
interests intended to be subserved by it; but, whether
it be so, or not, I shall not undertake to decide or
suggest. My object is not to inculpate others, but to
exculpate myself from the unwarranted and unjust
attack made on me in the name of Mr. Kremer.

Washington, 7th March, 1825.

Eighteenth Congress-2d Session.


sentatives for an investigation. Mr. Kremer rose in his place and professed himself ready to make proof, and invited, if not challenged, investigation-the subject was submitted to the house, and the next day it was considered and debated; then, and not till then, was the investigation objected to. During the debate, Mr. Kremer, in the lobby of the house of representatives, declared, in presence of Mr. Brent, of Louisiana, col. Little, of Maryland, and Mr. Digges, all gentlemen of the first respectability, that he had never charged Mr. Clay with corruption or dishonor, or with transferring, or that he could transfer, his friends; and that he was amongst the last men in the nation to make such a charge against him. [See the statement of this conversation published in the National Journal, of March 1st.] During the same day, and pending the same debate, within the walls of the same capitol of the union, the said Mr. G. Kremer told a gentleman, in the presence of Mr. Crowninshield, a member from Massachusetts, and former secretary of the navy, that he did not write the letter of the 25th January. Mr. Crowninshield, struck with A resolution was received from the house of reprethis denial, observed, "what is that you say, Mr.sentatives, to suspend the following joint rule for this Kremer? Do you say, you did not write that letter?"

pointed to make such arrangements as may be noMarch 2. (Evening session)-The committee apcessary for the reception of the president of the United States, on the occasion of his inauguration, reported, in part, the following resolution:

Resolved, That the secretary of the senate inform the house of representatives, that the president elect of the United States, on Friday next, at 12 o'clock, will take the oath of office required by and that he also inform the president elect, that the senate will be the constitution, in the chamber of the house of representatives; in session at that time.


Mr. Kremer replied, "yes, I did not write it." Then, "No bill or resolution, that shall have passed the said Mr. Crowninshield, go, like an honest man, and house of representatives and senate, shall be presentmake your peace, and don't lend yourself to others.ed to the president of the United States for his apThis is substantially, if not literally, the conversation probation on the last day of the session." as related to me by Mr. Crowninshield, and which he has told to others openly and publicly.

The resolution of the house was taken up and agreed to by the senate.

The bill granting the sanction of congress to an act of the legislature of Virginia, laying a tonnage duty on vessels coming to Petersburg, for the improvement of the Appomattox river, was, after some debate, passed to a third reading-ayes 21, noes 11, and was subsequently read a third time, and passed. About forty private bills were passed and many others laid on the table-or rejected. The former will appear in the list of acts, if they have also passed the house of representatives.

After two motions to adjourn had failed, and one, at least, intended to afford Mr. Kremer an opportunity to explain and have the matter settled, the resolution of inquiry was passed by an overwhelming majority: on the day following, the committee were appointed by ballot. Mr. Kremer was notified, perhaps the following day, that the committee were ready to hear and receive the evidence. Mr. Kremer, the day after, declines appearing, (I think it was the day after the committee notified him of their readiness to procced), constitutional scruples had arisen. He would appear March 3. The whole of the morning was spent in only before his constituents, and there he would es- the consideration of executive business. tablish all. The address to his constituents appears, tee was appointed on their part to wait on the presiA commiton the 28th February, in the Washington City Ga-dent and inform him, that the business of both houses zette. Quero-Is there any one of his constituents was completed, and that they were ready to adjourn. that takes that paper, except it be some printer? Messrs. Smith and Macon were appointed the comAnd yet Mr. Kremer would appear only before his mittee, and the senate adjourned till this evening, to constituents. Whether the publication of this ad- transact other executive business. dress, at that particular time and place, was intended to produce any effect in either house of congress, on what was expected to be before them, I shall leave to others to judge.

