
You hear that boy laughing? You think he's The angel took a sapphire pen

all fun;

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And wrote in rainbow dew, "The man would be a boy again, And be a husband, too!"

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THE OLD MAN DREAMS. O FOR One hour of youthful joy!

Give back my twentieth spring! I'd rather laugh a bright-haired boy Than reign a gray-beard king!

Off with the spoils of wrinkled age! Away with learning's crown! Tear out life's wisdom-written page, And dash its trophies down!

One moment let my life-blood stream
From boyhood's fount of flame!
Give me one giddy, reeling dream
Of life all love and fame!

My listening angel heard the prayer,
And, calmly smiling, said,
"If I but touch thy silvered hair,
Thy hasty wish hath sped.

"But is there nothing in thy track To bid thee fondly stay,

While the swift seasons hurry back To find the wished-for day?"

Ah! truest soul of womankind!
Without thee what were life?
One bliss I cannot leave behind:

I'll take-my-precious-wife!



THE Yankee boy, before he's sent to school,
Well knows the mysteries of that magic tool,
The pocket-knife. To that his wistful eye
Turns, while he hears his mother's lullaby;
His hoarded cents he gladly gives to get it,
Then leaves no stone unturned till he can whet it;
And in the education of the lad

No little part that implement hath had.
His pocket-knife to the young whittler brings
A growing knowledge of material things.

Projectiles, music, and the sculptor's art,
His chestnut whistle and his shingle dart,
His elder popgun with its hickory rod,
Its sharp explosion and rebounding wad,
His cornstalk fiddle, and the deeper tone
That murmurs from his pumpkin-stalk trombone,
Conspire to teach the boy. To these succeed
His bow, his arrow of a feathered seed,
His windmill, raised the passing breeze to win,
His water-wheel, that turns upon a pin ;
Or, if his father lives upon the shore,
You'll see his ship, "beam ends upon the floor,"
Full rigged with raking masts, and timbers


And waiting near the wash-tub for a launch.

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And when the thing is made, — whether it be
To move on earth, in air, or on the sea;
Whether on water, o'er the waves to glide,
Or upon land to roll, revolve, or slide;
Whether to whirl or jar, to strike or ring,
Whether it be a piston or a spring,
Wheel, pulley, tube sonorous, wood or brass,
The thing designed shall surely come to pass;
For, when his hand 's upon it, you may know
That there's go in it, and he'll make it go.

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Gentleman in black,

In a fit of blues; Gentleman in claret, Sober as a vicar; Gentleman in tweed, Dreadfully in liquor !

Stranger on the right
Looking very sunny,
Obviously reading

Something rather funny. Now the smiles are thicker,

Wonder what they mean! Faith, he's got the KnickerBocker Magazine!

Stranger on the left
Closing up his
Now he snores amain,
Like the Seven Sleepers;
At his feet a volume

Gives the explanation,
How the man grew stupid
From "Association" !

Ancient maiden lady Anxiously remarks, That there must be peril 'Mong so many sparks ; Roguish-looking fellow, Turning to the stranger, Says it's his opinion She is out of danger!

Woman with her baby, Sitting vis-à-vis ; Baby keeps a-squalling, Woman looks at me; Asks about the distance, Says it's tiresome talking, Noises of the cars

Are so very shocking!

Market-woman, careful
Of the precious casket,
Knowing eggs are eggs,
Tightly holds her basket;
Feeling that a smash,

If it came, would surely
Send her eggs to pot,
Rather prematurely.

