NATIONAL PORTRAIT GALLERY, 29, GREAT GEORGE STREET, WESTMINSTER, Open MONDAYS, WEDNESDAYS, and SATURDAYS from 10 to 4. Admission Free. The Gallery will be CLOSED for alterations and repairs between WEDNESDAY. December 9, and SATURDAY December 26. The Gallery will be OPEN every day in the holiday week following. By Order, GEORGE SCHARF, Secretary and Keeper. ARCHBISHOP LEIGHTON'S WORKS. In the course of December will be published, in 8vo, SERMONS and CHARGES. Being VOL. II. of a New Edition of ARCHBISHOP LEIGHTON'S WORKS, to be completed in Six Volumes; including a number of Sermons, Letters, and other pieces never before published, a New Translation of the Latin Works, a Catalogue of his Library, and a Life of Archbishop Leighton and of his Father, Dr. Leighton. By WILLIAM WEST, B.A. Incumbent of St. Columba's, Nairn. To be followed in succession by VOLS. III. and IV. Commentary on St. Peter, with a short INDEX. VOL. V. Expository Works. VOL. VI. Meditations on the Psalms, and Theological Lectures from the Latin; with the Spiritual Exercises appended. VOL. I. containing the Life, Letters, Miscellaneous Pieces, and INDEXES: completing the set for the General Reader. *** Each Volume will be complete in itself and may be had separately. The Commentary on St. Peter will form a double volume. A SEVENTH VOLUME, containing Archbishop LEIGHTON'S LATIN WORKS, will subsequently BIBLIOTHECA ANGLO-CURIOSA ; Or a Catalogue of an exceedingly Interesting and singular Collection of the most Rare and Curious Books in Early English Literature ever offered for sale. Accompanied with very numerous Extracts and Bibliographical Notes. Compiled by JOSEPH LILLY, 17 and 18, New Street, And 54, Garrick Street, Covent Garden, London, W.C. This Catalogue, consisting of about 200 pages 8vo, may be obtained on application, price One Shilling; or it will be forwarded on the receipt of eighteen postage stamps. TO LIBRARIANS, BOOK-COLLECTORS, and Price Fourpence. Stamped Edition, 5d. FOREIGN H. BENCE JONES, Hon. Sec. THEOLOGICAL LIBRARY.. The Second Issue for 1868 is now ready. DELITZSCH'S COMMENTARY on EPISTLE to the HEBREWS, Vol. I., and HARLESS'S CHRISTIAN ETHICS, 1 vol. The previous volumes for this year were KEIL and DELITZSCH'S on the MINOR PROPHETS, 2 vols. Yearly subscriptions when paid in advance 21s. Each volume 10s. 6d. to non-subscribers. Complete lists of this important series free on application. ANTE-NICENE CHRISTIAN LIBRARY. Completion of Irenæus, and Hippolytus, and Fragments, in 1 vol., and Origen De Principiis, 1 vol. The Volumes of First Year: The Apostolic Fathers. in 1 vol.; Justin Martyr and Athenagoras, in I vol; Tatian, Theophilus, and the Clementine Recognitions, in 1 vol.; and Clement of Alexandria, vol. 1.. And, the Volumes of Second Year: Irenæus, 1 vol.; Hippolytus, vol. 1; Tertullian against Marcion, in vol. 1; and Cyprian, vol. 1. The subscription for First, Second, and Third Years is now due,. 37. 38. The subscription to the series is at the rate of 21s. for four volumes when paid in advance (or 24s. when not so paid), and 10s. 6d each volume to non-subscribers. *** All orders for subscription books must be forwarded to Messrs. Clark through a bookseller or direct. ROUTLEDGE'S STANDARD LIBRARY. NEW VOLUME. THE COMPLETE WORKS of LAURENCE STERNE, containing: The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy, GentA Sentimental Journey through France and Italy Sermons,. Letters, &c: also a Life of the Author, written by Himself, with a Portrait. Crown 