



Chenery, Thomas, editor of the Children's Charter,' 233, 123, 133. Times,' 227, 367; 239, 95.

Cheque, system of paying by, 228,


[ocr errors]

Chéradame, André, La Crise Française,' 224, 387- The Pangerman Plan Unmasked,' 227, 144, 264. Cherbourg, naval review at, sound of the guns, 226, 220–222, 225, 227. Cherif Pasha, resignation, 226, 38. Chesney, General, in command of the Euphrates Survey Expedition, 228, 489; 237, 71-'India under Experiment,' 230, 404.

Chesterfield, Lord, on the ignorance of the people on foreign affairs, 226, 470.

Chesterton, G. K., gift of humour, 241, 46, 50.

Chevrin, Arthur, L'Autriche et la Hongrie de demain,' 229, 181.

Chew, Samuel, C. 'Byron in England: His Fame and After-Fame,' 241, 229.

Chidell, Fleetwood, 'Imperial Migration and the Clash of Races,' 233, 359.

Child, Prof. C. M., Senescence and Rejuvenescence,' 240, 228.

Child Education in India, 229, 516-525.

'Childe Harold,' 237, 438.

Childers, Rt Hon. H. C. E., views on the supremacy of the First Lord of the Admiralty, 223, 63. Children, result of the industrial system, 228, 451-physical condition, 452-number on the school registers, 453-compulsory attendance, 458-employment, ib.nursery schools, 460-continuation schools, 461.

Chile, views on the law of neutrality, 223, 579.

China, character of art, 223, 509violation of the law of neutrality, 567.

Reorganisation Loan, 226, 169 -neutrality in the war, 170— independence guaranteed, 172— relations with Japan, 173; 234, 399, 408.

Some Tibetan Abbeys in, 227, 59-77.

result of the establishment of the Republic, 229, 397.

and the Powers, 233, 1–25.

war with Japan, 234, 398.
revolution, 235, 241.

foreign relations, 238, 102Nine Power Treaty, 105-108– Customs Tariff Treaty, 108-110-history of the Shantung question, 110-112-Treaty with Japan, 112 -administration, 113.

Empress-Dowager, conversion to constitutionalism, 226, 153directs the reform movement, 155.

Chinese Republic, Four Years of the, 226, 152-175.

Revolution, Financial and Historical Review of the,' 226, 152.

loyalty to British rule in the Malay States, 228, 401.

Society, 230, 79.


Drama, The, and cestor Worship, 231, 296–317.

working capacity, 235, 244immigration, 249.

Chipping Campden, 238, 78, 82.

[blocks in formation]

Christian IX, King of Denmark, accession, 227, 396.

Belief and Immortality, 227, 1-16. Christianity, The Indictment against, 229, 27-48.

Eastern: Reform and Reunion, 231, 112–126.

and Industrial Problems,' 237, 284.

Church, Dean, 'Bacon,' 238, 305.

Army, opinion of representatives on the increase of female intemperance, 233, 131.

Assembly, proposed, 231, 341.
Council, 229, 448, 453-458.

-, Representative, Committee on, 231, 340.

of England, Temperance Society

founded, 231, 72-relations with the Eastern Church, 124-election of a Bishop, 233, 206.

[blocks in formation]
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Lord Randolph, maiden speech, 234, 18.

Rt Hon. Winston, First Lord of the Admiralty, 223, 212-on the Navy, 116; 227, 101-plan of an expedition to the Dardanelles, 225, 231, 237; 234, 253-characteristics, 225, 262-criticism on the Navy, 226, 284, 286-policy, 292; 238, 136, 143-evidence at the Dardanelles Commission, 227, 513 -plan of a naval attack, 516, 519

Life of Lord R. Churchill,' 237, 383-on the Irish Draft Con stitution, 238, 206-criticism on, 241, 351.

Churchmen's Union, Memorandum of,' 229, 440 note.

Cicero and the Conquest of Gaul, 230, 361-379.

Cilicia, racial conflict in, 234, 436.

evacuated by the French, 239, 175; 242, 336.



Cinema, The, 234, 177–187.

an institution, 240, 56.

Clausewitz, K. von, 'On War,' 233, 425; 239, 235, 251 note; 242, 56, 59, 67.

Cintra, Convention of, 226, 131; 237, Clay, Miss, Industrial Hospitals of


England,' 232, 113 note.

