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peace to the chaos, Confusion heard his wherein men put off their characters of busivoice.' I might add innumerable instances of ness, and enjoy their very selves. Thèse our poet's writing in this beautiful figure. It hours were usually passed in rooms adorned is plain that these I have mentioned, in which for that purpose, and set out in such a manpersons of an imaginary nature are introduced, ner, as the objects all around the company are such short allegories as are not designed gladdened their bearts; which, joined to the to be taken in the literal sense, but only to cheerful looks of well-chosen and agreeable convey particular circumstances to the rea-friends, gave new vigour to the airy, produced der, after an unusual and entertaining man- the latent fire of the modest, and gave grace ner. But when such persons are introduced to the slow humour of the reserved. A judias principal actors, and engaged in a series of cious mixture of such company, crowned with adventures, they take too much upon them, chaplets of flowers, and the whole apartment and are by no means proper for an heroic po- glittering with gay lights, cheered with a proem, which ought to appear credible in its fusion of roses, artificial falls of water, and principal parts. I cannot forbear therefore intervals of soft notes to songs of love and thinking, that Sin and Death are as improper wine, suspended the cares of human life, and agents in a work of this nature, as Strength made a festival of mutual kindness. Such and Necessity in one of the tragedies of Æs-parties of pleasure as these, and the reports, chylus, who represented those two persons of the agreeable passages in their jollities, nailing down Prometheus to a rock; for have in all ages awakened the dull part of which he has been justly censured by the mankind to pretend to mirth and good humour, greatest critics. I do not know any imaginary without capacity for such entertainments; for, person made use of in a more sublime man-if I may be allowed to say so, there are an ner of thinking than that in one of the pro-hundred men fit for any employment, to one phets, who, describing God as descending who is capable of passing a night in company from heaven, and visiting the sins of man- of the first taste, without shocking any memkind, adds that dreadful circumstance, Be-ber of the society, over-rating his own part of fore him went the Pestilence.' It is certain the conversation, but equally receiving and this imaginary person might have been des- contributing to the pleasure of the whole comcribed in all her purple spots. The Fever pany. When one considers such collections might have marched before her, Pain might of companions in past times, and such as one have stood at her right hand, Phrensy on her might name in the present age, with how left, and Death in her rear. She might have much spleen must a man needs reflect upon been introduced as gliding down from the the awkward gaiety of those who affect the tail of a comet, or darted upon the earth frolic with an ill grace! I have a letter from a in a flash of lightning. She might have correspondent of mine, who desires me to tainted the atmosphere with her breath. The admonish all loud, mischievous, airy, dull very glaring of her eyes might have scatter-companions, that they are mistaken in what ed infection. But I believe every reader will they call a frolic. Irregularity in itself is not think, that in such sublime writings the inen-what creates pleasure and mirth; but to see a tioning of her, as it is done in Scripture, man, who knows what rule and decency are, has something in it more just, as well as great, descend from them agreeably in our company, than all that the most fanciful poet could have is what denominates him a pleasant compabestowed upon her in the richness of his ima-nion. Instead of that, you find many whose gination.

No. 358.]


mirth consists only in doing things which do not become them, with a secret consciousness that all the world knows they know better: to Monday, April 21, 1712. this is always added something mischievous Desipere in loco. Hor. Od. xii. Lib. 4. ult. to themselves or others. I have heard of some 'Tis joyous folly that unbends the mind.-Francis. very merry fellows among whom the frolic was started, and passed by a great majority, CHARLES LILLY attended me the other day, that every man should immediately draw a and made me a present of a large sheet of pa- tooth: after which they have gone in a body per, on which is delineated a pavement in and smoked a cobler. The same company, Mosaic work, lately discovered at Stunsfield at another night, has each man burned his near Woodstock. A person who has so much cravat; and one perhaps, whose estate would the gift of speech as Mr. Lilly, and can carry bear it, has thrown a long wig and hat into the on a discourse without a reply, had great op- same fire. Thus they have jested themselves portunity on that occasion to expatiate upon stark-naked, and run into the streets and so fine a piece of antiquity. Among other frighted women very successfully. There is things, I remember he gave ine his opinion, no inhabitant of any standing in Covent Garwhich he drew from the ornaments of the work, den, but can tell you an hundred good huthat this was the floor of a room dedicated to mours, where people have come off with a Mirth and Concord. Viewing this work, made little bloodshed, and yet scoured all the witty my fancy run over the many gay expressions hours of the night. I know a gentleman that I have read in ancient authors, which contain- has several wounds in the head by watched invitations to lay aside care and anxiety, poles, and has been thrice run through the and give a loose to that pleasing forgetfulness body, to carry on a good jest. He is very

