


Bible, the Russian, 235, 106.

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Biplanes, use of, 225, 340.

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instances of the anger of God, Birch, Mr, History of the Royal 239, 290-295.

Bickersteth, Geoffrey L., Benedetto
Croce as Literary Critic,' 235, 270.

Biddulph, General Sir R., High Com-
missioner of Cyprus, 227, 403, 421
-his Report, 412, 413.

Society,' 236, 95 note.

Bird, Alice, description of Swinburne reciting his poems, 228, 236.

Isabella, friendship with John Murray, 231, 23. See Bishop.

Bidou, Henri, articles in the 'Morn- Birds, parasites of, 234, 98. ing Post,' 226, 237 note.

Bidwell, Rt Rev. Mons., member of

the Belgian refugees committee,
225, 195 note.

Bielschowsky, Herr, biography of
Goethe, 235, 340.

Bierce, Ambrose, 'In the Midst of
Life,' 226, 54 note.

Biffen, Prof., researches on wheat,
238, 79.

Bigelow, John, 'Life of Benjamin
Franklin,' 231, 192.

Bight, battle of the, 226, 287
Bilharzia, the parasite, 240, 217.

Bille, Torben de, 'Politik,' trans-
lated by, 226, 177.

Billing, Mr, charges against the
Royal Flying Corps, 227, 203, 204.
Billot, A., 'La France et l'Italie,'
227, 370.

Billroth, Theodor, 'Historische
Studien über die Beurtheilung und
Behandlung der Schusswunden,'
226, 452.

Binyon, Laurence, The Poetry of,
232, 135-152.

'Indian Art,' 223, 507— war verses, 224, 406- For the Fallen,' 230, 384- English Traditions in Art,' 235, 207.

Biology, The New, 240, 215-245.

result of introduction into New Zealand, 240, 102.

Birkbeck, Morris, Notes on America, 229, 362.

Birkenhead, Lord, Director of the Press Bureau, 234, 137-statement on Air Forces, 240, 75– controversy with Lord Carson, 241, 377-379-characteristics, 380. Birmingham, 'patching up' policy, 240, 42.

Birrell, Rt Hon. Augustine, on the Irish seditious newspapers, 223, 151-character of his administration of Ireland, 226, 256-261; 238, 415; 240, 435-characteristics, 241, 185.

Birth of Merlin,' authorship of the play, 237, 14.

Birth-rate, result of the decrease, 224, 92-result of voluntary restriction, 227, 29-danger of an indiscriminate increase, 228, 50. Bishop, Sir H. R., operas, 242, 291.

Mrs, friendship with John Murray, 231, 23. See Bird. Bismarck, Prince, on the autocracy of Prussia, 223, 45-religious views, 52- foreign policy, 232; 232, 11, 368; 239, 280-287-policy of Drang nach Osten,' 226, 390— policy in the Franco-German War

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227, 389-on relations with Eng- Blockade and War-Zones, 224,
land, 228, 496-' Reminiscences,'
237, 115, 256, 398.

Bismarck, The Resignation of,
237, 256-274.

Bissolati, Signor, leader of the Reform Socialists, manifesto, 223, 81.

Björkoe, Treaty of, 1905..237, 273. Blache, P. Vidal de la, 'La France de l'Est,' 231, 169.

Blachford, Lord, Colonial policy, 226, 269.

Black Death, epidemic, 236, 120.

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Blacker, Capt. L. V. S., On Secret Patrol in High Asia,' 239, 191 note.

Blair, Sir Robert, on the number of

trained chemists, 224, 532.
Blanc, Louis, founder of the French
Social Democracy, 236, 72.
Blankenburg, Paul, on the 'Belgian

Atrocities,' 236, 204.

Bliss, General Tasker H., article in 'Foreign Affairs,' 239, 249, 254— estimate of General Foch, 257.

Bloch, D. W., 'Die Entwerthung
der deutschen Valuta im Welt-
krieg,' 231, 97.

Block, Sir Adam, President of the
British Chamber of Commerce in
Turkey, 228, 297-on the decrease
of British trade, ib.

-, principles of, 225, 274.

Blockhouse or 'pill-box,' form of
attack, 228, 536.

