SOCIAL, LITERARY, POLITICAL. BY HENRY LYTTON BULWER, ESQ. M.P. Nature and truth are the same every where, and reason shows them every where alike. Revere conditores Deos, numina Deorum. Reverere gloriam veterem, et hanc ipsam SOLD ALSO BY AMYOT, RUE DE LA PAIX; TRUCHY, BOULEVARD DES ITALIENS; RUB NEUVE-SAINT-AUGUSTIN; AND FRENCH AND ENGLISH LIBRARY, RUE VIVIENNE. 1834. DEDICATION TO B. G. KING, ESQ. MY DEAR KING, We have so few opportunities afforded us of testifying esteem, that I feel inexpressible gratification in thus being able to present you with this very unworthy token of the sentiments with which a long acquaintance has inspired me. Nor is this all:-the present dedication is not only an ordinary tribute paid to friendship-it is a tribute paid to a friend whom I esteem as much for his public principle as his private worth. And, indeed, it is no small consolation, in thus entering upon a new career, to feel that whatever may be my fate as an author-there must still remain to me the pleasure and the honour with which I shall ever look back to the temporary connexion of my name with yours. This is not said, my dear King, in the formal and customary spirit of dedicatory addresses, but with the deepest and sincerest sentiments of regard and affection. Yours most truly, HENRY LYTTON BULWER. Hill Street, September 3, 1834. |