* See Gough's British Topography, vol. ii. p. 88. VOL. II.

old for a man of so much good humour; but to this day he is seldom merry but he has oc9

casion to be valiant at the same time. But, the shoulder, and offered to lay him a bottle of by the favour of these gentlemen, I am hum- wine that he was thinking of the widow. My bly of opinion, that a man may be a very wit- old friend started, and, recovering out of his ty man, and never offend one statute of this brown study, told Sir Andrew, that once in kingdom, not excepting that of stabbing. his life he had been in the right. In short, afThe writers of plays have what they call ter some little hesitation, Sir Roger told us in unity of time and place, to give a justness to the fulness of his heart, that he had just retheir representation; and it would not be ceived a letter from his steward, which acamiss if all who pretend to be companions quainted him that his old rival and antagowould confine their actions to the place of nist in the country, Sir David Dundrum, had meeting; for a frolic carried farther may be been making a visit to the widow.' 'Howbetter performed by other animals than men. ever,' says Sir Roger, 'I can never think that It is not to rid much ground, or do much mis-she will have a man that's half a year older chief, that should denominate a pleasant fel- than I am, and a noted republican into the low; but that is truly frolic which is the play bargain.'

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of the mind, and consists of various and un- Will Honeycomb, who looks upon love as forced sallies of imagination. Festivity of his particular province, interrupting our friend spirit is a very uncommon talent, and must with a jaunty laugh, I thought, knight,' said proceed from an assemblage of agreeable qua- he, thou hadst lived long enough in the world lities in the same person. There are some few not to pin thy happiness upon one that is a wowhom I think peculiarly happy in it, but it is man and a widow. I think that, without vaa talent one cannot name in a man, especially nity, I may pretend to know as much of the when one considers, that it is never very grate-female world as any man in Great Britain; ; ful but where it is regarded by him who pos- though the chief of my knowledge consists in sesses it in the second place. The best man this, that they are not to be known.' Will that I know of for heightening the revel gaie- immediately, with his usual fluency, rambled ty of a company is Estcourt, whose jovial hu- into an account of his own amours. 'I am mour diffuses itself from the highest person now,' says he, upon the verge of fifty,' at an entertainment to the meanest waiter. (though by the way we all knew he was turnMerry tales, accompanied with apt gestures ed of three-score). 'You may easily guess,' and lively representations of circumstances continued Will, that I have not lived so long and persons, beguile the gravest mind into a in the world without having had some thoughts consent to be as humorous as himself. Add of settling in it, as the phrase is. To tell you to this, that when a man is in his good graces, truly, I have several times tried my fortune he has a mimickry that does not debase the that way, though I cannot much boast of my person he represents; but which, taking from success.

the gravity of the character, adds to the 'I made my first addresses to a young lady agreeableness of it. This pleasant fellow in the country; but, when I thought things gives one some idea of the ancient pantomime, were pretty well drawing to a conclusion, who is said to have given the audience, in her father happening to hear that I had fordumb-show, an exact idea of any character merly boarded with a surgeon, the old put foror passion, or an intelligible relation of any bade me his house, and within a fortnight afpublic occurrence, with no other expression ter married his daughter to a fox-hunter in the than that of his looks and gestures. If all neighbourhood. who have been obliged to these talents in Estcourt will be at Love for Love to-morrow night, they will but pay him what they owe him, at so easy a rate as being present at a play which nobody would omit seeing, that had, or had not, ever seen it before.

