
have united the dignity of rank with Christian humility, and the gravity of the prelate with the purity of the priestly character. His fidelity to the house of Bourbon, which was finally rewarded by the highest ecclesiastical preferment, was tried and found unalloyed during the adversity of his Sovereign, to whom, in his character of Grand Almoner, he remained attached during his exile, and with whom he returned to France in 1814. By his death Louis XVIII will have a mitre, and his Holiness a Cardinal's hat, to dispose of.

Oct. 21. At Craigrothie, in Fife, Mr David Martin, road-surveyor.

Miss Isabella Helen Sangster, only daughter of the late Mr John Sangster, Widewall, Orkney. At Aberdeen, in the 80th year of his age, John Ewen, Esq. who was a most useful member of society, and one of the most respectable public characters of that place for more than half a century. His exertions in favour of charitable institutions, and for every individual case of distress that came under his notice, were zealous and unremitting; his conduct, as connected with public affairs, was strictly disinterested; while his great information on subjects of general interest merited, upon all occasions, the respectful attention of the community. Strangers visiting Aberdeen, who very frequently had introductions to Mr Ewen, will long recollect his assiduous and polite attentions. Though not a native of Aberdeen, he had long been regarded as one of her most eminent citizens. With the exception of varicus sums left to the public charities of Aberdeen, he has bequeathed the bulk of his property, (perhapsL.15,000 or L.16,000) to the Magistrates and Clergy of Montrose, for the purpose of founding an Hospital, similar to Gordon's Hospital of Aberdeen, for the maintenance and education of boys.

24. At Knowhead, Mrs Isabella Tod, relict of the late John Whittet, Esq. of Potterhill.

25. In Bridge-road, Lambeth, Sophia, wife of David Allan, Esq. Deputy Commissary-General to his Majesty's forces, and of Portobello, near Edinburgh.

27. At Dalguish House, Perthshire, Charles Steuart, of Dalguish, Esq.

At Cork, William Chalmer, Esq. son of the late William Chalmer, Esq. of Dalry, surgeon in Edinburgh.

28 At Milłbank, Edinburgh, James Neilson, Esq. of Millbank, in the 69th year of his age.

29. At Auchintroig, Stirlingshire, in the 88th year of his age, William MacLauchlan, Esq. Lieutenant on the half pay of the 25th regiment. He served as a Gentleman Cadet in the Scotch Greys at the battle of Minden, and is believed to have outlived almost all his fellow-soldiers who were engaged on that memorable day.

At her house in Weymouth Street, London, Cassander Agnes Lady Hamilton, widow of Sir J. Hamilton, Bart., and mother of Sir C. Hamilton, Bart, Vice-Admiral and Governor of Newfoundland, and Sir E. Hamilton, Bart. RearAdmiral, and Knight Commander of the Bath.

Miss Colquhoun, of Camstradden 31. At Groom's-bill, Blackheath, Mrs Campbell, wife of Colonel Campbell.

At his house in Castle Street, Robert Boyd, Esq. of Drum.

At Warriston Crescent, Edinburgh, Louisa, daughter, and on the 5th current, John, son of Mr John Wright, merchant, Edinburgh.

At Eatington Park, Warwickshire, Lady Elizabeth Stanhope, sister of the Earl of Ches


At London, Major-General Sir Augustus Homstedt, K.C.B. aged 68. Nov. 1. At the Leys, near Dollar, James Brown, late of Killin, Surgeon, R. N.

2. At Bellfield, Miss St Leger Duncan. 3. At his house, No 11. Bank Street, aged 65, Mr Daniel Forrest, sen. merchant, Edinburgh.

4. At Edinburgh, the infant daughter of Mr Alexander Manners, W. S.

By Shipwreck, near Eyemouth, on his passage to London, aged 31, Captain William Grant, of the Perseverance packet of Banff, second son of the late Lieutenant Francis Grant of the 55th regiment of foot.

5. At Lochee, near Dundee, the Reverend James Keyden, minister of Fettereairn.

[blocks in formation]

9. At Elgin, in the 79th year of her age, Mrs Helen Anderson, relict of the Reverend James Thomson, late minister of Aberdour.

