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Education, Conference on, 233, 37.

cost, 239, 411-higher, 412.

Acts, 240, 186, 188.

, agricultural, 240, 350.

-, disadvantages of compulsion,
242, 222.

Egypt, cases of slavery, 226, 34-36.

and Palestine, 226, 411-432.

cotton trade, 227, 538.

effects of the war on the Mahomedans, 229, 502.

Egyptian Problem, The, 237, 415-

Educational system of the Labour Eight Hours' Act, 236, 180.
Party, 234, 324.

Edward IV, King, history of, 242,

VII, H.M., King, views on the
annexation of Bosnia-Herzegovina,
225, 169-political views, 228, 434
-foreign tours, 440-support of
the reorganisation of the Navy and
Army, 233, 198-interview with
Emperor Franz Josef, 239, 3—
interest in social welfare, 240, 39
-message to Ferdinand I, 396.
Edwardes, Tickner, The Lore of
the Honey Bee,' 231, 498.
Edwards, Frederick A., The Air
Raids on London,' 236, 270.

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Einstein, Lewis, on the Armenian massacres, 233, 390.

on Time and Space, 233, 226

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Einwohnerwehren, problem, 242, 441.

Eisfeld, Christopher, on the system
of bribery payments in the Elber-
feld Company, 232, 29–32.
Ekwall, Eilert, 'The Place-Names of
Lancashire,' 239, 382, 385–389.
Elcho, Lord, 'Letters on Military
Organisation,' 225, 433 note.

Election, General, 223, 563; 234,
318; 238, 426; 239, 205-211.

General, Some Aspects of the Late, 241, 211–228.

Petitions, employment of Judges, 241, 376.

Electric waves, speed, 242, 400. Electrons, discovery of the independent existence, 241, 314number in an atom, 318-weight, 319.

Elementary education, causes of the failure, 225, 410.

Eliot, Dr C. W., correspondence with J. Schiff, 227, 274- The Road toward Peace,' 275,

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Elizabeth, Empress of Austria, Embryology, new movement, 240,

estrangement with the Emperor, 235, 65-death, 66.

Queen, educational policy, 228, 447-Act of 1559..240, 207-209.

Elizabethan Stage and Restora

tion Drama, 241, 399-418. Ellenborough, Lord, 'Political Diary,' 223, 217 note, 218 note, 219 note.

Elliot, Sir George, proposed amalgamation of collieries, 236, 189.

Sir Henry, 'Some Revolutions and Other Diplomatic Experiences,' 239, 77 note.

—, Hugh, 'Modern Spiritualism,' 233, 82.

Elliott, Sir T. H., member of the Belgian refugees Committee, 225, 195 note, 199.

Ellis, Havelock, on patriotism, 224, 71.

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'Emden,' the, sunk, 223, 122 note, 306-exploits, 234, 121, 124, 129.

to Wilhelmshaven, 226, 91-98. Emergents,' meaning of the word, 240, 238.

Emerson, Harrington, 'Twelve Principles of Efficiency,' 235, 121 note. Emigration, spontaneous and assisted, 233, 360.

Emmet, Rev. C. W., ' The Use of the Psalter,' 230, 2 note-' The Book of Revelation,' 235, 373.

Robert, rebellion, 226, 257. Emmott, Lord, views on the Danish Agreement, 225, 285.

Empire, The Organisation of the, 226, 266-282.

Council of the, functions, 229, 22-work of the, 23-25. Employers, Associations of, 226, 310.

and employed, relations between, 228, 208; 236, 176; 241, 442.

Employment and Industry, The Effect of the War on, 223, 266281.

Enabling Act, 231, 333, 336, 344; 233, 346, 352; 234, 278-result, 242, 229-character, 230. Enclosures Acts, result, 224, 1; 228, 338.

Encyclopædia Britannica,' 223, 56 ; 239, 103; 241, 107, 110..

Ender, M., elected Governor of Vorarlberg, 233, 447.

Enemy Aliens, The Treatment of, 224, 415-425,


Enemy Countries, The Economic Condition of, 223, 370–392.

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Enfield, R. R., The Agricultural Crisis,' 242, 295.

'Engineer, The,' extract from, 225, 129.

Engineers' strike, result of the, 228, 201.

England, increase in the cost of food, 224, 455.

The Censorship and its Effects in, 225, 148–163.

Compulsory Military Service in, 225, 416–437.

The Arts in Early, 228, 96-118.

