
1833 Morisot (J. M. R.). Tableau détailles des prix de tous les ouvrages de batiment, divisés, suivant les différentes espèces des Travaux; et suivis d'un traité particulier pour chaque espèce, sur la manière de toiser ou mesurer les ouvrages. 2e édition, revue, corrigée et augmentée.

7 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1820-24. 1834 Myller (John). On Walls and Constructions. See Muller, No. 158. 1835 Navier (M.) On the Means of Comparing the Respective Advantages of Different Lines of Railway, and on the Use of Locomotive Engines. Translated from the French, by John Macneill. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1836. 1836 Nicholson (Peter). Mechanical Exercises, or the Elements and Practice of Carpentry, Joinery, Bricklaying, Masonry, Slating, Plastering, Painting, Smithing and Turning; containing a full description of the Tools, &c. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1812.

1837 Nicholson (Peter). A Popular and Practical Treatise on Masonry and Stonecutting. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1828. 1838 Parker (Thomas N.). An Essay on the Construction, Hanging and Fastening of Gates; exemplified in six quarto plates. 2d edition, improved and enlarged. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1804. 1839 Pelouze. Art du Briquetier, Chaufournier et Charbonnier. See Pelouze, No. 1920.

1840 Perdonnet (A.). Mémoire sur les Chemins. See No. 1775. 1841 Practical Engineering. Papers on Practical Engineering, prepared by Officers of the United States Corps of Engineers.


Vol. 1st. Washington, 1841, &c. 1842 Practical Mechanic and Engineer's Magazine. See Nos. 1585, 1586. 1843 Programmes des Cours professés en 1848 et 1849, à l'École des Ponts et Chaussées (Lithog.). 1 vol. 4to. 1844 Prony (R.). Instruction-pratique sur une méthode pour déterminer les dimensions des Murs de revêtement, en se servant de la formule graphique. 1 4to. pamphlet. Paris, 1802. 1845 Prony (R.). Recherches sur la poussée des Terres et sur la forme et les dimensions des Murs de revêtement. 1 4to. pamphlet. No date. 1846 Reports (3d, 4th, 5th and 6th) on Roads, from London to Holyhead, &c. 4 fol. Nos. London, 1822.

1847 Reports (2d and 3d) of the Commissioners on Roads and Bridges in Ireland. 2 fol. Nos. London, 1827-28

1848 Report from the Select Committee on the Milford Haven Communication. 1 fol. No. London, 1827.

1849 Reports. Highland Roads and Bridges, 1803-21; including Scottish Harbors, 1806-21; Memoir of Map of Scotland, 1807; Report of Glasgow and Carlisle Road, 1815; and Annual Reports on the Repair of Highland Roads, commencing March, 1815. 2 vols. fol. London, 1850 Reports of the Engineers of the Western Railroad Corporation, made to the Directors in 1836-37. 1 8vo. pamphlet. Springfield, 1838. 1851 Reports of the Engineers of the Albany and West Stockbridge Railroad Company, made to the Directors in 1840-41.

1 8vo. pamphlet. Albany, 1842. 1852 Report of the Commissioners Appointed to Inquire into the Application of Iron to Railway Structures. (1 vol., and 1 vol. of Plans.)

2 vols. fol. London, 1849.

1853 Rondelet (J.). Traité théorique et pratique de l'Art de bâtir.

5 vols. 4to. Paris, 1812-14.

1854 Routes et Ponts. A. & B. (Lithog.)

2 vols. fol. No date. 1855 Royal Engineers. Papers on Subjects connected with the Duties of the Corps of Royal Engineers. 10 vols. 4to. London, 1837-49.

