| Edmund Burke - 1800 - 614 pagina’s
...illuftration o! this, he aiierted a faŁt upon his own knowledge ; viz. That he had lately feen their mean and profligate Congrefs at mafs, for the foul...church, againft whofe anti-chriftian corruptions, their pious anceftors would have witnelied with their blood. On this the writers in the American papers... | |
| 1800 - 624 pagina’s
...illuftration of this, he afferted a faól upon his own knowledge ; viz. That he had lately feen their mean and profligate Congrefs at mafs, for the foul...church, againft whofe anti-chriftian corruptions, their pious anceftors would have witnelfed with their blood. ' On this the writers in the American... | |
| 1800 - 620 pagina’s
...fan upon his own knowledge ; viz. That he had lately feen their mean and profligate Congrefs at mats, for the foul of a Roman Catholic in purgatory, and participating in the rites of a church, againft whole anti-chriftian corruptions, their pious anceftors would have witneired with their blood. On this... | |
| John Adolphus - 1802 - 630 pagina’s
...the anceiiors of the people load braved the ocean, the heathen, and the wildernefs. He himfelf liad lately feen the mean and profligate congrefs at mafs...purgatory, and participating in the rites of a church, again ft whole anti-chrittiaH corruptions, the pious anceiiors of the Americans would have witneffed,... | |
| John Adolphus - 1810 - 544 pagina’s
...religion for which the anceftors of the people had braved the ocean, the heathen and the wildernefs. He himfelf had lately feen the mean and profligate...corruptions, the pious anceftors of the Americans would have witnefTed with their blood n . Contrary to all expectation, this 'proclamation produced... | |
| John Adolphus - 1841 - 638 pagina’s
...and the wilderness. He himself had lately seen the mean and profligate Congress at mass for the soul of a Roman Catholic in purgatory, and participating in the rites of a church, against whose anti-christian corruptions the pious ancestors of the Americans would have witnessed... | |
| John Adolphus - 1841 - 644 pagina’s
...and the wilderness. He himself had lately seen the mean and profligate Congress at mass for the soul of a Roman Catholic in purgatory, and participating in the rites of a church, against whose anti-christian corruptions the pious ancestors of the Americans would have witnessed... | |
| John Gilmary Shea - 1888 - 758 pagina’s
...that the eye which guides this pen, lately saw your mean and profligate Congress at Mass for the soul of a Roman Catholic in purgatory, and participating in the rites of a Church against whose anti-Christian corruptions your pious ancestors would have witnessed with their blood."... | |
| John Gilmary Shea - 1888 - 736 pagina’s
...that the eye which guides this pen, lately saw your mean and profligate Congress at Mass for the soul of a Roman Catholic in purgatory, and participating in the rites of a Church against whose anti-Christian corruptions your pious ancestors would have witnessed with their blood."... | |
| John Gilmary Shea - 1888 - 724 pagina’s
...that the eye which guides this pen, lately saw your mean and profligate Congress at Mass for the soul of a Roman Catholic in purgatory, and participating in the rites of a Church against whose anti-Christian corruptions your pious ancestors would have witnessed with their blood."... | |
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