- At Madras, P. Crawford, Esq. M. D. son of the late Major Crawford of Newfield, "Ayrshire. 10. At Dundee, Miss Margaret Robinson, grand neice of Dr Ross, in the 24th year of her age.

Miss Margaret Parlane, spouse of Dr Chas. Stuart, of Dunearn.

At her house in Belfast, Mrs Macilroth, aged

93 years, relict of the late Colonel Macilroth. At Restalrig, Alexander Duncan, Esq. Writer to the Signet.

12. At Edinburgh, Miss Mary Graham Bogle, daughter of the late John Bogle, Esq. of Kirkeud bright.

At Fintalich, Thomas Keir, Esq, In Cumberland Place, New Road, London, aged 70, the Honourable Mrs Mill, widow of the late John Mill, Esq. of Noranside, Forfarshire.

15. James Dunlop, of Househill, Colonel of the Renfrewshire Militia.

- At Chester le Street, in the county of Durham, in her 80th year, Mrs Weatherley, relict of the late Mr Edward Weatherley, of Garden House, in the same county, and sister of the late James Oswald Esq. Chamber Composer to his late Majesty, and justly celebrated as the author of Roslin Castle, Tweedside," and numerous compositions of lasting eminence:"

At Edinburgh, Christopher Moubray, Esq. late cashier of the Edinburgh Friendly Insurance Office,

-At Greenock, John Lamont, Esq. Surgeon, R. N. He passed the meridian of his life a prisoner in France. He was surgeon of the Vincejo at the period of her capture, and the confidant of Captain Wright, in the Tower of the Temple in Paris, and the last friend who had access to his dungeon.

-At Perth, John, the eldest son of Laurence Craigie, Esq. of Glendoick.

14. At Edinburgh, Robert Bruce, Esq. of Pitteadie.

- At Edinburgh, Mrs Mary Hunter, in the 78th year of her age.

15. At Dublin, at an advanced period of life, Dr John Barret, Vice Provost of Trinity College in that city.

At Aberdeen, Lieutenant William Bothwell,

[blocks in formation]

7. At Weymouth, Charles Kerr, Esq. late of Abbotrule. - At Findhorn, aged 64 years, Mrs Isabella Davidson, wife of Robert Davidson, Esq.

Lately, at Harwood Lee, near Bolton, Mr Peter Crook, aged 79. It is remarkable that he was born and lived all his life in the house in which he died, the family of Crook having rented the farm he occupied from the Rev. - Formby, of Formby, and his ancestors, for upwards of 100 years.At the age of 71, Peter and his seven sons afforded an interesting spectacle to their neighbours; they were all employed in mowing the grass of his farm, the venerable father leading, and followed through the sward by his eldest son, the second following him, and the others in regular rotation as to age, the youngest, aged 22 years, closing. They all survive their patriarchal father, and are all stout robust men.

At Nancy, in Lorraine, aged 87, Miss Jean Rollo, daughter of the deceased James Rollo, Esq. of Powhouse.

Printed by J. Ruthven & Sons.


ABEONA Transport, verses on the loss of
the, 48

Accident, dreadful one near Durham, 83
-Singular one at Pennicuick, 378-
Dreadful one in Yorkshire, 481-
Dreadful one in a coal-mine, 486---Un-
fortunate one at Musselburgh, 607-

Adelaide, the fate of, a tale, 462
Admiralty Court of Scotland, trial of
M'Dougall and M'Lachlan for sinking
a vessel, 80

Adventure in Athens, 501
Advocate, Lord, and Mr Stuart, W. S.

correspondence between, 484
Aerostatics, notices respecting, 161, 365
Africa, Northern, review of Lyon's tra-
vels in, 225

Agricultural Reports, 87, 185, 288, 388,
489, 1614
Age, the, letter on the Spirit of, 17
Ainsworth, Henry, on the life and wri-
tings of, 205