Bloem, Walter, 'Vormarsch,' 234,
250 The Iron Year,' 236, 198
-People against People,' 199.
Blomfield, Sir Reginald, 'Formal
Garden in England,' 236, 366—
"History of Renaissance Archi-
tecture in England, ib.- A His-
tory of French Architecture,' 366-

Blood, Colonel W. P., 'The Course
of the War,' 223, 87, 282, 581;
224, 266, 566; 225, 215, 546; 226,
228, 565; 227, 245, 570; 228,
249, 529; 229, 269, 559; 230,
236, 504-'The End of the War,'
231, 252— Strategy of the War,'
233, 44; 234, 358.


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Boer War, the, 229, 87; 235, 38-
result, 225, 433; 241, 70.
Boers, Congress at Pretoria, 235, 40.

Boetticher, von, Memoirs of, 237,


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Boghitschewitsch, Dr M., Kriegsursachen,' 237, 166 note.

Bohemia, war between nationalism and Germanisation, 224, 475.

frontier question, 236, 215. Bohn, Georges, 'Le mouvement Biologique en Europe,' 240, 215.


Bolshevist army, defeated, 230, 526. in East Prussia, disarma

ment, 242, 440.

Bon, M. Le, 'Lois Psychologiques
de l'Evolution des Peuples,' ex-
tract from, 224, 465.

Bonacci, Prof. Guilio, 'Genii italici e
Teutomani d'oltremonte,' 224, 140.
Bondfield, Margaret, at the Washing-
ton Conference of the International
Labour Office, 235, 199 note.
Bone, Muirhead, impressions of J.
Conrad, 242, 247.

Bohr, Dr Niels, 'The Theory of Bonellia, experiments on, 240, 236.
Spectra and Atomic Constitution,'
241, 320.

Boirac, M., Psychologie inconnue,' 238, 256.

Boissier, Gaston, 'Nouvelles Prome

Bonnat, Léon, portrait of Thiers, 228, 272.

Bonomi, Signor, Prime Minister, 237, 152.


nades Archéologiques-Horace et Books, Some on the War, 224, Virgile,' 225, 483; 241, 283. Boldensele, William of, narrative of his pilgrimage to Palestine, 227, 341-344.

Bolingbroke, Lord, 'Letters on

Patriotism,' 224, 71.

Bologna, the Student University, 238, 118-election of the Rector, 120-the Consiliarii, 121-the Syndics Massarii and Bedels, ib.— migration of students, 124. Bolsheviks, the, policy, 234, 437.

relations with the Ukrainians, 239, 326 capture Kiev, 328military operations, 332.

Boothby, Commander F. L. M., ‘The
Importance of Airships,' 240, 88.

Boraston, Colonel J. H., ' Despatches
of Sir Douglas Haig,' edited by,
233, 103.

Borchling, Dr Conrad, on the develop-
ment of Belgium, 225, 143.

Bordeaux, Henry, 'La Vie au
Théâtre,' 237, 352.

Borden, Sir Robert, on Imperial
policy, 226, 275-signs the League
of Nations Covenant, 235, 300.
Borenius, Tancred, Rediscovery of
the Primitives,' 239, 258.

Bolshevism and Democracy, 235, Borgese, Signore, on the aims to be


and the Turks, 239, 183–197.

239, 405-danger of the move

ment, 240, 321.

achieved by Italy as the result of the war, 223, 84.

Bornatsky, Prof., 'Russkoyo Slovo,' 228, 410.

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Bornier, Henri de, 'Fille de Roland,' Boulting, W., Tasso and his Times,' 237, 340.

Borrow, George, character, 231, 14– "The Romany Rye,' 241, 287.


Celtic Bards, Chiefs

and Kings,' 242, 21-40.

Borstal system, 238, 390.

Bosanquet, Bernard, 'The value and Destiny of the Individual,' 225, 309-312-'The Distinction be

224, 23.

Boundary Street scheme, 240, 41.

Bourdon, Georges, 'The German
Enigma,' 224, 487.

Bourgay, General du, British Envoy
to Berlin, 241, 203.

Bourgeois, Léon, Minister for Foreign
Affairs, 227, 391.

