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13. In London, Sir Watkin Lewis, aged 85, the father of the Court of Aldermen; elected in the year 1772, served Lord Mayor in 1780, and transferred to the Ward of Bridge Without in 1804.

At Parknook, Robert A. Parker, second son of Charles Parker, Esq. - At Kelso, Robert Nichol, Esq. of Edenbank, late merchant in Kelso.

14. At her house, Spring Gardens, Stockbridge, Miss Helen Yule, daughter of the late Mr John Yule, merchant, Leith.

16. At Newton, Roxburghshire, Mr Andrew Hunter, late merchant in Leith.

17. At Blackburn, near Ayr, Captain William Robb of Blackburn.

18. At her house, St Enoch Square, Glasgow, Mrs Marshall of Archonnell, relict of Wm. Marshall, Esq. writer, Glasgow. - At Edinburgh, Mrs Susan Hamilton, relict of Patrick Anderson, W. S.

- At Oban, in the 85th year of her age, Mrs Ann M'Laurin, relict of Neil M'Laurin, some time ago tacksman of Inverisragan, &c.

19. At Milne Square, Edinburgh, Katherine Brown, relict of the late Mr William Parker, Berwick-upon-Tweed.

At Dublin, Lieutenant-Colonel John Campbell, of the 2d royal veteran battalion.

At Barnhill, parish of Terregles, Mr William M'Kenzie, senior, in the 73d year of his age. This much respected individual lived on the farm of Barnhill 46 years, and was among the first who introduced the present improved state of agriculture into that part of the country, and. obtained many premiums for its success.

At Bowershall, Leith, Mr William Brown, nurseryman.


At Murraythwaite, Dumfries-shire,

Mrs Murray, relict of the late William Murray, Esq. of Murrayfield, aged 75.

19. At Bertram House, Hampstead, in his 84th year, George Gibson, Esq. formerly of Rotterdam.

20. At Geanies House, in Ross-shire, James Crawfurd M'Leod, younger of Geanies.

At Paris, Prince Maurice de Broglie, Bishop of Ghent.

21. At Rosefield House, Portobello, Christian Nicolson, daughter of Mr William Jamieson, writer to the signet.

At Bervie, aged 80, Mr Alexander Thom, manufacturer. He was not only the first who introduced the art of spinning flax, by machinery, into Scotland, (having acquired the knowledge of it from the original patentees at Darlington,) but erected the first Scotch spinning-mill on the water of Bervie. He was a man of general knowledge in most scientific subjects; esteemed for strict integrity and attention to business. His death is deeply lamented by all who knew him.

23. At Dalhousie Farm, Mark John, second son of Lord Robert Kerr.

At Seasyde Cottage, near Aberdour, Mrs Moubray, widow of Robert Moubray, Esq. of Cockairny, M. D.

24. At Rutherglen, Lieut.General John Spens, of Stonelaw.

25. At his house, in Kirkaldy, Mr John Baxter, writer.

At Mousewald Manse, Mrs Janet Richardson, wife of the Rev. Jacob Dick


Lately. At his seat, Piner-grove, Middlesex, Sir F. Milman, Bart. M.D.F.R.S. in the 75th year of his age.

Mr Gibson, of Upper Knowle. He had just gone into his garden on Sunday morning, for the purpose of gathering some peas, when his little boy, who was with him, ran into the house, and said that his father had fallen down. Mrs G. immediately went out, and when she arrived found her husband a corpse. He was in perfect health before the awful catastrophe, and had eaten a hearty breakfast. He was not more than 35 years of age, and universally respected.

At Musselburgh, Mrs Allan, widow of David Allan, Esq. historical painter, Edinburgh.

At his apartments in Chelsea Hospital, aged 76, Thomas Keate, Esq. Surgeon to that establishment for upwards of thirty years, Surgeon to the King, and late Surgeon-General to the army.

At Fort William, Mr Donald Kennedy, at a very advanced age. He was the person who set fire to the King's brew-house, when the Pretender was besieging FortWilliam.

Printed by George Ramsay and Company.

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The Correspondents of the EDINBURGH MAGAZINE AND LITERARY MISCELLANY are respectfully requested to transmit their Communications for the Editor to ARCHIBALD CONSTABLE and COMPANY, Edinburgh, or LONGMAN and COMPANY, London; to whom also orders for the Work should be particularly addressed.

Printed by George Ramsay and Co.


John the Ponderer's " barmy noddle" appears to be " working prime." We hope he will soon draw the spigot, and favour us with a delectable sample of his " October brewed." The following is John's brief but emphatic account of himself: " In short, Sir, I AM AN ORIGINAL THINKER!" Now, if John the Ponderer had dipt deeper into the " genuine anglicism" than either Burke or Johnson, he could not have written five words of more delicious music to our Editorial ears, than " I am an original thinker." Perge tu, Joannes.

With regard to our very good friend The Reviewer, of whose peregrinations we were led to form certain rambling conjectures, while dubitating,

Sive per Syrtes iter aestuosas,
Sive faclurus per INHOSPITALEM

we rejoice to certify all whom it may, or shall, concern, that, instead of his having set out, as we had opined, on a visit to the Massarowara, and the country of Prester John, he was only enjoying refreshing slumbers over the somniferous pages of a portly quarto: So that," when the mists of October have rifled the thorn," our readers may reasonably expect a feast of rich information on a barren subject; we mean the "frosty" and " inhospitable Caucasus."

