[ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

School of Agriculture, 240, 351; Canada, State ownership of Rail242, 118. ways, 232, 157, 174–176.

University, organisation of, on the position of the British. instruction to Belgian students, 225, 207-209.

University, Agricultural Research work, 238, 79.

Cameroons, conquest of the, 225, 563.

Camoëns, epic 'Lusiad,' 224, 375.

Campanella, Tommaso, on progress, 234, 108.

Campbell case, result, 242, 467.

George Douglas, 'Scotland as it Was and Is,' 233, 153.

Dr Janet M., on the position and duties of the midwife, 228, 477 et seq.-monograph on Women in Industry, 232, 85, 87.

[ocr errors]

Dr N. R., The Structure of the Atom,' 241, 311.

Thomas, Battle of the Baltic,' 224, 407.

Campbell-Bannerman, Rt Hon. Sir
Henry, leader of the Liberal
Party, 237, 228-Prime Minister,


Campoformio, peace of, 224, 334.
Canada, fiscal freedom, 223, 460.

is at War, Why, 225, 1-15.


Empire, 233, 365.

the first National Policy tariff, 235, 26, 28, 93-Pacific Railway, 27-origin of the agrarian movement, 29 note-general elections, 31-enactment of British preferential tariffs, 32-Naval Act of 1910..33.

The Agrarian Movement in, 235, 84-101.

appointment of an Ambassador to Washington, 235, 297.

democratic republic, 236, 132, 136-number of telephones, 308.

-, trade with the West Indies, 237, 188, 195, 197–199.


number of motor-cars, 240,

relations with the United States, 241, 173.

Canadian, A., 'Why Canada is at
War,' 225, 1.

Canals, result of construction, 232,
93-decline, ib.—agitation for their
revival, 96-advantages, 97, 100—
unification of management, 98-
use of mules, 99 compared with
the speed of a goods train, 100–
a Board of Control, 104-State as-
sistance, 107.

four periods of history, 452 influence of the Candler, Edmund, ' Abdication,' 238, British settlers, 453-phase of 133,

[blocks in formation]

Cannan, Gilbert, monograph on Carlton Club meeting, 239, 198, 202– 'Freedom,' 231, 523.


Canning, Rt Hon. George, letter of Carlyle, Mrs, and English Letterwriting, 242, 193–210.

advice to Lord Granville on preparing a speech, 225, 505— criticism on, 513-foreign policy, 241, 164.

Cannon, use of, 226, 452.

[ocr errors]

Canonge, General, on the characteristics of Marshal Foch, 231, 240. Canterbury, Archbishop of, Committee on Church and State,' report, 229, 439; 231, 333-339, 341-Committee on Women and the Church, 233, 346, 348, 353. Caper, the, 241, 14. Capital and Labour, change in the

relations, 225, 124-need for permanent peace between, 329, 332.

relations between, 229,

557; 230, 213; 238, 328.
proposal to tax, 227, 174-176;
230, 201.

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Carr, H. Wildon, The Philosophy of Benedetto Croce,' 231, 360.

Carranza, Don Venustiano, President of Mexico, 238, 153-deposed, 156. Carrogis or Carmontelle, Louis, collection of drawings, 240, 371portraits, 372.

Carson, Sir E., strong personality, 225, 264-characteristics, 265addresses in Ulster, 226, 247— First Lord of the Admiralty, on the work of the mine-sweepers, 228, 129-controversy with Lord Birkenhead, 241, 377–379.

Carli, Filippo, La Ricchezza e la Carter, Huntley, Industrial Recon

Guerra,' 224, 136.

[ocr errors][merged small]

struction,' edited by, 229, 414.

Lionel, 'Letters to the People of India on Responsible Government,' 230, 401.

[blocks in formation]

Carteron, M., on the methods of the Castriote, John, chief of Albania, German clerk, 225, 135.

[blocks in formation]

Cartier, G. E., views on confedera-
tion, 225, 11.

Cartwright, Julia, The Journals of
Lady Knightley of Fawsley,' edited
by, 239, 215. See Ady.
Casement, Sir R., contributions to
'Irish Freedom,' 229, 246-sedi.
tious articles, 247-255-' Ireland,
Germany and Freedom of the
Seas,' 248- The Keeper of the
Seas,' 250-'Ireland, Germany and
the Next War,' 252-traitorous
dealings with Germany, 255-
seditious articles, 230, 215-Why
Casement went to Germany,' 217
-landing and arrest, 223.
Caspar, M.,'Die Reform der höheren
Schulen in Preussen,' 224, 130.
Caspari, W. A., on the training of
chemistry students, 224, 532, 535.
Cassel, Sir Ernest, founds the Banque
Nationale de Turquie, 228, 305


228, 146.

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Cathedral in Fiction, The, 239, 336-348.

Catherine II, Empress of Russia,

relations with Frederick the Great, 230, 294-translation of French plays, 235, 107.

'Catholic Anthology,' 226, 384.

Catholicism at the Cross-roads, 240, 1-23.

Catton, J. A. H., on league football, 239, 353.

Cassi, Gellio, 'Il Mare Adriatico,' Catullus at Home, 223, 26-40. 224, 327.

Cassini Convention, 233, 13.

Casson, Herbert, 'History of the
Telephones,' 236, 315.

Castellan, A. L., opinion of B. Goz.
zoli, 239, 265.

Castex, Capt. R., 'Synthèse de la
guerre sous-marine,' 237, 366.
Casti, Giambattista, Prima la mu-
sica, poi le parole, 233, 291.
Castile, history of, 231, 347.
Castlereagh, Lord, Local Militia Act,
225, 431, 432-criticism on, 514
-at the Vienna Congress, 230, 298
-foreign policy, 241, 163,

Caucasus, the, invasion, 223, 595.

population, 234, 424.

