
Professor (the Rev. G. Vance Smith) has already adverted to it in such feeling and appropriate terms. We cannot for a moment doubt that the same Almighty Being who has seen fit, in the counsels of his infinite wisdom, to take from us one so promising, will raise up other instruments, to supply the place which our departed young friend would have occupied in the church. Yet such events speak to those who remain in a language which cannot be misunderstood, and say to all of you, "Be ye also ready; for at such an hour as ye think not, the Son of Man cometh."

Avail yourselves, then, with all diligence, of the advantages and privileges afforded you by your connection with this seat of learning, for storing your minds with that knowledge which is pre-eminently fitted to qualify you for the duties of your ministerial profession; and let it not be said that, when the prize was almost within your grasp, you failed to win it for want of the requisite degree of


Let me remind you, however, that the studies pursued in this place are not all that is necessary to fit you for an ade quate discharge of your duties as Chris tian ministers: for without earnestness in the prosecution of your work, combined with a deep sense of responsibility, and a feeling of humble dependance upon the Divine blessing, you will meet with little success in your ministerial labours, when you quit your Alma Mater, and are called to occupy your respective stations in the Church of Christ. It may not be in the power of all of you to become accomplished pulpit orators; but if you labour as those who are to give account, your efforts will not fail to be crowned with success,

whatever posts may be assigned to you, by the providence of God, in the great work of extending the triumphs of the gospel. You will acquire, by this means, an influence for good, which no mere superiority of talents or attainments could have given you; and in spite of occasional disappointments and discouragements, the work of the Lord will prosper in your hands.

I have now only to add, that the result of this examination, as compared with those of former years, has been deemed satisfactory; and that the answers which have been given, prove that you have been desirous, in your respective classes, of profiting by the instructions which you have received. If those of you who are most advanced in your theological studies, proceed as you have begun, no apprehensions need be entertained of your fu

ture success in the profession to which The best you have devoted yourselves. wishes of your best friends will be realized; the interests of the Church of Christ will be materially promoted under your fostering care; and you will see, in your respective spheres of ministerial labour, a generation springing up around you, who will be prepared to occupy with advantage their stations in the church and in the world, when the individuals who now fill those stations shall have finished their allotted task, and been called to their account.

The Address was followed by a suitable prayer and benediction.

After an interval the Trustees of the College assembled in the Common Hall for the transaction of the business usually following the examination, the admission of new students, &c. The chair was filled by the Vice-President, the Rev. John Kentish. At the close of the business, the meeting was adjourned to the following day, when about fifty Trustees assembled. None but Trustees were present. The Committee of Inquiry appointed by the Trustees at their annual meeting presented their Report. As the proceedings were private and all reporters excluded, we can only state that the Legal Sub-committee appointed to consider the College Trust reported that the institution could not be removed to London to join either University Hall or University College without a breach of trust. The Report was received, and, after discussion, ordered to be printed exclusively for the use of the Trustees.

Opening of the New Unitarian Chapel at Gee Cross, Cheshire.

On Wednesday, July 5, this chapel, probably the most beautiful Dissenting place of worship in the kingdom, was opened by a religious service. The day was remarkably fine, and the lofty and well-proportioned spire, rising towards the clear blue sky, struck every one that beheld it with its architectural beauty. The bright sunshine set off the interior of the building, with its profusion of stained and painted glass, to great advantage. On entering at the South door, we were struck with

The statement so prominently put forth in a leading article of the Inquirer of July 1, that there were student spectators, not Trustees, present, we are requested to state is altogether a mistake.