Alison, Mr, the London Magazine ver-

sus, remarks on, 566

Altitudes of some of the Himalaya moun-
tains, 368

Anecdotes, Clerical, 452, 526---and Lai-
cal, 529

Annual Register, Edinburgh, literary no-
tice of, *108

Ant, the, account of an experiment sug-
gested by reading Huber on, 231
Antonio, a poem, review of, 459
Apograph, a new-invented machine, 366
Appointments, Promotions, &c. 85, 184,
286, 386, 487, 610
Arabian fiction, remarks on, 462

Arbroath, the Convention of Royal Burghs
grants an alteration of the constitu-
tion of, 285

Associations, Local, of poetry, 364,---
Athens, adventure in, 501
Bailey, Mr Justice, his character as a
lawyer and judge, 242
Baker, Sir Robert, Chief Magistrate of
Police, London, resigns his situation in
consequence of reflections on his con-
duct at the Queen's funeral, 481

Ballad on the loss of the Abeona trans-
port, 48

Bankrupts, British, monthly lists of, 90,
188, 291, 391, 492, 617
Beacon, the, an Edinburgh Weekly News-
paper, account of, 484, 606

Bible, List of editions of the, from 1505
to 1720, 411


Biblical Notices, 156
Bibliographical, Antiquarian, and Pic-
turesque tour in France and Germany,
99, 197

Bibliomania, on the present state of the,


Births, lists of, 92, 189, 292, 392,494,618
Blasphemous and Libellous publications,

sentences for, 609
Bonaparte, Napoleon, reflections suggest.
ed by the death of 45-Account of his
death at St Helena, 74-Verses on
from the French, 135

Britain, Great, remarks on the periodi-
cal literature of, 31
British Revenue, produce of the, 606
Brougham, Henry, Esq. character of, as
a lawyer, 244
Buckingham's travels in Palestine, review
of, 558

Budget in the House of Commons, 76
Byron, Lord, remarks on the republica-
tion, in a cheap form, of his anonymous
writings, 105-Letter concerning, 251
Calamitous fire in Edinburgh, 386
Caledonian Canal, progress of the, 486
Campbell, Major, memoir of, 96
Caraccas, decisive victory over the Roy-
alists, there, 276-Particulars of, 376
-Proclamations of Boliver on the oc-
casion, 377

Capture of Carthagena by the Independ-
ents, 605

Cartwright, Major, and others, sentences

on for sedition, 81
Carthagena taken by the Independants, 605
Cary O'Kean; a poem, 575
Catastrophe, dreadful one in a coal-mine,


Cattle, swelled, remedy for, 66
Ceylon, remarks on Davy's account of
the interior of, 260
Chalmers, Dr, remarks on his Christian
and civic economy of large towns, 113
Chance Dinner, the, 331, 401
Character and writings of Tacitus, on
the, 203, 414

Character, principle, with other grave
matters, 209

Chemical experiments, curious, *363
Circuit Intelligence, 80, 482-Trials for
murder, 483

Clerical Eccentricities-Anecdotes of Mr
Ferguson of Arbroath, 158-Of Mr
Ogilvie of Lunan, 159-Of Mr Bisset
of Aberdeen, 452-Ludicrous Adven-

4 H

tures of some clerical Students, 452
Anecdotes of a Scots dissenting clergy-
man, 454-Anonymous anecdotes, 456
Cochrane, Lord, triumphal entry of into
Lima, 605

Commercial Prices, 89, 187, 290, 390,
491, 615

Commons, House of, proceedings in the,
76-The Budget, ib.-Sir Jas. Mack-
intosh's bill on the Surgery-laws re-
jected, 77-Vote annuity to the Duke
of Clarence, ib.-Bill for repealing the
agricultural Horse Tax introduced, 78
-And assented to by Ministers, ib.-
Scots malt and distillery bills passed,
79-Discussion on the New Stamp-
office at Edinburgh, ib. Discussions
concerning the Queen, 171
Convention of Royal Burghs, meeting of
the, 285

Coronation of King George IV, 171-
The previous preparations in West-
minster Hall, ib.-And Abbey, 172-
External preparations, 172-Attempt
of the Queen to gain admission to the
Hall, 173-Procession to the Hall, 174
-Its order, 176-The Ceremonial, 180
-The banquet, 182-The Champion,
183-Services performed to the King,
ib. Farther particulars-Number of
Tickets of admission to the, 277-The
Coronation sermon, ib.--The Challenge,
278-Dishes at the Banquet, ib. Co-
ronation dinners, ib. The scramble,
279-Coronation amusements, 279-
Ludicrous alarm of a lady, 280-Let-
ter from Colonel Ronaldson Macdonell
of Glengary, ib.-Letter from an eye-
witness of the ceremony, 281

