[blocks in formation]

British Oversea Commerce in Brooke, C. F. Tucker, 'The ShakeWar Time, 223, 252-265. speare Apocrypha,' 237, 11.

[blocks in formation]

Trade Corporation, The, 229, 143-153.

Trade and Manufactures, 226, 433-451.

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Brougham, Lord, speeches, 224, 548.

Broughton, Mrs V. D., 'Court and
Private Life in the Time of Queen
Charlotte,' edited by, 227, 39.

- Writers on the United States, Brown, A. R., on three tribes of

229, 357-371.

Broad, C. D., 'The Relation between Induction and Probability,' 241, 129, 132.

Broadcasting, 242, 398-414.

Broch, Prof. Olaf, on the Slavonic language, 233, 277.

Brock, Clutton, Thoughts on the War,' 224, 71, 503-handbook on 'Eton,' 229, 313, 319.

Brockman, Sir E. L., The Federated Malay States,' 228, 388. Brockway, A. Fenner, "English Prisons To-day,' edited by, 238, 376, 384 et seq.

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Western Australia, 234, 167, 170.

Prof. G. Baldwin, The Arts in Early England,' 228, 97.

George, 'Melanesian and Polynesian,' 234, 161.

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- Horatio F., The Ideals and Aspirations of Italy,' 230, 131–

The English in the Levant,' 257; 233, 329 note-British Students at Padua,' 238, 117— Venice and England: An Historical Parallel,' 241, 58.

P. Hume, 'History of Scotland,' 225, 438-Life of Goethe,' 235, 340.

Browne, Dr G. F., on the date of stone crosses, 228, 113.

Browning, Elizabeth Barrett, 'A Dead Rose,' 241, 287.

Oscar, preface to England and Napoleon in 1803,' 226, 480.

Robert, lines from, 238, 323 ; 241, 286. Brownrigg, Beatrice, 'The Life and Letters of Sir John Moore,' 241, 254.

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Brownrigg, Rear-Adm. Sir Douglas, Bryce, James, 237, 400-414. 'Indiscretions of the Naval Censor,'

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Brunschwig, Hieronymo, Buch der Cirurgia,' 226, 455-treatment of wounds, ib.

Brunswick, Duchess of, letter from, 225, 505.

Duke of, unpopularity, 237,

115. Brussels, Declaration of, 223, 565.

Sugar Convention, 237, 192. Bryan, Mr Secretary, on contraband of war, 224, 233, 241.

William Jennings, pacifism, 230, 92-the 'Great Commoner,' 242, 267-policy, 277.

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James Viscount, International Relations,' 238, 163 et seq.-' War and Human Progress,' 242, 63'Evolution and the War,' ib. note. Bucarest, surrender, 227, 239-OCcupied by Germans, 256.

The Four Treaties of, 230, 166-181.

Treaty of, 223, 424, 431-434, 438, 446; 225, 168; 226, 396; 228, 355, 369; 229, 577, 580, 583; banks, 226, 397.

[ocr errors][merged small][merged small]

Buchner, P., Tier und Pflanze in
intrazellularer Symbiose,' 240, 215.
Buckle, G. E., 'Life of Benjamin
Disraeli, Earl of Beaconsfield,'
226, 508 et seq.; 234, 1; 237, 383,
397; 239, 99, 105-editor of the
'Times,' 239, 99.

Buckmaster, Sir Stanley, on the
Irish seditious newspapers, 223,
151-in charge of the Press
Bureau, 225, 149; 234, 139.

[ocr errors]

Bryce, James Viscount, protest against naval expenditure, 223, 121 -Chairman of the Second Chamber Conference, 230, 433- Proposals for the Prevention of Future Wars,' Bugeja, Vincent, Fascism and its Political Influences in Italy,' 237, 231, 207, 219-The American 134. Commonwealth,' 232, 449-on the characteristics of the Armenians, 233, 237-' Modern Democracies,' 236, 129- Holy Roman Empire,' ib.