the effect of the view of the country lying below, on either side of the Thame and Mersey, as seen through the North door, which was flung widely open. Above the North door is the inscription which records the gratitude of the worshipers for "that Act of public justice (Stat. 7 and 8 Vict. c. 45) which secures to Non-subscribing Dissenters peaceful possession of the Chapels and Endowments of their pious Forefathers." The inscription is engraved on a stone tablet in old English letters, red and white. In our March No. (pp. 184-186) we gave a minute account of the chapel as it then was. Since that time, the unsparing liberality of the congregation, or of some of its principal members, has added several things that deserve our notice. The frame-work of the organ, and the screen of the organ gallery or dais, is one of the most tasteful specimens of richlycarved oak, ornamented in the chromatic style, that we have ever seen. The ornaments of colour are not overdone, but are in the best taste. A new feature of beauty is added in the West window, immediately behind the organ. This window, which is situated in the tower, and is seen from the interior of the chapel, has been filled with stained glass, of a totally different character from those at the East end, as it consists of geometrical figures, with leaves and flowers disposed in regular patterns; and, seen as it is partly above and partly through the open canopy of the organ screen, it has a very rich and splendid effect.

The Communion-table has also been fixed. It is placed at the East end of the chancel, in the position usually devoted to that purpose in the churches of the Establishment. It consists of a stone slab, supported on three columns in front, with moulded bases and foliage capitals, and at the back, on another slab of stone, set upright. The whole is richly painted and gilt in diaper patterns, and, seen in connection with the large stained glass window immediately over it, forms a very splendid centre for the eye to rest upon. This portion of the fitting up of the chapel is perhaps that alone on which any difference of opinion will exist. We frankly confess we should have preferred a table more simple in its style and more subdued in its ornaments. At the same time, we have no doubt that the architects (Messrs. Bowman and Crowther) can produce authorities and precedents perfectly unexceptionable to justify this

bold innovation on our simple Nonconformist tastes.

Now that the pulpit is fixed, we may add that the upper part, or pulpit proper, which is of solid oak, is a piece of most elaborate carving, each side of the octagon having rich tracery, and beautiful crocketed canopies, the spandrels above being filled in with diaper work. The entrance to the pulpit is by three steps off the floor of the chancel. On the alternate sides of the octagon stem or pedestal, on which the pulpit rests, (and which is of solid stone,) are ornamental moulded panels, in which are contained figures emblematical of the four evangelists, viz., an Angel with a book for St. Matthew; a winged Lion for St. Mark; a winged Bull for St. Luke; and an Eagle for St. John. We profess not to interpret the significancy of these emblems, and are indebted for the translation of them to the kindness of the architects. Whatever may be their value as emblems of the evangelists, we can attest the beauty of the panels. The pedestal on which they are cut consists of a very handsome block of magnesian limestone, which is, we believe, the stone of which the most elaborate portions of our magnificent cathedrals are constructed.

Much of the ornamental part of the chapel is added by individual munificence, and we trust we shall be pardoned if we name the principal donors. The Altar-table is the gift of Samuel Ashton, Esq. (J. P.), of Pole Bank. The Sacramental cups, &c., in silver, were, we believe, several years ago presented to the congregation by the lady of Mr. Ashton, now deceased. The beautiful window to the left of the chancel is the gift of Mrs. Thomas Ashton, of Flowery-field. The pulpit is the gift of Mrs. Samuel Ashton, of Oaklands. The organ screen is the gift of Miss Ashton, of Flowery-field. The two beautiful windows at the East and West were the result of collections made amongst friends, the latter by Mrs. Ashton, of Flowery-field, and the former by Mrs. Ashton, of Oaklands.

We are glad to hear that a lithographic print of the chapel, executed, we believe, under the directions of the architects, is just ready for publication.