The Place-Names of, 228, 333-352.

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in 1848..234, 221–242.

charge against, 234, 305.

refusal to co-operate in the Bagdad Railway, 235, 313.

Mediæval, New Light on, 236, 350-365.

and Venice: An Historical Parallel, 241, 58-68.

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Verse, Greek Poetry in, 224, 297-326.

Englishmen, characteristics, 231, 402, 406.

'Englishwoman's Domestic Magazine,' 237, 55, 66.

Enlistment, effect of, on employment, 223, 271-estimate of the sources, 277.

scheme of deferred, 225, 569. En-Nasir, Sultan of Egypt, his administration, 223, 541-characteristics, ib.

Entente Cordiale and Metternich, 233, 253-271.

Enver Pasha, career, 223, 249- -on the Dardanelles campaign, 227, 523-letter to the Soviets, 239, 184-186-at the Baku Congress,


The Church of, As It Is, Epimenides, a Cretan Prophet, 231,

242, 227-246.

Opera in, 242, 278–294.

English, A. E., system of Guaranteeing Unions in Burmah, 225, 381.

Agricultural Workers, 235,


Country Life, The Decay of, 241, 329-341.

Dictionary, The, 240, 164-182.

379-personality, ib.-visit to purify Athens, 380, 387-semidivine origin, 381-one of the Seven Wise Men, 382-views of German scholars, 383-of English, ib.-reforms, 385-387-a scientific investigator and a philosophical thinker, 388-Prof. R. Harris' identification of an Epimenidean fragment, 389-poem 'Minos,' 391-393-the true spirit of Hellen. ism, 394.

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Eton: The Old and the New, 229, 293-320.

Headmasters, 238, 1-buildings, 8-School of Mechanics, 9Mission at Hackney Wick, 10.

Ettinger, J., 'Land Tenure in
Palestine,' 231, 318.

Euclid, geometry, 233, 232.

Ernle, Lord, "The "Golden Ass" of
Apuleius,' 234, 41- English Agri-
cultural Workers,' 235, 256-
'English Farming, Past and Pre-Euphrates river, 237, 70, 75.
sent,' 237, 330; 242, 110—' Byron's
430- Victorian


Letters,' Memoirs and Memories,' 239, 215 -meeting with Prof. Huxley, 224 --introduction to the Emperor Frederick, 228-' Our English Villages,' 241, 23—The Poetry of Byron,' 229-' Mrs Carlyle and English Letter-writing,' 242, 193. Errington, Dr, Archbishop-co-adjutor, 236, 393-deposition, 394. Erzberger, M., Erlebnisse im Weltkrieg,' 239, 1. Escott, T. H. S., 'Old and New in the Daily Press,' 227, 353-' The House of Rothschild,' 231, 430.


Esher, Viscount, scheme of War

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Valley Railway Company, 228,

Euridice,' the first surviving opera of Europe, 242, 280. Euripides, reference to bees, 241, 274 -character of his plays, 242, 52. Europe, The Reorganisation of, 235, 1-20.

population, 235, 238.

Central, Monarchism in,

237, 113. 'European Policy, 1897-1914'..234, 312.

Euxine, the, trade, 224, 109, 114.

Office reorganisation, 225, 253-Evans, Anne, definition of humour,

'Lord Beasonsfield,' 234, 1— "Studley Royal,' 237, 219-'A Great Ambassador,' 239, 307. Essad Pacha, Minister of War and first General of Albania, 228, 164 -bombardment of his house, 165. Essays and Addresses in War Time,' 237, 412.

and Reviews,' 236, 28 note, 29 note, 30 note, 38, 40.

240, 264.

Sir Arthur, discoveries at Cnossus, 226, 2-Les Slaves de l'Adriatique,' 229, 176.


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Joan, Magical Jewels,' 240,

Evan-Thomas, Rear-Admiral, commanding 5th Battle Squadron, at the battle of Jutland, 241, 112, 115.

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Essen, Admiral von, naval policy, Evelyn, John, Sylva,' 236, 93 note,

227, 465-death, 467.

Ethics of Prussian Statecraft,

230, 280-302.

94 note, 96, 101-sketch of, 238, 322-references to bees, 241, 282.

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Exchequer, the, 236, 352-Chancel- Expression, meaning of the word,

lor of, 354.

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235, 272.

Eyck, van, Hubert and Jan,‘The Adoration of the Lamb,' 236, 244. Eye-witness,' extracts from, 223, 99, 100, 293.

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