

I have been informed that it is mentioned in Domesday Book as Preston Jaquilin.

An alternative form of the name is Purston Jaglin. W. S. Banks, 'Walks in Yorkshire Wakefield and its Neighbourhood' (1871) says" At Purston Jacklin and Monk

The Library.

Latin Infancy Gospels. A New Text with a parallel version from Irish. Edited with an Introduction by M. R. James. (Cambridge University Press. 10s. net.).

rode from the time of Henry VIII to the THE two MSS. printed parallel on opposite

early part of the last century, resided the family of Hamerton." He also says that its name should, properly, be Preston Jacklin.

Yorkshire Notes and Queries, Part iv, July, 1886, says of George Hamerton, whose will was proved in 1552, that he was described as of Monkroyd, Purston-Jacklyn, etc.

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T. W. Tew, A Few Sketches of Pontefract Topography,' 1873, speaks of one Henry Totehill, who made an award at Preston Jakelyn on 5th Jan., 34 Henry vi 1455-56)."

pages are that which is marked O. 3. 9. the Library of the Dean and Chapter of Hereford, and a part of the MS. Brit Mus. Arundel 404. The former is of the thirteenth, the latter of the fourteenth century. Both give in Latin, and in a new form, the Apocryphal story of the Birth of the Virgin and the Birth of Christ. Each is a compilation, for the most part from known sources, of which the Hereford MS. uses a greater number than the other, and here the chief interest lies in the passages taken from the Protevangelium or History of James, hitherto not known in Latin. But in the narrative of the Birth of Christ a source

I have not found any record of a family named Jacklin connected with the place, but appears which is entirely new, and is remarkthe Domesday form may provide the origin. H. ASKEW.

's' New

CONCORDANCES (cliii. 387, 430, 467).A list, ranging from Aristophanes to Wordsworth, is given in I. S. Mudge's Guide to Reference Books'; the bibliographical details are there so readily accessible that it is needless to set them out here. Since this list of 1923, sundry additions have been made, the latest is 'A Concordance to the Complete Works of Geoffrey Chaucer,' etc., reviewed in The Times Literary Supplement, Nov. 10, 1927.

Modern methods, of printing on separate cards each phrase to be digested, of mechanically punching each card according to the word to be indexed, and of sorting by machine each card to correspond to its punch ing, have so diminished the editorial labour required to make a concordance that the number of these useful aids may be expected to increase rapidly.

It should also be stated that the annual additons to be made to Mudge's 'New Guide to Reference Books' are noted in the Library Journal on Jan. 1 or 15 of each year. Not giving the specific pages may be forgiven to me who am blind.

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able for the distinctly Docetic presentation of the story; this Dr. James takes to be as old as the second century. While warning the reader that this publication is of a preliminary and tentative kind, Dr. James, in his most interesting Introduction raises, and suggests answers to, several important questions, which open up vistas in the obscure tangle of early

apocryphal writings. Thus the Gelasian Decree, condemning the 'Evangelium nomine Jacobi minoris and the 'Liber de infantia salvatoris,' which may be recognized as respectively the Protevangelium and the Gospel of Thomas, condemns with them a 'Liber



nativitate salvatoris et de Maria vel obstetrice,' which gives warrant for assuming the existence of this new text in the sixth century. It begins with the approach of Mary and Joseph to Bethlehem, and contains some curious details such as that Joseph was once Moab; a description of the returns required in the census; and particulars of the birthplace. An important part is played by the midwife, and also by Symeon, a son of Joseph, who testify to the wonder. The Child is born as a light which has no weight, utters no cry, gradually takes the form of a child, manifests intelligence from the moment of its appearance. As Dr. James says, if ever there was a Docetic account of the Lord's birth, it is here. Passing on from the content of the new source to enquiry as to the work from which it was derived, Dr. James favours the Gospel of St. Peter, in which it has been suggested with great probability that a story of the Nativity was included. This Gospel was of Docetic character; and the portion of it known to us -a fragment of the Passion-supports the identification well enough, as does also the fragment of an Apocalypse which, in Dr. James's opinion, is likewise a part of the Gospel of Peter. There is no need to labour the great value and interest of the theory, with its supporting reasons, here set out for acquiescence or rejection.


