
district; they possessed little wealth; they lived in those unpretending homesteads which bore in that county the name of "folds;" the roads were miserably bad; there was no busy manufacturing population, and little opportunity for the profitable sale of farm produce. All honour, therefore, to the men who, under all these disadvantages, 140 years ago, erected that ancient chapel! Brighter days had now dawned upon that district. The manufacturing system had arisen amongst them, and great and rapid had been its extension and prosperity. Skill and industry had been exercised, art and science had been invited there; and greatly did it redound to the credit of the people of that district, that they had always been amongst the first to adopt the successive improvements invented by science. The Unitarians of the district had partaken largely of its prosperity. It was much to their credit that they always looked with reverence to what their forefathers had done. Under the influence of that feeling, they had now done an admirable work in erecting that beautiful House of Prayer. He expressed his earnest hope that for centuries that building would stand, a monument of the zeal and piety of the Unitarians of Hyde of the present generation. Those who, like himself, were not members of the Gee Cross congregation, felt that they owed a debt of gratitude to the Unitarians of Hyde. He well knew the value of their character. They had well sustained the upright

Up to a late period of the 18th century, the roads of Lancashire and Cheshire continued in a wretched state. Pack-horses were almost the sole means of conveyance. In a note in the "Norris Papers," recently published by the Chetham Society, it is stated that "the son of one of the principal merchants in Liverpool made his journey to and from Philip Holland's celebrated school at Bolton in the care of a carrier, and on a pack-horse." Manchester was one of the last places in the kingdom where gangs of pack-horses were used. In the year 1754, a flying coach was advertised to run between Manchester and London, and promised, in the following words, that, "however incredible it may appear, this coach will actually (barring accidents) arrive in London in four days and a half after leaving Manchester!" The distance is now daily accomplished in less than six hours.-Ed. C. R.

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ness and public spirit which were the becoming attributes of the British manufacturer. He offered to the congregation his sincere congratulations and good wishes, and hoped they might all have health and happiness to enjoy the religious services of their noble chapel. Connected with the toast he was about to propose, was an addition of great importance. Mr. Brooks had been the minister of the Gee Cross congregation for forty-two years. During that long period he had been their useful and acceptable pastor; and he (the Chairman) was warranted in saying that, as years had rolled on, the attachment of his people to him had increased year by year. Early in life Mr. Brooks shewed his attachment to the principles of free inquiry and religious liberty, and, quitting his first religious connections, had cast in his lot amongst the English Presbyterians. Throughout his useful life, he had shewn a consistent attachment to the principles he had early adopted. Amidst much applause, the Chairman concluded by proposing, "Prosperity to the Gee Cross Chapel, and long life to the Rev. James Brooks."

Rev. J. BROOKS expressed his gratitude to them, and for his congregation as well as himself thanked his friends for their presence and sympathy. He alluded to the farewell services which he and his flock had celebrated on the previous sabbath in the ancient chapel. He alluded in highly complimentary terms to the character of the Chairman, and stated that the ancestors of Mr. Thornely were amongst the founders of the chapel, their names appearing in the first trust-deed. In reference to the wish for his long life, he had already had his life prolonged to David's standard. He had been permitted by a gracious Providence to enjoy a large share of happiness. The greatest part of his life had been spent in the midst of that congregation, in pleasing intercourse with young and old. He dwelt forcibly on the gratification to their pastor afforded by the zeal of the young men of his flock. In respect to the new chapel, they had spared neither cost nor labour. The course pursued by them had afforded the purest satisfaction to their fathers, who rejoiced to see that the principles which they themselves valued were honoured by their children.

The CHAIRMAN then, in a very impressive manner, spoke as follows:— The sentiment I am about to propose, is one which you will receive in perfect silence. It expresses a tribute to the

memory of a valued but departed friend. The late Mr. Thomas Ashton was one of the most able and public - spirited men that this neighbourhood ever produced. I had the honour of his acquaintance during the greater part of my life. I met him year after year in London, where he had opportunities of promoting by his counsels the principles of good government, free trade and religious liberty. Whatever Administration was in power, the remarks of Mr. Ashton were received with respect, as the suggestions of a wise and upright man. I know, from conversations which I held with him, how desirous he was that a new and suitable chapel should be here erected; and if it had pleased Providence to spare his life, I cannot doubt we should have this day seen his intelligent and benevolent countenance amongst us. Sure I am he would have been one of the happiest men assembled to-day to celebrate the opening. I give you, "The memory of the late Mr. Thomas Ashton."

The company immediately rose, and received the sentiment in perfect silence. Mr. A. W. THORNELY, the chapelwarden, next proposed, "The health of Rev. Charles Wicksteed, who had that day given them the benefit of his able and eloquent services."