Corn Markets, 88, 166, 289, 389, 490,


Country Life, Pictures of, No. 1. 219-
No. II. 443-No. III. 583

Croisade, of the Palmer's pilgrimage, a
metrical romance, remarks on, 435
Curious chemical experiments, 363
Davy's account of the interior of Ceylon,
remarks on, 260

Deaths, lists of, 93, 190, 294, 394, 495,


Death of the Queen, 379-Her funeral,
380-Riot and loss of lives, ib.
Deuchar, Mr John, curious experiments
in chemistry by, *363
Dibdin, Rev. T. F. review of his tour in
France and Germany, 99, 197
Dinner, the chance, 331, 401
Dissertation on Metaphysical, Ethical,
and Political Philosophy, by Dugald
Stewart, Esq. remarks on, 301

Don Juan, remarks on Lord Byron's
poem of, 105
Drama, remarks on the Spanish, 142
Dreadful catastrophe in a coal-mine near
Newcastle, 486

[blocks in formation]


-, Progress of new buildings in,

Education, remarks on Spurzheim's ele-
mentary principles of, 9
Elizabeth, Queen, Sonnet by, 160
Emigrations from the Clyde, 81
English Circuit, the northern, 240-Cha-
racter of Mr Justice Bailey, 242-Mr
Justice Holroyd, 243-Mr Scarlet, ib.
-Mr Brougham, 244-Mr Raine, 246
-Mr Williams, 247.
Error, the fatal, a tale, 133
Execution of David Haggart, 286---Exe-
cutions in Glasgow, 607---at Aberdeen,

608---at London, 609

English verbs, resolution of some, 68
Executions in England for six years, 81
Exile, ten years', by Madame, de Stael,

review of, 148
Fairy Legends, translated from the Da-
nish, 361

Fatal Error, the, a tale, 133.
Fatal mistake between a vessel of war
and revenue cruiser, 385
Field-Preaching, sentence of fine and im-
prisonment for, 379

Fire, calamitous one in Edinburgh, 386
Fish, on cruelty to, 268
Forgery on the Bank of Scotland, trial

for, in Paris, 477
France, intelligence from, 73-Lavalette
returns to Paris, ib. - Notice of the
state of Literature in, 163-Trial for
forgery in Paris, 477---Difference be-
tween the King and the Chamber of
Deputies, 602

Friendship, or the tailor's election, 425
Genius, an ode, 138
Gelatinous meteor, notice of a, 368
Geological notice, 161
German literature, notice regarding, 163
Glengary, Colonel Macdonell of, his ac-
count of the strange alarms of a lady
at the coronation, 280

Gower, Samuel, Esq. review of his Na-
poleon and other poems, 431

Gow, Kate, versus Tom Hood, a tale, 251
Grave of Romney, remarks on the, 141
Great Britain, periodical literature of, re-
marks on, 31

Greece, accounts of the insurrection in,
73-Cruelties of Turks in, 74, 169,
275, 603-Protest of the Russian Am-
bassador, 169

Green, Mr, ascends in a balloon, and
falls into the sea, 485
Gretna Green, adventure there, 241
Haggart, David, trial of for murder, 83
-Remarks on his life, written by him-
self, 154-Execution of, 286
Hamilton, John, review of his "Garden
of Florence," and other poems, 52
Hanover, visit of the King to, 486, 608
Helena, St. death of Napoleon Bonaparte
there, 74

Himalaya mountains, altitudes of some
of the, 368

Hints concerning introductions, 116-
And quotations, 248
History, true and authentic one of " Ill
Tom," 570

Hogg, James, the Ettrick Shepherd, let-
ter from, inclosing Jacobite relics, 439
Horæ Otiosæ-Haggart the murderer
and Plautus, 156-Biblical notices, ib.
-Theatre-Miss Dance, 157-Cleri-
eal eccentricities, 158

