
884. Enschede, Wilhelm Adrian. De calore qui excitatur electricitate quam annuente summo numine. (Inaugural dissertation) 77 pp. 4to. Leyden, 1834

Thesis on the heat due to electric discharge.

885. Higgins, W(illiam) Mullinger. Alphabet of electricity for the use of beginners. viii+116 pp. ill. 12m0. London, 1834

Interesting from its historical references. The author neglects electromagnetism, the work of Oersted, Arago and Faraday receiving no notice. -See also 722.

886. Klaproth, J(ulius.) (1783-1835.) Lettre à M. le Baron A. de Humboldt, sur l'invention de la boussole. 138 pp. 3 plates. 8vo. Paris, 1834


Important contribution to the history of the magnetic compass on land and 887. Nobili, Leopoldo. (1784-1835.) Memorie ed osservazioni colla descrizione ed analisi de'suoi apparati ed instrumenti. 2 vols. 16 plates. 8vo. Florence, 1834

Researches on electrical phenomena.
-See also 943.

888. Poppe, J(ohann) H(einrich) M(oritz.) (1776-1854.) Die Telegraphen und Eisenbahnen im ganzen Umfange; ihr Nutzen, ihre verschiedenen Arten and die damit bis auf die neueste Zeit vorgenommenen neuen Einrichtungen und Verbesserungen. +162 pp. 6 plates. 12mo.

vi Stuttgart, 1834

Bibliography of the telegraph; electric telegraph for railroad purposes. 889. Powell, Baden. (1796-1860.) History of natural philosophy from the earliest periods to the present time. (Lardner's Cabinet Cyclopaedia) xvi+396 pp. 12mo. London, 1834

No reference to electricity or magnetism.

890. Somerville, (Mrs.) Mary (Fairfax.) (1780-1872.) On the connexion of the physical sciences. 458 pp. 12mo.

London, 1834

This well-known work contains chapters on electricity, magnetism and currents due to rotation; supposed magnetic effect of violet light.

890a. Eighth edition. xvi+524 pp. ill. 5 plates. 12mo.

-See also 2613.

London, 1849

891. Barlow, James. A new theory, accounting for the dip of the magnetic needle, being an analysis of terrestrial magnetism, with a solution of the lines of variation and no variation, and an explanation of the nature of a magnet. xxvii+183 pp. 1 map, I plate. 8vo. New York, 1835

The theory here advanced is that "caloric" is the cause of polarity. 892. Fechner, Gustav Theodor. (1801-1887.) De nova methodo magnetismum explorandi, qui per actionem galvanicam in ferro ductili excitatur. (Inaugural dissertation) 25 pp. 4to.

Leipzig, 1835

Magnetism induced in needles by the passage of a current through a surrounding coil.

893.--De variis intensitatem vis galvanicae metiendi methodis. (Inaugural dissertation.) 32 pp. 4to.



Leipzig, 1835

The three methods given for measuring magnetic force are by deflection, torsion, and oscillation.

-See also 849.

Gherardi, Silvestro. (1802-1879.) De quadam appendice ad galvanometrum multiplicans, et de ejus usu in profluviis variis ac praecipue Faradayeis expendendis. (Extract, Act. Acad. Scient. Instit. Bonon. Vol. 3) 42 pp. 4to. Bologna, 1835

Dissertation on the use of the galvanometer for comparison of currents of various orign i. e. thermo-electric, voltaic, magneto-electric.

-See also 929, 1571, 1595, 1720, 1742, 1798, 1831, 1865, 1976, 3130. Hare, Robert. (1781-1858.) A brief exposition of the science of mechanical electricity. 48 pp. ill. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1835

Elementary electrostatic phenomena.

-See also 683.

896. Leigh, John Jr. Directions for insuring personal safety during storms of thunder and lightning and for the right application of conductors to houses and other buildings. 41 pp. 8vo.


London, 1835 General recommendations derived from the writings of Sir William Snow Harris.

Ross, (Sir) John. (1777-1856.) Narrative of a second voyage in search of a North-West passage and of a residence in the Arctic regions during the years 1829, 1830, 1831, 1832, 1833. xxxiii+740 pp. map. pl. 4to. London, 1835

Remarks on magnetic dip, pp. 117, 118, 131, 381; table of dip observations, p. 566; north magnetic pole, p. 556; location of pole, p. 567; aurorae, p.


-See also 2714.

898. Whewell, W(illiam.) (1794-1866.) Report on the recent progress and present condition of the mathematical theories of electricity, magnetism and heat. 34 pp. 8vo. London, 1835

The electrical work of Aepinus, Coulomb and Poisson. Fourier's differen-
tial equation; also critical remarks on the "fluid" theory of electricity.
-See also 927, 1814.

899. Belli, G(iuseppe.) (1791-1860.) Sul dissiparsi piu facilmente nell' aria comune l'elettricita negativa che non la positiva. (Biblioteca Italiana, Vol. 81. pp. 189-193) 8vo. Milan, 1836


Note on the electric properties of pointed conductors.
-See also 864.

Brande, William Thomas. (1788-1866.) A manual of chemistry.
Fourth edition. xx+1317 pp. ill. 8vo.
London, 1836

One chapter of 100 pages by the eminent chemist on general electrical

-See also 2516.

901. Davy, Edward.


An experimental guide to chem12mo. London, 1836 Presentation copy, with letter, from Henry Davy, uncle of the author.

istry. iv+98 pp. I plate.

-See also 4988.

902. De la Rive, Auguste (Arthur.) (1801-1873.) Recherches sur la cause de l'électricité voltaique. 174 pp. I plate. 4to.

