

Abdomen, the lower cavity of the
body, 41.
Abranchiates, without gills, 21.
Acalèpha, a class of Radiates, many
species of which produce tingling
of the skin when handled, 23.
Acéphala, mollusks having no dis-
tinct head, like clams, 22.
Acoustic, pertaining to the sense of
hearing, 56.

Actinia, digestive apparatus of, 97.
Actinoids, 23.

Affinity, relationship, 30, 87.

Ages of Nature, 221.

Animals and plants, differences be
tween, 41.

Animate, possessed of animal life,

Anoplotherium, 234.

Antenna, the jointed feelers of lob-
sters, insects, &c., 77.
Aorta, the great bloodvessel arising
from the heart, 116.
Aphides, reproduction of, 162, 163.
Apophysis, a projection from the
body of a bone, 181.
Apparatus of motion, 73.
Aptera, wingless insects, 21.

Albumen, the white of egg, 42, 111, Aquatic, living in water.

[blocks in formation]

Aqueous, like water.
Aqueous humor, 50.
Arctic fauna, 197.
Areolar tissue, 38.
Arges, 225.

Aristotle's lantern, 102.
Arm, 82; different forms of, 83.
Artery, 113.

Articulates, composed of joints, like
the lobster or caterpillar, 21:
number of, 27.

Ascidia, bottle-shaped mollusks
without a shell.

Assimilation, the change of blood
into bone, muscle, &c., 122.
Astacus pellucidus, 55.

Asteridæ, the family of star-fishes,

Auditory, pertaining to the sense
of hearing, 56.

Auricle, a cavity of the heart, like
a little ear, 115.
Avicula decussata, 224.
Axolotl, 209.

Baculites, 232.

[blocks in formation]

Canine teeth, 106.

Caninia flexuosa, 224.

Cetaceans, marine animals which
nurse their young, like the whale,
porpoise, &c., 20.

Chætêtes lycoperdon, 224.
Chalaza, the albuminous thread by
which the yolk of the egg is sus-
pended, 138.

Chalk formation. 213.
Chambers of the eye, 50.
Chamois, 192.

Cheirotherium, 229.

Chelonians, reptiles of the tortoise
tribe, 20.
Chorion, 151.

Choroid, coat of the eye, 49.
Chrysalis, the insect in its passage
from the worm to the fly state,
Chyle, 100, 112.
Chyme, 100, 112.
Cicatricula, 141.

Cilia, microscopic hairs, like eye
lashes, 81, 112, 116, 120.
Circulation, 97; great, 111; pulmo-
nary or lesser, 116; complete,
116; incomplete, 116.

Cirrhípedes, crustacea having curled
feelers, like the barnacles, 27.

Class, 18.

Clavicle, the collar-bone, 83.
Climate, influence on a fauna, 188.
Climbing, 92.

Coccosteus, 226.

Canker-worm, metamorphoses of, Cochlea, 58.


Cannon-bone, 86.

Canter, 91.

Capillary vessels, 113.

Carapace, the upper covering of the
crab or tortoise, 75.

Carbon, the basis of charcoal and
most combustibles, 41.

Carboniferous rocks, 218, 228.
Cariocrinus ornatus, 224.

Carnívora, animals feeding on flesh,
20; teeth of, 107.
Carpus, the wrist, 83.
Cartilage, gristle, 39.
Cartilaginous tissue, 38.
Cell, 37; nucleated, 38.
Cellule, a little cell, 37.
Cephalopods, mollusks with arms
surrounding the head, like the
cuttle-fish, 22.

Cercaria, reproduction of, 160, 171.
Cerebral, pertaining to the brain, 45.
Cestracion Philippi, 204.

Cold-blooded animals, 122.

Coleopterous, insects with hard
wing cases, like the dor-bug, 27.
Collar-bone, 83.

Columnaria alveolata, 224.

Comátula, metamorphosis of, 179
Condor, 191.

Constancy of species, 67.
Coral-rag, 231.

Cornea, the transparent portion of
the eye, 49.

Corpuscles, minute bodies, 39.
Cossus ligniperda, muscles of, 77.
Cretaceous, or chalk formation, 218
Cricoid, ring-like, 65.

Crinoid, lily-like star-fishes, 23
Crioceras, 232.

Crustacea, articulated animals hay-
ing a crust-like covering, like the
crab and horse-shoe, 27; heart
of, 117.
Crystalline lens, 49.

[blocks in formation]

Deciduous, not permanent during a
lifetime, 199.

Deglutition, the act of swallowing,

Dentition, form and arrangement
of the teeth.

Department, a primary division of
the animal kingdom, 18.
Development of the white-fish,

Devonian rocks, 218.
Diaphragm, the partition between
the chest and abdomen, 74, 119.
Diastole, the dilatation of the heart,
Digestion, 97.

Diploctenium cordatum, 233.
Dipterus, 226.

Discóphori, disk-shaped animals,
like the jelly-fish, 23.

Disk, a more or less circular, flat-
tened body, 14.