Hougge, Maistere Jamis, Ane rychte ple-
sant Ballaunt maide by him, 356

Horace, the modern, 52

Humboldt's personal narrative, review
of, 125, 213

Hume, Mr, stopped in his motion regard-
ing the Queen, by the Usher of the
Black Rod's summons, 171

Hussar, the old, 522

" Ill Tam," true and authentic History
of, 570

Ireland, the King's visit to, 382---Disturb-
ances and murders in, 609
Italy, review of Lady Morgan's work
on, 56

-, discoveries of lost works in, 365
Jacobite relics, not published in Mr
Hogg's collection, 439
Journey in quest of a wife, the, from the
German, 419

Jury Court, Edinburgh, trial in, 93
Justiciary High Court of, proceedings in,
81, 82, 83, 84 Case of rape in, 285
-Of culpable homicide, ib.

Kate Gow, versus Tom Hood, or Tit for
Tat, a tale, 251

King, the, his Coronation, 171, 277-
Visits Ireland, 382-His return, 383
His parting admonition to the Irish,
384-Leaves England to visit his con-
tinental dominions, 486--- His return
from Hanover, 608

Lady Morgan, review of her work on
Italy, 56-Letter from her Reviewer

to, 340-Her conduct to Mr Dupin,

Legends, Fairy ones, from the Danish,

Letter from R. Goodfellow, 251


from James Hogg, inclosing Jaco
bite relics, 439

to Lady Morgan, by the Reviewer
of her Italy, 340

Libel, on the Government, and on the
Queen, sentences for, 81, 609
Lima, the capital of Peru, taken by the
Chilians, and declared independent of
Spain, 604

List of editions of the Bible from 1505
to 1720, 411

Literary and scientific intelligence, 65,
161, 265, 365

Literary Institutions in Britain and Ire-
land, estimated number of, 66
Literary Labour, remarks on, 108-La-
bour and study necessary to acquire
excellence in writing, ib. in oratory,
109 and in poetry, 110-The axiom,
vox populi, vox Dei, utterly untrue in
literature, 111

Literature of Scotland, discovery of a de-
sideratum in, 266

Literature, periodical of Britain, remarks
on, 31

Local associations of Poetry Cowper-
Lord Byron, 364

London, Receipts of Religious charities
in, 481--.Some sketches of 511---His-
tory of 512---Comfortable classes in,
ib. the splendid circles, 514---the war-
faring classes, 516-the predatory clas-

ses, 518-Scenery of, ib.

Lords, House of, proceedings in the, 16 |
Lyon, Captain F. G. review of his tra-
vels in northern Africa, 225
Mackenzie, Sir George, discovery of a lost
MS. of, 266

Malta, notes descriptive of the plague in,
review of, 459

Magazine, the London, versus Dr Reid,

Mr Stewart, and Mr Alison, 566
Marius among the ruins of Carthage, 581
Marriages, lists of, 92, 189, 293, 393,
495, 611

Mary Scott, of Edenknow, a fragment,


Maturin, Rev. C. R. review of his poem
of the universe, 38

Methodists, their numbers in Britain,
and on foreign missions, &c. 485
Meteorological Tables, 87, 185, 288, 388,
489, 614

Mexico, revolution in, 480-Declared in-

pendent of Spain, ib.
Mildew, causes of, 65
Moira, Earl, packet, deplorable loss or
the, 378

Monody on the prospect of death, 238
Morgan, Lady, review of her work on
Italy, 56-Letter to, by her Reviewer,
340-Her treatment of M. Dupin, 399
Morocco, accounts from, 276
Napoleon Bonaparte, reflections on the
death of, 45

Napoleon and other poems, by Samuel
Gower, Esq. review of, 431

National Monument, on the adoption of
the Parthenon of Athens as the mo-
del for the, 49

Netherlands, opening of the States Ge-
neral, 477

Newhaven, opening of the suspension-
pier at, 381

Nugæ Canoræ, Part I. 524
Observations on the late session of Par-

liament, 26
O'Kean, Cary, a poem, 575
Old Mulberry, some hints concerning In-
troductions by, 116-Concerning quo-
tations, 248