Mr. WICKSTEED, after thanking them for the proofs of their good-will, said he had peculiar interest in being there to-day, because at Leeds they were engaged in the same work of demolition


and restoration which at Gee Cross was now brought to a termination. chapel had the advantage, if it were one, of being 40 years the older. It was the chapel first built in the North of England; was founded in 1672, in the reign of Charles II., and had therefore stood nearly 180 years. He had also the pleasure of informing them that his flock had confided the task of erecting their new chapel to the same skilful and learned hands as had housed them that day. And if he were to judge of the success of their attempt by the success which had characterized theirs at Gee Cross, he was sure his Leeds friends would have reason to felicitate themselves on the result. It struck him, in looking back to the old times so often spoken of that day, that they had done only half the task which their forefathers undertook. The reform in our civil relations has been almost thoroughly accomplished: every generation has witnessed some huge stride of success attendant upon the

labours of Nonconformity. And in fighting their own battles, the Nonconformists were fighting also the battles of the world. He believed the cause of Nonconformity to be no small or petty cause. It was as glorious a cause, and would be as triumphant, as man was ever yet engaged in. It is true that only one half of the victory had been achieved. They had had a remarkable series of successes in the strife for civil equality. Each year, and especially the last wonderful twenty years, had shewn the growth of such principles. They had triumphed because they were true; because men stuck to them; and what they could not accomplish themselves, they handed down to their children, so that they, at the end of two centuries, were at last landed in the arms of victory. Now almost every post of honour in the United Kingdom is open to Nonconformists as well as to the proudest Churchman in the land. And the great cause of the freedom of mankind has been progressing in an equal ratio. But he could not say that he saw an equal advance in ecclesiastical restoration. When he looked at Magna Charta, he saw a great commencement made, and now a great advance but when he looked at the Articles of the Church of England, he saw no similar progress. Those Articles are still obligatory. Their ancestors objected to them, and they, in the progress of free inquiry, found themselves objecting to still more. Why, then, had not they advanced in religious as far as in civil liberty? It is because Convocation has never, or only very rarely met: because its members have not been elected by the free voice of the people: because religious questions have not met in that assembly with full and fair debate. While a feeling of objection to the Articles and Liturgy of the Church had daily increased, not a letter of those Articles, not an iota of that Liturgy, has been altered or expunged. And not only among themselves, but in the bosom of the Church itself, did these feelings prevail. There is even there a strong sympathy with many of our views, and an earnest desire for rational reformation. Now if they turned their backs upon this struggle, handed down to them by their forefathers, they would deserve to be called cowards and cravens. The mode of their warfare, indeed, must be entirely different. They ought to take a quiet but firm stand against the great Ecclesiastical Establishment, and pa

tiently remain till they were crowned with victory. They must imitate, then, the spirit, and not the peculiar thoughts and opinions, of those who went before them. That spirit prompted them to strive against every thing of which their consciences did not approve; to uphold every thing which they believed to be truth, till the world acknowledged it. If they went in that spirit, they would accomplish their mission as a religious body. They wished the overthrow of no church; but they must go on till all were purified.

Mr. WICKSTEED proposed the health of "the Lady Donors," which was received with enthusiasm by the members of the congregation.

Dr. BEARD proposed, in a very able speech, "The Members of Parliament who supported the Dissenters' Chapels Act." He read the appropriate and chaste inscription carved within their chapel. They had done well to connect the building of their chapel with that act of public justice. While the tenure of their religious property was insecure or disputed, renovation and improvement were not likely to be carried on. The erection of such a building as that before them was a good illustration of the necessity and wisdom of the Dissenters' Chapels Act. He alluded to the services of Mr. Mark Philips and Mr. Thos. Thornely in carrying this important measure through Parliament.

The CHAIRMAN said, he looked back with great interest on the proceedings connected with that measure. It had been properly regarded by all the eminent men of both Houses of Parliament as a question of religious liberty. He was glad that the Debates on the Dissenters' Chapels Bill had been collected and printed in a volume. They should be in the hands of every friend of religious liberty. The debate on the subject in the House of Commons called up all the highest talent of the House. Occupying only one night, it was not, as was frequently the case with “adjourned debates," diluted by inferior speeches. It was, in reality, the best debate he had ever heard.

He re

minded them, in conclusion, of the important services, in preparing the way for the Dissenters' Chapels Bill, of the late Mr. George William Wood, and eulogized Mr. E. W. Field for his indefatigable services.

Rev. JAMES BROOKS proposed, in a very kind and genial manner, their neighbours, "The Dukinfield Congre

gation, and the health of their Minister, Mr. Aspland."