[Among the business attended to, the senate advised and consented to the ratification of the general convention of peace, amity, navigation and commerce, recently concluded with the republic of Colombia, by our minister resident at Bogota: and also confirmed the promotion of eight or nine masters commandant to be post captains, and of seven or eight lieutenants to be masters commandant, in the navy.] The senate having finished the business of the ses

There is one other circumstance, which I scarcely need advert to, to exculpate myself from the charges made against me, and that is, if Mr. Clay had wanted the office of secretary of state, there could have been no necessity for intrigue on the part of any one. His talents, acquirements, and popularity, are of them-sion, Mr. Smith offered the following resolution, which selves sufficient to have induced either of the candidates to have desired his services in that department.

was unanimously adopted:

Resolved, That the thanks of the senate be presented to the hon. John Gaillard, president of the senate pro tempore, for the ability, duous and important duties of his station. impartiality and integrity, he has evinced in discharging the ar

Whereupon, Mr. Gaillard rose, and delivered the following address:

The foregoing statement of facts and circumstances, together with the observations thereon, the correctness of the one and the justness of the other, I submit to the reader, with this remark, that all the charges, al- Gentlemen: The standing of this body in public legations and imputations against Mr. Clay, myself, estimation, and the character it has to sustain, can and his friends, rest before the community, upon the never fail to ensure to your presiding officers an exsingle name of "George Kremer;" that, however emption from much of those difficulties and embarwell satisfied any one may feel, that there is some one rassments that are sometimes to be encountered by at the bottom more skilful and designing than Mr. K. those who are called upon to preside over deliberathe wire-worker-yet there is no responsibility any tive assemblies; and the experience which I have where identified and pointed out but Mr. K. Some had of your liberality, furnishes abundant proof that seem to think, that, although all this abuse and slan- they may always rely on your patient endurance and der is carried on in the name of Mr. Kremer, the indulgent support. Actuated by an anxious desire friend of general Jackson, and some of his friends, to endeavor to meet your reasonable expectations, may be lending their countenance to the charges however I might fail in the attempt; and influenced, against Mr. Clay and his friends; yet there are other I trust, by no other consideration than such as would

lead to a faithful and impartial discharge of the duties confided to me; the gratification I derive from this assurance of your satisfaction, is only to be surpassed by the profound respect and gratitude with which it is received. In the hope and expectation that most of us may again be assembled together at this place, under the same kind and friendly feelings which have heretofore prevailed within these walls; and with the prospect before us of soon being permitted to return to our homes, families and friends, and the associations connected with objects so dear and so interesting; the pleasure arising from the termination of our session would have been without alloy-but for the recollection that we shall then have to separate, and, from the vicissitudes attendant on human life and human affairs, perhaps forever, from many valuable associates, esteemed for their worth, respected for their virtues, endeared to us by long, social and friendly intercourse, and who will, I am persuaded, carry with them to their retirement, our respect, esteem, and regard.

title; and that a purchase should be made, if it can be effected on
reasonable terms, although the residue of the tribes to which the
This resolution, also, was, on motion of the mover,
said Indians may be attached should not join in the contract.
ordered to lie on the table.

On motion of Mr. Markley, of Penn. it was

Resolved, That the thanks of this house be presented to the hon.

Henry Clay, for the able, impartial and dignified manner in which
and important duties of the chair during the present session of con
he has presided over its deliberations, and performed the arduous
A few minutes after this vote, Mr. Clay, the speaker,
having resumed the chair, addressed the house as

"GENTLEMEN:-For the honorable testimony which you have been pleased this day to express of my of ficial conduct in this highly distinguished station, I pray you to accept my profound acknowledgments. Near fourteen years, with but two comparatively In that long period, of peace short intervals, the arduous duties of the chair have been assigned to me. and of war, causes from without and within, of great public excitement, have occasionally divided I avail myself of this occasion to express to them our councils, disturbed our harmony, and threatand to all of you, gentlemen, in the utmost sincerity ened our safety. Happily, however, past dangers, of heart, the high sense of gratitude which I feel which appeared to encompass us. were dispelled, for the many acts of kindness and of favor that you as I anxiously hope those of the present will be, have bestowed on me: they have been such as can in a spirit of mutual forbearance, moderation and never be effaced from my memory, and they will wisdom. The debates in this house, to which those ever be to me a source of proud and grateful recol-causes gave rise, were sometimes ardent and anilections. Accept, I pray you, individually, as well as collectively, an affectionate farewell, and my best wishes for your health, happiness and prosperity.


