
1608. Thompson, J. Baynes. Mechanical theory of electric induction
and its application. 14 pp. 8vo.
1609. Tyndall, John. (1820-1893.) On a magnetic experiment. 7 pp.
(London,) 1864

Notes of a lecture on the lengthening of a bar during magnetization.
-See also 1586.

1610. Boltzmann, Ludwig. (1844-1906.) Ueber die Bewegung der
Elektrizitaet in krummen Flaechen. (Sitz. Ber. Akad. Wiss.
Math-Nat. Kl., Vol. 52, pp. 214-221.) 8vo.
Electrical stream-lines on curved surfaces.

Vienna, 1865

1611. (Coignet, François.) Note sur les bétons agglomérés à base de chaux système Coignet. 48 pp. 8vo. Paris, 1865 Concrete and its uses.

1612. Ebner, Moritz, von. Ueber Telegraphie in ihrem Zusammenhange mit dem Entwicklungsgange der Naturwissenschaften, I.; und in ihrer Anwendung auf die Zwecke des Krieges, II. (Mitt. K. K. Génie Comité, Vol. 10, pp. 337-377.) 8vo.

Vienna, (?) 1865

1613. Hankel, W(ilhelm) Gottlieb. (1814-1899.) Ueber die Durchborung des Stanniols durch den Entladungsschlag der elektrischen Batterie. (Sitz. Ber. Saechs. Ges. Wiss. Math.-Nat. Kl., Vol. 17, pp. 94-116.) 8vo.

Some effects due to the discharge of Leyden batteries.
-See also 1524.

Leipzig, 1865

1614. Hooper, William. India-rubber considered in reference to its applicability as an insulator for telegraphic conductors. pp. L. 8vo. (London,) 186


1616. Martin, Th(omas) Henri. (1813-1884.) Observations et théo ries des anciens sur les attractions et les répulsions mag nétiques et sur les attractions électriques. 42 pp. 4to.

Early history of magnetism and electricity with copious references; work o erudition.

1617. Noble, W (illiam) H (enry). Description of Navez-Leur's elec tro-ballistic chronoscope for determining the velocity o projectiles. (Rev. Techn. Milit., Vol 4, pp. 245-279.) 8vo.

Paris, 186 General history of ballistic experiments with description of methods an apparatus used by various investigators.

1618. Pfeiffer, Clemens. Handbuch der elektro-magnetischen Telegraphie nach Morse'schem System. xii+282 pp. 12mo. (Neuer Schauplatz der Kuenste und Handwerke, Vol. 272.)

Elementary manual of the electric telegraph.
-See also 1552.

Weimar, 1865

1619. Preece, (Sir) William Henry. On railway electric signalling. 39 pp. ill. I plate. 8vo. London, 1865

Electricity "supplies the only means that science possesses to enable us to
carry out the block system in its entirety."
-See also 1496.

Paris, 1865

1620. Roux, F. L(ouis). Étude sur la fabrication et la pose des cables électriques sousmarins. 52 pp. 8vo. Reliability of the plummet for deep-sea soundings. 1621. Rowett, (William). Ocean telegraph cable; its construction, the regulation of its specific gravity and submersion explained. 122 pp. map. 4 plates.


London, 1865 Generalities about submarine cables and ocean-depths; preference given to the "hempen" cable.

-See also 1428.

1622. Russell, (Sir) W(illiam) H(enry). Atlantic telegraph; illustrated by Robert Dudley. v+117 pp. 28 plates. 4to.

London, (1865)

The illustrations are of much interest. 1623. Schoedler, Friedrich. (1813-1884.) Treasury of science, natural and physical. Translated and edited by Henry Medlock. xii+617 pp. ill. 8vo. London, 1865

Short chapter on the elementary parts of electricity and magnetism. 1624. Seguin, (Marc) (Senior). (1786-1875.) Mémoire sur les causes et sur les effets de la chaleur et de la lumière et de l'électricité. 113 pp. L. 8vo.

The ether of space is held to be an unnecessary assumption.
-See also 3143.

1625. Serafini, Filippo.

Paris, 1865

(1831-1891.) Der Telegraph in seiner Beziehung zum Buergerlichen und Handelsrechte. Uebersetzt aus dem Italienischen von Leone Roncali. 78 pp. 8vo.

