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731. VOLTA'S TELEGRAPH. (For entry, see No. 3253a.)


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731. Volta, (Alessandro.) (1745-1827.) Collezione dell opere del cavaliere conte Alessandro Volta. 3 vols. in 5. pl. portr. 8vo.

Florence, 1816

Part I. Vol. 1. The electrophorus, p. 103; electrical condensation, p. 219; Vol. 2, animal electricity; Part II. Vol. 1, clouds electrified by friction sometimes positively and sometimes negatively, p. 270; the aurora borealis, p. 428; Part II, Vol. 2, letter to Sir Joseph Banks announcing discovery of battery, p. 95. (See No. 2497.) For early work on electric telegraph, see Ronald's letter, No. 3253a (reproduced on preceding pages.)

-See also 428.

732. Weber, Joseph. (1753-1831.) Vom dynamischen Leben der Natur ueberhaupt, und vom elektrischen Leben im Doppelelektrophor insbesondere, 151 pp. 12mo. Landshut, 1816 Experiments with the electrophorus.

-See also 477.

733. Bain, William.

(1775-1853.) Essay on the variation of the compass; with observations and remarks. 140 pp. I map. Edinburgh, 1817 Discussion of agonic lines, magnetic dip, variation and direction of ship's head; Flinder's rules.


734. Biot, Jean) B(aptiste). (1774-1862.) On the laws of terrestrial magnetism in various parts of the earth. Translated with notes, by T. S. Evans, 24 pp. I plate. 8vo. Chapter from the author's Traité de Physique, 1816. -See also 633.

London, 1817

735. Bompass, Charles Carpenter. Essay on the nature of heat, light and electricity. x+266 pp. 8vo.

London, 1817

The nature of electric attraction is discussed, electricity being considered a material entity; turmaline, p. 236; cause of magnetism, a peculiar ethereal fluid, p. 247.

736. Bondioli, Pietro Antonio. (Nuovi Saggi sc. e lett.


(1765-1808.) Sopra l'aurora boreale. Acad. Sc. Padova, Vol. 1, pp. 55-79.) Padua, (1817)

This pamphlet contains a long letter from Volta on the cause of polar


737. Clark, Hewton, and John Dougall. (1787-1832?) Cabinet of arts; or General instructor in arts, science, trade, practical machinery. 859 pp. 7 plates. 8vo. London, 1817

A short section on electricity and another on magnetism.

738. (Gregory, Olinthus Gilbert.) (1774-1841.) Dissertation on weights and measures and the best means of revising them. 40 pp. 8vo.

Pamphlet containing points of historic interest on standards.
-See also 811, 1142.

739. Macdonald, John. (1759-1831.)

London, 1817

(1759-1831.) Naval, military and political telegraphic dictionary numerically arranged. 8vo. London, 1817 Comprehensive telegraphic dictionary in which numbers stand for words; it cost the author 15 years of continued work.

-See also 689.

740. Oppian. (Second century.) Les Halieutiques traduits du Grec

du poème d'Oppien, ou traité de la pêche et des moeurs des habitans des eaux, par J. M. Limes. 396 pp. I plate. 8vo. Paris, 1817 Poetic description of the electric powers of the torpedo fish, p. 88, by the celebrated Greek poet.

741. Ozeray, Michel-Jean-François. (1764-1859.) Recherches sur Buddou ou Bouddou (Foe), instituteur religieux de l'Asie orientale; précédées de considérations générales sur les premiers hommages rendus au Créateur; sur la corruption de la religion, l'établissement des cultes du soleil, de la lune, des planètes, du ciel, de la terre, des montagnes, des eaux, des forêts, des hommes et des animaux. xxxv+137 pp. 8vo.

Paris, 1817

Religion and practices of the Buddhists. 742. Achmed, Teifaschius. Fior di pensieri sulle pietre preziose, opera stampata nel suo originale Arabo, colla traduzione Italiana appresso, e diverse note di Antonio Raineri. 31 1.+ 118 pp. 4to. Florence, 1818

Work on precious stones with a few pages on the magnet and its properties:
Arabic text with Italian translation.

