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FRANCE. In the Chamber of Deputies on the 1st June, M. de Vaublanc read to the Assembly the report of the Commission charged to examine the proposition for prolonging the operation of the law which subjects the public journals and periodical writings to previous censorship. This Report, which is of extreme length, condemns, in unreserved terms, the system of restraining the free expression of public opinion as an infringement of the charter, and a power which might be perverted to the most arbitrary purposes. It also denounces the censorship as a weak measure, and unworthy the adoption of a great nation. It concludes with recommending that the proposition should be rejected.

From the budget of the Minister of the Marine, it appears that the French navy now consists of 58 sail of the line, and 39 frigates, manned by 10,764 seamen; and that in the mercantile marine and the fisheries there are employed 52,000 seamen.

Monsieur Lavalette, who was charged with high treason for resuming his functions as Post-Master-General immediately after the departure of the King from Paris, and before Bonaparte had entered Paris, and re-invested him with that appointment, and who was supposed to have corresponded with the latter at Elba, has been re-established in his rights as a French citizen by an act of grace of Louis XVIII. The


Count arrived in Paris on Saturday the 2d June.

SPAIN. In private accounts from Madrid, dated the middle of June, it is stated that, as the kingdom remains in a very agitated state, Ferdinand will either continue the sittings of the Cortes some time longer, or an extraordinary Cortes will be convened in the middle of the summer. The Spanish army has presented a petition to the King, in favour of the prolongation of the sitting of the Cortes.

NAPLES.-The King of Naples has given what he is advised to call a " Constitution" to his people. The chief features of it are that the King chuses the national representatives in the first place; and in the next place, gives pensions to such of them as (by their zeal for liberty no doubt) shall merit such proofs of his royal favour.Many arrests have lately taken place at Naples, amongst which are a number of military of all ranks, who are accused of having actively participated in the revolts of last year, and who will be tried by spe cial commissions.

Armed bands have shown themselves in several provinces of the kingdom, who plunder the public waggons, and carry off every thing which belongs to the Government.

TURKEY. We continue to receive, chiefly through Hamburgh and Vienna, various details concerning the Greek insur


rection; but they are so vague and contradictory, that little can be gathered from them respecting its progress, or the real strength and resources of the insurgents. The movements of the Greeks, however, seem to have seriously alarmed the Turkish government, and an article from Constantinople, dated the 28th May, states that the Porte has resolved that in future the Janizaries shall be represented in the Divan by three members chosen from their own body. A Divan has since been held, in which these representatives were present, and, on the 15th May, it was resolved to organize the Ottoman army on the European footing. The representatives of the Janizaries proposed two conditions, the chief of which was, that the dress of the troops should not be altered, which was agreed to. In addition to this, a summons has been sent to all the piratical states of Barbary to join the Sultan's fleet with all the ships which they can equip, and, in the summons addressed to them, it is mentioned, that every thing is said to them that can inflame fanaticism and tempt cupidity.

The Frankfort Gazette, of the 18th June, contains an account of the storming of Galacz, by the Turks, on the 13th of May. The number of Greeks in the place was about two thousand, above four thousand having marched to Wallachia; and the knowledge of this induced the Turks to attack it with 6000 men. The number of the killed is stated at 5000; the Turks, after the defeat of the Greeks, having massacred all the inhabitants, including women and children, and then set the town on fire.

Besides the above, we have many other details of horrible cruelties exercised by the Turkish troops upon the Greeks. The murder of the Greek patriarch, and the indiscriminate massacre of all Christians, has given a ferocious character to the contest, which is described in some of the letters, as likely to be one of the most bloody of our times, as it has become entirely a war of religion. On entering Buckarest on the 28th May, the Turks, it is said, impaled alive all the Greeks they could succeed in capturing. The Grand Signior, it is stated, had issued an order for the destruction of all the Greek Churches in Constantinople, which was executed with the utmost rigour. In the town of Adrianople, on the 9th May, three Bishops and four wealthy Greeks were hanged, and similar atrocities have been committed in various other places. Against these excesses the Russian Ambassador is said to have made an earnest representation, and to have stated that such proceedings would give offence to all Christendom. The only answer he received was, that the Sultan was master in his own dominions. A series

misunderstanding has also taken place be-. tween the Russian Ambassador and the Porte, respecting the safety of a Greek banker, named Danesi, who is attached as banker to the Russian embassy. Danesi has been thrown into prison; and the Russian Ambassador is pledged to preserve his life and property, or to revenge his death, should he fall a victim to the cruelty of the Turks. The Ambassador, in his correspondence with the Porte on this affair, is stated to have been treated with insolence and contempt by the Sultan and his Ministers.