Vienna, 1865

The electric telegraph and its relation to law. 1626. Seward, William H(enry). (1801-1872.) Der Telegraph um die Erde, zur Verbindung der oestlichen und westlichen Halbkugel in der Richtung ueber Moskau, dem Armur, die Behringstrasse, British Columbia und Californien. Aus dem Englischen uebersetzt von Cl. Gerke. 60 pp. I map. 8vo. Hamburg, 1865


Plan for telegraphic communication all around the globe. 1627. Stefan, J(oseph). (1835-1893.) Ueber einige Thermoelemente grosser elektromotorischer Kraft. (Sitz. Ber. Akad. Wiss. Math.-Nat., Kl. Vol. 51, pp. 260–262.) 8vo. Vienna, 1865 Note on various thermo-electric combinations for the production of strong

[blocks in formation]

1627a.——(English translation.) On some thermo-elements of great electromotric force. (Philos. Mag., Ser. IV, Vol. 30, pp. 7778.) 8vo. London, 1865

1628. Thomsen, (Hans Peter Jorgen) Julius). Polarisations-Batterie. (Extract, Zeitschr. Physikal. Chemie, Vol. 3.) 32 pp. ill. 8vo. Hamburg, 1865

Description of the secondary battery devised by the author.
-See also 3210.

1629. Tyndall, John. (1820-1893.) Heat considered as a mode of
motion, being a course of twelve lectures delivered at the
Royal Institution of Great Britain in 1862.
with additions and illustrations. xx+532 pp.

Second edition, ill. 12mo. London, 1865

This edition embodies the author's researches on radiant heat. -See also 1586. 1630. Kerkwijk, J. J. van. Beschrijving van eenige verschijnselen, die zich voordoen in de telegraafedraden, door invloed van atmosferische elektriciteien van het norderlicht. (Verh. Instit. Ingen., 1864-1865.) 36 pp. 1 plate. 8vo The Hague, 1865 Telegraph disturbances caused by atmospheric electricity and by polar aurorae. -See also 3652.

1631. Wenckebach, W(ilhelm). (1803-1847.) Sur Petrus Adsigerius et les plus anciennes observations de la déclinaison de l'aiguille aimantée traduit du Hollandais par T. Hooiberg. (Ann. Matematica, Vol. 7, pp. 159-168.) 4to. Milan, 1865 The author concludes that the reference to magnetic declination in the Leyden MS. of the letter of Petrus Peregrinus (1269) (see No. 46), is an interpolation made in the early part of the XVI. century.

1632. Zetzsche, Karl Eduard. (1830-1894.) Die Copirtelegraphen, die Typendrucktelegraphen und die Doppeltelegraphie. Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte der elektrischen Telegraphie. vi+198 pp. ill. 8vo. Leipzig, 1865

Various writing and printing-telegraphs.
-See also 1961, 2058, 2119, 2219, 3899.

1633. The Atlantic telegraph; its history from the commencement of the undertaking in 1854, to the return of the Great Eastern, in 1865. 117 pp. pl. & maps. 12mo. London, 1865

The book contains photographs of Cyrus W. Field and Prof. Thomson, (Lord Kelvin).

1634. Notice sur les travaux de (Jean Bernard) Léon Foucault. 37 pp. 4to. Paris, 1865 Sketch of the scientific work of Foucault (1819-1868), including his pendu lum demonstration of the rotation of the earth made in the year 1851. 1635. Adley, (Charles) C(oles). The story of the telegraph in India. viii+86 pp. I map. 8vo. London, 1866

Criticism of the instruments and methods used on the Indian telegraph lines; also plea for the emancipation of telegraphs from Government control. -See also 1274.

1636. Akin, C. K. On the origin of electricity. (Trans. Philos. Soc., Cambridge, Vol. 11, pp. 6-20.) 4to.

Cambridge, 1866

Electric manifestation is due to heat, friction and chemical action.
-See also 3382.

1637. Benet, S(tephen) V(incent). Electro-ballistic machines and the Schultz's chronoscope. 47 pp. 4 plates. 4to.

New York, 1866

Brief historical review with full details of the chronoscope. 1638. Brester, Albert. Elektrolytische onderzoekingem. 209 pp. 8vo. Delft, 1866

Decomposition of solutions by various compounds by means of the electric


1639. Bright, (Sir) Charles Tilston. (1832-1888.) The telegraph to India and its extension to Australia and China. With an abstract by James Forrest. 66 pp. 1 plate. 8vo. London, 1866 The discussion to which this lecture gave rise elicited information on the durability of insulating materials, on the manufacture and failure of cables and other related subjects.

