

-restoration of Alsace-Lorraine to France, 246-249-loss of colonies, 254 shipping losses, 475-note circulation, 497-Public Debt, 499. Germany, neglect of the claims in China, 233, 11, 17-occupies part of Kiaochou, 18-scheme of a capital levy, 61-attack of Neuve Chapelle, 110-use of gas, ib.-failure of the 'Kaiser battle,' 113-result of Russia's withdrawal, 114-blunders, 119-Battle Fleet, 196naval construction, 201.

Notes of a Recent Visit to, 233, 245-252.

Turkey, and the Armenian Massacres, 233, 385-400.

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ratification of treaty, 235, 1


[blocks in formation]

number of motor-cars, 240, 323 -agricultural policy, 348.

rural industries, 241, 42-surrender of the Navy, 119-foreign policy, 168, 171-disarmament, 387, 396-guarantee to, 396relations with France, 449.

The Disarmament of, and After, 242, 415-457.

Crown Prince of, 'My War Experiences,' 239, 244 note. Gersdorff, Hans von, 'Feldtbuch der Wundt-Artzney,' 226, 456-treatment of gunshot wounds, ib.

Gesner, Conrad, ' De Chirurgia Scriptores Optimi,' 226, 452. Gheerardts, Marcus, portraits, 235, 214.

Treaty of, 241, 173.

counter-proposals, 9-provisions, Ghent, Peace of, 223, 160.
13-revolutions, 142-surrender of
the Fleet, 221-construction of the
Bagdad Railway, 310-history of
the negtiations, 316-agreement
with Turkey, ib.

air raids on London, 236, 270289-result, 290-number of telephones, 308.

restoration of the Monarchy, 237, 117-responsibility for the war, 156-fleet, 161, 174, 178history of the naval war, 357 et seq.

Gheyn, M. van der, Canon of Ghent
Cathedral, saves 'The Adoration
of the Lamb,' 236, 245.
Ghezireh irrigation scheme, 223, 23,


Giaconio, Salvatore di, 'La Rivoluzione Napoletana,' 235, 353. Gibbon, Edward, extract from, 238, 245,


Gibbs, Herbert, advocates a commission on taxation, 239, 139.

Gibraltar and Spain, 230, 182-189.

Gibson, M. D., 'The Commentaries of Isho'dad of Merv,' translated by, 231, 389.

W. W., character of his blank verse, 226, 370— The Hare,' 380 'The Battle,' 224, 401-403; 230, 396.

Giese, Dr F., 'Die Verfassung des

Deutschen Reiches,' 235, 137.

Giffard, Stanley Lees, editor of 'St.

James' Chronicle,' 227, 355. Giffen, Sir Robert, 'Growth of Capital,' extract from, 230, 196. Gifford Lectures, diverse themes, 225, 296.

Giglioli, Constance H. D., 'Naples in 1799'..235, 353.

Gilbert, W. S., ' Iolanthe,' 241, 50.

Gilbrette, Frank B., experiments on bricklaying, 229, 116.


war, 258-flight, 227, 385-Prime Minister, 371; 237, 137—resignation, 237, 151-negotiations with Yugoslavia, 241, 303.

[ocr errors]

Gisborne, F. A. W., Australia Infelix,' 238, 180-State Paternalism in the Antipodes,' 240, 136.

Gladstone, Rt Hon. W. E., on foreign policy, 226, 471-verbosity of speech, 228, 428-political views, 433; 240, 426-Home Rule Bill of 1886, 229, 241-friendship with J. Murray III, 231, 11, 20 on reduction of the Navy, 233, 193— appearance, 234, 4-policy, 6, 13-review of Robert Elsmere,' 153-retirement, 237, 226, 227impressions of, 239, 226-speaks into the phonograph, 227-policy in Ireland, 240, 429-dual character, 241, 177-story of, 182criticism on, 357-Irish Land Policy, 435.


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Two Distin

guished, 229, 205-221. See Acton and Morley.

