The way to the temple of true honor and fame, by the paths of heroic virtue, exemplified in the ... lives of ... eminent persons


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Populaire passages

Pagina 28 - I do not know by the character that is given of her works, whether it is not for the benefit of mankind that they are lost. They were filled with such bewitching tenderness and rapture, that it might have been dangerous to have given them a reading.
Pagina 32 - My bosom glow'd ; the subtle flame Ran quick through all my vital frame ; O'er my dim eyes a darkness hung ; My ears with hollow murmurs rung. In dewy damps my limbs were chill'd ; My blood with gentle horrors thrill'd ; My feeble pulse forgot to play ; I fainted, sunk, and died away.
Pagina 36 - Cyrus was twelve years old, his mother Mandane took him with her into Media, to his grandfather Astyages, who, from the many things he had heard said in favour of that young prince, had a great desire to see him.
Pagina 10 - Nimrod's subjects, and confounding their language, deprived him of the greater part of his people, and plagued those who adhered to him by swarms of gnats, which destroyed almost all of them ; and one of those gnats having entered into the nostril or ear of Nimrod, penetrated to one of the membranes of his brain, where, growing bigger every day, it gave him such intolerable pain that he was obliged to cause his head to be beaten with a mallet in order to procure some ease, which torture he suffered...
Pagina 27 - One may see by what is left of them that she followed nature in all her thoughts, without descending to those little points, conceits, and turns of wit with which many of our modern lyrics are so miserably infected.
Pagina 32 - TDLESS'D as th' immortal gods is he, -*-' The youth who fondly fits by thee, And hears and fees thee all the while, Softly fpeak and fweetly fmile. 'Twas this...
Pagina 131 - For, drain'd the springs of wealth,- Corruption there Lay wither'd at the root. Thrice happy land ! Had not neglected Art, with weedy Vice Confounded, sunk.
Pagina 77 - Nitocris, with orders, at an appointed time, to break down the great bank, which was between the lake and the canal, and to turn the whole current into the lake. At the fame time he appointed one body of troops at the place where the river entered...
Pagina 131 - Public all, And at its table fed; for that they toil'd, For that they liv'd entire, and even for that The tender mother urg'd her son to die.
Pagina 76 - ... with a large and deep ditch, reckoning that, if all communication with the country were cut off, the more people there were within the city the fooner they would be obliged to furrender. That...

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