Singing through the forests,

Rattling over ridges; Shooting under arches,

Rumbling over bridges;

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MISS FLORA MCFLIMSEY, of Madison Square,
Has made three separate journeys to Paris,
And her father assures me, each time she was

That she and her friend Mrs. Harris

(Not the lady whose name is so famous in his-

But plain Mrs. H., without romance or mystery)
Spent six consecutive weeks without stopping
In one continuous round o. shopping, -
Shopping alone, and shopping together,

At all hours of the day, and in all sorts of

For all manner of things that a woman can put
On the crown of her head or the sole of her foot,
Or wrap round her shoulders, or fit round her

Or that can be sewed on, or pinned on, or laced,
Or tied on with a string, or stitched on with a

In front or behind, above or below;

In all quarters of Paris, and to every store,
While McFlimsey in vain stormed, scolded, an


They footed the streets, and he footed the bills,

The last trip, their goods shipped by the steamer

Formed, McFlimsey declares, the bulk of he


Not to mention a quantity kept from the rest,
Sufficient to fill the largest-sized chest,
Which did not appear on the ship's manifest,
But for which the ladies themselves manifested
Such particular interest, that they invested
Their own proper persons in layers and rows
Of muslins, embroideries, workedunder-clothes,
Gloves, handkerchiefs, scarfs, and such trifles as
those ;

Then, wrapped in great shawls, like Circassian

Gave good-by to the ship, and go-by to the duties.
Her relations at home all marvelled, no doubt,
Miss Flora had grown so enormously stout

For an actual belle and a possible bride;
But the miracle ceased when she turned inside

And the truth came to light, and the dry-goods beside,

Which, in spite of collector and custom-house

Had entered the port without any entry.
And yet, though scarce three months have passed
since the day


merchandise went, on twelve carts, up

This same Miss McFlimsey, of Madison Square,
The last time we met was in utter despair,
Because she had nothing whatever to wear!

NOTHING TO WEAR! Now, as this is a true ditty,
I do not assert - this, you know, is between


That she's in a state of absolute nudity,

Like Powers Greek Slave, or the Medici Venus; But I do mean to say, I have heard her declare,

When, at the same moment, she had on a dress Which cost five hundred dollars, and not a cent less,

For bonnets, mantillas, capes, collars, and shawls;
Dresses for breakfasts and dinners and balls;
Dresses to sit in and stand in and walk in ;
Dresses to dance in and flirt in and talk in ;
Dresses in which to do nothing at all;
Dresses for winter, spring, summer, and fall;
All of them different in color and pattern,
Silk, muslin, and lace, crape, velvet, and satin,
Brocade, and broadcloth, and other material,
Quite as expensive and much more ethereal ;
In short, for all things that could ever be thought I should mention just here, that out of Miss

Or milliner, modiste, or tradesmen be bought of, From ten-thousand-francs robes to twentysous frills;

And jewelry worth ten times more, I should


That she had not a thing in the wide world to wear !


Two hundred and fifty or sixty adorers,

I had just been selected as he who should throw all
The rest in the shade, by the gracious bestowal

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So being relieved from that duty, I followed
Inclination, which led me, you see, to your

And now will your ladyship so condescend
As just to inform me if you intend

But in a front parlor, most brilliantly lighted,
Beneath the gas-fixtures we whispered our love,
Without any romance or raptures or sighs,
Without any tears in Miss Flora's blue eyes,
Or blushes, or transports, or such silly actions,
It was one of the quietest business transactions,
With a very small sprinkling of sentiment, if any, To the Stuckups, whose party, you know, is to-

And a very large diamond imported by Tiffany.

On her virginal lips while I printed a kiss,
She exclaimed, as a sort of parenthesis,

And by way of putting me quite at my ease,


You know, I'm to polka as much as I please,

And flirt when I like, now, stop, don't you


Your beauty and graces and presence to lend
(All of which, when I own, I hope no one will


The fair Flora looked up with a pitiful air,

And answered quite promptly, "Why, Harry

mon cher,

I should like above all things to go with you there;

And you must not come here more than twice in But really and truly -- I've nothing to wear."

the week,

Or talk to me either at party or ball,

But always be ready to come when I call ;
So don't prose to me about duty and stuff,

If we don't break this off, there will be time

For that sort of thing; but the bargain must be
That, as long as I choose, I am perfectly free,
For this is a sort of engagement, you see,
Which is binding on you but not binding on me.'


