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Enter GOWER.


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Would ever with Marina be:


Be 't when she weav'd the sleided silk
With fingers long, small, white as milk;
Or when she would with sharp needle wound
The cambric, which she made more sound
By hurting it; or when to the lute
She sung, and made the night-bird mute,
That still records with moan; or when
She would with rich and constant pen
Vail to her mistress Dian; still
This Philoten contends in skill
With absolute Marina: so

With the dove of Paphos might the crow
Vie feathers white.9 Marina gets

All praises, which are paid as debts,
And not as given. This so darks
In Philoten all graceful marks,
That Cleon's wife, with envy rare,
A present murderer does prepare
For good Marina, that her daughter
Might stand peerless by this slaughter.
The sooner her vile thoughts to stead,1o

6 Sleided, untwisted, floss.

7 Needle, pronounced "neele."

8 Records with moan, warbles dolefully.

9 Vie feathers white, compete about white feathers. 10 Stead, aid.



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Dion. Thy oath remember; thou hast sworn to do't:

'Tis but a blow, which never shall be known. Thou canst not do a thing i̇' the world so soon,

To yield thee so much profit. Let not conscience,

Which is but cold, inflaming love in thy bosom,
Inflame too nicely;3 nor let pity, which
Ev'n women have cast off, melt thee, but be
A soldier to thy purpose.

Leon. I'll do 't; but yet she is a goodly

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No care to your best courses. Go, I pray you, Walk, and be cheerful once again; reserve? That excellent complexion, which did steal

The eyes of young and old. Care not for me;

I can go home alone. Mar.

Well, I will go;

But yet I've no desire to it.

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I know 't is good for you.-
Walk half an hour, Leonine, at the least:
Remember what I've said.

I warrant you, madam.
Dion. I'll leave you, my sweet lady, for a
while :

Pray, walk softly, do not heat your blood:
What! I must have a care of you.



My thanks, sweet madam.-
[Exit Dionyza.

Is this wind westerly that blows?
Mar. When I was born, the wind was north.

5 Quick, fresh.

6 Your best courses, i.e. the habits best for you.

7 Reserve, be careful of.

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Pand. As well as we! ay, and better too; we offend worse. Neither is our profession any trade; it's no calling.-But here comes Boult.

Re-enter BOULT, with the Pirates and MARINA. Boult. [To Marina] Come your ways.-My masters, you say she's a virgin?

First Pirate. O, sir, we doubt it not. Boult. Master, I have gone through for this piece you see: if you like her, so; if not, I have lost my earnest.

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