8vo, green cloth, 618 pp. 3s. 6d. GEORGE ROUTLEDGE & SONS, The Broadway, Ludgate Hitl. Just published, RHYMES "CHARTAPELLICIA." Registered No. 1340. Sept. 1868. A new Material for repairing, rebinding, or renovating Old Volumes. Manufactured to imitate Calf, Russia, Morocco, and Vellum. Strong and economical. Price, in Sheets, size, 17 by 11, 4d. each. Any quantity can be sent "Book Post." Sole Vendors and Manufacturers, PARTRIDGE & COOPER, Stationers, 192, Fleet Street. *** This article was suggested by a paragraph in a late number of the Athenœum, complaining of the want of a something to restore the binding of Old Books. 4TH S. No. 50. containing more ore than Two Hundred Familiar Nouns. By MRS. PACKER. Illustrated with Twenty-four Original Wood Engravings. Sm. 4to, limp cloth, post free, Is. 6d. DAVID NUTT, 270, Strand, London、 , MESSRS. JAMES PARKER & CO.'S CHRISTMAS CHURCH POETRY. OXFORD AND LONDON. THE CHRISTIAN YEAR: Thoughts in Verse for the Sundays and Holydays throughout the Year. Fep. 8vo Edition, LIST. GODLY MEDITATIONS upon the MOST HOLY SACRAMENT of the LORD'S SUPPER. New Edition, fep. 8vo, cloth, printed in red and black, toned paper, 5s. cloth, 78. 6d.; 16mo Edition, cloth, 68.; 32mo Edition, cloth, 38. 6d.; | PRAYERS for MARRIED Cheap Edition, cloth, Is. 6d.; bound, 28. LYRA INNOCENTIUM: Thoughts in verse on Christian Children. Fcap. Edition, cloth, 7s. 6d.; Cheap Edition, cloth, 1s. 6d.; bound, 28. THE CATHEDRAL. 32mo, with Engravings, price 4s. 6d. Eighth Edition, fcap. 8vo, 78. 6d. THOUGHTS in PAST YEARS. Sixth Edition, with several New Poems, 32mo, cloth, 48. 6d. THE BAPTISTERY: or, the Way of Eternal Life. 32mo, cloth, 3s. 6d. THE BAPTISTERY; or, the Way of Eternal Life. With 31 Plates from Boetius à Bolswert. New Edition, revised by the Author, 2 vols. fcap. cloth, 148.; antique calf, red edges, 248. THE CHRISTIAN SCHOLAR. Fcap. 8vo, price THE SEVEN DAYS; or, the Old and New Creation. THE CHILD'S CHRISTIAN YEAR: Hymns for CHRISTIAN BALLADS and POEMS. By the THE CORNISH BALLADS and OTHER POEMS HYMNS on the LITANY. By A. C. Feap. on toned paper, cloth extra, gilt, 38. OXFORD EDITIONS OF DEVOTIONAL IMITATION of CHRIST. Four Books. By LAUD'S (Abp.) DEVOTIONS. New and revised Edition, with Translations to the Latin Prayers, handsomely printed with Vignettes and red lines, fcp. 8vo, cloth antique, 5s. WILSON'S (Bp.) SACRA PRIVATA. Now first printed entire. From the original MSS. Fcp. 8vo, antique cloth, 48. ANDREWES' (Bp.) DEVOTIONS. Translated from the Greek and Latin, and arranged anew. Fcp. 8vo, antique cloth, 58. PERSONS. From various sources, chiefly from the Ancient Liturgies. Selected and Edited by CHARLES WARD.M.A., Rector of Maulden. Second Edition, revised and enlarged, 24mo, printed in red and black.on toned paper, cloth extra, gilt edges, 4s. 6d. [Ready. PRESENTATION EDITION. OF the IMITATION of CHRIST. Four Books. By THOMAS A KEMPIS. Printed on thick toned paper. with red border lines, Mediæval Title Pages to the various Sections, and Ornamental Initials to the Chapters, Vignettes, &c. Small sto antique cloth, extra gilt bevelled, 12s.; antique calf, 218.; antique morocco extra, 31s. 6d. "One of the most sumptuous editions which we have seen....A noble gift book."-Churchman. "For beauty of typography, excellence of paper, and general sumptuous appearance, it could not be surpassed."