The Spanish Teacher ...

D. Appleton & Company, 1852

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Pagina 142 - For shame ! Are you not ashamed ? Are you not ashamed of yourself? You ought to be ashamed. I am ashamed of you. What a shame ! It is a shame.— It is shameful. It is a shameful thing. It is very bad.— It is too bad.
Pagina 230 - A vulgar man is captious and jealous, eager and impetuous about trifles. He suspects himself to be slighted, thinks everything that is said meant at him. If the company happens to laugh, he is persuaded they laugh at him ; he grows angry and testy, says something very impertinent, and draws himself into a scrape by showing what he calls a proper spirit and asserting himself.
Pagina 76 - Why do you shake the table ? Lend me your pen. Lend me your penknile.
Pagina 67 - I am of your opinion. it is the best way. would it not be better? it is the best we can do. it is the best thing we can do. it is the only thing we have to do. that is the only course we can take.
Pagina 92 - That report has proved false. This news is no longer talked of. Do they still talk of war? Do they think we shall have peace ? It is not likely. Have you heard from your brother ? Did you hear lately from...
Pagina 125 - Cherries and strawberries are now in their prime. They will soon be over. These grapes are quite ripe.
Pagina 262 - I was near falling from my horse She cannot open her mouth but she says some foolish thing or other. I know none of the merchants of this place. Sister, who gave you this letter ? Miss D.'s servant. I have not seen you these six weeks. Should we set out this afternoon, we shall let you know. Write to me by the first post, that I may receive your letter before my departure for California.
Pagina 48 - They have not been clean I was not happy Thou was't not intelligible You were not accustomed It was not vast It was not yellow He was not affected She was not old We were not alone You were not angry They were not apparent They were not fine I shall not be captive Thou wilt not be correct You will not be cruel It will not be broad It will not be damp He will not be dead She will not be deaf We shall not be...
Pagina 218 - I take great care never to remain idle. Let us wait for his return. Do you bring good news ? A spark may cause a great conflagration. This beautiful moonlight invites me to take a walk. We have had a great eclipse of the sun this year I see it in a very different light. She begins to grow old. The ass is a patient and laborijus animal.
Pagina 77 - Do you know your lesson? Have you learned your lesson ? What lesson have you learned? You do not know your lesson. You have not learned your lesson. You cannot say your lesson. Can you say your lesson ? I cannot say it yet. I can say it.

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