No. 359.] Tuesday, April 22, 1712.


Torva leæna lupum sequitur, lupus ipse capellam;
Florentem cytisum sequitur lasciva capella.
Virg. Ecl. vi. 63.

Lions the wolves, and wolves the kids pursue,
The kids sweet thyme,-and still I follow you.

'I made my next application to a widow, and attacked her so briskly, that I thought myself within a fortnight of her. As I waited upon her one morning, she told me, that she intended to keep her ready money and jointure in her own hand, and desired me to call upon her attorney in Lyon's-Inn, who would adjust with me what it was proper for me to add to it. I was so rebuffed by this overture, that I never inquired either for her or her attorney afterwards.

A faw months after, I addressed myself to a young lady who was an only daughter, and of a good family. I danced with her at several balls, squeezed her by the hand, said As we were at the club last night, I observ-soft things to her, and in short made no doubt ed that my old friend Sir Roger, contrary to of her heart; and, though my fortune was not his usual custom, sat very silent, and, instead equal to hers, I was in hopes that her fond of minding what was said by the company, father would not deny her the man she had was whistling to himself in a very thoughtful fixed her affections upon. But as I went one mood, and playing with a cork. I jogged day to the house, in order to break the matter Sir Andrew Freeport, who sat between us; to him, I found the whole family in confusion, and, as we were both observing him we saw and heard, to my unspeakable surprise, that the knight shake his head, and heard him say Miss Jenny was that very morning run away to himself, A foolish woman! I can't believe with the butler. it. Sir Andrew gave him a gentle pat upon

'I then courted a second widow, and am at

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a loss to this day how I came to miss her, for she had often commended my person and be- 'There is an evil under the sun, which has haviour. Her maid indeed told me one day, not yet come within your speculation, and is that her mistress said she never saw a gentle- the censure, disesteem, apd contempt, which man with such a spindle pair of legs as Mr. some young fellows meet with from particular Honeycomb. persons, for the reasonable methods they take After this I laid siege to four heiresses suc- to avoid them in general. This is by appearcessively, and, being a handsome young dog ing in a better dress than may seem to a rein those days, quickly made a breach in their lation regularly consistent with a small forhearts, but I don't know how it came to pass, tune; and therefore may occasion a judgment though I seldom failed of getting the daugh- of a suitable extravagance in other particuter's consent, I could never in my life get the lars: but the disadvantage with which the old people on my side. man of narrow circumstances acts and speaks, 'I could give you an account of a thousand is so feelingly set forth in a little book called other unsuccessful attempts, particularly of The Christian Hero, that the appearing to be one which I made some years since upon an otherwise is not only pardonable, but neces old woman, whom I had certainly borne away sary. Every one knows the hurry of concluwith flying colours, if her relations had not sions that are made in contempt of a person come pouring in to her assistance from all that appears to be calamitous: which makes parts of England; nay, I believe I should it very excusable to prepare one's self for the have got her at last, had not she been car-company of those that are of a superior quaried off by a hard frost.' lity and fortune, by appearing to be in a betAs Will's transitions are extremely quick, ter condition than one is, so far as such aphe turned from Sir Roger, and, applying pearance shall not make us really of worse. himself to me, told me there was a passage 'It is a justice due to the character of one in the book I had considered last Saturday, who suffers hard reflections from any particuwhich deserves to be writ in letters of gold: lar person upon this account, that such per and taking out a pocket Milton, read the following lines, which are part of one of Adam's speeches to Eve after the fall.