1856 Ruskin (John). The Stones of Venice. With Illustrations drawn by the Author. 1st vol. 8vo. London, 1851. 1857 Sganzin (M. J.). Programmes ou résumés des Leçons du Cours de Construction. 2me édition. 1 vol. 4to. Paris, 1809. 1858 Sganzin (M. J.). An Elementary Course of Civil Engineering. Translated from the third French edition, with notes and applications adapted to the United States. 1 vol. 8vo. (3 copies.) Boston, 1827. 1859 Sganzin (M. J.). Programme ou résumé des Leçons d'un Cours de Constructions, avec des applications tirées spécialement de l'art de l'ingénieur des ponts et chaussées, ouvrage de feu Sganzin. 4me édition, entièrement refondu et augmentée, avec les notes et papiers de l'auteur, ceux de M. Lamblardie et divers autres documens par M. Reibell.

3 vols. 4to. & Atlas. Paris, 1839-41. 1860 Simms (F. W.). Public Works of Great Britain, consisting of Railways, Rails, Chairs, Blocks, Cutting Embankments, Tunnels, Oblique Arches, Viaducts, Bridges, and other Engineering. 1 vol. fol. London, 1838. 1861 Simms (F. W.). Practical Tunnelling; explaining in detail the Setting Out of the Works; Shaft Sinking, and Heading Driving; Ranging the Lines, and Levelling under Ground; Sub-Excavating, Timbering, and the Construction of the Brickwork of Tunnels, &c., &c.

1 vol. 4to. London, 1844. 1862 Simms (F. W.). Treatise on the Principles and Practice of Levelling, showing its application to purposes of Railway Engineering, and the Construction of Roads, &c., &c. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1846.

1863 Simonin. Traité élémentaire de la coupe des Pierres ou art du Trait. 1 vol. 4to. Paris, 1792. 1864 Smeaton (John). Narrative of the Building, and a description of the Construction of the Eddystone Lighthouse with Stone; to which is subjoined an Appendix, giving some account of the Lighthouse on the Spurn Point, built upon a Sand. 2d edition. 1 vol. fol. London, 1813. 1865 Smeaton (John). Reports, made on various occasions in the course of his employment of an Engineer. 3 vols. 4to. London, 1797-1812 1866 Smeaton (John). The Miscellaneous Papers, comprising his Communications to the Royal Society; forming a fourth volume to his Reports. 1 vol. 4to. London, 1814. 1867 Stephenson (R. M.). Railways; an Introductory Sketch, with Suggestions, in reference to their extension to British Colonies. Part I. 1 vol. 18mo. London, 1850.

1868 Stevenson (Allan). Account of the Skerryvore Lighthouse, with Notes on the Illumination of Lighthouses. 1 vol. 4to. London, 1848. 1869 Stevenson (Allan). Rudimentary Treatise on the History, Construction, and Illumination of Lighthouses. (Treble Part.)

1 vol. 18mo. London, 1850. 1870 Stevenson (David). Sketch of the Civil Engineering of North America; comprising Remarks on the Harbors, River and Lake Navigation, Lighthouses, Steam-Navigation, Water-Works, Canals, Roads, Railways, Bridges, and other works in that country. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1838. 1871 Strickland (William). Reports on Canals, Railways, Roads, &c., &c., made to the Pennsylvania Society for the Promotion of Internal Improve1 vol. fol. obl. (3 copies.) Philadelphia, 1826.


1872 Stuart (Charles B.). The Naval Dry Docks of the United States. Illustrated with 24 fine Engravings on Steel. 1 vol. 4to. New-York, 1852. 1873 Tanner (H. S.). A Description of the Canals and Railroads of the United States, comprehending notices of all the works of internal improvement throughout the several States. 1 vol. 8vo. New-York, 1840.

1874 Taylor (J.). General Rules for Repairing Roads.

1 8vo. pamphlet. London, 1827.

1875 Telford. Reports on the Holyhead Road. 2 fol. Nos. London, 1820-21. 1876 Toussaint (C. J.). Mémento des Architectes et Ingénieurs, des Entrepreneurs, Toiseurs, Vérificateurs et des Personnes qui font bâtir. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1824-33.

