The Psychology of Computer ProgrammingVan Nostrand Reinhold, 1971 - 288 pagina's This classic volume probes how a program reflects its writer's personality; the effects of working environment on productivity; and many additional computer psychology issues. |
Language limitations 9 | xix |
What Makes a Good Program? | 15 |
Efficiency | 22 |
Copyright | |
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ability amateur asked assembly language batch behavior better bombed the system COBOL compiler computer programming course debugging difficulty documentation effect efficiency egoless programming environment errors example experience factors feel FORTRAN function give goals going grammer gramming important individual input-output instance intelligence job control job control language language design leadership least less limitations look machine machine language measure mentation ming motivation never observation on-line on-line system operating system organization performance perhaps personality phase PL/I possible probably problem produce programmer's programming language programming project programming team project manager psychological question reason Sackman schedule seems simply situation social Social Psychology solving specifications statement structure subroutine success syntax task team leader team members terminal things Time-Sharing tion trying turnaround typical understand variables write