Our Portobello Correspondent is truly indefatigable. Unfortunately, however, we cannot publish her verses. Yet industry and time work miracles!

Wilbraham Wagstaff, (Tipstaff is, we suspect, the true reading,) than whom, we have seldom seen a duller fellow pretend to wit, is obviously more familiar with the interior of a spunging house, than with the "Paradise of Coquettes," which he has, with so little invention and skill, attempted to delineate. Dear Wilbraham! the first wag that happens to be armed with a staff may break thy head for a blockhead, and do good service withal to sober and honest wits who make no pretensions.

Whenever we find on our table a letter signed " Civis," we instantly seize the intruder with our formidable parlour forceps, and commit it to the flames. In the whole course of our lives, we never knew a "Civis" write intelligibly on any thing, except cleaning and "fulzie."

The "Dumb Poet" is pretty cleverly written, but we think lacks interest, and individuality. There is too much still life in it at present. A few characteristic scenes, in which the incidents should be natural and appropriate, would render it better adapted to our purpose. Will the author have the goodness to " revise it, and retouch ?"

The lines written on seeing the Roman Catholic fète of " the Ascension of the Virgin at Einsiedlen," with the accompanying prose, are in retentis, as part of our corps de reserve for a future Number.

We have been favoured with a very respectable poetical version of the little Dutch poem entitled " Blandine," which appeared in our July number. The author seems to understand Dutch thoroughly, and we are prevented from inserting his translation solely from want of room.

We are positively mento tenus, amidst myriads of communications from a whole legion of Greeklings. The learned Theban, who appropriates the venerable name of "Hemsterhusius," may take our word for it, that his knowledge of the Greek Chorus is nearly as profound and original as the metaphysical lore of a certain Professor. If he had ever read the Elfrida or Caractacus of Mr Mason, he would not have pronounced it impossible to transplant the Chorus into the English drama. A being already consecrated to rhyme, may be supposed to have taken leave of reason, as we do of his plagiarisms from the Classical Journal, Matthiæ, and Dr Bloomfield, on the Æolic Dialect, and the Digamma. " Philopœmen" can translate and understand Polybius, which is more than some of our literary dons can boast of. We have no intention to slaughter the animal who naturally enough assumes the name of " Bos. " We don't care a " particle" for that sort of fun. De cæteris nil nisi silentium.


"Miso Empiricus," on the " Plagiarisms of Edinburgh Authors," awaits the orders of that gentleman. We must not suffer ourselves to be led on the ice. If he will fawith a pri private call, we shall satisfy him, that we possess more of this dangerous sort of knowledge than he appears willing to give us credit for. We understand all his hints perfectly; and so would other people too!

vour us

We entreat our Friend "Physicus," whose paper on " the Ant" adorns this Number, to favour us with some of his felicitous sketches on the natural history of "THE WASP."

The Letter addressed to the Editor on the "Present State of Education in the University of Edinburgh" contains some strong remarks, and alludes to certain alleged facts of rather a ticklish nature. In the existing state of our own knowledge, we dare not venture to publish the letter of our Correspondent, who, moreover, appears a great deal more caustic in his observations than the nature of the subject requires: He is surely either an Oxonian or a Glaswegian.

"Ajax Flagellifer" is a very jocose fellow, who, from his gigantic size and known prowess, (if we are right in our conjectures,) would be rather heavy metal for any dozen of " the loaves and fishes" men, with whom we have the honour to be acquainted. He is not quite so formidable with his pen.

More authentic and original "Clerical Anecdotes" are forthcoming for the amusement of our readers.

Our friend " Episcopus" asks us, "What have the clergy of the Scottish church achieved in science or literature, which can suffer comparison with the labours of Barrow, Clarke, Berkeley, Butler, Lardner, Warburton, Hurd, Horsley, Paley, besides a mighty array of hardly inferior names in the sister hierarchy?" Mr ** *** will have the goodness to answer the question. Sir John Sinclair, patriot that he is, would throw the Statistical Account alone into the Scottish scale, never doubting that it would cause the whole weight of the English Hierarchy, Bishops, Deans, Rectors, Curates, and all, instantly to kick the beam.

A Highland Correspondent has favoured us with a "Letter on Smuggling," in which he talks of " Distilling Time!" Is the Celt, contrary to the general run of his coun trymen, a bit of a wag? or has he simply omitted the word " against?"

"An Essay on Perspicuity of Style," by one of " The Children of the Mist," is too good to be lost the author is, however, a sly rogue, and must not suppose that he is

farther north-born than ourselves.

It is not pleasant, we admit, to ride on the crupper. This is all we have to say to

"The Cavalier."

"Classicus" inquires if Εκατηβόλος, the epithet constantly applied to Apollo by Homer, means, that the God of Light, Physic, and Poetry, usually shot with a long boro? Responde, tector benevole.

Our Greenock friend shall hear from us by and bye. We have really not been able as yet to overtake the perusal of his "Tale." Mais cela viendra avec le temps.

What, in the name of all the Nine, is the author of the "Plaid of the North" doing? Has he not yet put the finishing touches to the "Stalwart Knight of Elderslie ?"

The ingenious author of " Edina" must still keep on the Qui vive.

If, in this enumeration, the papers of any of our friends have escaped notice, we entreat them to regard the omission as merely accidental. The public, we hope, have no reason to complain of us. Each of our three last Numbers has gone more or less beyond the allotted quantity of letter-press, the present to the extent of half a sheet. What can we do more to vary our literary landscape?

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