
which the country abounded. Thus, the utmost barrenness was often found in proximity to the greatest luxuriance. The neighbourhood of Jerusalem was bare; but at Jericho, a distance of only seventeen miles, might be observed the tokens of a most prolific soil. The diversities of level in Palestine also increased the productive service of the country. With a probable length of 190 miles, and an average breadth of 70, the land did not contain more than 14,000 square miles; yet, at times, the population seemed to have been very large; which arose partly from the facility with which life was sustained in the East, where the cultivated and spontaneous growths of the soil supplied most of the required nutriment; and partly from what might be the extension of the land, occasioned by its great inequalities. Palestine had probably but few wholly desert parts. Even on the limestone rocks, wherever a little debris formed a lodgment, vegetation would make its appearance in vigour, though unaided by the human hand. Chiefly interesting and important, however, were these diversities of surface, from the new means which they afforded for explaining peculiarities in the phraseology of the sacred Scripture. He called the means new, because the facts on which they depended had only been ascertained within the last ten or fifteen years; and, at the present hour, they were unknown beyond a limited circle. The peculiarity of diction to which he referred was found in the frequent employment, in conjunction with verbs of motion, of the terms "up" and "down" when speaking of locomotion from one part of Palestine or its neighbouring lands to another. In Hebrew there were two specific terms denoting motion, one in an upward and the other in a downward direction; in Greek there were two compound words for these expressions, which nearly answered to the English "going up" and "going down." The use of these Hebrew words or their Greek compound equivalents, occasioned some difficulty to the old commentators. Dr. Beard here referred to Genesis xlvi. 4; Joshua xxiv. 4; Samuel xxv. 2, &c., and a great number of other passages, in which going down into Egypt, up into Jerusalem, Judea, &c., were spoken of; and shewed that these phrases were literally correct, according to the best authenticated accounts of the various elevations or depressions on which the cities of Palestine stood. In this fact,

he said, we had not only an additional argument for the authenticity of the Scriptures, but a fresh assurance that all that the friends of religion and science should be anxious for, was that both might be made to rest on the secure and indestructible basis of wellascertained facts and principles. (Applause.) On the motion of James Heywood, Esq., M. P., a vote of thanks was unanimously accorded to Dr. Beard.Manchester Guardian.

Deputation of the Unitarian Association to Birmingham and Kidderminster.

We are rejoiced to find that the British and Foreign Unitarian Association is renewing its visits into the provinces, feeling assured that it deserves a much larger amount of provincial support than at present it receives, and that intercourse between the representatives of the Metropolitan Society and the Country Congregations must tend to promote the Unitarian cause. On Sunday, April 9, the Rev. Thomas Madge, of Essex-Street chapel, visited Birmingham, and preached in behalf of the Association, in the morning at the New, and in the evening at the Old Meeting. Collections exceeding £50 were made upon the occasion. Of Mr. Madge's morning sermon we have received a most gratifying report. It is described to us as a clear and powerful argument in defence of Unitarianism as the basis of religious union. On the same day, the Rev. Edward Tagart, the Hon. Secretary of the Association, visited Kidderminster, and preached two very able and interesting sermons, after which a handsome collection was made for the Association. On Monday evening, a public meeting was held in the school-room of the New-Hall Hill chapel, at which a deputation, consisting of Mr. Madge, Mr. Tagart and H. J. Preston, Esq., attended. We have been favoured with a very full report of all the addresses delivered on the occasion, but the late period of the month and the crowded state of our pages (from which we have been compelled to exclude matter previously prepared and in type to admit even this brief report) compel us to limit ourselves to a few extracts from the principal speeches.