Old Scottish songs, remarks on, 520-
Old Hussar, the, 522
Original Poetry, 42

Parliament, general observations on the
late session of, 26-Proceedings of, 76,
170-Prorogation of, 170

Parthenon, the, on its being adopted as
the model of the National Monument
for Scotland, 49

Party prejudice, remarks on, 258

Palestine, travels in, 558

Dr Charles Burney, ib-On the death
of Napoleon, from the French, 135-
The Pedlar boy, 136-Genius; an
ode, 138-The Plaid of the North,
141-Sonnet by Queen Elizabeth, 160
-The little child, 237-Monody in
the prospect of death, 238-Italian
sunset, 239-Kate Gow versus Tom
Hood; or Tit for Tat, 251-Supersti-
tion, or the Devil and the Pigs, 320-
Mary Scott of Edenknow, 335-The
Powris of Moseke, 356-The Pytho
ness, * 363-The Highlander, 364-
The Caravan in the Deserts, 409-
Friendship, or the Tailor's election, 425
-The Hawthorn tree, 437-Stanzas
on lines entitled "Nonsense," ib
The wanderer's lament o'er the grave
of his love, 438-Jacobite relics, 441-
Edina, Canto III. 554---Cary O'Kean,
575---Marius among the Ruins of
Carthage, 581

Poetry, local associations of, 364

--- devoted to posterity, No. I. 431
Popularity and merit, remarks on, 108
Portugal, arrival of the King of, from
Brazil, 169- Insulted by the military,
274-Proceedings of the Cortes of,
374, 603

Poussin, Nicholas, life of, (concluded) 19
Powris of Moseke, ane rychte plesant
Ballaunt, 356

Pauper marriages, and Mr Scarlett's bill, Promotions, Appointments, &c. 85, 184,

remarks on, 352

Pedlar boy, the, a ballad, 136
Pernambuco, revolutionary movements
there, 605

Periodical literature of Britain, remarks
on the, 31

Persia at war with Turkey, 603-Persian
gulf, British operations against the
pirates of the, 604

Peru, declared independent of Spain, 604
Petronius Maximus, some account of the
famous history of, 3
Phrenologists the, their doctrines com-
bated, 10

Pictures of country life, No. I. Old Isaac,
219-No. II. ditto, 443-No III. The
school of misfortune, 583
Pirate, the, a novel, review of, 535
Pirates of the Persian Gulf, operations
against the, 604

Plague in Malta, review of notes on the,

Plague breaks out in Spain, 373
Poetry, original---Edina, Canto I. 42-

Canto II. 233-Reflections on the death
of Bonaparte, 45-The shipwreck, 48
-A tale, by the late Dr Leyden, 67-
Blandine, 69- The midnight city, 70
-The smoky town, ib. To an eye,
ib-For a Queen's man, 70-Ode from
the Spanish, *109" Wha will dandle
my Mary," #112_Verses by the late

286, 386, 487, 610

Principle, character, and other grave mat-
ters, remarks on, 209
Prophecy, remarks on, 118
Publications, monthly lists of new ones,
69, 164, 270, 370, 473, 599
Queen Caroline claims to participate in
the Coronation, and is refused, 85-
Her request to be crowned some days
after the King, also refused, 284-
Death of, 379 and funeral, 380-
Riot at the funeral procession, ib.
Questions to naturalists, 267
Quotations, hints concerning, 248
Raine, Jonathan, Esq. his character as a
barrister, 246

Ramsay, Mrs, of Barnton, memoir of,


Rattlesnake, account of one, 366
Reading Societies in Britain and Ireland,

estimated number of, 66
Reflections on the death of Bonaparte, 45
Reid, Dr. some criticisms of the Lon-
don Magazine on, 566
Remarks of Spurzheim's elementary prin-
ciples of education, 3-On the late Ses-
sion of Parliament, 26-On the perio-
dical literature of Great Britain, 31-
On literary labour, 108-On Lord By-
ron's Don Juan, 105-On No. 8, of
Chalmers's Christian and civic econo-
my of large towns, 113-On prophecy,


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