The narratives themselves, while neither literary nor strictly historical importance is to be ascribed to them, contain here and there pleasant touches of imagination. The Arundel is the better. It is well known that the devout "tendencious" fiction of the early centuries of Christianity furnishes us with the most impressive instance of the truth of the dictum Securus judicat orbis terrarum.


Endymion, a poetical Romance. By John Keats. Type-facsimile of the First Edition, with Introduction and Notes by H. Clement Notcutt. (Oxford University Press. 7s. 6d. net.) THE shade of Keats must, we think, glow with

THE shade of Keats glow with

ever understood him aright-the Keats of his own greatest poetry and also the Keats of the letters there is no judgment that would wound him with more envenomed a wound than that which accuses him of not meaning anything particular" by a work which he had designed and laboured at so seriously as he laboured at Endymion.' At the back of our poetry, hardly belonging to it, yet close akin to it, are the Riddles; it would not be very difficult to sustain argument to the effect that riddling is a necessary element in all poetry, and that, as it is historically an early element, so it is natural it should be preponderant in the work of a poet's youth. Professor Notcutt, we suspect, hits the right nail on the head in explaining the length and intimacy of this riddle of 'Endymion,' together with Keats's failure to give any clue to its meaning, by a probability that to Keats the allegory seemed easy enough of interpretation-easier than it really was. The interpretation here suggested is, briefly, that the first book symbolizes the reunion, so to speak, of the Poet or poetry with Nature; the second, the Poet's training and enriching through study of the poetry of the past--an idea well worked out and supported; the third, the unfortunate recent development of English

poetry, led astray by Pope; the fourth, the

reconciliation of the service of poetry and the service of humanity, by means of the realisation that these are, or may be, one. Professor Notcutt's enlarged discussion of each book in the Introduction, and his treatment of detail in the Notes, go very far to persuading ८६. Full persuasion on such a topic can only be reached by lengthier rumination than there has yet

been time for.

Covent Garden Drollery,, 1672. Edited by G. Thorn-Drury. (P. J. and A. E. Dobell. 12s, net.) A DROLLERY, as students of the seventeenth

century know, is a miscellaneous collection of poetical pieces-prologues and epilogues to plays, songs and other lyrics of a witty and bold intention for the most part, dealing with love on its rougher side. Mr. Thorn-Drury has printed this collection as it stands; it is chiefly, though not solely, as a thread of witness to the life of the time, that it has value, and a softening down, by omission or otherwise, of its


coarseness, would have impaired its truth. is the most important of the collections of its kind, and is now of rare occurrence. Fourteen of the pieces, among them seven prologues and epilogues, which had not appeared in print before, have been assigned to Dryden: and Fletcher, Basse, Rochester and Wycherley have been recognized as authors of others. Mr. Thorn-Drury discusses these attributions with all care and penetration, and reference to recent work on the Restoration drama, Moreover, he has gathered some little fresh light on obscure points of stage history from this study. The claim on the title-page of the first edition that all its choice things "written by the refined'st Witts of the Age" had been never in Print before "so often an untrustworthy claim is found to be better justified than might have been expected. The present text is that of the second edition. The first had professed itself collected by one "R. B." whom Hazlitt forthwith pronounced to be Richard Brome; but in place of "R." "A." appears on the title-page of the second, and Mr. ThornDrury shows some good reason for supposing that "A. B." may stand for Aphra Behn. A note on Thomas St. Serf, which considerably enlarges his biography, should not be missed by the student.


The Church of St. Mary Magdalene, Munster Square, London. A Record, 1852-1927. (The Society of SS. Peter and Paul. 3s. 6d. net).

THIS little work is intended primarily for lovers of a church which has an endearing domestic history fully to be appreciated only by its own people; but it is worth notice, too, from those whose interest in it would mainly concern its history or its architecture. represents at once a result of two of the great impulses which in the mid-nineteenth centuryin certain minds and in certain places-bore


onward the reviving Church with a force which

some contemporaries seem to have found rather puzzling: a passion for worship and a passion for the souls of the poor. It was founded and build by Edward Stuart, its first vicar, with virtually the whole of his fortune; and its quiet history links it here and there with many of the best-known names among churchmen of the nineteenth century. It was built Richard Cromwell Carpenter, a young architect who had built three churches in Brighton, and who did not live to see this, his finest piece, completed. It offers a good example of the Gothic of the day, unusual in that it is of great width-so determined by the measure of the site-with some fine work in window-tracery and in carving, though it still lacks the tower which Carpenter designed for it. The compiler gives due measure not only of biographical detail, but also of particulars concerning windows, furniture and the like, such as we should be infinitely grateful for in the case of an old church.