Cirillo, Domenico, at the Neapolitan Claypon, Janet E. Lane, scheme for

Court, 235, 357-execution, 371.

Cities, Great, Road Traffic in, 233, 140-152.

Civil Service Estimates, increase in the cost, 225, 524-proposed temporary and permanent reductions, 525-527-result of saving, 537– policy of ruthless economy, 232,


expenditure on salaries,

238, 412-character, 239, 413. Claes, J., The German Mole,' 225, ⚫ 134.

Clare, John, love of wild flowers, 227, 443.

Clarendon, Lord, on the policy of Prussia, 232, 9.

Press, edition of Shakespeare, 237, 5.

Clark, Champ, on the reciprocity treaty, 225, 11.

C. U., 'The Text Traditions of Ammianus Marcellinus,' 230, 38.

N. D., Vice-President of the International Commercial Exposition, 238, 160.

the Provision of State Midwifery Service, 228, 481.

Clayton, Bertram,

Sinn Fein and Labour,' 229, 256—‘Utopias Unlimited,' 231, 510-'The Cinema,' 234, 177—' What Labour Wants,' 238, 327.

Clearing-House map of England, 232, 164.

[blocks in formation]


Clarke, Rev. W. E., missionary in Clifford, Sir Hugh, German Colo

Samoa, 238, 238, 244.

Clasen, Dr, president of the All

deutschen Verbandes, 240, 311 note.

nies: A Plea for the Native Races,'

[merged small][ocr errors][merged small]

Claudel, The Works of Paul, 227, Clive in India, 232, 38-56.

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small]
[merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

wealth of the principal Euro

pean nations, 240, 108.

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small]

Coalition, The End of the, 239, Coke, Sir E., statements on the


Ministry, 225, 566, 572; 227, 219, 226; 238, 404-407-result, 225, 263-disadvantages, 313.

character, 227, 220, 229fall, 220, 233, 240-243-number of votes, 238, 420-423-indictment against, 407-420-number of public officials, 239, 412.

Unionists, abstain from voting, 238, 421-423, 427-policy, 424426.

Cobbett, William, 'Parliamentary Debates,' 225, 431 note-' Year's Residence in the United States,' 229, 365.

Peerage Law, 224, 51.

Colbert, M., founds a French Levant Company, 233, 335.

Cole, G. D. H., 'Self-Government in Industry,' 229, 414; 237, 281'Labour in the Commonwealth,' 231, 514-517-'The World of Labour,' 515-theories of Guild Socialism, 238, 335.

[ocr errors][merged small]
[blocks in formation]

dustrial, 230, 334.

Commerce, British Oversea, in
War Time, 223, 252.

Coleridge, S. T., criticism on Sir J. Combinations, Financial and In Mackintosh, 224, 542- -on a trait of the English, 235, 207-character of his poetry, 241, 234-character of his letters, 242, 199. Collezione Settecentesca,' 233, 289. Collie, Norman, President of the Alpine Club, 237, 403.

[merged small][ocr errors][merged small]

Commercial education, 226, 446-449.
Commons, House of, characteristics,
230, 435-revision of Bills, 436-
subjection to the party system,
Commonwealth Navigation Act, 240,

The Problem of,' 229, 9 note.

Communism, 238, 336; 239, 406.

Community, meaning of the term, 235, 336.

[ocr errors][merged small][merged small]

Compulsion Bill, 227, 232. Compulsory Military Service in England, 225, 416-437-advocates of, 574, 583. As-Comte, Auguste, 'Cours de philosophie positive,' 234, 101.

Sir S., protest against naval expenditure, 223, 121. Collison-Morley, Lacy, 'Some pects of the Italian Settecento,' 233, 288.

Colomb, Vice-Admiral P. H., 'Memoirs of Sir Ashley-Cooper Key,' extract from, 233, 199.

Colonies, need for a closer commercial union with the United Kingdom, 225, 325.

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Condé, Prince de, work at Chantilly, 240, 360.

Condorcet, Marquis de, ‘Sketch of a

Historical Picture of the Progress of the Human Mind,' 234, 115. Congo, the, sovereignty of Portugal, 239, 282.

Congregational Church, 234, 265,


Congress and the War, 226, 196–

Connolly, James, 'Labour in Ireland,
229, 258- Labour in Irish His-
tory,' extract from, 261.
Conrad, Joseph, 242, 247-261.

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