| Edmund Burke - 1780 - 106 pagina’s
...pretty carefully looked, into the proceedings of the French king, I am forry to fay it, I fee nothing of the character and genius of arbitrary finance ;...lopping off from the capital of debt ; — no fufpenfion of interelt ; — no robbery under the name of loan ; — no raifing the value, no debafing the fubftance... | |
| Edmund Burke - 1792 - 676 pagina’s
...pretty carefully looked, into the proceedings of the French king, I am forry to fay it, I fee nothing of the character and genius of arbitrary finance ;...lopping off from the capital of debt ; — no fufpenfion of intereft ; — no robbery under the name of loan ; — no raifing the value, no debafing the fubftance... | |
| Edmund Burke - 1798 - 330 pagina’s
...pretty carefully looked, into the proceedings of the French king, I am forry to fay it, I fee nothing of the character and genius of arbitrary finance ;...diftrefs ; no lopping off from the capital of debt ; no fufpenlion of intereft ; no robbery under the name of loan ; no raifmg the value, no debafing the fubftance... | |
| Edmund Burke - 1801 - 368 pagina’s
...pretty carefully looked, into the proceedings of the French king, I am forry to fay it, I fee nothing of the character and genius of arbitrary finance ;...lopping off from the capital of debt ; — no fufpenfion of intereft ; — no robbery under the name of loan ; — no railing the value, no clebafing the fubftance... | |
| John Adolphus - 1802 - 630 pagina’s
...have nothing barbarous in their difcipline." In the proceedings of the French king, there was nothing of the character and genius of arbitrary finance;...bankrupt power; none of the wild ftruggles and plunges of delpotifm in diftrefs ; no lopping off from the capital of debt ; no fufpenfion of interelt ; no robbery... | |
| Edmund Burke - 1803 - 454 pagina’s
...pretty carefully looked, into the proceedings of the French king, I am forry to fay it, I fee nothing of the character and genius of arbitrary finance ;...none of the wild ftruggles, and plunges, of defpotifm irt diftrefs; — no lopping off from the capital of debt; •—no fufpenfion of intereft ;— -no... | |
| Edmund Burke - 1803 - 452 pagina’s
...; none of the bold frauds of bankrupt power 5 none of the wild ftruggles, and plunges, of dcfpotifm in diftrefs;— no lopping off from the capital of debt; !*— no fufpenfion of ihtereft ;**-no robbery under the name of loan;— no raifing the value, no debafing the fubftance... | |
| Great Britain. Parliament - 1804 - 800 pagina’s
...Here (to ufe th< eloquent language of a diitingiiifhed Member* of this Houfej " ЛЛЛ " fee nothing of the character and genius of arbitrary finance ;...the bold frauds of bankrupt power; none of the wild fl '* and plunges of defpotifin in diftrefs; no lopping off from the o u tal of debt ; no fufpenfion... | |
| Nathaniel Chapman - 1807 - 494 pagina’s
...parts—" Here (to use the eloquent language of a distinguished member of this house) we see nothing of the character and genius of arbitrary finance ;...the bold frauds of bankrupt power ; none of the wild struggles and plunges of despotism in distress; no lopping off from the capital of debt ; no suspension... | |
| Edmund Burke - 1807 - 560 pagina’s
...pretty carefully looked, into the proceedings of the French king, I am sorry to say it, I see nothing of the character and genius of arbitrary finance ;...the bold frauds of bankrupt power ; none of the wild struggles, and plunges, of despotism in distress ; — no lopping off from the capital of debt -, —... | |
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