Press, Ltd., at their Offices, High Street,

Printed and Published by The Bucks Free
Wycombe, in the County of Bucks.



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[blocks in formation]

NOTES:-A XVII Century MS. List of Tokens, 129 -Unpublished Letters of Warren Hastings, 132 -Shakespeariana: 'Hamlet,' Ac v. end: "wild," 134-Dairy terms: "meal of milk"-Hours of meals in XVIII century--Charles GreenwoodWarren Hastings in Berkshire, 135.

QUERIES:-" Marchands de Myrobolan "-Bank notes-Thomas Chifinch of Gravesend-Needham in the seventeenth century-Pre-Roman hill-top roads-Sunday entertainments-The Buccaneers: Morgan and Earl Carberry-Frances Curson: Oliver Gadbury, 136 - Portrait of Francis Mundy, 1760 - David Bates, artist Samuda: Abrams-Initials of Painter and EngraverDampier of East Coker-Price Family-Heraldry of Oxfordshire-Thurber Family-Sellars (Controller of Chester): Portrait painted by Daniel Clowes, 1804 Negroes in England in the eighteenth century, 137-" Kyd," illustrator of Dickens-Beadies American Library Definition of Gentleman: source wanted Author wanted, 138.


REPLIES:-Charles I and the Banqueting House, 138--The Blind Men and the Elephant-All-port: East India Company Marine Service, 139-The D'Urbervilles' claim to arms - Quarills, 140Sackville's Buckingham and Milton's SatanRiver water used for drinking-The Books of Numa Pompilius-Higham Ferrers Church, 141Agricultural terms-English in the Lisbon Earthquake-Memorials of County boundaries and centres-Johann Maurer, Prague-Blotting-paper and inkstands, 142-Italian mayors-Sir Thomas White and the Kibblewhites of South Fawley, Berks--Gilbert Wakefield-Author wanted, 143.

'The English Navy in the THE LIBRARY: Revolution of 1688' Mediaeval Plays in Scotland '-' The Boar's Head Tavern in Eastcheap.



THIRD SERIES. - General Index.
FIFTH SERIES. - General Index.
VOL. CL.-No. 19 (May 8, 1926).
VOL. CXLVIII.-No. 6 (Feb. 7, 1925).

No. 7 (Feb. 14, 1925).

No. 8 (Feb. 21, 1925).

No. 9 (Feb. 28, 1925).

THE following numbers and Volume Indices of the TWELFTH SERIES or the complete

volumes in which they are included:

No. 2-Jan. 8. 1916 (Vol. i).
No. 53-Dec. 30, 1916 (Vol. ii).
No. 67-Apr. 14, 1917 (Vol. iii).
No. 86-November 1917 (Vol. iv).
No. 128-Sept. 25, 1920 (Vol. vii).
No. 148-Feb. 12, 1921 (Vol. viii).
No. 168-July 2, 1921 (Vol. ix).
No. 185-Oct. 29, 1921 (Vol. ix).
No. 194-Dec. 31, 1921 (Vol. ix).
No. 228-Aug. 26, 1922 (Vol. xi).
Indices to Vol. vi (Jan. -June, 1920) and
Vol. ix (July-Dec., 1921).

Please send offers to-" NOTES & QUERIES," 20, High Street, High Wycombe, Bucks.

THE follow


THE following complete Series, each of 12 are in stock, and may be obtained from the Manager, "Notes and Queries," 20, High Street, High Wycombe, Bucks:

FIRST SERIES (1849-1855), 12 Volumes and General Index, bound cloth, (2 volumes and General Index in Publisher's cloth), second hand, clean and sound, £3 3s.

SECOND SERIES (1856-1861), 12 volumes, uniformly bound in cloth, second hand, clean and sound, £2 2s.

THIRD SERIES (1862-1867), 12 volumes, uniformly bound in cloth, second hand, clean and sound, £2 2s.

