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" THE HISTORY OF OUR LORD, as exemplified in Works of Art, with that of His Types, St. John the Baptist, and other persons of the Old and New Testament. "
Notes and Queries - Pagina 389
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The Annual Register

1903 - 700 pagina’s
...Woodcuts, i vol. 8vo., los. net. THE HISTORY OF OUR LORD, as exemplified in Works of Art, with that of His Types, St. John the Baptist, and other persons of...late Mrs. JAMESON ; continued and completed by LADY EASTI.AKK. With 31 Etchings and 281 Woodcuts. 2 vols. 8vo., 2os. net. Kristeller. — ANDREA MANTEGNA,...
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Littell's Living Age, Volume 82

1864 - 640 pagina’s
...influence over mankind to these types Works oj Art with that of the Types, Sí. John the Baptist, and othtr Persons of the Old and New Testament. Commenced by...Jameson ; continued and completed by Lady Eastlake. 2 vole. 8vo. London : 1804. 2. The New Testament of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. With Engravings...
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The Miscellaneous Works of Thomas Arnold: Collected and Republished

Thomas Arnold - 1858 - 560 pagina’s
...Cloth. gilt top, ios. net. THE HISTORY OF OUR LORD, as exemplified in Works of Art, with that of His Types, St. John the Baptist, and other Persons of the Old and New Testaments. Commenced by the late Mrs. JAMESON ; continued and completed by LADY EASTI.AKE. With 31...
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A Catalogue of the Library of the Athenĉum: Additions. 1859-80

Athenĉum Club (London, England). Library - 1860 - 514 pagina’s
...Manchester, 1845. JAMESON (Mrs.). History of our Lord, as exemplified in Works of Art with that of his types, St. John the Baptist, and other persons of the Old and New Testament. Continued by Lady Eastlakec. 2 vols. 8° London, 1864. JEFFERSON (Thomas). Writings, being his autobiography,...
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A catalogue of the library of the corporation of ... London

London corporation, libr - 1861 - 384 pagina’s
...Land. 1864 *Jameson (Mrs.), The History of our Lord as exemplified in works of art ; with that of his types, St. John the Baptist and other persons of the Old and New Testament, continued and completed by Lady Eastlake. Second edition. 2 vol. 8vo .. Land. 1865 Lamb (Edward Buckton),...
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Blackwood's Magazine, Volume 96

1864 - 806 pagina’s
...Religion is itself an inspira' The History of our Lord, as exemplified in Works of Art : with that of his Types ; St John the Baptist ; and other Persons of...continued and completed by Lady Eastlake. In two volumes. London : Longman. tion, and therefore becomes in turn the source of inspiration. But a cause more specific...
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The Gentleman's Magazine, and Historical Chronicle, for the Year ..., Volume 217

1864 - 868 pagina’s
...sex. If we compare the • "The History of Our Lord, as exemplified in Works of Art: with that of His Types — St. John the Baptist and other persons of...continued and completed by Lady Eastlake." In Two Volumes. (London : Longman, Green, Longman, Roberts, and Green.) respective French and English works, we shall...
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The Journal of Sacred Literature and Biblical Record

1864 - 524 pagina’s
...the empire of true hearts. The History of Our Lord, as Exemplified in Works of Art : with that of His Types, St. John the Baptist, and other persons of...JAMESON; continued and completed by Lady EASTLAKE. In 2 vols. London : Longmans. " DAILY shall He be praised," says the Psalmist, and the prediction has...
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Journal of Sacred Literature and Biblical Record, Volume 5

1864 - 524 pagina’s
...the empire of true hearts. The History of Our Lord, as Exemplified in Works of Art : with that of His Types, St. John the Baptist, and other persons of...JAMESON; continued and completed by Lady EASTLAKE. In 2 vols. London : Longmans. " DAILY shall He be praised," says the Psalmist, and the prediction has...
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The Quarterly Review, Volume 116

1864 - 610 pagina’s
...Paris, 1863 Ill VI. — 1. The History of our Lord as exemplified in Works of Art, with that of His types, St. John the Baptist, and other Persons of...Jameson ; continued and completed by Lady Eastlake. 2. Fine Art as a Branch of Academic Study. A Letter addressed to Members of the Senate. By WJ Beamont,...
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