Wednesday, March 2. Mr. Hamilton, in moving that the committee on military affairs be discharged from the further consideration of the president's late mcssage, urging on congress the immediate adjustment of the claim of Massachusetts for militia services during the late war, said he was authorized to say, that the committee, participating in the desire felt by the president, for the settlement of the claim in question, had submitted to the joint delegations from Massachusetts and Maine, a proposition to report immediately a short bill for the payment of so much of the claims as might be free from all constitutional objection; but these gentlemen, deeming such a course in expedient, and that, from the indications of the house, it was not intended this session to discuss the subject, (from, he belived, an entire misapprehension on the part of the house, that this topic invovled a long and perhaps unpleasant discussion), had declined accepting this partial measure, under a belief that it might ultimately be prejudicial, if any hope could have been entertained, that it would within the last ten days have been considered by the house. This state of things left the committee no other course than to move that they be discharged from the further consideration of the recent message of the president on the claims of Massachusetts for certain milita services rendered during the late war,

The committee were then discharged, agreeably to the motion of Mr. H.

Thursday, March 3. Very little business was done to-day, excepting the signing of bills, and receiving notices of the president's approbation thereof.


Mr. Forsyth laid upon the table the following resoRercived. That, while this house anxiously desires that the slave trade should be universally denounced as piracy, and, as such, should be detected and punished under the law of nations, it considers that it would be bighly inexpedient to enter into engage ments with any foreign power, by which all the merchant vessels of the United States would be exposed to the inconveniences of any regulation of search, from which any merchant vessels of that Breign power would be exempted.

The resolution lies on the table.
Mr. Forsyth also offered the following:
Resolved, That the purchase of land from the Indians occupy.
ing in the state of Georgia, is a peaceable extinguishtuent of their

has been my mated: but, amidst all the heats and agitations produced by our temporary divisions, happy fortune to experience, in an unexampled degree, the kindness, the confidence, and the affectionate attachment of the members of the house.Of the numerous decisions which I have been called upon to pronounce from this place, on questions often suddenly started, and of much difficulty, it has so happened, from the generous support given me, that not one of them has ever been reversed by the house. I advert to this fact, not in a vain spirit of exultation, but as furnishing a powerful motive for undissembled gratitude.

In retiring, perhaps forever, from a situation with which so large a portion of my life has been associated, I shall continually revert, during the remainder of it, with unceasing respect and gratitude, to this great theatre of our public action, and with the firm belief that the public interests and liberty of our beloved country will be safely guarded hereafter, as they have been heretofore, by enlightened patriotism.

Gentlemen: In returning to your respective families and constituents, I beg all of you, without exception, to carry with you my fervent prayers for the continuation of your lives, your health, and your happiness."

Mr. Newton offered the following resolution, which " lies on the table:

"Whereas the encouragement of agriculture and manufactures has ever been considered the best means of developing the resources of a nation, and of giving to its navigation and commerce support, extension, activity, and duration: and whereas opening roads, and connecting, by canals, lakes, bays, and rivers, for purposes of intercourse and trade, have also been objects of primary importance to every enlightened

government; and whereas the United States, when the fertility of their soil, the variety of their climates, the diversity of their productions, and the extent of their waters, and water courses, are taken into view, will derive the greatest advantages from a system judiciously formed, and carried into execution, with respect to internal improvements; and whereas nothing can tend to generate and perpetuate the affection of the citizens for their country, so much as the attention of the government thereof to whatever rclates to their different interests, all which receiving, respectively, their portion of the solicitaale and care

Soon after this, the house adjourned, sine die.'

of the government, and flourishing under its opera-ever it should appear to be the sentiment of the tion, will increase the strength of this union, give to house that it ought to be adopted. it stability and security, and, by diffusing knowledge, remove prejudices as to subjects, the importance of which, to be politically and rightly understood, should be fully understood: therefore,