A very large congregation was gathered on the opening day, amongst whom we observed friends from Liverpool, Manchester, Stockport, Dukinfield, Hayfield, Rochdale, Lydiate, Gorton, Bolton, Monton, Gatley, Knutsford. There were of course many Uni

tarian ministers present; but we have still greater pleasure in recording the presence of some of the principal Independent ministers of the district, including Rev. Jonathan Sutcliff, of Ashton-under-Lyne; Rev. Mr. Calvert, of Hyde; Rev. Mr. Coward, of Hatherlow, &c. Laurence Heyworth, Esq., of Hatherlow, also attended. The presence of these gentlemen was a pleasing token of the good feeling which Mr. Brooks and his congregation have habitually cherished towards other religious bodies. The service began soon after 11 o'clock. The first prayer was uttered by the minister of the place, Rev. Jas. Brooks, and the hearts of not a few were touched by the grateful thanksgivings and fervent intercessions for the spiritual welfare of his people poured forth by the venerable pastor. The other introductory devotional services were conducted by Rev. R. B. Aspland, M. A., of Dukinfield. The psalmody was simple, but pleasing, and we admired the good old tunes selected by the choir. The second hymn was composed for the occasion by Rev. William Gaskell, M. A., of Manchester:

God of our fathers! to whose praise,
With grateful hearts, this shrine we raise,
Accept our work of humble love,
And send thy blessing from above.
While, one by one, we pass away,
Still, as returns each Sabbath day,
Here may the hymn of holy cheer
Ascend through many a distant year.

While earthly pomp and glittering pride Sink 'whelmed beneath Time's sweeping tide,

Here, constant o'er the troubled stream,
May Faith its calm, pure sunlight beam.
Though all around unhallowed strife
Should trample down the flowers of life,
Here may fond Hope in quiet breathe,
And fresh, unwithering garlands wreathe.
May all who gather here to pray,
Grow purer, holier, day by day,
And yearn more perfectly to prove
Their Christian faith by Christian love.
May each, when Death the call shall give,
Be found prepared again to live
Where comes no pain, is heard no sigh,
And tears are wiped from every eye!

The sermon was preached by Rev. Chas. Wicksteed, of Leeds. The text was taken from Ephes iii. 14-19, and the preacher shewed from it the temper of mind in which disciples of Christ should address themselves to the study of his faith, and place themselves in

the temple of religion. This should be in prayer and aspiration, in the humble consciousness that they had not yet wholly apprehended, and in the effort to realize a fuller combination of those elements which go to form the perfect Christian character. If there were churches that counted themselves already to have, and to have exclusively, the whole counsel of God, they were not of the number. They preferred to be regarded as seekers after God, if haply they might find him, and not as content with the beginnings of the doctrine already received, but as desirous of going on unto perfection. The preacher then went into a full description of the elements which constituted the full Christian. These he defined to be, Faith, Reason, Devout Affection and Virtue. He distinguished Faith from knowledge, shewing that while the last belonged most properly to science, the first belonged peculiarly to religion: he shewed that without faith we could not become subjects of Christianity at all, for that faith was necessary to go a step beyond what we could see or a moment beyond the present: that as, when Christ was on earth, we ought not to have approached him with the wily question of the Sadducee or the doubts of Thomas, so neither ought we to approach his religion in a cold, suspicious state of mind. To such a

state of mind the hearty reception of the gospel was impossible. He said, "We have, perhaps, in some measure yet to learn the loving, hoping, desiring, sympathizing, confiding state of mind, which Christ asks in the very first place from him that would in truth become his disciple. We have yet to learn the profound philosophy, the everlasting significance of those early words of the Scripture, Dost thou believe? All lieveth.' If ye have faith as a grain things are possible to him that beof mustard-seed.' And, 'He did not many works there because of their unbelief.' 'Go in peace; thy faith hath saved thee.' Blessed are they who, He then shewed how the second elenot having seen, have yet believed." ment, Reason, came in to distinguish between what were and what were not subjects of belief, and thus would prevent the Comforter from being a deceiver, or the Faith that should support becoming the credulity that might mislead. He then described the state of mind in the mere religious debater or thinker, and shewed how the third element, of the Affections, was necessary

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to save us from the injurious effects of a simple cultivation of the merely argumentative part of our nature. He described how many even of our convictions arose not from appeals to the reason, but from the action of the feelings. He said, "The touching of the soul will, in many states of feeling and to many forms of character, be more powerful than the best appeal to the intellect, -a visitation of the Divine rod prove the existence of the Divine Being better than all the conclusions from design,-and some dear dying one bring home to a man the doctrine of immortality better than all the arguments of Paley; for the heart hath convictions as well as the understanding."

