Brut, or chronicle of Britain: a poeticel semi-Saxon paraphrase of the Brut of Wace : now first published from the Cottonian manuscripts in the British Museum, Volume 1Soc. of Antiquaries of London, 1847 - 439 pagina's |
Veelvoorkomende woorden en zinsdelen
ęfter Androgeus Anglo-Saxon Belin beod beon beſte biſſe borh Brennes broder Brut Brutus burgh burh Cęsar Calig caſtle Cefar cnihtes cniptes comen Corineus Cott cwene dead deore dohter dude Ebrauc fader faren féé feide fende ferde ferden fihte folc folke fone fwipe gode habbe habben hęfde hafde hauede hefde hehte heold heom heora heore heorte heze hine hire hond idon ihaten ilke Julius Julius Cęsar king knights land Lazamon Leir leode leoden lette liue Locrin louerd Lundene makede mihte moni muchel Nennius neode neuere noht Otho ouer quene riche riht Rome ſeide Seodden ſpeken ſtronge ſwide ſwipe thee thou wende weore wepne weren wiš wolde wulle zeond zere žan žane žar žare žat žat heo žat hii žat lond žer žif žine žis