On the adjournment, the "National Intelligencer" remarks-The term of the eighteenth congress ceased yesterday, and that of the nineteenth "Resolved, That a department, to be denominated commences this day. The close of the session was the home department, should be established, for the characterized by harmony and good feeling. purpose of superintending whatever may relate to A few remnants of the later proceedings of conthe interests of agriculture and manufactures, the pro- gress will be found in the preceding columns. To the motion of the progress of science and the arts, the in-credit of this congress, it may be said, that, in the tercourse and trade between the several states by house of representatives, every report favorable to roads and canals, and all other subjects and matters private petitioners was acted upon, and that the senate, appertaining to the cognizance of such department." although sitting for the purpose, the night before last, Mr. Floud required the question of consideration on till near three o'clock, passed upon every bill before the resolution, with a view to stamp it at once with it. Many of the bills, it was true, were laid upon the the disapprobation of the house. table, and thus lost, on the last night of the session; but it was because of the physical impossibility of giving to them, at that period of the session, such consideration as was due to the principles involved in them.

The question being taken on considering this resolve, it was decided in the negative.

Mr. Tucker, of Va. called for the consideration of the resolve yesterday submitted by him, looking to the colonization of the free people of color beyond the Rocky Mountains; which motion the house refused now to consider.

And the "National Journal" observes-The eigh teenth congress ranks high in regard to the moral and intellectual standing of its members. It has been adorned with the talents of Clay, Webster, the two Barbours, Tazewell, McLane, Stevenson, McDuffie. Randolph, Storrs, cum multis aliis. The speeches of these men, on great legal and political questions, would reflect honor on the orators, legislators and philosophers of any age or country. It cannot, therefore, be matter of surprise, if, when all this sunlight of talent is suddenly removed from us, we should look with regret on the dark and cloudy chasm which it has left behind for us to gaze upon.


Mr. Webster said, that, as the attention of the house seemed not occupied for the moment, he would take the opportunity of making a remark on a subject, in relation to which he had, at the last session, created some expectation in the house, and perhaps in the country: he meant the question of a general bankrupt law. His relation to the house, as a member of the committee on the judiciary, had occasioned sundry resolutions upon that subject, and divers petitions to be brought to his attention. It would be remembered, that a majority of the committee at the last session In closing the session, it will be seen that Mr. Clay had reported against the expediency of a general sys- has taken his final leave of the house of representatem of bankruptcy. Differing from the committee in tives. For about fourteen years, with but few interthat opinion, he had signified an attention of obtaining, vals, he has filled the chair, with a dignity and corif he might, an expression of the opinion of the house rectness which could not be surpassed. In no one upon it, so soon as a matter, intimately connected with instance, has his decision as speaker been reversed the question then pending, and still pending, before by the house. His example will be a brilliant and the supreme court, should be decided. It was well sure guide to his successors in that elevated situation: known that the state insolvent laws, so far as they ap- and it will be a subject of sincere congratulation to plied to contracts entered into before the enactment the house, if those, who may come after him, should be of those laws, had been declared inoperative upon able to approach him, in his perfect knowledge of all those contracts. The more general question remain- the rules and forms of the house, coupled with his ed to be decided, viz: whether such laws can consti-efficient mode of giving to them due and competent tutionally impair the validity of any contracts, whe-effect. ther precedent or subsequent. When he called the attention of the house to this subject at the close of the last session, it was expected that an earlier day would be fixed for the assembling of the court this year; and that, in consequence of such arrangement, the decision of this question might be had in season for the house to act on the subject, with a full At about half past ten o'clock, the senate was calknowledge of what the exigency required at the pre-led to order. sent session. That arrangement, however, was not Mr. Mills, of Massachusetts, rose and said, that the carried into effect. The bill to execute it passed vice president, (Mr. Calhoun), being present, he proposthis house, but did not get through the senate, and, uped that Mr. Jackson, of Tennessee, being the oldest to this moment, he had not learned that that tribunal senator now present, should administer to bim the had pronounced its judgment in the case. He thought oath of office. that decision would naturally be thought important to enlighten useful and practical legislation; although, The oath of office was accordingly administered to for one, he was not of opinion that its decision, either the vice president by the general; after which ceremoway, would remove the necessity of establishing any, he took the chair as president of the senate. A general system. He remained fully of opinion that, short time afterwards, he rose and addressed the sein a country so commercial, with so many states, hav-nate as follows: ing almost every degree and every kind of connection Gentlemen of the senate: and intercourse among their citizens, true policy and just views of public utility required that so important a branch of commercial regulation as bankruptcy, ought to be uniform throughout all the states; and, of course, that it ought to be established under the authority of this government. For his part, entertaining this opinion, he should be disposed to give an earnest attention to the measure, and devote any portion of time and ef labor to its preparation, when

Friday, March 4. Ata special meeting of the senate of the United States, called by written notice from the president of the United States, held at the senate chamber of the capitol

This being assented to

I feel deeply the responsibility of the station, to which, as the presiding officer of this body, I have been called by the voice of my fellow citizens.