The English Ambassador, Lord Strangford, on the other hand, appears to have been received with extraordinary honours. He had his first audience of the Sultan on the 18th of May, on which occasion some degrading parts of the ceremonial were omitted. It has been the practice for Christian Ambassadors, before being admitted to an audience of the Grand Signior, to sit for some time previously on a seat commonly occupied by the executioners of the Porte, and called the Hangman's bench; but on the present occasion, Lord Strangford proceeded straight forward to the presence of the Sultan, without regarding this degrading qualification. The Ambassador received a present of five horses, which are worth 5000 piastres, and their trappings 15,000 piastres. He had previously presented to the Sultan, in the name of his Sovereign, a dagger worth 50,000 piastres.



The London Gazette, of the 7th July, contains the following dispatch from Sir Hudson Lowe, K. C. B. Governor of St Helena, announcing the decease of Napoleon Buonaparte on that Island, on the 5th of May last.

"St Helena, May 6, 1821.



"It falls to my duty to inform your Lordship, that Napoleon Buonaparte expired at about ten minutes before six o'clock in the evening of the 5th inst. after an illness which had confined him to his apartments since the 17th of March last. was attended during the early part of his indisposition, from the 17th to the 31st of March, by his own medical assistant, Professor Antommarchi, alone. During the latter period, from the 1st of April to the 5th of May, he received the daily visits of Dr Arnott, of his Majesty's 20th regiment, generally in conjunction with Professor Antommarchi. Dr Short, Physician to the Forces, and Dr Mitchell, Principal Medical Officer of the Royal Navy on the station, whose services, as well as those of any other medical persons on the Island, had been offered, were called upon in consultation by Professor Antommarchi, on the 3d of May; but they had not any op portunity afforded to them of seeing the patient. Dr Arnott was with him at the

moment of his decease, and saw him expire. Captain Crokat, Orderly Officer in attendance, and Doctors Short and Mitchell, saw the body immediately afterwards. Dr Arnott remained with the body during the night.

"Early this morning, at about seven o'clock, ock, I proceeded proceeded ded to the apartment where

the body lay, accompanied by Rear-Admizal Lambert, naval Commander-in-Chief on this station; the Marquis de Montchenu, Commissioner of his Majesty the King of France, charged with the same duty also on the part of his Majesty the Emperor of Austria; Brigadier-General Coffin, second in command of the troops; Thomas H. Brooke and Thomas Greentree, Esqrs. Members of Council in the Government of this Island; and Captains Brown, Hendry, and Marryatt, of the Royal Navy. After viewing the person of Napoleon Buonaparte, which lay with the face uncovered,

we retired.

"An opportunity was afterwards afforded, with the concurrence of the persons who had composed the family of Napoleon Buonaparte, to as many officers as were desirous, naval and military, to the Honourable the East India Company's officers and civil servants, and to various other individuals resident here, to enter the room in which the body lay, and to view it.

"At two o'clock this day the body was opened, in the presence of the following medical gentlemen :-Dr Short, M. D., Dr Mitchell, M. D., Dr Arnott, M. D., Dr Burton, M. D., of his Majesty's 66th regiment, and Matthew Livingstone, Esq. surgeon in the East India Company's service. Professor Antommarchi assisted at the dissection. General Bertrand and Count Montholon were present. After a careful examination of the several internal parts of the body, the whole of the medical gentlemen present concurred in a report on their appearance.

"I shall cause the body to be interred with the honours due to a General Officer of the highest rank. I have entrusted this dispatch to Captain Crokat of his Majesty's 20th regiment, who was the orderly officer in attendance upon the person of Napoleon Buonaparte at the time of his decease. He embarks on board his Majesty's sloop Heron, which Rear-Admiral Lambert has detached from the squadron under his command, with the intelligence. I have, &c.

&c. &c.

"H. LOWE, Lieut-Gen. "To the Right Hon. the Earl Bathurst, K. G. &c. &c. &c."

Buonaparte was about 52 years of age. The disease of which he died was a cancer

in the stomach, which it appears was here. ditary, as he himself, previous to his death, told his attendants that his father died of that disorder at the early age of 32; and he requested that his own body might be opened after his decease, to ascertain whether his disorder was not of the same nature; which fact is proved by the report of the surgeons alluded to in Sir H. Lowe's dispatch.

His body lay in state on the 6th and 7th May, attired in his plain uniform, with a star on his side, and a silver cross on his breast. On the 9th he was buried with the honours conferred on a General Officer of the highest rank. The spot where his remains are interred is very romantic, situated in a valley called Rupert's Valley, beside a spring of excellent water, beneath some willow trees. This spot had been pointed out by himself; and he had said to Madame and Marshal Bertrand, "If it please God that I should die on this rock, have me buried on this spot."

A letter from St Helena of the 15th May, says, "His grave was about fourteen feet deep, very wide at the top, but the lower part chambered to receive the coffin. One large stone covered the whole of the chamber: the remaining space was filled up with solid masonry clamped with iron. Thus every precaution is taken to prevent the removal of the body, and I believe it has been full as much by the desire of the French Commissioners, as from the wish of the government of the island. The spot had previously been consecrated by his priest. The body of Buonaparte is inclosed in three coffins, of mahogany, lead, and oak. His heart, which Bertrand and Montholon earnestly desired to take with them to Europe, was restored to the coffin, but it remains in a silver cup filled with spirits. His stomach his surgeon was anxious to preserve, but that is also preserved, and is in another silver cup.