Nothing to wear! go just as you are;
Wear the dress you have on, and you'll be by

I engage, the most bright and particular star
On the Stuckup horizon"-I stopped -- for
her eye,

Notwithstanding this delicate onset of flattery,
Opened on me at once a most terrible battery

Of scorn and amazement. She made no reply,
But gave a slight turn to the end of her nose
(That pure Grecian feature), as much as to say,

Well, having thus wooed Miss McFlimsey and "How absurd that any sane man should suppose

gained her,

With the silks, crinolines, and hoops that con

tained her,

I had, as I thought, a contingent remainder
At Least in the property, and the best right
To appear as its escort by day and by night;
And it being the week of the Stuckups' grand

Their cards had been out a fortnight or so,
And set all the Avenue on the tiptoe,
I considered it only my duty to call,

And see if Miss Flora intended to go.
I found her, as ladies are apt to be found,
When the time intervening between the first

Of the bell and the visitor's entry is shorter
Than usual, — I found — I won't say, I caught

Intent on the pier-glass, undoubtedly meaning
To see if perhaps it did n't need cleaning.

That a lady would go to a ball in the clothes,
No matter how fine, that she wears every day!"

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(Here the nose took again the same elevation)—But this only proved as a spark to the powder,


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'I would n't wear that for the whole of creation." And the storm I had raised came faster and 'Why not? It's my fancy, there's nothing could strike it

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It blew and it rained, thundered, lightened, and


Interjections, verbs, pronouns, till language quite

To express the abusive, and then its arrears
Were brought up all at once by a torrent of tears,
And my last faint, despairing attempt at an obs-
Ervation was lost in a tempest of sobs.

Well, I felt for the lady, and felt for my hat,

Improvised on the crown of the latter a tattoo,
In lieu of expressing the feelings which lay

Opposition, "that gorgeous toilette which you Quite too deep for words, as Wordsworth would


In Paris last spring, at the grand presentation, When you quite turned the head of the head of the nation;

And by all the grand court were so very much courted."

The end of the nose was portentously tipped up, And both the bright eyes shot forth indignation, As she burst upon me with the fierce exclamation, "I have worn it three times at the least calculation,


Then, without going through the form of a bow, Found myself in the entry I hardly knew how,

On doorstep and sidewalk, past lamp-post and


At home and up stairs, in my own easy-chair;

Poked my feet into slippers, my fire into blaze, And said to myself, as I lit my cigar, Supposing a man had the wealth of the Czar Of the Russias to boot, for the rest of his days, And that and most of my dresses are ripped On the whole, do you think he would have much up!" to spare,

Here I ripped out something, perhaps rather rash, If he married a woman with nothing to wear? Quite innocent, though; but, to use an ex

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Since that night, taking pains that it should not be bruited

Abroad in society, I've instituted

A course of inquiry, extensive and thorough,
On this vital subject, and find, to my horror,
That the fair Flora's case is by no means sur-

But that there exists the greatest distress
In our female community, solely arising

From this unsupplied destitution of dress,
Whose unfortunate victims are filling the air
With the pitiful wail of "Nothing to wear."
Researches in some of the "Upper Ten " districts
Reveal the most painful and startling statistics,
Of which let me mention only a few :
In one single house, on Fifth Avenue,
Three young ladies were found, all below twenty-

Who have been three whole weeks without any.
thing new

Our engagement is ended, sir—yes, on the spot;
You're a brute, and a monster, and I don't In the way of flounced silks, and thus left in the

know what."

I mildly suggested the words


Pickpocket, and cannibal, Tartar, and thief,
As gentle expletives which might give relief;


Are unable to go to ball, concert, or church.
In another large mansion, near the same place,
Was found a deplorable, heartrending case

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