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tween Mind and the Objects,' 229, Bourget, M. Paul, militarism, 224, 125, 140-The Philosophy of Benedetto Croce,' 231, 359. Boscawen, Rt Hon. Sir Arthur Griffith, Housing,' 240, 37-Agricultural Policy,' 339.

W., member of the Literary Fund Committee, 231, 289-preface to Claims of Literature,' 290. Boscho, Hippolyto, 'De vulneribus a bellico fulmine illatis tractatus,' 226, 465.

Bosnia and Herzegovina annexation of, 223, 247, 424, 445; 224, 341, 470; 225, 169; 239, 2.

, policy of Germanisation, 224, 474-religious antonomy broken up, 475.

Bosphorus, control of the, 225, 183. Botallo, L., treatment of gunshot wounds, 226, 464.

'Botanical Magazine,' the, 230, 460. Botha, General, head of the South African Party, 225, 108.

General Louis, 235, 36–50. Bottomley, Gordon, King Lear's Wife,' 226, 383. Boucharine, M. N., L'Economie de

la Periode Transitoire,' 239, 183. Boudon, Victor, ' Avec Charles Pégny de la Lorraine à la Marne,' 229, 93.

91. Bovenschen, Dr A., Untersuchungen über Johann von Mandeville,' 227, 332. Bowen, Lord, inquiry into the riots at Featherstone, 241, 372. Bowen-Rowlands, Ernest, The Misuse of the Judiciary,' 241, 368. Bowerman, C. W., member of the Belgian Refugees Committee, 225, 195 note.

Bowman, Mr,

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Chief Territorial Adviser of the American Peace Commission, 238, 19.

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Bowrey, Thomas, The Countries round the Bay of Bengal,' 236, 80, 83.

Boy Scout Movement, 225, 400415.

Boyle, Lord President, on the jurisdiction of the Church Courts of Scotland, 233, 221.

Bracken, experiments on, 240, 217. Brackenbury, Sir Henry, 'Some Memoires of my spare time,' 227, 361.

Bradford, system of workshops for

Belgian refugees, 225, 203—experiment in market gardening, 207.

William, 'History of Plymouth Plantation,' 234, 260, 267.

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Bradley, A. C., 'Poetry for Poetry's Bridges, Robert, 'Wake Up EngSake,' 235, 274.

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F. H., Appearance and Reality,' 229, 126, 130; 231, 371 note, 375 note-' Principles of Logic,' 372 note.

Dr Henry, A New English Dictionary,' edited by, 240, 179. Bragaglia, A. G., Spionaggio Militaire Civile e Commerciale,' 224, 136.

Braid, James, interest in mesmerism, 238, 255.

Brandis, C. A., letter to Mrs Austin, 239, 49.

Brankovich, George, 'Despot' of
Serbia, 226, 506.

Bray Barony, case of, 224, 59.
Bread subsidy, 232, 512.

Breckinridge, S. P., Truancy and
Non-Attendance in the Chicago
Schools,' 228, 444.

Brereton, Cloudesley, 'The Poetry of Laurence Binyon,' 232, 135. Bresson, M., letter from Thiers, 228, 287.

Brest-Litovsk, Treaty of, 229, 288; 231, 267; 233, 241; 234, 369– cancelled, 232, 253.

Bricklaying trade, experiments, 229, 116.

Bridgeman, Sir Francis, First Sea Lord, 223, 212.

land,' 224, 409-'Purcell Commemoration Ode,' 232, 139.

Brieux, Eugène, morality-plays, 237, 344.

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Briggs, Prof., Commentary on the Psalms,' 230, 7, 8 note.

Sir John, Reader to the Board of Admiralty, 223, 61. Bright, Sir Charles, 'An Imperial Air Policy,' 240, 74-'InterImperial Communication by Cable, Wireless, and Air,' 86 note.

John, on the principle of the Balance of Power, 224, 467; 229, 85-meeting with John Murray, 231, 20.

Brindisi, port of, position, 224, 336.

British Broadcasting Company, 242 398, 404.

Columbia, rejection of Prohibition, 235, 100 note.

Diplomacy in the Near East, 225, 164-187.

Expeditionary Forces, commanders, 239, 234.

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