Cavaignac, G., La Formation de la
Prusse,' 231, 36.

Cavendish, Lady Harriet, marriage,
225, 501, 508-character, 511.
Cawdor, Lord, First Lord of the
Admiralty, 223, 212.

Cawley, Sir F., member of the
Belgian refugees Committee, 225,
195 note.

Caxton Hall, Conference on Strikes, 233, 452, 455.

[blocks in formation]

Cecil, Algernon, ‘Disraeli : The Cervantes, 'Don Quixote,' 241, 52. Middle Phase,' 226, 508-' Two Distinguished Gladstonians,' 229, 205- Cardinal Manning,' 236, 381 - Mr Lloyd George: A Page of History,' 238, 279- British Foreign Policy Past and Present,' 241, 156.

Cezanne, M., character of his painting, 234, 384.

Cecil, Lady Gwendolen, 'The Life of Robert, Marquis of Salisbury,' 237, 378-399-criticisms on, 384.

Lord Robert, amendments on the Defence of the Realm Bill, 223,

148-scheme for a League of Nations, 231, 210.

Viscount, National Unity,' 241, 433.

Celimancy, art of divination, 240, 297.

Celsus, polemic against Christians, 239, 296.

Censorship and Recruiting, 223, 130-158.

methods of, 223, 295.

The, and its Effects, I. In England, 225, 148-163-II. In America, 160–163.

result, 227, 285.

of the Press, 234, 132–146. Census returns for 1911..224, 215; 240, 45.

Central Europe, Monarchism in, 237, 113-125.

Chaadaev, Peter, 'The Philosophy
of History,' 233, 406.

Chabot, Philippe de, letter from
Thiers, 228, 283.

Chadwick, Prof., 'The Heroic Age,'
226, 17.
Chambeges, Pierre, architect of Chan-
tilly Château, 240, 357, 259, 362.
Chamber, the, financial institution,
236, 350, 352.

Chamberlain, Rt Hon. Austen, on a
reserve of gold, 223, 422 note-on
the ignorance of the people on
foreign politics, 226, 478-on the
Indian cotton duty, 227, 530, 537
-Budgets, 238, 411-on the ex-
emption limit of taxation, 239,
132-appeal for a permanent Coali-
tion, 200-at the Carlton Club
meeting, 203.

Houston Stewart, distinction between culture and civilisation, 223, 48- Foundations of the Nineteenth Century,' 224, 84.

-, Rt Hon. Joseph, policy, 225, 260; 238, 281-political views, 228, 433-characteristics, 436relations with Sir C. Dilke, 437 -character of his principles, 229, 216-criticism on, 217. on the isolation of England,' 241, 167 - Fair Trade' propaganda, 220.

Centralisation of administration, 235, Chambers, E. K., 'The Elizabethan


'Centurion,' the, spirit of the captain, 235, 228.

Century Dictionary, 240, 174.

Cerebro-Spinal Fever or spotted

fever,' 224, 157-treatment, ib.

Stage,' 241, 400 et seq.

Dr King, Manual on Diet in Health and Disease, extract from, 231, 75.

Robert, 'Vestiges of the Natural History of Creation,' 230,




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Chambrun, Comtesse de, 'Giovanni Charrière, E., Négociations de la Florio,' 237, 2.

Championnel, General, defeats Ferdinand IV, 235, 361-administration of Naples, 362-recalled to Paris, 365.

Champneys, Basil, Memoirs and
Correspondence of Coventry Pat-
more,' 240, 123.
Chanak, fort of, 224, 122.

[ocr errors]

Chance, James Frederick, The Alliance of Hanover,' 241, 193210- List of the Diplomatic Representatives and Agents,' 197. Chancellor, E. Beresford, 'The Annals of Fleet Street: its Traditions and Associations,' 227, 353.

H., protest against naval expenditure, 223, 121. Channing, E., Guide to the Study of American History,' 223, 170. Chantilly and its Museum, 240, 356-373.

Chantrey Bequest, purchases under the, 224, 352.

Chapple, Dr, protest against naval expenditure, 223, 121.

France dans le Levant,' edited by, 230, 257.

Chartered British Trade Bank, 226, 547.

Chartism, 236, 62–75.

Chartists' riots, 234, 237.

Chase, Chief Justice, on contraband, 224, 238, 240. Chastelleux,

• On

Chevalier de, Public Felicity,' 234, 114. Chatham, Earl, character of his policy, 224, 438, 443. Châtillon, Renaud de, career, 230, 119.

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Charcot, J. M., experiments in Chavannes, Puvis de, character of Hypnotism, 238, 257.

his pictures, 234, 381.

Charles, King of Rumania, policy, Chekhov, character of his novels. 235, 230, 176-death, ib.

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113- Uncle Vanya,' ib.

-VI, Emperor, foreign policy, Chelmsford's Viceroyalty, Lord, 241, 195.

Dr R. H., 'A Critical and Exegetical Commentary on the Revelation of St John,' 235, 373 on the date of the Apocalypse, 376 note, et seq.

Charléty, M., on French foreign
policy, 239, 272.
Charlottenburg, Treaty of, 241, 203.

236, 42-61.

Chelnokoff, Mr, Mayor of Moscow, 223, 546.

Chelworth, Rev. John, first English
Rector of Padau University, 238,

awards for the discoveries in, 224, 527-training in, 532-535.

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