Geneva, 1836

Denies the contact and defends the chemical theory of the voltaic cell.
-See also 818.

903. Despretz, C(ésar Mensuète). (1792-1863.) Traité élémentaire
de physique. 4. edition. xvi+918 pp. 8vo.
Paris, 1836

Work on general physics, especially electricity and magnetism.
-See also 1155, 2898.

904. Eisenlohr, W(ilhelm.) (1799-1872.) Lehrbuch der Physik zum Gebrauche bei Vorlesungen und beim Unterricht. viii+448 pp. 8 plates. 8vo. Mannheim, 1836

Work on general physics written while the author was Professor in the
Polytechnische Schule, Karlsruhe.

904a.--Third edition. vi+664 pp.

-See also 1672.

905. Gauss, (Karl Friedrich.)

10 plates. 8vo.

Mannheim, 1841

(1777-1855.) Erdmagnetismus und

Magnetometer. (Schumacher's Jahrbuch, 1836, pp. 1-47) 12m0.

On terrestrial magnetism.
-See also 867.

Stuttgart, 1836

906. Hare, R(obert). (1781-1858.) An examination of the question whether the discordancy between the characteristics of mechanical electricity and the galvanic or voltaic fluid, can arise from difference of intensity and quantity. II pp. ill. 8vo.

Philadelphia, 1836 "Heat, light and electricity are all concomitant products of electro-chemical reaction," p. 11. The author was a distinguished American chemist.

-See also 683.

907. Jacobi, M (oritz) H(ermann) von. (1801-1874.) On the application of electro-magnetism to the movement of machines. (? pp. 503-554) plate. 8vo. (London, 1836?)

Jacobi's electromagnetic motor with diagrams; paper of historic interest. 907a.--(French translation.) (Biblioth. Univers. [Suppl.] Genève,

N. S. Vol. 47, pp. 233-344.) 8vo.

-See also 933, 938, 982, 1046, 1362, 1394, 1837.

Geneva, 1843

908. Karsten, K(arl) J(ohann) B(ernhard.) (1782-1853.) Ueber Con

tact Elektricitaet. 150 pp. 1 plate. 8vo.
Lengthy paper on the "contact" theory.

Berlin, 1836

909. Lamé, G(abriel.) (1795-1870.) Cours de physique de l'école polytechnique. 2 vols. 15 plates. 8vo. Paris, 1836-1837

Vol. II contains a résumé of the lectures on electricity and magnetism. goga. (German translation.) Lehrbuch der Physik fuer hoehere

polytechnische Lehranstalt. Deutsch bearbeitet und mit noethigen Zusaetzen versehen von C. H. Schnuse. Vol. III. Elektricitaet-Magnetismus-Elektrodynamik. (Physikalische Arbeiten.) 7 plates. 8vo. Darmstadt, 1841

[ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][ocr errors][merged small][merged small]

910. Michel, Francisque (Xavier). (1809-1887.) Lais inédits des XIIe et XIIIe siècles, publié pour la première fois. v+154 pp. 12mo.

Paris, 1836

In the preface will be found a metrical composition of the XIIIth century on the mariner's compass.

911. Mueller, Johann (Heinrich Jakob.) (1809-1875.) Kurze Darstellung des Galvanismus. Nach Turner mit Benutzung der Original-Abhandlungen Faraday's bearbeitet. Mit einem Vorwort von J. Liebig. vi+101 pp. ill. 8vo. Darmstadt, 1836

Analysis of the discoveries of Ampère and Faraday; general phenomena of the electric current; theory of the voltaic cell.

-See also 1119.

912. Pouillet, Claude Servais Mathias. (1791-1868.) Eléments de physique expérimentale et de météorologie. Second edition. 572 pp. 32 plates, I map. 8vo. Brussels, 1836

This is the second edition of a standard work on physics; it contains a chart showing the position of the magnetic equator as determined from the observations of Duperrey, 1822-1825.

-See also 1908, 3469.

913. Rijke, P(ieter) L(eonhard.)

(1812-1901.) De origine electrici

Maastricht, 1836

tatis voltaicae. 81 pp. 4to. (Inaugural dissertation.)

Dissertation on the theory of the voltaic cell.
-See also 3202.

914. Weber, Eduard (Friedrich.) (1806-1871.) Quaestiones physiologicae de phenomenis galvano-magneticis in corpore humano observatis. 26 pp. 4to. (Inaugural dissertation.) Halle, 1836 The electric resistance of the human body and kindred subjects.

915. Arago, (Dominique François Jean.) (1786-1853.) Notices scientifiques sur le tonnerre. (Annuaire pour l'an 1838, pp. 221–632.) Paris, 1837


This is the author's celebrated monograph on lightning and thunder.
-See also 1309, 2444, 2671.

916. Belli, Giuseppe. (1791-1860.) Sulla dispersione delle due elettricita e sui residui delle scariche delle bocce di Leida. 27 pp. I plate. 8vo.

Experiments with Leyden jars; loss of charge.
-See also 864.

(Milan, 1837)

917. Braham, John. Outlines of the science of magnetism, electromagnetism, voltaic, thermo, and magneto-electricity. 56 pp. I plate. 12mo.

Bristol, 1837

"There is little doubt it (the magneto-electric spark) will ultimately be used in the place of gas in illuminating our streets and houses", p. 5.

918. Desains, E(douard François.) (1812-1865.) Thèse de physique sur la mesure des courants électriques. 22 pp. 1 plate. 4to. Paris, 1837

Galvanometric measurement of currents.

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