To no other branch of the government has the constitution assigned powers more various or importaut than to the senate. Without intending to examine either their extent or character, I may be permitted to remark, that, while the other branches are confin ed, with few exceptions, to what may be considered

their appropriate powers, to this body, only, is granted a participation in all the different powers of the government-legislative, executive, and judiciary. In its legislative character, it partakes, with the house of representatives, in all of the powers vested in congress, excepting that of originating revenue bills; in its executive, it holds an important control over the powers of appointing to office and forming treaties; and, in its judiciary, it constitutes the court before which all officers of the government may be held accountable for an honest discharge of duty; while, from its peculiar character, as the representative of the states, it is emphatically the guardian of their rights and sovereignty.

The following members, also, re-elected for six
years from this day, took the oath of office, viz: Mr.
Lloyd, of Maryland, Mr. Macon, of North Carolina,
Mr. Gaillard, of South Carolina, Mr. J. S. Johnston,
of Louisiana, and Mr. Barton, of Missouri.
Some conversation took place on the case of Mr.
Lanman, re-appointed by the governor in the recess
of the legislature, the question being, whether a fail-
ure by the legislature to make a choice of a senator
constitutes the contingency, in which a governor may
appoint a senator-the language of the constitution
being, "if vacancies happen, by resignation or other-
wise, during the recess of the legislature of any state,
the executive thereof may make temporary appoint-

Saturday, March 5.

The subject was laid over till to-morrow, to which
time the senate adjourned.
The senate met at 11 o'clock.
On motion of Mr. Lloyd, of Mass. it was
Ordered, That a committee be appointed to wait on
the president of the United States and inform him
that the senate are ready to receive from him any
communications he may be pleased to make.

Messrs. Lloyd, of Mass. and Macon were appainted
the committee.

It must be apparent that, on a wise and virtuous ex-ments," &c. ercise of these important powers, the success of our free and happy system of government, in no small degree, depends. We, accordingly, find that the framers of our constitution have bestowed the greatest. attention on the organization of this body; and with such happy success, that it is admirably adapted to the discharge of each of its various and dissimilar functions, as if any particular one only, instead of all, had been the sole object of its creation. So fortunate, indeed, is its structure, in every respect, that even time, instead of impairing, has had the opposite effect, of remedying what might, at first, be considered the only defect in the body. At the formation of the government, the members of the senate were, probably, too few to attract the full confidence of the people, and thereby give to it that weight in the system which the constitution intended. This defect has, however, been happily removed by an extraordinary growth. In the short space of thirty-six years, eleven new states have been added to the union, and twice that number of senators to the body; and, before the termination of the next four years, the original number of states and senators will be more than doubled.

I feel, gentlemen, that I owe an apology for touching on subjects which must be familiar to this enlightened body, and also for adding, what must be known to all, that a successful discharge of the duties assigned by the constitution to the senate, must depend, notwithstanding the skill of its organization, almost wholly on the patriotism and wisdom of the members. These high attributes, I however feel assured, from past and present experience, will never be wanting in the members of this body.

Shortly afterwards, Mr. Lloyd reported that the committee had performed the duty assigned to them, and that the president would make a communication to the senate in the course of this day.

The senate then resumed the consideration of the

case of Mr. Lanman-it being on a motion, submitted yesterday by Mr. Seymour, that Mr. L. be sworn in and permitted to take his seat.

Mr. R. M. Johnson, of Kentucky, made a short speech in support of the validity of Mr. L's credentials, and of his right to represent the state of Connecticut, pro tem. under them.