The Rev. J. KENTISH, in proposing the cordial thanks of the meeting to the Rev. T. Madge, for his impressive and appropriate sermons, said the great object of the preacher was to shew us that the foundation of a Christian church is

no objective principle as such, but necessarily and invariably the incorporation of a great doctrine with our worship. Now it appears to me that his object was most excellent, and the reasoning by which he supported his propositions was unanswerably good and strong. It is most true that free inquiry -excellent as it is-can never with any propriety of reasoning be stated as the basis of a Christian church; it is, as he observed, the adjunct. Free inquiry is, in fact, a duty which we ought to perform; it is a privilege which we all enjoy, in consequence of our rational nature in consequence of our being possessed of mental powers; but it is never in Scripture-to which alone we are to look for the basis of a Christian church-I boldly and deliberately say it is never there laid down by our Lord or his Apostles as the basis of a church. Free inquiry is, in other words, kindness, judgment and forbearance, it is worth nothing without them, it must conduct to some definite conclusion, it must exist previously to the conclusion being drawn and formed, and it only can be really formed under the exercise and influence of a sound judgment. Mr. Madge further urged with resistless focre, that when once we have obtained this devoted conviction it is our bounden duty and our privilege to avow it. Looking at the writings which are the records of our faith, the guides of our duty, and the basis of our hope, you will find that our Lord, and still more his Apostles-because they were the founders of separate churches-perpetually urged the duty of holding fast to our convictions, of avowing them positively, and constantly enforcing the duty of forbearance-" Let every man be fully persuaded in his own mind." "Him that is weak in the faith, receive ye; but not to doubtful disputations." And not only in this, but upon all great points, they are perpetually shewing the duty of avowing your convictions. Many such passages could be produced, but it is unnecessary, I think. When I consider the importance of the divine purity of that doctrine as it affects your views,-first of the spirituality of the Divine Being, and then of the paternal character of the Deity,-and further, as it supposes a perpetual acquaintance with the study of the Scriptures, we must be aware that the practical conclusion to which Mr. Madge wished to lead us, is a true one, namely, that the duty of avowing our convictions in our worship is one which we can

never dispense with, never compromise.

Mr. RUSSELL, after a few appropriate observations, seconded the resolution, which was carried by acclamation.

The Rev. THOMAS MADGE, after thanking the company for the cordial manner in which his name had been received, said-The cause which brings us together this evening is one deserving of our warmest sympathy and support, because it is connected with the highest and best interests of our nature. There is nothing more beautiful, there is nothing more elevating and refining, than the spirit of an enlightened and benevolent religion; and it is because I see, or think I see, such a spirit embodied in that form of Christianity which we have had the happiness of embracing, that I am anxious for its more general adoption. I am aware that, in the present day, more especially, theology and religion, the doctrines and the morality of the Gospel, are thought by many to have little or no connection with each other; and, upon this presumption, an argument has been founded for a feeling of almost entire indifference as to the doctrines which may be generally received. Now, Sir, I admit that a man may be a very good theologian,-he may be well acquainted with the contents and history of the Sacred Writings, with the laws of biblical criticism, and the rules of biblical interpretation,

he may, as a matter of intellectual curiosity and gratification, have studied the various points of difference existing among Christians, and be well read in the history of the Christian church,he may be all this, without being inspired with the real spirit of religionwithout his having cultivated the dispositions and the habits of a religious life. I grant this. But I must contend, at the same time, that a man cannot be truly religious- he cannot cherish the faith, the confidence and the hopes of religion-unless there be lodged in his mind some notion of God, and of the character of God, and of the relations subsisting between the creature and the Creator. I do not say he must be an accomplished theologian, but I do say there must exist, as the basis of his religious feelings, some doctrines or principles on which they rest -that he cannot be animated with religious motives unless they spring out of some sort of religious belief. It therefore often happens that, in order to make a man wiser and better, more virtuous and more happy, the thing

