Queen Anna's New World of Words, Or, Dictionarie of the Italian and English TonguesMelch. Bradwood, 1611 - 617 pagina's |
Overige edities - Alles bekijken
Queen Anna's New World of Words; or, Dictionarie of the Italian and English ... John Florio Gedeeltelijke weergave - 2022 |
Queen Anna's New World of Words; or, Dictionarie of the Italian and English ... John Florio Gedeeltelijke weergave - 2019 |
Veelvoorkomende woorden en zinsdelen
agull Aifo akinde Alfo a kind Alſo Andár armorie bafe beaft bearbe become bird bread brufe cafe caft caufe chè chiefe clofe coine colour corne couer courfe Dáre difco difeafe ding dito doth drinke euen euery Fáre felfe fellow fide fight figne filke filly filthy fing firange fire fish called flowre fo called fore fouldiers foule fruit ftand ftone fuch fuddaine gine giue glaffe grape grow gull haire hath haue Hauér hauing hawke head hearbe horfe horſe houſe ifco inftrument iron Italy kind of wine leaues leffe limbecke ling litle Looke loue manner meaſure meate ment Métter mouth neere neffe ning ouer Páne piece play precious pricke round Sengreene ship Sunne teazell ther thing tion toge tree Vfed alfo vine vnder vnto vpon vrine vſed wilde winde woman word yeeres yong yongue yoong