Mr. Tazewell took the opposite side of the question, and entered into an argument of considerable length, to show that the temporary appointment of Mr. L. by the governor of Connecticut, was, under the circumstances, unconstitutional, and that he was not entitled to a seat under that appointment.

Mr. Lanman desiring to reply to the arguments advanced against his right to a seat, and wishing all convenient time for reflection and preparation on a subject so important to his state, moved to postpone the question to Monday.

senate, that Mr. L's seat was vacant, until the pending question should be decided in his favor.

Some conversation ensued, on the part of Mr. EdIn fulfilling your important functions, something will depend on the skill and impartiality of the pre-wards, Mr. Smith, Mr. Holmes, of Me. Mr. Eaton, Mr. siding officer. In regard to the former, I can pro- King, of Alabama, Mr. Macon, Mr. Lloyd, of Mass. mise nothing. I am without experience, which only and Mr. Hayne, on the proper mode of proceeding, can give the requisite skill in presiding, and feel that and on the rights of Mr. Lanman, previous to a deciI must often throw myself on your indulgence. Ision, &c. by which it appeared to be the sense of the shall, however, endeavor to compensate for the want of skill by the most rigid impartiality. In this office, I shall regard only the senate and its duties, and I shall strive, with a feeling of pride, (in the station, I trust, not reprehensible), to preserve the high character already attained by the senate for dignity and wisdom, and to elevate it, if possible, still higher in the public esteem.

The address was attentively listened to, and respectfully received.

On motion of Mr. Eaton, the subject was referred to a committee of three; and

Mr. Van Buren laid on the table a resolution admitting Mr. Lanman to the privilege of being heard at the bar of the senate, in support of his right to a seat, when the subject should be resumed.

A message was received, (of an executive nature), from the president of the United States, by the hands The credentials of the new members of the senate, of Mr. Brent, of the department of state, when the and of those whose term commences this day by re-doors of the senate were closed until near 3 o'clock, election, were read.

The following new members, to wit:

From Vermont,






Dudley Chase,

William Marks,

John M. Berrian,
John Rowan,
Wm. H. Harrison,
Wm. Hendricks,
Elias K. Kane,

appeared, and, the oath of office being administered to them by the vice president, took their seats.

and then

The senate adjourned.

Monday, March 7. The senate met at twelve o'clock. Mr. Eaton, from the committee appointed on the subject, made the following report:

The select committee, to whom was referred the credentials of appointment from and by the governor of Connecticut, beg leave to report:

That Mr. Lanman's term of service in the senate

expired on the 3rd of March. On the 4th, he presented to the senate a certificate, regularly and properly

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authenticated, from Oliver Wolcott, governor of the state of Connecticut, setting forth that the president of the United States had desired the senate to convene on the 4th day of March, and had caused official notice of that fact to be communicated to him.

The certificate of appointment is dated the 9th of February, 1825, subsequent to the time of notification to him by the president. The certificate further recites that, at the time of its execution, the legislature of the state was not in session, and would not be until the mouth of May.

The committee have looked into the journals of the senate to discover if they could find any authority or decision by them on this question; and the following have been found recorded:

On the 27th day of April, 1797, William Cocke was appointed a senator from that state, by the governor of Tennessee, his term of service having expired on the 3d of the preceding March, and, on the 15th of May, took his seat and was qualified.

On the 3d of March, 1801, the seat of Uriah Tracy became vacant, the time for which he had been elected having expired. On the 20th of February, preceding, the governor of Connecticut re-appointed him a senator; and, in pursuance thereof, he was qualified and took his seat.

[blocks in formation]

The question was then taken on the resolution offered by Mr. Edwards, and it was decided the negative, by yeas and nays, as follows:

YEAS-Messrs. Bell, Bouligny, Chase, Clayton. D'Wolf, Ed

wards, Harrison, Hendricks, Johnston, of Lou. Kane, Knight. Lloyd, of Mass Melivaine, Mills, Noble, Rowan, Seymour, Thomas-18. NAYS-Messrs. Barton, Benton, Berrian, Branch, Chandler, Dickerson. Eaton, Findlay. Gaillard. Hayne, Holmes, of Maine, Holmes, of Mis. Jackson, King, of Alab. Lloyd, of Md. Marks, Macon, Ruggles, Smith, of Md. Tazewell, Van Buren, Van Dyke, Williams-23.