"The last words Buonaparte uttered were, 'lete'-'aux armées. What their connection was in his mind cannot be ascertained, but they were distinctly heard about five o'clock on the morning of the day he died.

"An officer's guard is appointed to watch over his grave.

"Bertrand, Montholon, and the rest of his household, will return to England in the Camel store-ship, which sails in about a fortnight.

"Drawings have been taken by Captain Marryatt of the spot where Buonaparte lies buried, and also of the procession to his funeral."


Advices had been received from Vera Cruz of the termination of the insurrection in Mexico, by the voluntary surrender of its leader Iturbide, who accepted the am nesty that was offered.


HOUSE OF LORDS. - June 8.-The Marquis of Lansdowne, as Chairman, laid before the House of Lords another report from the Committee on Foreign Trade. The principal object of this document was the Silk Trade; and the facts communicated, concerning it, are of the most gratify.. ing description. The Report exults in the superiority the British manufacturers have obtained over France; which is proved, not only by the consumption of upwards of 200,000 lbs. of raw silk in England, more than are wrought in France; but by the decided preference for British manufactured silks in the American market. For the farther advancement of this important branch of commerce, which already amounts to the value of ten millions sterling annually, the committee proposes two measures, the first a reduction of the duty on the raw material, and the other the repeal of an act of parochial regulation affecting the inhabitants of Spital Fields, (the great body of Silk Manufacturers,) so injuriously as to prevent the introduction of some most valuable improvements in machinery. The Noble Marquis declared himself authorized to state for the silk manufacturers, that, should these two objects be conceded to them, there was nothing they more desired than the abandonment of all the prohibitory duties which now exclude French silks from Great Britain; reserving only such an impost as would compensate for the difference of the price of labour in the two countries.

13.-The Irish Courts of Law Regula. tion Bill was read a third time and passed, after a short discussion, in which the Lord Chancellor and Lord Redesdale declared themselves favourable to the principle of remunerating public officers by fees rather than by a fixed salary.

21. - The bills for mitigating the punishment denounced by the existing laws against robbery in dwelling-houses, and upon navigable canals, were debated, upon the motion of the Marquis of Lansdowne, and in a division finally rejected. The numbers were, for the bills, 17-Against them, 27.

25. The Marquis of Lansdowne took a view of the conduct of the different Powers who pledged themselves at the Congress of Vienna, and by subsequent treaties, to effect the complete abolition of the Slave Trade. He shewed that, with the exception of the United States of America, none of the Contracting Powers has fulfil led its promises, or kept its engagements. France, in particular, has carried on the Jave Trade so openly, and to such an ex

tent, that in one single year, not less than 60,000 slaves had been forcibly torn from the coasts of Africa, and conveyed to the West Indies, under the French lag, and under circumstances of peculiar infamy and atrocity. The Noble Marquis concluded by moving a series of Resolutions, expressive of the regret which the House felt, at the violation of the Treaty of Vienna, by the subjects of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, of France, and of Spain; and an address praying his Majesty's interference with the Court of France, to induce it to " fulfil its engagements on this subject." The motion was agreed to unanimously.

HOUSE OF COMMONS. June 1. The Budget. -The Chancellor of the Exchequer brought forward his annual exposition of the supplies and of the ways and means for the current year; and, in the course of his speech, he made some general statements with regard to the finances for the last year, and also touched on our prospects for the year to come. statements the following appears to have been the state of our revenue and expenditure for the last year :


From these

Revenue of G. Britain & Ireland L. 54,640,688
Interest on funded debt L. 48,597,167
Interest on unfunded debt 2,300,169

-50,897,356 For the public service, army, navy, &c. 20,302,518 L. 71,199,854

The expenditure for 1820 thus appears to exceed the income by L. 16,559,166. It does not, however, really exceed the income, because all the produce of the sinking fund is placed under the head of expenditure, which is thus swelled beyond its real amount. The produce of the sinking fund for 1820 amounted to L.17,509,773; so that the expenditure, in place of exceeding the income, was less by about L.900,000. In consequence of several allowances and adjustments in the account, the revenue exceeded the expenditure by about L. 1,800,000. There was a surplus of revenue to this amount for the year 1820, and this surplus constitutes the real sinking fund-the only fund which the country possesses for the reduction of its debt. For the service of the year now running, the Chancellor of the Exchequer estimates, that he will only require L-19,311,800, which falls short of the supplies for the year 1820 by L. 1,800,000. Without entering into details, it may be stated generally, that the interest of the funded and unfunded debt, amounting to L. 50,200,000, and. the supplies required, will amount together to L. 68,221,000. To meet this expence,

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