Gilchrist, R. N., ' Indian Nationality,' | Glands, the ductless or endocrine, 234, 64 note; 236, 42.

[ocr errors]

240, 227.

Gillen, F. J., Across Australia,' 234, Glanvill, Joseph, 'Plus Ultra,' 234,


Gillette, William, plays, 240, 68. Gilruth, Dr, Administrator of the Northern Territory, reports, 238, 189, 195.

Gimazane, Jean, 'Ammien Marcellin, sa vie et son oeuvre,' 230, 38. Ginestra, The; or, The Desert Flower, 235, 51-59. Giolitti, Signor, character of his policy, 224, 250–252, 259; 227, 373, 383; 237, 138-charges against, 224, 253-negotiations with Prince von Bülow, 256-258-views against

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Gleichen, Count, The Anglo-Egyp- Goldman, C. S., The Empire and
tian Sudan,' 223, 1.
the Century,' 237, 188.

Glenorchy, Lord, Ambassador to Goldoni, Carlo, anecdote of, 233,
Denmark, 241, 205.


Globe,' edition of Shakespeare, 237, Goldsmith, art of the, in the seventh century, 228, 105.


[ocr errors]

Theatre, sketch of the, 241, 414.
Gluck, C. W., operas, 242, 283.
Gneisenau, Herr, on the French
Revolution, 231, 38.
Gneist, H. von, Englische Verfas-
sungegeschichte,' 225, 418 note.
God, The Anger of, 239, 290-306.
Godin, M., 'familistère,' 235, 431.
Godkin, E. L., on the teaching of
political economy, 234, 231.

Godley, J. R., 'Letters
America,' 229, 362.


[blocks in formation]

Goethe, J. W., lines from, 228, 47-Gooch, G. P., History and Historians

interview with John Murray, 231,



A New Life of, 235, 339-352.
opinion of Byron's poems, 241,

Ottilie von, correspondence with Mrs. Austin, 239, 44-translation of Torquato Tasso,' ib.characteristics, 45-death, 47. Goffinet, Baron, member of the Belgian Commission, 225, 199.

Gogol, his writings, 239, 323.

Gold Standard, The Abandon

ment of the, 223, 409-423.

reserve, 225, 85-87.

[ocr errors]

in the Nineteenth Century,' 223,
340-'Germany's Debt to France,'
231, 26- The Rise and Fall of
the German Empire,' 232, 364-
'A New Life of Goethe,' 235, 339
-The Cambridge History of
British Foreign Policy,' edited by,
241, 156 History of Europe,'

Good Hope,' British cruiser, sunk,
223, 113, 118, 119, 122, 158;
224, 292.

Cape of, discovery of the route, 230, 259; 241, 60, 63.

Goodall, A., 'Place-Names of S. W. Yorkshire,' 228, 347 note, 351 note -introduction, 352.

amount of production, 228, 63 Goode, Sir William, on the new -output, 64.

Austria, 238, 27.

'Golden Ass' of Apuleius, 234, Gooderich, C. L., The Frontier of


Bough, The, 223, 464-484.

Vol. 243.

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Control: a Study of British Workshop Politics,' 237, 291.




Göppert, Prof., 'Attempts at Socialisation in Germany since the Revolution,' 237, 276.

Gordon, A. R., The Poets of the Old Testament,' 230, 20.

Douglas, 'Reynard the Fox,' 238, 265-'The Badger at Home,' 240, 24- Game Birds and Wild Fowl,' 241, 9.

Lady Duff, portrait, 239, 42literary works, 43-translations of Heine's poems, 50, 53-friendship with him, 51–55.

General, first Governor-General of the Sudan, 223, 2-death, 226, 34-secretary to Lord Ripon, resignation, 237, 234.

Sir Home, 'W. G.,' 225, 456'Post-War English Cricket,' 238,


J. W., The New German Constitution,' 235, 137— The English Dictionary,' 240, 164.

Miss Mary, 'Penal Discipline,' 238, 384-386, 388.