2 vols. 18mo. See No. 1382.

Seconde Paris, 1832.

1 vol. 4to. Paris, 1828.

1877 Toussaint. Manuel d'Architecture ou traité de l'art de bâtir. édition, revue, corrigée et augmentée. 1878 Tredgold (Thomas). Masonry and Joinery. 1879 Vallée (L. L.). Traité de la Coupe des Pierres. Exposé général des études faites pour le tracé des chemins de fer de Paris, en Belgique et en Angleterre et d'Angleterre en Belgique. 1 vol. 4to. Paris, 1837. 1881 Véne (A.). Mémoire sur la Loi que suivent les pressions, et sur l'application de cette Loi à la pratique des constructions. 1 4to. pamphlet. Paris, 1836.

1880 Vallée (L. L.).

1882 Weale (John). Quarterly Papers on Engineering.

6 vols. 4to. London, 1844-49. 1833 Weisbach (Julius). Principles of Engineering. See Weisbach, No. 2815. 1884 Whishaw (Francis). Railways of Great Britain and Ireland, practically described and illustrated. 2d edition. 1 vol. 4to. London, 1842. 1885 Wood (Nicholas). A Practical Treatise on Railroads, and Interior Communication in General; with original experiments and Tables of the Comparative Value of Canals and Railroads. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1825. 1886 Wood (Nicholas). A Practical Treatise on Railroads, and Interior Communication in General; containing an account of the performances of the different Locomotive Engines at and subsequent to the Liverpool contest, upwards of two hundred and sixty Experiments, &c. First American from the second English edition. 1 vol. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1832.

1887 Wood (Nicholas). A Practical Treatise on Railroads, and Interior Communication in General; containing numerous Experiments on the Powers of the Improved Locomotive Engines, &c., &c. 3d edition, with additions. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1838.


1888 Bablot. Calcul fait des pieds de fer suivant leur épaisseur et largeur réduits au poids. 4 édition. 1 vol. 12mo. Paris, 1837.


1889 Barlow (Peter). Essay on the Strength and Stress of Timber, and of Iron and other Materials. 2d edition. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1824. 1890 Biston (Valentin). Manuel théorique et pratique du chaufournier, contenant l'art de Calciner la pierre à chaux et à Plâtre, &c., &c.

1 vol. 18mo. Paris, 1828.

1891 Bonnot. Détail général des fers, fonte, Serrurerie, ferrure et clouterie, à l'usage des bâtimens. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1782 1892 Bull (Marcus). Experiments to Determine the Comparative Value of the Principal Varieties of Fuel, and on the ordinary Apparatus used for their Combustion. 1 vol. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1827. 1893 Burnell (George R.). Rudimentary Treatise on Limes, Cements, Mortars, Concretes, Mastics, Plastering, &c. 1 vol. 18mo. London, 1850. 1894 Chapman (William). Treatise Containing the Results of Numerous Experiments on the Preservation of Timber from Premature Decay, &c. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1817.

1895 Coudray (du). Nouvelles expériences et observations sur le fer.

1896 Courtois. On Mortars. 1897 Culmann (Lieut. Col.).

1 vol. 8vo. Upsal, 1775.

See No. 1929.
Cours sur les Chaux, Mortiers et Mastics (Lithog.).
1 vol. 4to.


1898 Description détaillée et méthodique des six Planches qui accompagnent l'art du Maitre des Forges. 1 vol. 12mo. Paris, 1828.

1899 Dobson (E.). Rudimentary Treatise on the Manufacture of Bricks and Tiles. 1 vol. 18mo. London, 1850.

(Double Part.)

1900 Du Coudray. See Coudray, No. 1895. 1901 Duhamel du Monceau. Du Transport de la Conservation et de la force 1 vol. 4to. Paris, 1767.

des Bois.