743. Bostock, John. (1774-1846.) Account of the history and present state of galvanism. 164 pp. 2 plates. 8vo. London, 1818 The greater part of the work is a critical history of the subject; the rest treats of the theories advanced by Galvani and Volta.

744. Clarke, George. Treatise on the magnetism of the needle; on the Great Luminary, or reservoir of light called the Sun; the properties of light, etc. 24 pp. 12m0. London, 1818

"The sun's path at the equator being east and west, it is evident that its attraction for oxygen must be north and south and constitutes the magnetism of the needle", p. 12. (First edition published, 1816).

745. Delafosse, (Gabriel.) (1796-1878.) Mémoire sur l'électricité des minéraux. (Ann. Mines, Vol. 3 pp. 209-226) 8vo.

Paris, 1818

Electrification of certain minerals by rubbing and by heating. 746. Joyce, Jeremiah.) (1763-1816.) Scientific dialogues, in which the first principles of natural and experimental philosophy are fully explained. Vol. 6: Electricity and Galvanism. 16mo. London, 1818

The elements of natural philosophy. (A complete set comprises 7 vols.) 746a.--(New edition.) Scientific dialogues. Intended for the in

struction and entertainment of young people: in which the first principles of natural and experimental philosophy are fully explained. By the Rev. Jeremiah Joyce, with corrections by Dr. Olinthus Gregory. A new and enlarged edition containing the recent additions to science. By Charles V (incent) Walker. xvi+495 pp. ill. diagr. London, 1853

747. La Beaume (Michael.) Observations on the properties of the air-pump, vapour-bath, pointing out their efficacy in the cure of gout, rheumatism, palsy, etc., with remarks on factitious airs and on the improved state of medical electricity. 88 pp. 8vo. (London, 1818?)

-See also 770, 843, 868, 923.


748. Lynn, Thomas. Improved system of telegraphic communication. Second edition carefully revised and improved. tinuation of the General Vocabulary. Supplementary Vocabulary) xxxvi pp. ill. 3 plates. 12mo.

Signaling with flags.

749. Maissiat,


London, 1818

(1770-1822.) Mémoire sur quelques changements faits à la boussole et au rapporteur, suivi de la description d'un nouvel instrument, nommé grammomètre servant à disposer sur les plans et cartes, les hauteurs et l'inclinaison des écritures et à diviser, sans compas, les lignes droites. 178 pp. 8 plates. 8vo.

Paris, 1818

Construction and use of the surveying compass preceded by a short history of the mariner's compass.

750. Marryat, Frederick. (1792-1848.) Code of signals for the use of vessels employed in the Merchant Service; including a cypher for secret correspondence. Added a list of the agents to Lloyd's. Second edition. 3 plates. L. 8vo. London, 1818 Signaling with flags.

750a. Universal code of signals for the mercantile marine of all nations, with a selection of sentences adapted for convoys, and systems of geometrical, night and fog signals. By G. B. Richardson. 7 plates. 8vo. London, 1864 Practical handbook of flag-signaling.

751.* Salgues, J(acques) B(arthélemy.) (1760-1830.) Des erreurs et des préjugés répandus dans les diverses classes de la société. Troisième édition, revue et corigée. 3 vols. 8vo.

Paris, 1818-1823

Discussion of erroneous views popularly entertained concerning the divining-rod, lightning conductors, thunderbolts and the ringing of bells during thunderstorms.

752. Vene, A. Essai sur une nouvelle théorie de l'électricité contenant une réfutation du système des deux fluides vitré et résineux et une explication de plusieurs phénomènes météorologiques. 118 pp. I plate. 8vo. Arras, (1818?)

The author admits only one electrical fluid held in a body by molecular attraction.

753. Vogel, (Johann) Ludwig (Andreas.)

der des Magnetismus. 280 pp. 8vo.

Chapter on animal electricity.

(1771-1840.) Die WunErfurt, (1818)

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