Mr. ASPLAND gave, in reply, some interesting particulars of the early history, which he believed was common to both of the two congregations, and of their parallel history afterwards. He rejoiced that the parallel was completed that day by the new chapel at Gee Cross. He frankly admitted that, in beauty of design and the exquisite finish of the decorations, the Gee Cross chapel far surpassed its neighbour at Dukinfield. Dukinfield began the work of renovation. In following, Gee Cross improved upon the example. It had profited by and avoided the errors of its neighbours. trusted that the friendly intercourse between the two congregations and their ministers which had now existed nearly a century and a half, would continue unabated, and would strengthen both societies in every thing that was good.


In reply to the toast of "The Guests," Rev. H. H. PIPER said he wished it were possible to carry to other congregations what he had that day seen with his eyes and heard with his ears, to inspirit them to make similar exertions.

Mr. THOMAS ASHTON acknowledged the toast of "The Building Committee," and proposed "The Architects." The toast was acknowledged by Mr. BowMAN. The services of Mr. Orlando Oldham, in superintending the building, were most complimentarily spoken to, and his health drunk. "The Magistrates of the County" was acknowledged by Mr. HOWARD and Mr. SåMUEL ASHTON.

Mr. SAMUEL HIBBERT proposed the grateful acknowledgments of the company to the Chairman.

Mr. THORNELY, in acknowledging the toast, spoke nearly as follows:-It was always my wish to attend the opening of this chapel, but I had no expectation of filling the situation I now hold; and for the honour thus conferred on me, as well as for your having drunk my health, I return you my sincere acknowledgments. I cannot but take a great interest in the proceedings of this day, seeing that at a very early age, when I was about nine years old, which is more than half a century ago, I was placed at school with the Rev. Bristowe Cooper, the minister of Hyde chapel. Besides the public services of Mr. Cooper, I have heard from that pulpit his brother, Mr. William Cooper, of Gorton; the Rev. Dr. Barnes, of Manchester;

Mr. Harrison, of Manchester, whose beautiful tune of "Warrington" we sung this morning; and also of my late esteemed minister and friend, the Rev. Joseph Smith, of Liverpool, who was born at Tetlow Fold. In after life I went to America, and there I heard that distinguished man, Dr. Channing, the Rev. Dr. Freeman, Dr. Greenwood, Mr. Ware, Mr. Furness, and others. Still my early impressions, so long ago received at Hyde chapel, have never been effaced, and I could not but feel the greatest interest in the opening of the new chapel. There is one subject which I do not address to any one society of Unitarians, and I would not allude to it on the present occasion if I had not some few years ago introduced it at a meeting of the Unitarian Association, held at Essex Street, in London. I allude to the very inadequate pecuniary support which we give to our ministers. I scarcely think there is a congregation in the kingdom which, if they were to revise their list of annual contributions, would not be of opinion that they ought to be increased. We may well be proud of our ministers, of their high character, and their great attainments as scholars; but I entertain the strongest feelings that they are not recompensed as they ought to be, and that we are not holding out the encouragement that should be held out to our young men to enter upon the ministry. I have again only to thank you for all your kindness. From the place where I now stand I witness a sight I shall never behold again. I see at the same time the ancient chapel of Hyde, built 140 years ago, and that elegant structure that has been opened this day. I take my leave with my best wishes for your continued prosperity.

The company then broke up, but many of the guests remained in the neighbourhood, and joined a large party, assembled in honour of the great event of the day, in the beautiful gardens and mansion at Oaklands, in Godley, belonging to Samuel Ashton, Esq., Jun.

On the following Sunday, the religious services were conducted by Dr. Beard and Mr. Piper, and collections made, amounting in all to £105.

Allostock Chapel School, Cheshire. During the last year an effort has been made to establish a day-school for boys and girls in connection with the Allostock chapel. To do this in an adequate manner, it was necessary to

purchase the land on which the chapel was erected, and a portion adjoining it. The chapel, built in the early part of the last century, was in a very dilapidated state, but has been thoroughly repaired, and rendered suitable for the purposes both of a school and of a place of worship; a house has been built for the residence of a master, and a garden, so essential in a country situation, attached to it. These objects have been effected by an outlay of nearly four hundred pounds, and the entire sum has been raised by the liberal contributions of the members of the Knutsford congregation. The school was opened at the beginning of the year, and its success equals the reasonable expectations of its promoters. In a neighbourhood so completely agricultural as Allostock is, to raise a numerous school will be a work of time and earnest perseverance. The managers of the school think themselves fortunate in having obtained the aid of Mr. and Miss Bell as instructors of the children. The school is supported by subscriptions and by the payments of the scholars, and in all probability will be productive of much good in the neighbourhood.

Religious Objections to the use of Chloroform.