1902 Duhamel du Monceau. Cartier, Cirier et Chandelier. See No. 1916.

1903 Duleau (A.). Essai théorique et expérimental sur la résistance du fer forgé. 1 vol. 4to. Paris, 1820. 1904 Faraday (Prof.). On the Practical Prevention of Dry Rot in Timber; with Observations, &c. 1 8vo. pamphlet. London, 1836. 1905 Fougeroux de Bondaroy. Art de travailler les Cuirs dorés ou Argentes.

See No. 1916.

1906 Girard (P. S.). Traité analytique de la résistance des Solides, et des Solides d'égale résistance auquel on a joint de nouvelles Expériences sur la force. des Bois et de Chêne et de Sapin. 1 vol. 4to. Paris, 1798.

1907 Glu Marine. Notice sur la Glu Marine brevetée.

1 8vo. pamphlet. Paris, 1844. 1908 Grantham (John C. E.). Iron for Shipbuilding. See Grantham, No.



1909 Gratien Le Peré. Deuxième recueil de divers Mémoires sur les Pouzzolanes naturelles et artificielles. 1 vol. 4to. Paris, 1807. 1910 Hassenfratz (J. H.). Traité théorique et pratique de l'art de Calciner la Pierre Calcaire et de fabriquer toutes sortes de Mortiers, Cimens Bétons, 1 vol. 4to. Paris, 1825. 1911 Herbin de Halle (P. E.). Des bois propres au Service des Arsenaux de la Marine et de la Guerre. I vol. 8vo. Paris, 1813. 1912 Higgins (Bry.). Experiments and Observations, made with the view of Improving the Art of Composing and Applying Calcareous Cements, and of Preparing Quick-Lime. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1780. 1913 Hodgkinson (Eaton). Experimental Researches on the Strength and other Properties of Cast Iron, with the development of new principles, &c., &c.; forming a Second Part to the fourth edition of Tredgold's Practical Essay on the Strength of Cast Iron and other Metals.

1 vol. 8vo. London, 1846. 1914 La Faye (de). Recherches sur la préparation que les Romains donnoient à la Chaux dont ils se servoient pour leurs constructions, et sur la composition et l'emploi de leurs Mortiers. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1777. 1915 La Faye (de). Mémoire pour servir de suite aux recherches sur la préparation que les Romains donnaient à la chaux, &c.

1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1778. 1916 Lalande (M. de). Art de faire le Parchemin.-Art de faire le Papier.Art du Cartonnier.-Art du Chamoiseur.-Art du Cartier, par Duhamel du Monceau.-Art de travailler les Cuirs dorés ou Argentes, par Fougeroux de Bondaroy.-Art du Cirier, par Duhamel du Monceau.—Art du Chandelier, par Duhamel du Monceau. 1 vol. fol. No date.

1917 Le Camus de Mézières. Traité de la force des Bois.

1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1782.

1918 Mushet (David). Papers on Iron and Steel, Practical and Experimental; with copious illustrative Notes. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1840.

1919 Pelouze. L'Art du maître de Forges, ou Traité théorique et pratique de l'exploitation du fer et de ses applications aux différents agents de la mécanique et des Arts. 2 vols. 12mo. Paris, 1827.

1920 Pelouze. Art du Briquetier, Chaufournier et Charbonnier, comprenant la fabrication du vinaigre de Bois. 1 vol. 12mo. Paris, 1828.

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1922 Piron. Notice sur la dessiccation du bois par le moyen de la vapeur d'eau. See Vol. IV. No. 388.

1923 Raucourt de Charleville. Traité sur l'art de faire de bons Mortiers et d'en bien diriger l'emploi, ou méthode générale pratique pour fabriquer en tous Pays la Chaux, les Cimens et les Mortiers, les meilleurs et les plus économiques. 2me édition. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1828. 1924 Smith (Capt. J. T.). Vicat on Cements; with Notes. See No. 1933.

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