-See also 1510, 4427.

1640. Field, Henry M(artyn). (1822-1907.) History of the Atlantic telegraph from the beginning 1854, to the completion August, 1866. 364 pp. ill. 8vo.

London, 1866

Story of the great cable enterprise popularly told. 1641. Gassiot, J(ohn) P(eter). (1797-1877.) Stratified discharges in vacuum tubes. (Intellectual Observer, 1866, pp. 82-84.) 1 plate. 8vo. London, 1866 1642.--Electrical researches with vacuum tubes. (Intellectual Observer, 1866, pp. 289-290.) I plate. 8vo. London, 1866

Some of these experiments were made with a water-battery of 4000 small cells.

-See also 1455.

1643. Gérard, (Antoine J.) Le magnétisme à la recherche d'une position sociale, sa théorie, sa critique, sa pratique. 233 pp. portr. 12mo.

Electro-medical work, Mesmer justified.

-See also 5424.

Paris, 1866

1644. Grover, J(ohn) W(illiam). Estimates and diagrams of railway bridges for turnpike, public and occupation roads in the embankments of double or single lines, and cuttings of double lines; also culverts of various dimensions. 34 plates. Folio. London, 1866

1645. Hooper, William. On the electrical and mechanical properties of Mr. Hooper's India rubber insulated wire for telegraphic cables. 13 pp. 10 plates. diagrs. 4to. London, 1866


Paper read at the Nottingham meeting of the British Association, 1866.
-See also 1614.

Hopkins, Evan. (?-1867.) Invention for an improved mode
of correcting the deviation of compasses in iron ships, and

of constructing ships' compasses and binnacles, so as to prevent deviation. 8 pp. I plate. 8vo. London, 1866 Method of depolarizing the hull of iron ships in order to eliminate its influence on the compasses.

-See also 1061.

1647. Kuehn, Karl. (1816-1869.) Handbuch der angewandten Elektricitaetslehre mit besonderer Beruecksichtigung der theoretischen Grundlagen. 2 vols. xx+1396 pp. ill. tabl. 8vo. (Allgemeine Encyclopaedie der Physik, Vol. 20, parts 1 & 2.) Leipzig, 1866 These two volumes form part of an encyclopaedia of physics; they deal with lightning-conductors, electricity in mines and telegraphy; also bibliography of the subjects treated.

[blocks in formation]

1648. Larkins, Walter F. The commercial code of signals for the use of all nations. xxiv+246 pp. pl. 4to.

Signaling at sea by means of flags.

London, 1866

1649. Macintosh, John. Facts and figures relative to submarine telegraphy. 36 pp. 1 plate. 8vo.

London, 1866

The commercial features of submarine telegraphy. 1650. Martin, Th(omas) Henri. (1813-1884.) La foudre, l'électricité et le magnétisme chez les anciens. v+418 pp. 12mo.

Paris, 1866
Knowledge of the ancients on the magnet, electric attraction, thunder, light-
ning, the aurora borealis, the mariner's compass.
-See also 1616.

1651. Page, Charles Grafton. (1812-1868.) Petition to the Honorable the Senate and House of Representative in Congress Assembled. (On the induction coil.) 35 pp. 8vo.

New York, (1866?)

The author puts forward his claim to the invention of the induction coil.
-See also 1689, 2729.

1652. Preece, (Sir) William Henry.

Electrical inter-communication

in trains in motion. 23 pp. pl. 16mo.
-See also 1496.

London, 1866

1653. Sestier, F(élix). De la foudre, de ses formes et ses effets sur l'homme, les animaux, les végétaux et les corps bruts, des moyens de s'en préserver et des paratonnerres; rédigé sur les documents laissés par M. Sestier et complété par M. C. Méhu. 2 Vols. 8vo. Paris, 1866 Treats extensively of the effects of lightning, death by lightning, and also the history and construction of lightning-conductors.

1654. Siemens, (Sir) Charles William.

(1822-1883.) Die elektrische Telegraphie. 40 pp. 8vo. (Sammlung gemeinverstaendlicher wissenschaftlicher Vortraege, Heft 22.) Berlin, 1866 Historical sketch of the electric telegraph.

-See also 1502, 1655, 2107, 2177, 2258, 2378, 3107.

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