-Union Review. THE CALENDAR of the PRAYER-BOOK. SHORT READINGS for SUNDAY. By the "The prettiest child's book we have ever seen from Messrs. Parker's press; well printed, well bound, and well illustrated, but, above all, well written, suitable for the nursery, or as a presentation volume that will be read over and over again, and be carefully preserved.' Bookseller. HISTORICAL TALES; illustrating Church History, adapted for General Reading, Parochial Libraries, &c. Fcp. 6 vols. illustrated, extra cloth, each 53. 1. England, Vol. I., 58.-2. England, Vol. II., s. 3. America and our Colonies, 5s. 4. France and Spain, 5s.-5. Eastern and Northern Europe, 58.-6. Asia and Africa, 5s. The Tales are also issued separately, limp cloth, each is. (A List on application.) AN INTRODUCTION to the STUDY of GOTHIC ARCHITECTURE. By JOHN HENRY PARKER, M.Α., F.S.A., Vice-President of the Oxford Architectural Society, Member of the Society of Antiquaries of Normandy, "La Société Française pour la Conversation des Monumens," and many Local Societies. Third Edition, revised and enlarged, fcp. 8vo, cloth extra, 5s. AN ATTEMPT to DISCRIMINATE the STYLE A CONCISE GLOSSARY of TERMS used in "For the knapsack of the traveller, or the table of the amateur not sufficiently interested to need the completer work, it is an invaluable little volume." - Builder. OXFORD, AND 377 STRAND, LONDON: JAMES PARKER & CO. On WEDNESDAY the 16th inst., LEAVES FROM THE JOURNAL OF OUR LIFE IN THE HIGHLANDS, FROM 1848 ΤΟ 1861. EDITED BY ARTHUR HELPS. In a Handsome Volume, royal quarto, elegantly bound in cloth, gilt edges. Price Two Guineas. The Illustrations have been selected, by the Royal permission, from the Private Collection of Her Majesty, who has been graciously pleased to place them at the disposal of the Publishers for the purposes of this volume. They comprise SCENES and INCIDENTS in the life of the Queen and Prince Consort in the Highlands, engraved on Steel from pictures by Sir Edwin Landseer, R.A., Carl Haag, and other artists, two Interior Views of Balmora in Chromolithography, and upwards of fifty highly-finished Engravings on wood, of SCENERY, PLACES, and PERSONS mentioned in the work. The Queen has also been pleased to sanction the introduction of a few Facsimiles of Sketches by Her Majesty. London: SMITH, ELDER & CO. MR. BROWNING'S NEW POEM. Now ready, Vol. I., fcap. 8vo, 7s. 6d. THE RING AND THE BOOK. BY ROBERT BROWNING. To be completed in Four Monthly Volumes. London: SMITH, ELDER & CO. Cheaper Edition. Fcap. 8vo. Limp Cloth. 1s. 6d. PASSAGES FROM THE AMERICAN NOTE BOOKS OF NATHANIEL HAWTHORNE. The LIBRARY EDITION in Two Volumes. Crown 8vo. 5s. MESSRS. SMITH, ELDER & CO.'S Edition of this Work is the only one published by arrangement with the Proprietors of the American Copyright. London: SMITH, ELDER & CO. CHRISTMAS BOOKS OF MR. M. A. TITMARSH. In One Handsome Volume. Large Crown 8vo. Elegantly Bound in extra Cloth Gilt. Gilt Edges. Suitable for a MRS. PERKINS'S BALL. Christmas Present. Price 9s. THE KICKLEBURYS ON THE RHINE. THE ROSE AND THE RING. With 74 Illustrations by the Author. London: SMITH, ELDER & CO. MESSRS. BELL & DALDY'S CHRISTMAS LIST. THE GREAT WORKS of RAPHAEL. The MADONNA SERIES, Photographs from the best Engravings of his most Celebrated Paintings. With Descriptions from Passavant's "Rafael Von Urbino und sein Vater," and Essays on the Genius of Raphael, by LUIGI LANZI and QUATREMÈRE DE QUINCY. Handsomely bound, demy 4to, price 21. 28. [Just published. MASTERPIECES of FLEMISH ART. Photographs from the Works of the most Celebrated Early German, Flemish, and Dutch Painters. With a Memoir and a Critical Essay to each Painting by MRS. CHARLES HEATON. Handsomely bound, demy 4to. 21. 