Oh! why did our

Creator wise! that peopled highest heaven
With spirits maseuline create at last
This novelty on earth, this fair defect
Of nature, and not fill the world at once
With men, as angels, without feminine?
Or find some other way to generate
Mankind? This mischief had not then befall'n,
And more that shall befall, innumerable
Disturbances on earth, through female snares,
And straight conjunction with this sex: for either
He shall never find out fit mate; but such
As some misfortune brings him, or mistake;
Or whom he wishes most shall seldom gain,
Through her perverseness; But shall see her gain's
By a far worse: for, if she love, witheld
By parents; or his happiest choice too late
Shall meet already link'd, and wedlock bound
To a fell adversary, his hate or shame:
Which infinite calamity shall cause

sons would inquire into his manner of spending his time; of which, though no further information can be had than that he remains so many hours in his chamber, yet, if this is cleared, to imagine that a reasonable creature, wrung with a narrow fortune, does not make the best use of this retirement, would be a conclusiou extremely uncharitable. From what has, or will be said, I hope no consequence can be extorted, implying, that I would have any young fellow spend more time than the common leisure which his studies require, or more money than his fortune or allowance may admit of, in the pursuit of an acquaintance with his betters: for as to his time, the gross of that ought to be sacred to more substantial acquisitions; for each irrecoverable moment of which he ought to believe he stands religiously accountable. As to his dress, I shall engage myself no further than in the modest defence of two plain suits a year: Sir Roger listened to this passage with for being perfectly satisfied in Eutrapelus's great attention; and, desiring Mr. Honey-contrivance of making a Mohock of a man, comb to fold down a leaf at the place, and by presenting him with laced and embroilend him his book, the knight put it up in dered suits, I would by no means be thought his pocket, and told us that he would read to controvert the conceit, by insinuating the over these verses again before he went to advantages of foppery. It is an assertion bed.

To human life, and household peace confound.

No. 360.] Wednesday, April 23, 1712.

De paupertate tacentes,


Plus poscente ferent. Hor. Ep. xvii. Lib. 1. 43.
The man who all his wants conceals,
Gains more than he who all his wants reveals.


which admits of much proof, that a stranger of tolerable sense, dressed like a gentleman, will be better received by those of quality above him, than one of much better parts, whose dress is regulated by the rigid notions of frugality. A man's appearance falls within the censure of every one that sees him; his parts and learning very few are judges of; and even upon these few they cannot at first I HAVE nothing to do with the business of be well intruded; for policy and good breedthis day, any further than affixing the piece ing will counsel him to be reserved among of Latin on the head of my paper: which I strangers, and to support himself only by the think a motto not unsuitable; since, if silence common spirit of conversation. Indeed among of our poverty is a recommendation, still the injudicious, the words, "delicacy, idiom, more commendable is his modesty who con- fine images, structure of periods, genius, fire," ceals it by a decent dress. and the rest, made use of with a frugal and

comely gravity, will maintain the figure of to all its professors. To all which severe stu immense reading, and the depth of criti-dies I have thrown in, at proper interims, the cism. pretty learning of the classics. Notwithstan'All gentlemen of fortune, at least the young ding, which, I am what Shakspeare calls a feland middle aged, are apt to pride themselves low of no mark or likelihood, which makes me a little too much upon their dress, and conse- understand the more fully that since the reguquently to value others in some measure upon lar methods of making friends and a fortune the same consideration. With what confusion [by the mere force of a profession is so very slow is a man of figure obliged to return the civili- and uncertain, a man should take all reasonties of the hat to a person whose air and attire able opportunities, by enlarging a goood achardly entitle him to it! for whom neverthe-quaintance, to court that time and chance less the other has a particular esteem, though which is said to happen to every man. he is ashamed to have it challenged in so public

a manner. It must be allowed, that any young


Tartaream intendit vocem, quâ protinus omnis
Contremuit domus
Virg. En. vii. 5147

The blast Tartarean spreads its notes around;
The house astonish'd trembles at the sound.

