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" PORTLOCK.- REPORT ON THE GEOLOGY OF THE COUNTY of LONDONDERRY, and of Parts of Tyrone and Fermanagh, examined and described under the Authority of the Master-General and Board of Ordnance. By JE PORTLOCK, FRS &c. "
Notes and Queries - Pagina 425
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A Guide to the Orchard and Kitchen Garden: Or, An Account of the Most ...

George Lindley - 1831 - 674 pagina’s
...PORTER, Esq. FRS 1 vol. fcp. 8vo. with Vignette Title and 50 Woodcuts, 6s. cloth. PORTLOCK.-REPORT ON THE GEOLOGY OF THE COUNTY of LONDONDERRY, and of Parts of Tyrone and Fermanmth, examined and described under the Authority of the Master-General and Board of Ordnance....
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A Treatise on the Valuation of Property for the Poor's Rate: Showing the ...

J. S. Bayldon - 1834 - 286 pagina’s
...PORTER, Esq. FRS 1 vol. fcp. 8vo. with Vignette Title and 50 Woodcuts, 6s. cloth. PORTLOCK.-REPORT ON THE GEOLOGY OF THE COUNTY of LONDONDERRY, and of Parts of Tyrone and Fermanagh, examined and described under the Authority of the Master-General and Board of Ordnance. By JE PORTLOCK,...
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Selections from the Phrenological Journal: Comprising Forty Articles in the ...

Robert Cox - 1836 - 434 pagina’s
...R. Porter, Esq. FRS 1 vol. foolscap Svo. with Vignette Title and 50 Woodcnts, B.. cloth. PORTLOCK. - REPORT ON THE GEOLOGY OF THE COUNTY OF LONDONDERRY, and of Parts of Tyrone and Fermanagh, examined and deseribed under the Anthority of the Master-General and Board of Ordnance. By JE Portlock....
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Lacon: Or, Many Things in Few Words : Addressed to Those who Think

Charles Caleb Colton - 1837 - 496 pagina’s
...By GR PORTER, Esq. FRS 1 vol. fcp. 8vo. with Vignette Title and 50 Woodcuts, 6s. cloth. PORTLOCK.- REPORT ON THE GEOLOGY OF THE COUNTY of LONDONDERRY, and of Parts of Tyrone and Fermanagh, examined and described under the Authority of the Master-General and Board of Ordnance. By JE PORTLOCE,...
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The United States Magazine and Democratic Review, Volume 12

1843 - 708 pagina’s
...Observations in 1839. With numerous Illustrations, from the author's own Sketches, By GH Wathen. Also, "Report on the Geology of the County of Londonderry, and of parts of Tyrone and Fermanagh." Examined and described under the authority of the Board of Ordnance. By JE Portlock, FRS, &c., with...
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The Connexion of Natural and Divine Truth Or the Study of the Inductive ...

Baden Powell - 1838 - 376 pagina’s
...GLASS. By GR POUTER, Esq. FRS Fcp. 8vo. with Vignette Title and 50 Woodcuts, 6s. cloth. PORTLOCK.-REPORT ON THE GEOLOGY OF THE COUNTY of LONDONDERRY, and of Parts of Tyrone and Fermanagh, examined and described under the Authority of the Master-General and Board of Ordnance. By JE PORTLOCK,...
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A Treatise on Roads: Wherein the Principles on which Roads Should be Made ...

Sir Henry Parnell - 1838 - 542 pagina’s
...GLASS. By GR PORTER, Esq. FRS Fcp. Svo. with Vignette Title and 50 Woodcuts, 6s. cloth. PORTLOCK.-REPORT ON THE GEOLOGY OF THE COUNTY of LONDONDERRY, and of Parts of Tyrone and Fermanagh, examined and described under the Authority of the Master-General and Board of Ordnance. By JE PORTLOCK,...
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On the Education of the People of India

Charles Edward Trevelyan - 1838 - 270 pagina’s
...Treasury. 8vo. with 60 Plates, comprising rery numerous Figures, 9*. cloth. PORTLO€K. — REPORT O» THE GEOLOGY OF THE COUNTY OF LONDONDERRY, and of Parts of Tyrone snd Fermanagh, examined and dexcrihed under the Authority of the Master-General and Board of O*dnancc....
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Progressive Education: Observations on the first four years of childhood

Albertine Adrienne de Saussure Necker - 1839 - 370 pagina’s
...Survey of that District. By JOHN PHILLIPS, MA etc. Svo. withGO Plates, pricey*. Captain Portlock's Report on the Geology of the County of Londonderry, and of Parts of Tyrone and Fermanagh, examined and descrihed under the Authority of the Master-General and Board of Ordnance. Svo. with 48...
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The Doctor, &c. ...

Robert Southey - 1839 - 388 pagina’s
...GLASS. By GR Porter, Esq. FRS Foolscap Svo. with Vignette Title and 60 Woodcuts, 6t. cloth. PORTLOCK. -REPORT ON THE GEOLOGY OF THE COUNTY OF LONDONDERRY, and of Parts of Tyrone and Fermanagh, examined and descrihed under the Authority of the Master-General and Board of Ordnance. By JE Portlock,...
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