2s. [Just published. THE WORLD'S PICTURES. A Series of Photographs of Fifteen of the most Celebrated Paintings in the World. Copied from the best Engravings. With an Introduction by C. C. BLACK, M.A. Demy 4to. 17. 18. [Just published. BRITISH MOSSES: their Homes, Aspects, and REMBRANDT'S CHOICEST ETCHINGS. Structures. With a Description and an Illustration carefully drawn and etched from Nature of every Native Species. By F. E. TRIPP. Crown 4to, elegantly bound. 21. 2s. THE GREAT WORKS OF SIR DAVID WILKIE. Photographs from the finest Engravings of his most popular Paintings. With a Biographical Memoir. In 1 elegant 4to vol. 21. 28. THE GREAT WORKS OF RAPHAEL. Illustrated by a Series of Thirty large Photographs from the finest Fingravings of his most Celebrated Paintings. With a Memoir by VASARI, and an Appendix containing a complete List of his authenticated Works. A New Edition (the Third), demy 4:0, ornamental cloth. 21. 2s. SUMMER SCENES. By BIRKET FOSTER. Consisting of Photographs of his most admired Water-Colour Drawings. With Illustrative Selections from the Poets. 4to, cloth gilt. 17. 118. 6d. MEMORIALS OF WILLIAM MULREADY. Some very beautiful Photographs from Engravings of his most Celebrated Paintings. With Memoir by F. G STEPHENS. Demy 4to, handsomely bound in cloth gilt, 21. 2s. THE RUINS of POMPEII. A Series of Photographic Views, with a History of the Destruction of the City, and Description of the most interesting Remains. By THOMAS H. DYER, LL.D., Author of "A History of the City of Rome," &c. Demy 4to. 17. 118.6d. Thirty large Photographs taken from the Collections in the British Museum and in the possession of Mr. Seymour Haden. With a Lecture on the Genius of Rembrandt, by DR. SCHELTEMA. of Amsterdam. A New Edition, carefully printed, demy 4to, richly bound, price 21. 28. MRS. GIFTS FOR YOUNG PEOPLE. In 9 vols. fcap. 8vo, illustrated, ALFRED GATTY'S CHRISTMAS BOX for YOUNG PEOPLE. Comprising The PARABLES of NATURE. 2 vols., each 3s. 6d. WORLDS NOT REALIZED. - PROVERBS ILLUSTRATED. 3s. 6d. DOMESTIC PICTURES and TALES. 3s. 6d. AUNT JUDY'S TALES. 38. 6d. AUNT JUDY'S LETTERS. 38. 6d. The HUMAN FACE DIVINE, &c. 38. 6d. The HUNDREDTH BIRTHDAY, &c. 3s. 6d. All beautifully printed and neatly bound, and enc'osed in a clo h BOX, price 11. 11s. 6d. The LATER TALES of HANS CHRISTIAN ANDERSEN. Published in "Aunt Judy's Magazine" during the Years 1867 and 1868. Translated by AUGUSTUS PLESNER and II. WARD. With Illustrations by A. W. Cooper and other Artists. Crown 8vo. 3s. 6d. MRS. OVERTHEWAY'S REMEMBRANCES. By J. H. EWING. Author of "Melchior's Dream," &c. Iliustrated by Pasquier and wol. Crown Svo. 4s. AUNT JUDY'S CHRISTMAS VOLUME for YOUNG PEOPLE. Edited by MRS. ALFRED GATTY, Author of Parables from Nature," &c. Crown 8vo, cloth gilt, gilt edes, with 20 tull page Illustrations, price 5s. N.B. THE NOVEMBER NUMBER of AUNT JUDY'S MAGAZINE commences a New Volume. Monthly, price 6d. FRIENDS in FUR and FEATHERS. By GWYNFRYN. Illustrated by F. W. Keyl. Crown 8vo. 43. London: BELL & DALDY, York Street, Covent Garden. QUERIES:- Emblematical Picture, 559-Animate-"Bibliotheca Northantonensis" - Cap of Maintenance-John Carlier, Sculptor, 1568 - Miss Mariana Chambers - A Curious Fact- Fairfax's Miraculous Victory - George II. and his Family - "Grammachree Molly" Guinea PigIrish Ballad - Marc Laurin: Library of MSS., &c - London Chapels - "Music of the Spheres" - Pantaloon