The three above series are all uniformly bound except for the two volumes and General Index of the First Series.

THIRD SERIES (1862-1867), bound half leather, marbled boards, in new condition, £10 10s.

FOURTH SERIES (1868-1873), bound half leather, marbled boards, second-hand, in good condition, £7 7s.

FIFTH SERIES (1874-1879) bound half leather, marbled boards, second-hand, in good condition, £7 7s.

SEVENTH SERIES (1886-1891), in Publisher's cloth cases, in very good condition, secondhand, and General Index in paper cover, £6 6s.

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JOTES AND QUERIES is published every

NoFriday, at 20, High Street, High Wycombe, Bucks (Telephone: Wycombe 306). Subscripa year, U.S.A. $10.50, including tions (£2 2s.

postage, two half-yearly indexes and two cloth binding cases, or £1 15s. 4d a year, U.S.A. $9, without binding cases) should be sent to the Manager. The London Office is at 22, Essex the current issue is on sale. Orders for back Street, W.C.2. (Telephone: Central 0396), where numbers, indexes and bound volumes should be sent either to London or to Wycombe; letters for the Editor to the London Office.


THE January number of the Journal of the Society of Army Historical Research contains a human document" of quite outstanding interest, being the diary of Sergeant Benjamin Miller, from 1796 to 1815, during his service in the 4th Royal Artillery. He served in Egypt and at Coruña (tacit reproach is conveyed for the old-fashioned spelling Corunna, and in Miller's text


Coruña, which has a mildly surprising effect.) He was for a considerable time at Gibraltar and he was witness of many strange incidents, which he relates with spirit. Nor is he wanting in capacity for description of important actions, or in the matter of accuracy regarding dates and places. The text diary is preceded by a short biography put together by Miss M. R. Dacombe and Miss B. J. H. Rowe, and the text is illustrated

annotated by the Editor of the Journal with that care and completeness which he has long taught his readers to expect of him. He begins, too, in this number to place the Society yet further in his debt by the first instalment of a detailed and lavishly illustrated account of 'The Colours of the British Marching Regiments of Foot in 1751.'

MR. Edwin J. Layton's admirably produced volume, 'Thomas Chippendale: A Review of his Life and Origin' (Murray, 10s. 6d.), owes its inception to the discussions in 'N. & Q.' between 1912 and 1922 of the family history of the great cabinet-maker. Until then Redgrave's statement that the first and second Chippendales were father and son, and that they came to London from Worcestershire, had been accepted without question.

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difficulty of attribution


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Chippendale furniture" was in full floraison before the young cabinet-maker from Yorkshire could possibly have acquired the necessary artistic education and handicraft accomplishment. How, then, are we, on the new theory, to account for the beautiful early examples of the style, and if they were not Chippendale work, how came the name to be attached to it? Mr. Layton's thesis is that if there is no definite proof of the Worcestershire origin of the great Chippendale there are serious obstacles in the way of accepting the Yorkshire theory which several writers on the subject have hastily adopted without examination. Mr. Layton has prefaced his book with a valuable chronology which makes his argument easy to follow, and has traced his hero's career, step by step, with a wealth of documentary detail impressive in its cumulative effect. No such research has ever before been bestowed upon the subject, and incidentally it throws considerable light upon the topography of what are now called the Western Central districts of London in the second half of the eighteenth century. Thus Mr. Layton's book not only justifies suspension of judgment upon the origin of Chippendale and the early styles to which his name is attached, but also makes a distinct addition to metropolitan topographical literature.

THOSE of our readers who have been interested in Dr. Mercer's study of the history of Carpenters' Tools in the eighteenth century may like some of the further particulars he sends us of the Museum of the Bucks County Historical Society at Doylestown, Pennsylvania, U.S.A. It was built in 1914, 1915 and 1916, entirely (roofs, floors and window sashes), of re-enforced concrete. It has an interior court surrounded by three galleries, with thirty-three fireproof rooms and thirtysix alcoves. It was presented to the Society, June 17, 1916. Besides a library of 8,000 volumes and a few relics of Indian handiwork, the building contains a collection, chiefly made in and confined to the United States of America, now (in 1927) consisting of 23,186 ancient tools and utensils, imported here by Colonists, or chiefly copied from European

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