required is, not to make him more religious-for, after his own fashion, he may be religious to an excessive and morbid degree-but the thing that is wanted is, to put him in possession of a truer theology, of a more enlightened and benevolent faith.-When I think, Sir, of the licentious practices, of the frivolous and foolish ceremonies, of the soul-debasing idolatry, with which religion has sometimes been associated, -when I call to mind that almost every vice and every error has been enshrined in the name of religion,-when I remember that the merciless inquisitor thought that, in blasting the most beautiful of God's creatures, it was all for his honour and glory, and when I reflect on the intolerance and bigotry which would consign such men as Milton and Locke, Lindsey and Priestley, to eternal misery, on account of the supposed heresy into which they had fallen,-when I think of these things, I confess I do wonder that any one can maintain that the question of religious doctrine is one which we need not concern ourselves about, and that the feeling or sentiment of religion is every thing. Why, Sir, the feeling or sentiment may exist, and exist in the greatest degree, and yet the consequences that follow from it may be of the most lamentable description.-Let us then, as Unitarian Christians, while we think we have the truth, do all we can for its promotion in the world. It is not one God that made us to think, and another that made us to feel; but the same God who gave us the understanding to perceive the truth, gave us also the passion to love it ardently, and to pursue it steadily and perseveringly. In the words of the Immortal Bard of "Paradise Lost," I would say, in spite of the many difficulties and discouragements with which we are surrounded let us not

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Unitarian Association. The objects of this Association are such as many of us contemplated, in part at least, in our local associations; but it is important to consider, that while our local associations are in themselves of very great value, and ought on no account to be discouraged, it is very desirable indeed that something more should be done than can well be effected merely by them; and that is the reason why I have such great pleasure in earnestly recommending the purposes and objects of the British and Foreign Unitarian Association to the cordial support of the present meeting.

The Rev. HENRY SOLLY, of Cheltenham, said-I feel highly honoured in being called upon to second this resolution. When I look around me, and see how much there is of concealment in certain quarters, I feel a profound respect for those men who have openly and boldly maintained the doctrines which bring us here to-night. Does not the same thing hold true in religion as in morality? If it is of importance to hold sound opinions in reference to morality, surely it is equally so in respect to religion. It is because this Association has boldly maintained an opinion through good report and evil report, that I admire them; and because they have said, it is good to abide by it, until the world comes round to us; and they have been of incalculable benefit in another important respect. At the present time, the congregation which I have the honour to represent, has been most largely indebted to the Unitarian Association. For several years they granted it £50 per annum. They were, in fact, the means of establishing, at its commencement, a most efficient minister there. Organization is essential, if we are to make progress; and when persons speak of being satisfied merely with a religious sentiment, it appears to me that they have lost sight of the true idea of the Christian church. Do not for a moment suppose that we can dispense with doctrines in our religion, or with organization in our church. And it is because the Unitarian Association has upheld the one and maintained the other, that I think it is entitled to our fervent and heartfelt thanks. I most sincerely hope that they may go on and prosper.

The Rev. E. TAGART Said-Irise with particular pleasure upon this occasion, because personally I have long looked forward to a meeting of this kind in your town. It is pleasing to see so

many ministers from this neighbourhood associated together, and so many members of your several congregations combining to express cordial sympathy with the plans and objects of the Association to which my labours are earnestly directed. My friends who are with me in the deputation will agree with me when I say that with some impatience and some anxiety I have looked forward to an occasion of this kind; and there is abundant evidence in what has already passed, from the sentiments of the speakers to-night, and the reception which was given to Mr. Madge's beautiful discourses yesterday-from the collections which have been made, which have amounted to more than we expected-that we have laid the foundation for your permanent interest and continual sympathy with the objects of the Association, with which you now will be better acquainted. When I look at the Report I hold in my hand, and observe that as a consequence of the deputations sent to the West of England and to the North of England, two or three years ago, we have fifty annual subscribers in Bristol and a similar number in Exeter, I feel confident that we shall have shortly as many here. But in London the chief assistance has been derived, the funds having been raised almost entirely there, while the objects concern you as much as they can concern the residents of the metropolis. I am happy to learn that, besides the collection which was raised yesterday, a number of gentlemen have already given in their names as annual subscribers. Five shillings, indeed, is a sufficient sum as a subscription, and will be welcomed: and I trust that a local committee will be formed in Birmingham to concentrate the energies of our friends, and that you will, after the annual meeting in London, receive and distribute the Reports, and that, having so large an experience in the wants of the religious world, you will favour us with such suggestions as may occur to you, likely to increase the influence of the Society. Permit me, Sir, as briefly as I can, to give you some illustrations of the great importance of an institution like this to our churches in all parts of the country. It is no local Association; it comprehends, as far as our means will permit, the advancement of those religious principles over the world to which previous speakers have adverted. First, to speak of its proceedings with respect to the civil rights of Unitarians. Since I have