Portrait for Identification - Letters of Sir Walter Ralegh Rossini's Funeral Stone Balcony at Malmesbury Abbey - Sundry Queries, &c., 560. QUERIES WITH ANSWERS: Daniel Rogers, Poet, Sixteenth Century - "La Sfera del Mondo" - Sir Charles Hardy Ancient Swords - Penzance Seal - "Views in Orkney" - Mother of Coriolanus, 563. REPLIES:-The Song of the Beggar, 561- The Oath of the Peacock or Pheasant, 565-"Gaudeamus 'igitur," 566 Allegories and Parables, Ib. - Mortuaries, 567 - Families of Husbands and Leather - Madame de PompadourLong Lankin-Folk Song; "When shall we be married?" Old Ballad: "King Arthur," &c. - Quotations wanted: "We are two Travellers" - "Advice to a Young Oxonian" - Russian Literature - "Caught Napping" &c., 568. Notes on Books, &c. Notes. EARLY CHRISTMAS BOOKS: AN UNIQUE VOLUME BY LAURENCE PRICE. I am tempted, while I have the book before me (by the favour of Mr. Joseph Lilly, the eminent bookseller), to take a description of the following small publication for the benefit of "N. & Q." The copy I am using wants apparently a leaf at the end, and all the other leaves are more or less mutilated (including the title-page itself); the words or letters between brackets are supplied by guess. The tract, I apprehend, originally consisted of A in eights. First for the title : "Make roome for Chris [tmas] After this somewhat elaborate title comes "To the Reader," an address in verse: "That man or woman which wil look This account of the extraordinary properties of the pamphlet, and invitation to buy, are followed by a common woodcut, which may be imagined to represent any thing, but is probably intended in this case for a chapman. On A 3 occurs a headline: "Come my Noble hearts make roome for Christmas, and I wil remember your Christmas Boxes." Then we have "The Sea-mans Speech to Christmas" : "Sweet Christmas, thou art heartily welcome to all thy Friends and old Acquaintance, both in the Citie of London, and in every part and Parish of the Countries, as well from Dover Peere to Michaels Mount, as from Barwick Bridg to Bednall-Green, and as I am a truehearted Seaman and beare good will to my Native Country, so am I as glad to see thee as my selfe safely arrived and happily set on shore, in England: And because thou shalt truely know that I beare thee good will, thou shalt see what I have provided for thee against thy comming. "In the first place there is for thee the very best Roome that I have in my House to dine in, where thou shalt be very welcome to such Cheere, as God hath sent me; a Messe of Plum Pottage, a Surloyne of Roast Beefe, a Mince Pye, and a merry Cup of Sack I can invite thee to; and after thou and I and the rest of my Family have well fil'd our bellies, wee will walk a mile or two for Recreation, and bring thee amongst my Friends, where every one will be sure to give thee some-what to thy Box." This curious passage is succeeded by six lines of verse scarcely worth quoting. On A 4 we come to "The Citizens Entertainment to Christmas. Make more roome for Christmas," in prose, which contains nothing specially noticeable; but at the end of the section are these lines: "If thou wilt here be pleas'd to stay, The next page (A 4 verso) presents us with "The Trades-mans love to Christmas, yet make more room." I extract the description of the tradesman's Christmas dinner: "Thou shalt be sure [to] have such as I and my Wife and Child[ren] and my Servants feed upon; which wil [be] at the least, a peice of Boyld Beef, a Bag-Puding, |