The senate, therefore, decided that Mr. Lanman was not entitled to a seat.

Several messages, (of an executive nature), were received from the president of the United States, by Mr. Daniel Brent; and,

After spending some time in the consideration of executive business,

The senate adjourned.

Joseph Anderson, a senator from Tennessee, was appointed by the governor a member of the senate, on the 6th of February, 1809, and, on the 4th of March after, took his seat, the period for which he doors, as is customary when transacting executive The senate sat on the 8th and 9th with closed had been elected having, on the preceding day, ex-business. On the 9th, having concluded the business pired. Gaillard was elected president, pro tempore; and the of the extra session, the president retired, and Mr. senate adjourned sine dic.

John Williams, of Tennessee, on the 20th of January, 1917, was appointed a senator in congress, to take his seat on the 4th of March, when the term for which he had been elected would expire. Mr. Williams appeared, was qualified, and took his seat.

In none of these cases does it appear that there was any objection made, or question raised, except in 1801, in the case of Mr. Tracy, when the vote was 13 for, and 10 against the right of the member to take his seat. These are the only analogous cases the committee has been able to find.


Gen. John Brooks, late governor of Massachusetts, has followed gov. Eustis to the tomb. He died on the 1st inst. in the 73d year of his age. He was a gallant soldier of the revolution, and much esteemed for his many good qualities.

Mr. Thomas Edwards, of King William county, Virginia, was lately killed by his slaves. They separated his body into several parts with an axe, and deposited them in different places. The slaves were arrested.

By reference to the statute laws of Connecticut, the committee find that, in that state, there is a law upon this subject, which is in the following words: "Whenever any vacancy shall happen in the repre- The ship Washington, of one thousand tons burthen, sentation of this state in the senate of the United intended for the East India trade, was launched at States, by the expiration of the term of service of a sena- New York on the anniversary of the birth-day of the tor, or by resignation, or otherwise, the general as-hero whose name she bears. She is supposed to be sembly, if then in session, shall, by a concurrent vote one of the best built, as well as the most splendidly of the senate and house of representatives, proceed ornamented ships that belongs to the United States. to fill said vacancy by a new election; and in case Greal fire at St. Thomas. Captain Lane, arrived at such vacancy shall happen in the recess of the gene- Boston, furnishes the following account of a deral assembly, the governor shall appoint some per-structive fire at St. Thomas: "On the 12th February, son to fill the same, until the next meeting of the ge- a fire at St. Thomas laid about 4 or 500 houses in neral assembly." ashes, and about 100 stores, of all descriptions, in the west of the town. Property, to a large amount, was destroyed, and hundreds, who arose in the morning rich and independent, were, before noon, destitute, the fire being so rapid, with a strong gale, that little property was saved from its fury."

[The committee consisted of Mr. Euton, of Tennessee, Mr. Edwards, of Connecticut, and Mr. Tazewell, of Virginia.]

The report being read

The question was taken on the resolution submitted by Mr. Van Buren, on Saturday, (to permit Mr. Lanman to be heard on the subject), and it was agreed


Mr. Edwards offered a resolution to admit Mr. Lanman to be qualified, and to take his seat in the senate, pursuant to the credentials of the governor.

Private letters state, that about half the town was destroyed, and five hundred families rendered houseless. The destruction was arrested by the spirited exertions of the officers and crew of the U. States schooner Grampus, and the Americans in the port. It was ascertained that the calamity was occasioned by a silly trick of a superstitious old woman to detect a theft.

Mr. Lanman then rose, and, in a speech of about an hour, vindicated his right to a seat under the credentials of the executive of Connecticut, which he Gelden luck. A wood-chopper lately found twentyhad received-and in reply to gentlemen who had op-nine golden guineas in the trunk of a tree which he posed his right to a seat. felled in the woods near Utica. An augur hole had Mr. Holmes, of Maine, made a few remarks expla-been bored into the tree, the gold deposited, plugged natory of the precedents which were cited, and to in, and the bark grown over the aperture.


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