Memorial College, 223, 13, 20. Gore, Dr Charles, 'Belief in God' and 'Belief in Christ,' criticism on, 240, 378-382, 384.

T. P., Bills to prevent travelling on belligerent ships, 226, 208–210, 212.

Gorell, Lord, creation of the system of Army education, 233, 31-head of the Staff Duties Directorate, 33.

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Goschen, Viscount, First Lord of the Admiralty, 223, 63-Ambassador at Constantinople, views on Albania, 228, 140, 149-on the death duties, 239, 128.

Gosling, Harry, member of the Belgian refugees Committee, 225,

195 note.

Gosse, Edmund, Jeremy Taylor,' 225, 249 note-'The Life of Algernon Charles Swinburne,' 228, 229– 231; 229, 462- Portraits and Sketches,' 228, 238-the Posthumous Poems, edited by, 247'Life of Donne,' 233, 319-letter from Henry James, 234, 196— 'Austin Dobson,' 237, 53-member of the Pen and Pencil Club, 63association with A. Dobson, 63-65 -Coventry Patmore,' 240, 125. Gotha aeroplanes, raids, 236, 280,


Gothein, Dr, on the decline of Ger

many's production, 240, 116.

Gottberg, Otto von, 'Als Adjutant durch Frankreich und Belgien,' 236, 200.

Gould, W. A., 'The Present Economic Position in the West Indies,' 237, 188.

Gourmont, Remy de, 'Le Succès et l'Idée de Beauté, 242, 123, 132 et seq.

Government, National, cost, 232, 509. Govone, General, Memoirs,' 227, 394 note.

Gower, Granville Leveson, created Marquis of Stafford, 225, 500. Grabski, Ladislaus, Polish Minister of Finance, 241, 430.

Grace, Harvey, 'The Organ Works of Bach,' 239, 377.

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Grace, The Saving, 235, 221-233. Gray, Thomas, interest in botany,

W. G., 225, 456-463.

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227, 444.

Graetz, Heinrich, History of the Great Britain, relations with the

Jews,' 233, 405.

Graham, Duncan, at the meeting of the Scottish Miners' Federation at Ayr, 232, 443.

Sir James, his views on the supremacy of the First Lord of the Admiralty, 223, 59.

Colonel J. J., ' On War,' translated by, 242, 56.

Stephen, 'The Children of the Slaves,' 235, 251. Grahame-White, Claude, ' Commercial Aeronautics,' 229, 154. Grain Growers' Grain Company, 235 88-90-' Guide' founded, 90, 99. Grammont, Duc de, policy in the Franco-German war, 227, 389. Grant, J. A., his views on the reason for men not enlisting, 223, 141.

[blocks in formation]

United States, 223, 154, 458; 230,66 -amount of trade with Germany, 223, 383-with Austria-Hungary, 389-with Turkey, 391-production of music, 396-rivalry of Germany, ib.-employment of foreign musicians, 402—superiority of orchestras, 403-beauty of the language, 404-need for the encouragement of the art, ib.-problem of publication, 406-adoption of the moratorium, 409-advance in the rates of wages, 455— charges against, 549 - method of Colonial administration, 460 -voluntary system of recruiting, 599.

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character of patriotism, 224, 87-anti-militarism of the workingclass, 89-motor industry, 178, 189-192-economic relations with the Allies, 203-estimate of the national wealth, ib.-resources of the Overseas Dominions, 204production of staple articles, ib. -value of investments abroad, 205, 219-position of the Banks, 206-gold reserve, 207-the first war budget, ib.-yield of Income and Super tax, 208-Revenue returns, 209-expenditure, 210, 213, 221-estimated cost of the war, 211, 215-cost of the army and navy, 212-issue of War Loans, 213-215-result of the withdrawal of men from production, 215foreign trade, 216-219-influence on the cost of Local Government, 220-amount of the National Debt, 221-the need for a system of national organisation, 283-increase in the output of munitions, 284-criticisms on the Munitions and Registration Bills, ib.-result

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