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"The Norse Settlements in the British Islands,' 239, 385-'Saga Book of the Viking Club,' 391, 397.

Bugge, Dr Alfred,


Buisson, Ferdinand, 'Les principes de la Société des Nations,' 231, 236. Bulgaria, policy, 223, 84, 445; 233, 428.

struggle against Turkish oppression, 223, 425-relations between the States, 427-causes of the second war, ib.-denunciations against, 429-demands revision of the Treaty of Bucarest, 434policy of neutrality, 435-distrust in international contracts, 436.

diplomacy of the Allies, 225, 179-183-Dedeagatch Railway agreement with Turkey, 181 -mobilisation of the Army, 219 -reasons for remaining neutral, 222-military operations against Serbia, 223-226; 226, 491; 230, 167.

destruction of the first Empire, 226, 492.

two groups in the Dobrodja, 228, 358-boundary, 360, 368.

concessions of territory to, 229, 577-population, 582-area, 584.


Bulgarians, character, 230, 168. Bull-fight, form of sport, 242, 349. Bülow, Prince von, on the Triple Alliance, 223, 78- Imperial Germany,' 242; 227, 267-negotiations with Signor Giolitti, 224, 256-concessions, 257-policy in Italy, 262, 264-result of his masterful tactics, 264- Deutsche Polilik,' 227, 96-on Germany's need of economic expansion, 228, 81-work on German Policy, 234, 339.

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Bulwark' battleship, destruction, 223, 111 note, 140, 310, 603 note; 224, 291.

Bureaucracy, criticism on, 238, 414.

Triumphant, 240, 246–261.

growth, 240, 422.

Bureaucratic,' methods, 235, 416. Bureaucratism, character, 240, 434.

Burgess, Walter H., Smith the SeBaptist, and the Pilgrim Fathers,' 234, 259.


Institute for Economic Inter-Burgh barony, case of, 224, 55, 58, course with, 230, 75-cost, 167— independence proclaimed, 169– treaty with Serbia, 170-armistice,

523; 232, 234.

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Burghclere, Lady, Strafford in Ire

land,' 242, 88.

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Burnand, F. C., 'Happy Thoughts, Butler, H. E.. 'The Apologia and

241, 54.

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Florida of Apuleius of Madaura,' translated by, 234, 41.

Samuel, 'Note-Books,' 241, 50- Lucubratio Ebria,' 283.

advice on bees, 231, 502.

Butt, Isaac, scheme of Federal
Home Rule, 232, 466.

Buxton, Noel, The War and the
Balkans,' 225, 164 on the Arme-
nian peasants, 233, 237.
Byelinsky, V. G., Collected Works

of,' 235, 102.

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Byles, Sir W. P., protest against

naval expenditure, 223, 120.

Bylinys, or epic songs of Russia, 235, 103.

Byron, Lord, 'Ode on Venice,' 229, 367-translation of his poems into Serbian, 232, 334-opinion of Goethe, 235, 352.

Byron's Letters, 237, 430-450. Byron, Lord, Marino Faliero,' 241, 64, 67.

The Poetry of, 241, 229–253.

Lord, character of his letters, 242, 200.

Bywater, H. C., 'Sea Power in the Pacific,' 238, 105.

Ingram, 'Aristotle on the Art of Poetry,' 242, 49, 123. Byzantine Bluestocking: Anna Comnena, 233, 62–81.

history, 233, 281.

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gioso,' 240, 300.

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Cababé, Michael, 'The Freedom of Calderon, Pedro, Magico Prodithe Seas,' 231, 194, 200. Cabinet, members, 225, 257; 235, 426-problem of the, 235, 425. Cabling, restriction on, 223, 264. Cacique, meaning of the word, 232, 122 note.

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Calhouse, J. C., Vice-President of the United States, 223, 164– policy, ib.-theory of, nullification, 169.

California, earthquake, 241, 92-94. Caliphate, The, 224, 162-177. Calker, Prof. W. van, ‘Das Problem der Meeresfreiheit,' extract from, 231, 201.

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