The systematic and exclusive culture of the religion of the imagina. tion, however, and the worship of the feelings, to the overlooking of a sincerer and more practical service, was full of danger; for it might cheat the heart by the semblance of religion when the reality was wanting, and allure it by the apparent exaltedness of worship, where in truth the lowest step of the altar was not surmounted. Religious enthusiasm would often mix itself up, perhaps unconsciously, with the passions of earth; and universal human nature, when thoroughly aroused, visited no sins and weaknesses with greater severity and scorn, than those which cloaked themselves under the disarming profession of superior spirituality and religion. For this reason, the fourth element, of a holy life, was indispensable to the completeness of the Christian character. Learning was but the foliage, and sentiment but the flower of that tree, the fruit of which was a holy life. If we were to have deficiency in our religious character any where, it had better be any where than here. Sweet and holy would be the image of that church which should unite within itself this spirit of love, of power, and of a sound mind. If it fails us still in ourselves or on earth, it was to be found in Christ, who thus gave us rest for the sole of our foot and a model which could not fail. The preacher

thus concluded his discourse:

"You have sought, in the exercise of a large and commendable liberality, to make your own all those impressive aids and accompaniments of devotion, which the history of our race declares to us have always exerted a powerful influence on the spirit of man. While you ask from the past its good, you would leave with the past its evil: while you would take from

antiquity its beauty, you would leave with antiquity its error: and while you join the Universal Church of Christ in her of worship, you would have no share in search for solemnity and impressiveness the darkness of her superstitions. You dedicate this day the House of Prayer to the Hearer of Prayer,-the labour of your hands to Him who alone hath power to bless it.

Like Judah of old, you this day stand before the Lord with your wives, your children, and your little ones, and your prayer is, O God! establish the work establish thou it! You feel that the only of our hands; yea, the work of our bands tion of your hearts; that without this all consecration of your House is a consecraform and ceremony are worthless, and less. May you for many, many years to with this all form and ceremony are needcome be permitted to meet within these walls, to seek and to obtain the holy influences of your blessed faith! Here may here the weary the promise of their rest! the troubled find their consolation, and Here may the sinner be taught the error of his ways, and learn that the paths of righteousness are the only paths of peace! Here may the Truth find an earnest tongue May Christ reign in your midst ever more to speak, and a willing ear to receive! Father, his God and our God, strengthen, and more, and may his Father and our stablish and settle you, and give you all comfort and joy in believing! Amen."

Our analysis of and extract from the sermon can, however, give our readers but a faint idea of the impression prosion. His delivery of the discourse was duced by Mr. Wicksteed on this occapathos. characterized by unction, dignity and

preacher, giving utterance to sentiThe thrilling tones of the manity, evidently came from the heart, ments of fervent piety and deep huand that they reached the hearts of that crowded assembly was attested by desires were expressed that the sermon the tears of not a few. Very earnest should be printed, and persons present, not Unitarians, joined in the request. Mr. Brooks, in the name of his congreAt a later period of the proceedings, gation, solicited permission from Mr. Wicksteed to print the discourse. After plied, and the sermon is now announced some hesitation, Mr. Wicksteed comin our Advertising sheet as published.

At the close of the sermon a collection was made, which amounted to £75.

