Walter Scott, 1-Shakspeariana, 2-Folk-Lore, 3
-Calomel-"Living One's Life over Again"-Sneezing, 4-
The Flying Dutchman-"Excumgent"-Old Funeral Cus-
toms in Cape Town-"Bonnie Dundee," 5-Curious Treason-
able Letter-Parallel Passages, 6.
QUERIES:-"Built here for his envy"-"Ublogahell," 7-
"No when"-Falconet, the Artist-The "Carmagnole"-
"The Pilgrim's Progress"-Rev. S. Hardy-"Newlyn"-
Bedell of London, 8-Silver Badge-James Payzant-Mercury-
water-"Pan"- "God and the King" -Zinzan Street-
"Dagger-cheap "-A "Water-blast," 9.
REPLIES:-The Wordsworths, 9-De Quincey: Gough's
Fate, 10-Autograph of Burns: "To Terraughty on His
Birth-Day," 11-The Jews in England-Hanging and Resus-
citation, 12-Lavinia Fenton, Duchess of Bolton-Pastorini
-"Tohar"-Latin and English Quantity- Heraldic- "Th'
berrin 's gone by," &c. -"There's somewhat," &c., 13-Mrs.
Cowden Clarke's Shakspeare Concordance-Dr. William
Dodd-Fleur de Lys-"This marriage," &c. -Popular Verses
bearing Serious Allusions-Plays on "Play"-Folk-Lore of
the Hare "Faws," 14 "Markey" - Young's "Night
Thoughts"-Unsettled Baronetcies - Seizing Corpses for
Debt, 15-Sir Thomas Strangeways-Buda-Cowper: Trooper
-Wayneclowtes: Plogh-clowtes-Swans, 16-Classical Sign-
boards - Bardolf of Wirmegay-" How they brought," &c.
The Sunflower Shotten Herring Thomas Frye
"Bloody" The Waterloo and Peninsular Medals - St.
Catherine of Sienna-Woolston Well, West Felton-Sterne
as a Poet, 17-Bar Sinister-Welsh Testament, 18-" Reginald
Trevor: a Tale," &c. -Arms of Milgate: Radcliffe Family,
ever, one notable exception. One name is con-
spicuously absent, and that name is-Sir Walter
Scott's! I do not mean that Scott is absolutely
and literally unrepresented; but, on turning to
the index, what was my surprise to find that
amongst the two hundred and ten pieces which
make up the volume, there was only a single one
by Scott, "Jock of Hazeldean"! I at first
thought that perhaps Miss Aitken did not con-
sider that
Scott, although a Scottishman, wrote
distinctively Scotch poetry; but this cannot be
her reason for almost entirely rejecting him from
her anthology. There are at least three pieces in
the book which, although written by Scotchmen,
are quite as much English as Scotch-Allan Cun-
ningham's "A wet sheet and a flowing sea," Hogg's
"Skylark," and Logan's "Ode to the Cuckoo."
Indeed, the first of these, so far from being Scot-
tish, has a particularly English flavour about it.
Now it would be easy to name six or eight of
Scott's lyrics which we might well expect to find
in a collection like Miss Aitken's "Rosabelle,"
"County Guy," "Soldier, rest, thy warfare o'er,"
"O, Brignall banks are wild and fair," "March,
march, Ettrick and Teviotdale," and the "Red
field of Harlaw," in the Antiquary, those glorious
verses which, as Sir Philip Sidney said of "Chevy
Chase," stir the heart like the sound of a trumpet.
Some of the above lyrics, taking lyrical poetry in
its most restricted sense, as meaning simply a song,
have perhaps never been surpassed, except by
Shakspeare, Burns, and perhaps Tennyson in his
Princess. Miss Aitken, however, goes still further,
and says (page 6) that Allan Ramsay is the second
of Scotland's poets, Burns of course being the first.
Truly Mr. Gladstone knew what he was saying;
a generation has arisen which knows not Scott.
Alas for Scotland, when an accomplished Scottish
lady presents her countrymen with a volume of
Scottish lyrics, and yet considers, I presume justly,
that Scott is so little to their taste that she need
only include a single specimen of his verse in her
It is not too much to say that Scotland owes
more than half her fame to Scott, who was
the first to unfold the glories of her history
and the beauties of her scenery before the eyes,
not only of Britain, but of the whole civilized
world. Yet how little, comparatively speaking,
does she appreciate him; how coldly does she
repay "the debt immense of endless gratitude"
which she owes him; and what a half-hearted
affair was the Scott centenary fête in 1871!
But, as Mr. Gladstone said, "If we do not now
appreciate Scott as we ought, it is our misfortune,
not his. The fashion of the moment may prefer
the newest to the best; but as the calm order of
nature is resumed after a storm, so the permanent
judgment of mankind will regain its equilibrium,
and will render the honours of poetical and literary