Transactions of the Linnean Society of London, Volume 15Vols. 5-21 include section: "Catalogue of the Library of the Linnean Society." |
Overige edities - Alles bekijken
Transactions of the Linnean Society of London, Volume 26 Linnean Society of London Volledige weergave - 1870 |
Transactions of the Linnean Society of London, Volumes 1-30 Linnean Society of London Volledige weergave - 1867 |
Transactions of the Linnean Society of London, Volume 7 Linnean Society of London Volledige weergave - 1804 |
Veelvoorkomende woorden en zinsdelen
abdomen acutis ala a carpo albæ albida albis albo Alou apice apicem apicibus appears Arbor Beng bill bird brevi Caley calyce Calyx carpo ad remigem cauda characters clavicle colour cotyledons dentibus described eggs externis fasciis ferè Ficus Flores Folia foliis Fructus Frutex fuscæ fuscis genera Genus glabris Habitat Hist Hort Hortus Malabaricus Hyæna inches India insects Katou Lamarck Lath Linn Linnæus Linnean longior Longitudo corporis maculis mandibula medio Meliphagida Meth natives naturalists nest nigris Norfolk notatæ oblongis observed obtusis Offton ovatis pallidè Paramatta parcè paulò Pedes petalis plant Plukenet plumæ pogoniis internis Psittacus ramulis rectricibus remigem quartam Remiges remigibus resemblance Rheede rictum rostri ad frontem Rostrum Roxburgh Rumphius scandens seen setis species specimens spicis Stamina sternum subtus subtus pallidior Suffolk supernè suprà tail tarsi Tectrices inferiores Temminck Titmouse trachea tree uncias utrinque viridis Willdenow wings
Populaire passages
Pagina 482 - ... evident that the name of the species comprehends more attributes than the name of the genus. The species comprehends all that is in the genus, and those attributes likewise which distinguish that species from others belonging to the same genus ; and the more subdivisions we make, the names of the lower become still the more comprehensive in their signification, but the less extensive in their application to individuals.
Pagina 449 - ... additions, they were accumulated into flakes or masses of considerable magnitude, on which the ascending current, occasioned by the rarefaction of the air contiguous to the heated ground, acted with so much force as to separate them from the objects to which they were attached, raising them in the atmosphere to a perpendicular height of at least several hundred feet.
Pagina 250 - I have frequently seen it alight on the ridge of my house and perform the same evolutions. I have often considered it, when I witnessed these manners, to be the Wagtail of the colony. The stumps of trees on which it alights are those which have been left standing where the ground has been cleared, the trees themselves having been cut down about a yard from the ground.
Pagina 496 - Strobus ; they are rigid, of a bright-green colour, but not glossy, and from minute denticulations of the margin are scabrous to the touch. The cones are pendulous from the extremities of the branches; they are two years in acquiring their full growth, are at first upright, and do not begin to droop I believe till the second year : when young they have a very taper figure ; when ripe they are about eleven inches in circumference at the thickest part, and vary from twelve to sixteen inches in length.
Pagina 491 - C'est le plus nombreux de toute la classe ; son caractère semble d'abord purement négatif, car il embrasse tous les oiseaux qui ne sont ni nageurs, ni échassiers, ni grimpeurs, ni rapaces, ni gallinacés. Cependant, en les comparant, on saisit bientôt entre eux une...
Pagina 273 - The natives,' says the last-mentioned traveller, ' tell me of another kind of Cockatoo (besides Wyla and Geringora, which they call Carat). It is very shy. It scrapes dirt out of the hollow boughs, and makes its nest as the others do. It lays two eggs, the colour of which I did not ascertain. The nest is found by watching the bird into the hole. It does not make Co'tora, nor cut off the branches of the trees; but it cuts off May'rybor'ro and Mun'mmo (the fruit of two species of Persoonia), without...
Pagina 449 - I collected a number of these webs about mid-day, as they rose ; and again in the afternoon, when the upward current had ceased, -and they were falling: but scarcely one in twenty contained a spider ; though, on minute inspection, I found small winged insects, chiefly aphides, entangled in most of them.. • . " From contemplating this unusual display of gossamer, my thoughts were naturally directed to the animals which produced it, and the countless myriads in which they swarmed almost created as...
Pagina 509 - Guilding designates certain attendants on the eggs, which he conceives to be without analogies in the animal creation. They are curiously placed in circles, and always on the extremity of a branch, so that nothing can approach the brood ; nor can the young ramble abroad till they have acquired strength to resist the ants and other insect enemies. The female may be seen expelling from her ovary these natural barriers with as much care as her real eggs.
Pagina 496 - Pinea, their kernel is sweet and very pleasant to the taste. The wing is membranous, of a dolabriform figure and fuliginous colour, about twice as long as the seed ; it has an innumerable quantity of minute sinuous vessels filled with a crimson substance, and forming a most beautiful microscopic object. The embryo has 12 or 13 cotyledons. The whole tree produces an abundance of pure ambercoloured resin. Its timber is white, soft, and light : it abounds in turpentine reservoirs, and its specific gravity...
Pagina 385 - ... inches in length in the larger birds, and decreasing only in proportion to the size of the species. Of the bones it may be observed that the ribs are short...