will be seen that New by appropriating it; but still it is not indispensable at It requires but a slight examination of the exten- Jersey, Delaware, Arkansas, and Louisiana, have not this time. The whole amount of the estimates for sive line of frontier on the south-west, at the west, made returns for periods varying from twelve to the military service of the country for the first half and in the north-west, exposed to any attack of the eighteen years. If the cause of these omissions be year of 1843, exclusive of fortifications, is $620,949 78 Indians which may be prompted by any unfriendly the want of militia organization in those states, it and for fiscal year terminating July 1st 1844, is $4,144,-influences, or by supposed wrongs, to perceive that may be worthy of serious inquiry whether some 154 80. The estimates are thus stated to prevent, our present force is scarcely adequate to afford that measures should not be adopted to remedy the evil, if possible, the misunderstanding which frequently protection, which, it is admitted on all hands, the by withholding the distribution until returns are charges to the military service all the expenditures government owes to its citizens, and especially those made, or by the exercise of some other power vestof this department. Thus, many of the estimates of who, at its invitation, have occupied its remote pub-ed in congress. A reference to the same table will the chief of topographical engineers relate to works lic domain, and rendered it valuable to the whole show an extraordinary disproportion between the either exclusively of a civil, or a mixed military country. The very nature of the service required, arms alloted to several states and their respective and civil character-such as light-houses placed un-renders the employment of mounted men indispen- population. Whether this arises from variant conder his charge, and improvement of harbors, rivers, sable. The rapidity of their movements is the ele-structions of the law in those states, by which some surveys, &c., and cannot, with propriety, be included ment which gives to us the advantage in any colli-return the number enrolled, and others the number among the military expenses of the country. sion with Indians; while the same circumstance will mustered or inspected, or from some other cause, The estimates for pensions are also very much re- render unnecessary the numerous and frequent posts would seem to be worthy of an inquiry by congress, duced from the amount appropriated during the last which such an extended line would require, if foot who alone can supply an adequate remedy. year, which is believed to be justified by the diminu- soldiers only were employed. It may be affirmed The state of the treasury, as this department was tion of the number of pensioners. The estimates for that true economy, as well as effective service, will advised by the proper authority, rendered it necessathat object, for the first half year of 1843 is $119,- be promoted by the continuance of at least the pre-ry to withhold the expenditures of as much of the 340, and for the fiscal year ending July 1st, 1844, file will soon be, to fifty men for each company. as could be suspended without great and manifest sent mounted regiments, reduced, as the rank and appropriations, made at the last session of congress, $697,650. The appropriations for the last were $730,000. Concurring entirely in the views of the commanding general, it is earnestly hoped that the law which reIn the Indian department, the expenditures being quires the dismounting of the second regiment of regulated by treaties or by law, there is no room for dragoons, on the 4th of March next, will, at least, the exercise of discretion in the reduction of their be so far modified as to leave the time discretionary. amount. As there are chiefly made within the first | six months of any year, the estimates for that portion sists of seven hundred and seventeen commissioned The regular force, as now authorised by law, conof the year 1843, is, in fact, for the service of the officers, seventeen storekeepers, of whom fifteen are whole year, and amounts to $791,484 49, and those for the fiscal year commencing July 1st, 1843, amount to $850,978, being however, nearly $150,000 less than the sum appropriated in 1842, for the same department. This arises solely from there being less required to fulfil treaty stipulations for the purchase

this course. These troops have remained on and
about the Red river, and under their judicious com-
mander, Gen. Taylor, have accomplished the objects
in view. The troops are stationed at the different
posts, as specified in an accompanying report of the
adjutant general.

injury to the public service. In reference to the condition of our foreign relations, and the quantities of arms, cannon, and gun carriages, in our pos session, it seemed that such suspension could take place in the operations of the armories and arsenals, than in other departments. Extensive repairs also with less immediate public injury or inconvenience became necessary at the armories. For a time, attached to the ordnance, and two to the purchasing therefore, no work was carried on at either of them department; two hundred and fifty enlisted men for during the past season. Labor has now, however, the ordnance service, and seven thousand five hun-been resumed on a moderate scale, and instructions dred and ninety non-commissioned officers, musi- have been given to complete the muskets in the cians, artificers, and privates; twenty chaplains and course of fabrication, and to make five hundred ri schoolmasters, and as many ordnance sergeants as fles, and five hundred percussion muskets, each there are military posts. Clerks, forage masters, and month, for the ensuing six months. The arsenals The report of the major general commanding the wagon masters, are also employed in the quartermas- will be chiefly employed in the repairs of arms, and army shows the operations of the troops during the ter's department, from time to time, according to in the manufacture of the iron work of gun carripast year, and the present position of the different the exigencies of the service. The act of August ages and military equipments. Our supply of heavy corps. The reasons which demanded the cessation 23, 1842, reduced the rank and file of the army three cannon being very good, it is not contemplated at

of land.

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