I HAVE lately received the following letter



fellow that affects to dress and appear gen-No. 361.] Thursday, April 24, 1712. teelly, might, with artificial management, save ten pounds a-year; as instead of fine holland he might mourn in sack-cloth, and in other particulars be proportionably shabby: but of what service would this sum be to avert any misfortune, whilst it would leave him deserted by the little good acquaintance he has, and prevent from a country gentleman: his gaining any other? As the appearance of an easy fortune is necessary towards making one, I don't know but it might be of advantage 'The night before I left London I went to sometimes to throw into one's discourse certain see a play called The Humorous Lieutenant. exclamations about bank stock, and to show a Upon the rising of the curtain I was very much marvellous surprise upon its fall, as well as the surprised with the great concert of cat-calls most affected triumph upon its rise. The ve- which was exhibited that evening, and began neration and respect which the practice of all to think with myself that I had made a mistake, ages has preserved to appearances, without and gone to a music-meeting instead of the doubt suggested to our tradesmen that wise playhouse. It aapeared indeed a little odd to and politic custom, to apply and recommend to see so many persons of quality, of both themselves to the public by all those decora-sexes, assembled together at a kind of catertions upon their sign-posts and houses which wauling, for I cannot look upon that perthe most eminent hands in the neighbourhood formance to have been any thing better, whatcan furnish them with. What can be more at-ever the musicians themselves might think of tractive to a man of letters, than that immense it. As I had no acquaintance in the house to erudition of all ages and languages, which a skil- ask questions of, and was forced to go out of ful bookseller, in conjunction with a painter, town early the next morning, I could not learn shall image upon his column, and the extre-the secret of this matter. What I would theremities of his shop? The same spirit of main-fore desire of you, is, to give me some account taining a handsome appearance reigns among of this strange instrument, which I found the the grave and solid apprentices of the law (here company called a cat-call; and particularly to I could be particularly dull in proving the let me know whether it be a piece of music word apprentice to be significant of a barrister,) lately come from Italy. For my own part to and you may easily distinguish who has most be free with you, I would rather hear an Englately made his pretensions to business, by the lish fiddle; though I durst not show my dislike whitest and most ornamental frame of his whilst I was in the playhouse, it being my window; if indeed the chamber is a ground-chance to sit the very next man to one of the room, and has rails before it, the finery is of performers. necessity more extended, and the pomp of business better maintained. And what can be at greater indication of the dignity of dress, than that burdensome finery which is the regular In compliance with Squire Shallow's request, habit of our judges nobles, and bishops, with I design this paper as a dissertation upon the which upon certain days we see them incum-cat-call. In order to make myself a master of bered? And though it may be said, this is the subject, I purchased one the beginning of awful, and necessary for the dignity of the last week, though not without great difficulty, state, yet the wisest of them have been re-being informed at two or three toy-shops that markable, before they arrived at their present the players had lately bought them all up. I stations, for being very well-dressed persons. have since consulted many learned antiquaries As to my own part, I am near thirty; and in relation to its original, and find them very since I left school have not been idle, which is much divided among themselves upon that para modern phrase for having studied hard. Iticular. A fellow of the Royal Society who is brought off a clean system of moral philosophy, my good friend, and a great proficient in the and a tolerable jargon of metaphysics, from the mathematical part of music, concludes, from university; since that, I have been engaged in the simplicity of its make, and the uniformity the clearing part of the perplexed style and of its sound, that the cat-call is older than any matter of the law, which so hereditary descends of the inventions of Jubal. He observes very

I am, Sir,

Your most affectionate friend and servant, 'JOHN SHALLOW, ESQ.'

well, that musical instruments took their first music as this might not be of service in a rise from the notes of birds, and other melodi-camp, I shall leave to the military men to conous animals; 'and what,' says he, was more sider.'

natural than for the first ages of mankind to What this learned gentleman supposes in imitate the voice of a cat, that lived under the speculation, I have known actually verified in same roof with them?' He added, that the cat practice. The cat-call has struck a damp into had contributed more to harmony than any generals, and frighted heroes off the stage. At other animal; as we are not only beholden to the first sound of it I have seen a crowned her for this wind instrument, but for our string-head tremble, and a princess fall into fits. music in general. The humourous lieutenant himself could not Another virtuoso of my acquaintance will stand it; nay I am told that even Almanzor not allow the cat-call to be older than Thespis, looked like a mouse, and trembled at the voice and is apt to think it appeared in the world of this terrifying instrument. soon after the ancient comedy; for which reason As it is of a dramatic nature, and peculiarly it has still a place in our dramatic entertain-appropriated to the stage, I can by no means ments. Nor must I here omit what a very approve the thought of that angry lover, who curious gentleman, who is lately returned from after an unsuccessful pursuit of some years, his travels, has more than once assured me ; took leave of his mistress in a serenade of catnamely, that there was lately dug up at Rome calls. the statue of a Momus, who holds an instrument in his right hand very much resembling I our modern cat-call.

