British and Foreign Medico-chirurgical Review, Volume 41

J. Churchill., 1868


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Pagina 282 - OBSTETRIC MEDICINE AND SURGERY, in reference to the Process of Parturition. A new and enlarged edition, thoroughly revised by the Author. With Additions by WV KEATING, MD, Professor of Obstetrics, &c., in the Jefferson Medical College, Philadelphia.
Pagina v - INJURIES OF THE EYE, ORBIT, AND EYELIDS: their Immediate and Remote Effects. With about one hundred illustrations. In one very handsome octavo volume, extra cloth, $3 50.
Pagina 281 - The DIAGNOSIS and TREATMENT of the DISEASES of WOMEN; including the Diagnosis of Pregnancy. By GRAILY HEWITT, MD 8va 16s. LECTURES on the DISEASES of INFANCY and CHILDHOOD. By CHARLES WEST, MD &c.
Pagina 558 - On the Diagnosis and Treatment of the Varieties of Dyspepsia, considered in Relation to the Pathological Origin of the different Forms of Indigestion. By WILSON Fox, MD Lond. FRCP Holme Professor of Clinical Medicine at University College, London, and Physician to University College Hospital.
Pagina 557 - Catalogue of the Surgical Section of the United States Army Medical Museum. Prepared under the Direction of the Surgeon-General, US Army.
Pagina 418 - The colloidal is, in fact, a dynamical state of matter, the crystalloidal being the statical condition. The colloid possesses Energia. It may be looked upon as the probable primary source of the force appearing in the phenomena of vitality. To the gradual manner in which colloidal changes take place (for they always demand time as an element) may the characteristic protraction of chemico-organic changes also be referred.
Pagina 557 - MR. COULSON. ON DISEASES OF THE BLADDER AND PROSTATE GLAND. New Edition, revised. In Preparation. MR. WALTER COULSON, FRCS STONE IN THE BLADDER: With Special Reference to its Prevention, Early Symptoms, and Treatment by Lithotrity. 8vo. cloth, 6s.
Pagina 146 - Here' (to use the words of Dr. Latham), ' here you see almost all diseases in miniature ; and, from the peculiar structure of the eye, you see them as through a glass; and you learn many of the little wonderful details in nature of the morbid processes, which but for the observation of them in the eye would not have been known at all.
Pagina 147 - Lectures on Clinical Medicine, Delivered at the Hotel Dieu, Paris, by* A. TROUSSEAU, Professor of Clinical Medicine to the Faculty of Medicine, Paris, etc., etc.
Pagina 390 - The ganglionic cells of the sympathetic co-ordinate the energy of the separate elements of the tissue in which they are placed, and thus represent the simplest form of a principle of individuation. Through the cells of the spinal centre the functions of the different organic centres are so co-ordinated as to have their subordinate but essential place in the movements of animal life ; and herein is witnessed a further and higher individuation. The spinal centres are similarly controlled by the sensory...

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