At the close of the service, the lady visitors were hospitably invited to the houses of the principal members of the congregation, and the gentlemen re

paired to the recently erected schoolbuildings, situate close by the West gate of the chapel ground, where a cold collation was provided. The upper room was completely filled with guests. The chair was occupied by Thomas Thornely, Esq., M. P. Amongst the gentlemen we noticed Samuel Ashton, Esq. (Vice-Chairman), David Harrison, Esq., Samuel Ashton, Esq., Jun., J. Grimshaw, Esq., John Howard, Esq. (magistrates), John Leech, Esq., Thomas Ashton, Esq., James Ashton, Esq., Benjamin Ashton, Esq., Joseph Grimshaw, Esq., A. W. Thornely, Esq., John Alcock, Esq., H. Bayley, Esq., Henry Coppock, Esq., C. Hudson, Esq., Mr. Samuel Thornely, Messrs. Bowman and Crowther, the architects of the chapel, and the following ministers :Revds. J. Brooks, Charles Wicksteed (Leeds), J. G. Robberds and Dr. Beard (Manchester), C. Berry (Leicester), H. H. Piper (Banbury), H. Green (Knutsford), J. Owen (Lydgate), J. Wright (Macclesfield), J. G. Wells (Gorton), T. E. Poynting (Monton), W. Harrison (Blakeley), J. Robberds (Liverpool), and R. B. Aspland, Dukinfield. Of the addresses delivered during the afternoon, we can give only a partial sketch. The Chairman gave, with very appropriate remarks, the usual loyal toasts.

In proposing "Civil and Religious Liberty all the World over,"

The CHAIRMAN said, he hoped that sentiment would never be overlooked by any meeting of Protestant Dissent


It behoved them, both as Nonconformists and as friends of liberty, to pay every respect to it. The friends by whom he was surrounded stood forward to exercise the right of private judgment in religion. As Nonconformists, they declared to the world that they would take neither their creed nor their mode of worship from any churches or ecclesiastical council; that they would take the Scriptures alone as their guide; and whatever judgment their reason led them to put upon those Scriptures, that they would fearlessly avow. to civil liberty, he looked with unmingled satisfaction at its happy progress. The mixed form of Government enjoyed by this country had procured immense advantage to the people. This was particularly observable during the last twenty years. In that space the Test and Corporation Act was repealed; the removal of Catholic Disabilities, Reform of Parliament, the Marriage and Registration Acts, and Free Trade,


have followed. Of the last-named measure the full fruits had not yet been enjoyed; but certain he was that whenever the continent of Europe and the world at large should be at peace, this country would reap a full harvest. Never before was England in such a condition as she now was, both to promote and to profit by unrestricted commercial and friendly intercourse with all the world.

The toast was acknowledged by Rev. J. G. ROBBERDS, in a speech combining playful and serious remarks, the spirit of which would evaporate in a report. In conclusion, he said—As a mark of the rapid progress of religious liberty, and as shewing the happy position of Dissenters of the present day, he rejoiced at the care and cost that had been bestowed upon the beautiful building in which they had that day assembled. Pointing to the spire, he continued-There it raises itself aloft over the surrounding country, asserting the right of a Dissenting chapel to look like a parish church, and to be used as a parish church, without the least danger of our worship being interrupted, or of our being exposed to any of the persecutions which harassed your good forefathers who raised the first chapel on this spot. The House of Prayer now raised was a noble monument both of the progress of liberty and of the zeal of the congregation. He trusted it would be put to a noble use, by the full and consistent carrying out of the beautiful sentiments to the expression of which they had that morning listened with so much interest. He hoped that during the many centuries which it might stand, it would be not only a place for the worship of their heavenly Father, but a school for the promotion of that true religion which shall combine all the noblest qualities of the human mind and heart, consecrated to the love of God and the service of man.

In proposing the next toast, the CHAIRMAN said-He and the friends who came from a distance considered that a proud day for the Unitarians of Gee Cross, Hyde and Godley. The ancient chapel of Gee Cross was built in the year 1708. It had, therefore, been 140 years in existence. Now, they could not do justice to their excellent ancestors the founders, if they did not remember what a century and a half ago must have been the condition of the country around them. The people were then thinly spread over the

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