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" You boast indeed of being obliged to no other creature, but of drawing and spinning out all from yourself; that is to say, if we may judge of the liquor in the vessel by what issues out, you possess a good plentiful store of dirt and poison in your breast... "
The Edinburgh Magazine and Literary Miscellany - Pagina 364
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A tale of a tub. The battle of the books [and essays

Jonathan Swift - 1801 - 488 pagina’s
...no other creature, but of drawing and spinning out all from yourself; that is to say, if wemayjudgc of the liquor in the vessel, by what issues out, you...disparage your genuine stock of either, yet, I doubt you Are somewhat obliged for an increase of both, to A little foreign assistance. Your inherent portion...
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The Works of the Rev. Jonathan Swift, D.D., Dean of St. Patrick's ..., Volume 2

Jonathan Swift - 1801 - 496 pagina’s
...being obliged to no other creature, but of drawing and spinning out all from yourself; that is to say, if we may judge of the liquor in the vessel, by what...poison in your breast ; and, though I would by no means lcs.;en or disparage your genuine stock of either, yet, I doubt you are somewhat obliged for an increase...
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The Works, Volume 3

Jonathan Swift - 1803 - 346 pagina’s
...being obliged to no other creature, but of drawing and spinning out all from yourself; that is to say, if we may judge of the liquor in the vessel, by what issues out, you posses a good plentiful store of dirt and poison in \ouc breast ; and, though I would by no means lessen...
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A Tale of a Tub: Written for the Universal Improvement of Mankind : to which ...

Jonathan Swift, William Wotton - 1811 - 390 pagina’s
...being obliged to no other creature, but of drawing and spinning out all from yourself; that is to say, if we may judge of the liquor in the vessel by what...plentiful store of dirt, and poison in your breast. And and although I would by no means lessen or disparage your genuine stock of either, yet, I doubt, you...
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A Tale of a Tub: Written for the Universal Improvement of Mankind. To which ...

Jonathan Swift, William Wotton - 1812 - 250 pagina’s
...being obliged to no other creature, but of drawing and spinning out all from yourself; that is to say, if we may judge of the liquor in the vessel, by what...disparage your genuine stock of either, yet, I doubt you are somewhat obliged for an increase of both, to a little foreign assistance. Your inherent portion...
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The Works of Jonathan Swift: Tale of a tub. Battle of the books. Polite ...

Jonathan Swift, Walter Scott - 1814 - 442 pagina’s
...being obliged to no other creature, but of drawing and spinning out all from yourself; that is to say, if we may judge of the liquor in the vessel, by what...disparage your genuine stock of either, yet, I doubt you are somewhat obliged, for an increase of both, to a little foreign assistance. Your inherent portion...
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The works of Jonathan Swift, containing additional letters ..., Volume 11

Jonathan Swift - 1814 - 448 pagina’s
...being obliged to no other creature, but of drawing and spinning out all from yourself; that is to say, if we may judge of the liquor in the vessel, by what...disparage your genuine stock of either, yet, I doubt you are somewhat obliged, for an increase of both, to a little foreign assistance. Your inherent portion...
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The Select Works of Jonathan Swift: Containing the Whole of His ..., Volume 1

Jonathan Swift - 1823 - 346 pagina’s
...and spinning out all from yourself ; that is to ' say, if we may judge of the liquor in the ves' sel by what issues out, you possess a good ' plentiful...your genuine stock of either, yet, I ' doubt, you are somewhat obliged for an increase ' of both to a little foreign assistance. Your ' inherent portion...
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The works of Jonathan Swift, containing additional letters ..., Volume 10

Jonathan Swift - 1824 - 458 pagina’s
...being obliged to no other creature, but of drawing and spinning out all from yourself; that is to say, if we may judge of the liquor in the vessel, by what...out, you possess a good plentiful store of dirt and poi* The improvements in mathematical science were (very justly) urged by those who contended for the...
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The Phrenological Journal and Miscellany, Volume 1

1824 - 720 pagina’s
...drawing and spinning out all from " yourself; that is to say, if we may judge of the liquor in " tfte vessel, by what issues out, you possess a good plentiful...store of dirt and poison in your breast ; and, though " / would by no means lessen or disparage your genuine " stock of either, yet, I doubt you are somewhat...
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