June 19, 1594. Tho. Creede.] An enterlude entitled the Tragedie of Richard the Third, wherein is shown the Death of Edward the Fourthe, with the Smotheringe of the twoo Princes in the Tower, with the lamentable End of Shore's Wife, and the Contention of the two Houses of Lancaster and York.6 July 20, 1594. 30g b. Tho. Creede.] The lamentable Tragedie of Locrine, the eldest Son of K. Brutus, discoursinge the Warres of the Britains, &c. 310. b. Vol. C. Before the beginning of this volume are placed two leaves containing irregular entries, prohibitions, notes, &c. Among these are the following. Aug. 4th. As You like it, a book. } to be ftaied. 6 This could not have been the work of Shakspeare, as the death of Jane Shore makes no part of his drama. STEEVENS. 7 Probably the play before that of Shakspeare. STEEVENS. Surely this must have been Shakspeare's Henry V. which, as well as Much Ado about Nothing, was printed in 1600, when this entry appears to have been made. See the Effay on the chronological order of Shakspeare's plays; article, As you like it. MALONE. The dates scattered over these pages are from 1595 to 1615. Edw. White.] A new ballad of Romeo and Juliett." Aug. 15, 1597. Rich. Jones.] Two ballads, being the first and fecond parts of the Widowe Aug. 29, 1597. Andrew Wife.] The tragedye of Richard. the Seconde. Oct. 20, 1597. Andrew Wife.] The tragedie of King Ri chard the Third, with the Deathe of the Duke of Clarence. Feb. 25, 1597. Andrew Wife.] A booke entitled the Hif 6 12 b. 22 b. 23 25 8 This is afcribed to Shakspeare by the compilers of ancient catalogues. STEEVENS. 9 Query, if Shakspeare's play, the first edition of which appeared in 1597. STEEVENS. 2 Perhaps the fongs on which the play with the fame title was founded. It may, however, be the play itself. It was not uncommon to divide one dramatick piece, though defigned for a fingle exhibition, into two parts. See the King John before that of Shakspeare. STEEVENS. torie of Henry the Fourth, with his Battle at Shrewsbury againft Henry Hottspurre of the North, with the conceipted Mirth of Sir John Falstoff. July 22, 1598. James Roberts.) A booke of the Merchaunt of Venyse, otherwise called the Jewe of Venyse. Provided that it be not prynted by the said James Roberts or any other whatsoever, without leave first had from the ryght honourable the Lord Cham berlen. 1 i Aug. 4, 1600. Item, The Second Part of the 1 Aug. 14, 1600. Tho. Pavyer.] The History of Henry the Fifth, with the Battel of Agin- Aug. 23, 1600. And. Wife, and Wm. Aspley.] Much Ado about Nothing. Second Part of the History of 31 39 b. 63 63 63 b. ibid: Oct. 8, 1600. Tho Fisher.] A booke called a Midfomer Nyghte Dreame. Οθ. 28, 1600. 1 Tho. Heyes.] A booke called the Book of the Merchaunt of Venyce. Jan. 18, 1601. John Busby.] An excellent and pleasaunt conceited comedie of Sir John Faulstoff and the Merry Wyves of 65 b. 66 78 Arth. Johnfon.) The preceding entered as affigned to him from John Busby. ibid. April 19, 1602. Tho. Pavyer.] A booke called Titus Andro nicus. July 26, 1602. James Roberts.) A booke called the Revenge of Hamlett prince of Denmarke, as it was lately acted by the Lord Chamberlain his fer vants. Aug. 11, 1602. Wm. Cotton.] A booke called the Lyfe and Death of the Lord Cromwell, as yt was lately acted by the Lord Chamberleyne his fervantes. Feb. 7, 1602. Mr. Roberts.) The booke of Troilus and 80 b. 84 b. 85 b. g1 b. June 25, 1603. Matt. Law.] Richard 3. Henry 4. 1 ft. Part. Feb. 12, 1604. all kings. Nath. Butter.] That he get good allowance 3 Simon Stafford.] A booke called the tragicall Hiftorie of King Leir and his three Daughters, as it was lately 98 120 acted. 123 John Wright.] By affignment from Simon Stafford and confent of Mr. Leake, the tragical History of King Lear, &c. provided that Simon Stafford shall have the printing of this book.4 ibid. July 3, 1605. Tho. Pavyer.] A ballad of a lamentable Nurse, &c. 126 3 This was a play entitled, When you fee me you know me, or the famous chronicle Historie of King Henrie the Eight, &c. by Samuel Rowley. Printed for N. Butter, 1605. MALONE. * This is the King Lear before that of Shakspeare. Query, if the play. STEEVENS. STEEVENS. 1 |