Distoma, reproduction of, 161; in
the eye of the perch, 171.
Distribution of animals, laws of,
186; in space, 186; in time, 214.
Dodo, its disappearance, 210.
Dorsal cord, 143.

Dorsal vessel, 114.

Dorsibranchiates, mollusks having

gills upon the back, 21.

Drift, 219, 236.

Drinking, 109.

Duck-barnacle. See Anatifa.
Dysaster, 232.

[blocks in formation]

Echinus sanguinolentus, metamor-
phosis of, 178.

Egg, 131; form of, 133; formation
of, 133; ovarian, 133; laying of,
135; composition of, 137; devel-
opment of, 139; of Infusoria, 172.
Elementary structure of organized
bodies, 36.

Embryo, the young animal before
birth, 33, 132; development of,
Embryology, 131, 139; importance
of, 153.

Endosmose, 127. See Exosmose.
Engeena, a large orang, 206.
Entomostraca, 21.
Eocene formation, 218.
Ephyra, 164, 169.
Epidermis, the scarf-skin, 129.
Epithelium-cells, 126.
Equivocal reproduction, 158.
Erratics, rolling stones, 236.
Euomphalus hemisphericus, 224.
Eurypterus remipes, 225.
Eustachian tube, 57.
Excretions, 127.
Exhalation, 128.

Exosmose and Endosmose, the pro-
cess by which two fluids pass
each way through a membrane
which separates them, so as to
become mingled, 127.

Eye, 48; simple, 51; aggregate,
53; compound, 54; destitution
of, 55; compared to a camera
obscura, 51.

Façette, a very small surface, 54.
Family, a group including several
genera, 18.

Fauna, 186; distribution of, 194.
Femur, the thigh bune, 87.

Fibula, the smallest of the two
bones of the leg, 87.

Fins, 93.

Fishes, number of, 27; heart of,
116; reign of, 222, 223.

Fissiparous reproduction, propaga
tion by fissure or division, 156.
Flight, 92.

Flora, influence on a fauna, 187.
Fluviatile, pertaining to rivers, 27.
Foraminifera, 22.

Formation, geological, 217.
Fossil, dug from the earth, applied
to the remains of animals and

Function, the office which an organ
is designed to perform, 29.

Galeopithecus, its facilities for
leaping, 93, 207.
Galerites, 233.

Gallinacecus, birds allied to the do-
mestic fowl, 190.
Gallop, 91.

Ganglions, scattered nervous mass-
es, from which nervous threads
arise, 46.

Ganoids, fishes having large, bony,
enamelled scales, mostly fossil, 20.
Gar-pike, 192.

Gasteropods, mollusks which crawl
by a flattened disk, or foot, on
the under part of the body, like
the snail, 22.
Gastric juice, 99.

Gavial, a crocodile, with a long,
slender head.

Gemmiparous reproduction, propa-
gation by budding, 156.
General properties of organized
bodies, 35.
Genus, 17.

Geographical distribution of ani-
mals, 186; conclusions, 207.
Geological succession of animals,

Germ, the earliest manifestation of
the embryo, 42, 141.

Germinative disk, 133, 137, 141;
vesicle, 133, 137, 138; dot,137,138.
Gestation, the carrying of the young
before birth, 135.

Gills, 31, 120, 124.

Gizzard, 99.

[blocks in formation]

| Herbívora, animals feeding on grass
and leaves, 20.

Hibernation, torpid state of ani
mals during winter, 123.
Hippurites, 233.

Holothurians, soft sea-slugs, biche-
le-mar, 23.

Homogeneous, uniform in kind,126.
Homology, 30.

Humerus, the shoulder-bone, 81.
Hyaline matter, pure, like glass, 39.
Hydra, egg of, 133; propagation of,
156, 158.

Hydrogen, a gas which is the prin
cipal constituent of water, 41.
Hydroids, a family of polyps, 23.

Ichthyosaurus, 229, 232.

Icterus Baltimòre, nest of, 70.
Igneous, that have been acted upon
by fire, 215.
Iguanodon, 229.
Imbibition, 127.

Inanimate, destitute of life, 43.
Incisor teeth, 106.

Incubation, hatching of eggs by the
mother, 136.

Infusoria, microscopic animals in-
habiting water, not yet fully ar-
ranged in their proper classes, 24,
32; motions of, 40; generation of
Inocéramus, 232.
Inorganic,not made
Insalivation, 108.
Insects, number of, 27.

up of tissues,35.

Insessores, perching birds, like
birds of prey, 20.
Instinct, 67, 69.

Intelligence, 67, 68.

Intercellular passages, 37.

Invertebrates, animals destitute of
a back-bone.

Iris, the colored part of the eye 40.
Isótelus, 225.

Jelly-fish. See Medusa.
Judgment, 68.

Kidneys, 130.

Labyrinthodon, 228.

Lacertans, animals of the lizard
tribe, 20.

Lacteals, vessels which take up the
nutriment, 100

Lamellibranchiates, mollusks hav

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