I must conclude this paper with the accouut have lately received of an ingenious artist who has long studied this instrument, and is There are others who ascribe this invention very well versed in all the rules of the drama. to Orpheus, and look upon the cat-call to be He teaches to play on it by book, and to exone of those instruments which that famous press by it the whole art of criticism. He has musician made use of to draw the beasts about his bass and his treble cat-call; the former for him. It is certain that the roasting of a cat tragedy, the latter for comedy; only in tragidoes not call together a greater audience of comedies they may both play together in conthat species than this instrument, if dexterous-cert. He has a particular squeak, to denote ly played upon in proper time and place. the violation of each of the unities, and has difBut, notwithstanding these various and ferent sounds to show whether he aims at the learned conjectures, I cannot forbear thinking poet or the player. In short, he teaches the that the cat-call is originally a piece of English smut-note, the fustian note, the stupid-note, music. Its resemblance to the voice of some and has composed a kind of air that may serve of our British songsters, as well as the use of it, as an act-tune to an incorrigible play, and which is peculiar to our nation, confirms me which takes in the whole compass of the catin this opinion. It has at least received great call. improvements among us, whether we consider

the instrument itself, or those several quavers No. 362.] Friday, April 25, 1712. and graces which are thrown into the playing

of it.

Every one might be sensible of this who heard that remarkable overgrown cat-call which was placed in the centre of the pit, and presided over all the rest at the celebrated performance lately exhibited at Drury-lane.

Laudibus arguitur vini vinosus


Hor. Ep. xix. Lib. 1. 6.
He praises wine; and we conclude from thence,
He lik'd his glass, on his own evidence.

MR. SPECTATOR, Temple, April 24. 'SEVERAL of my friends were this morning

Having said thus much concerning the origin of the cat-call, we are in the next place to con-got over a dish of tea in very good health, sider the use of it. The cat-call exerts itself to though we had celebrated yesterday with more most advantage in the British theatre. It very glasses than we could have dispensed with, had much improves the sound of nonsense, and we not been beholden to Brooke and Hellier. often goes along with the voice of the actor In gratitude therefore to those citizens, I am who pronounces it, as the violin or harpsichord in the name of the company, to accuse you of accompanies the Italian recitativo. great negligence in overlooking their merit

It has often supplied the place of the ancient who have imported true and generous wine, chorus, in the words of Mr.***. It short, a and taken care that it should not be adulbad poet has as great an antipathy to a cat-call terated by the retailers before it comes to the as many people have to a real cat. tables of private families, or the clubs of honest Mr. Collier in his ingenious essay upon fellows. I cannot imagine how a Spectator music, has the following passage: can be supposed to do his duty, without fre

'I believe it is possible to invent an instru-quent resumption of such subjects as concern ment that shall have a quite contrary effect to our health, the first thing to be regarded, if we those martial ones now in use; au instrument have a mind to relish any thing else. It would that shall sink the spirits and shake the nerves, therefore very well become your spectatorial and curdle the blood, and inspire despair and vigilance, to give it in orders to your officer cowardice and consternation, at a surprising for inspecting signs, that in his march he would rate. 'Tis probable the roaring of lions, the look into the interants who deal in provisions, warbling of cats and screech-owls, together with and inquire where they buy their several wares. a mixture of the howling of dogs, judiciously Ever since the decease of Colly-Molly-Puff, of imitated and compounded, might go a great agreeable and noisy memory, I cannot say I way in this invention. Whether such anti- have observed any thing sold in carts, or carri

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