It would be amusing, were it not humiliating to our reason, to observe the opposition which religious fanaticism attempts to throw in the way of knowledge and improvement. One of the most recent manifestations of this foolish and bad spirit has been in Scotland, where a religious objection has been started against the use of anæsthetic agents in midwifery and surgery. The objection rests on the words of the primeval curse recorded in Gen. viii. 16, In sorrow thou shalt bring forth children, &c. It is alleged that the insensibility to pain in child-bearing, occasioned by chloroform, is an unjustifiable attempt to interfere with God's will. Dr. J. Y. Simpson, of Edinburgh, has published an "Answer" to this objection in an able and very entertaining pamphlet, which has had a very wide circulation. He meets the objector on the interpretation of Gen. iii. 14-19, and shews that his reasoning would interdict the clearing of the ground of "thorns and thistles," the springing up of which is one part of the primeval punishment. He brings forward a staggering precedent for the use of narcotics.

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"Those that urge, on a kind of religious ground, that an artificial or anæsthetic state of unconsciousness should not be induced merely to save frail humanity from the miseries and tortures of bodily pain, forget that we have the greatest of all examples set before us for following out this very principle of practice. I allude to that most singular description of the preliminaries and details of the first surgical operation ever performed on man, which is contained in Genesis ii. 21: And the Lord God caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam, and he slept; and he took one of his ribs, and closed up the flesh instead thereof.' "In this remarkable verse," Dr. Simpson adds, "the whole process of a surgical operation is briefly detailed. But the passage is principally striking, as affording evidence of our Creator himself using means to save poor human nature from the unnecessary endurance of physical pain." Dr. S. supports his interpretation by a reference to the high authority of Calvin.

There is throughout the pamphlet considerable sly humour. He shews that the same objections have been brought against other medical agents which are now regarded as innocent and useful. It was made against inoculation, which was denounced as "a diabolical operation;" it was made against vaccination, which was denounced as a "bold defiance" to heaven and the will of God. In a note, there is an amusing exposé of Scottish fanaticism, both past and present.

"Formerly among my countrymen, most agricultural operations were performed, as commanded in the primeval curse, by personal exertion and the 'sweat of the face.' Corn, in this way, was winnowed from the chaff by tossing it repeatedly up into the air, upon broad shovels, in order that any accidental currents which were present might carry off the lighter part. At last, however, about a century ago, 'fanners,' or machinery made for the production of artificial currents to effect the same purpose, were invented and introduced into different parts of the country. Some of the more rigid sects of Dissenters loudly declaimed against the employment of any such machinery. Winds (they argued) were raised by God alone, and it was irreligious in man to attempt to raise wind for the aforesaid purpose for himself and by efforts of his own.' Mr. Gilpillan, the well-known Scottish poet, has furnished me with evidence of one clergyman

debarring from the communion of the Lord's Supper those members of his flock who thus irreverently used the Devil's wind' (as it was termed). And such sentences were, I believe, not uncommon almost within the memory of some aged members of the present generation. Sir Walter Scott, in his Old Mortality, introduces honest Mause Headrigg as charging the Lady Margaret Bellenden and the authorities of Tillietudlem with abetting this reprehensible practice. And since your leddyship is pleased to speak o' parting wi' us, I am free to tell you a piece o' my mind in another article. Your leddyship and the steward hae been pleased to propose that my son Cuddie suld work in the barn wi' a new-fangled machine for dighting the corn frae the chaff, thus impiously thwarting the will of Divine Providence, by raising wind for your leddyship's ain particular use of human art, instead of soliciting it by prayer, or waiting patiently for whatever dispensation of wind Providence was pleased to send upon the sheeling hill.'"

It is evident that the theology of Mause Headrigg is not yet driven from Scotland. When such a use is made of the records of revelation, it is not strange that, under the surface of conformity to the prevalent Calvinism, there should be a large amount of infidelity.

Kent General Baptist Association.

The annual meeting of this Association took place at Dover, on Tuesday, July 11. On the evening previous, the usual religious service was held. Revds. T. B. W. Briggs and J. C. Means introduced the service, and Rev. W. H. Black, pastor of the Seventh-day Baptist church, Mill Yard, London, delivered a valuable discourse from 2 Thessalonians v. 19-21.

The business of the Association commenced at nine o'clock on Tuesday morning, when the letters from the churches were read and the business of the Association transacted. Divine ser

vice commenced at eleven o'clock. Rev. T. B. W. Briggs read the Scriptures and gave out the hymns; Rev. Silas Henn, of Tipton, offered up prayer; and Rev. J. A. Briggs, of Bessel's Green, Secretary of the Association, delivered a sermon from Habakkuk iii. 2, on the causes of our decline,-which, at the urgent request of the messengers, elders and representatives of the General Baptist churches then present and of other

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