watched its progress, it has had a great influence on the important Acts of Parliament connected with religious liberty. The Corporation and Test Act-the Dissenters' Marriage Actthe Act for the Registration of Births and Deaths-and, lastly, the Dissenters' Chapels Act-all of these it was most active and efficient in furthering. It has, therefore, had an important bearing upon the historical interests of our country. The Association is also of vast importance in protecting the rights of Unitarians. We have had questions of law decided of great consequence. A gentleman in Scotland left a sum of £1000 for the establishment of a Unitarian society there. The legality of the bequest was questioned; and the executor having raised every possible objection to prevent its being fulfilled, it was only an Association like ours which could take the case up and supply the necessary funds. The question was heard before Lord Jeffrey, who decided that the bequest was perfectly legal, and that Unitarians were in Scotland as much entitled to have funds bequeathed for that purpose as any other society. The decision was thus in our favour, though the funds were found to be no more than equal to pay our expenses. A gentleman left £300 a-year in the South of England, about four or five years ago: £100 for a

congregation at Devonport, and £20 a-year to ten other congregations, to be distributed until the year 1850. That bequest was also contested, and it took four or five years in the Court of Chancery to have it decided. It was held to be perfectly legal. In minor cases, too, our Association is frequently applied to, as at Port Glasgow, to secure small trusts, which it is of importance to protect against invasion. Now, to glance at another department, that of the books and tracts which are distributed by the Association among the congregations, and which are supplied to ministers to aid them in forming vestry libraries, to circulate among inquiring minds, is of very great utility; and from time to time they also assist ministers who are ill supplied with the means of buying expensive books. Consider how many thousand volumes have been circulated within the last twenty years, and the heavy expense which the society incurred in keeping such books as the Greek Testament and "Turner's Lives of Unitarians," which no one could undertake to print with the expectation of a remuneration from

the sale; yet there are a great number of works which it is desirable should be kept before the public, and be read far more than they are.

The Rev. HUGH HUTTON, M. A., proposed the next resolution-"That the ministers and chapel-wardens, or other officers, of the several Unitarian Con gregations in Birmingham and its neighbourhood are requested by this meeting to adopt measures for the raising of funds in their respective localities, for the support of the British and Foreign Unitarian Association." In order to shew that I do not wish to be considered as recommending other people to do that which I am not prepared myself to perform, I am happy to tell you that since the arrival of the deputation I have spoken to some of my friends, and I have obtained a list of annual subscribers of from one guinea to five shillings, for the support of the institution; but I have also great pleasure in stating that some ladies have set the example of giving their names for handsome subscriptions, and I shall go on with this canvas when the deputation are gone. I intend to encourage small subscriptions over a wide extent, rather than large subscriptions from a small number.

Mr. PRESTON, in responding to the

resolution, said-I have been for many years actively connected with the British and Foreign Unitarian Association, and the impression I have formed from such intimate connection is, its vast importance to the Unitarian body. I believe its usefulness is not sufficiently estimated. Its benefits are so unostentatious, so constant, so everflowing, that, like many of our domestic blessings, their value is not felt till we are deprived of them. It is my deliberate opinion, that if, from any untoward circumstances the operations of this society should be suspended, the want of an institution like this would be so decidedly felt, even by those who have not already taken an interest in it, that, within a very short period, there would be a general outcry for its revival. It is a London society, inasmuch as its office is in London, and many gentlemen in London give their time and attention to the objects of the society; and inasmuch as a very considerable portion of the funds are raised in London. So far it is a London society, but no farther, for it is very rarely that any of the funds are expended in London.

The duties of the chair were most ably fulfilled on this occasion by T. EYRE LEE, Esq.

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