
studied them all, are alike agreed upon this particular question. However in minor matters they may differ, upon this matter their judgment is uniform. This at least must be res judicata, a question no longer admitting of dispute.

The sources of our information touching the prehistoric beliefs of the Indo-Europeans are sufficiently well known not to need a recapitulation here. The most important which I have made use of in this volume may be roughly divided into four classes. (1) The Vedas, and chiefly the Rig Veda; (2) the Greek literature of mythology, especially the prehistorie poets, Homer and Hesiod; (3) the Icelandic Eddas and Sagas; (4) mediæval legends and epics, together with modern popular tales and traditions, almost all of which preserve some relics of ancient heathenism. In the case of the Vedas I have been obliged to avail myself of translations. Of the Rig Veda there now exist two almost complete translations into German, those of H. Grassmann and Ludwig. The beautiful metrical rendering of H. Grassmann is the one to which I have been most indebted.

C. F. K

LONDON, 1882.

[blocks in formation]

Abundant traces of a primitive fetichism in the Aryan creeds-The

three chief fetiches were trees, rivers, and mountains - The

house tree-Odysseus' chamber-The roof tree of the Norsemen

-From the house tree to the world tree-Yggdrasill-Tanema-

huta of the Maoris-Sacredness of birds-Prophetic power of

birds-Wise women who change themselves into birds-Winged

animals, how they arose-Prophetic power which remains with the

fetich after it has ceased to be a god-With trees-With moun-

tains and with rivers-The tree ancestor-Greek and Persian

houses descended from trees-Ask and Embla (Ash and Elm)

the universal parents in the Edda-Mediæval legend touching

the Tree of Life-From the tree ancestor comes the tree of the

tribe or the village tree, so well known to the German races— -The

patrician and plebeian trees in Rome-Passage of the soul into

a tree-Philemon and Baucis, Myrrha, &c.-Mountain gods-

River gods-Oceanus compared to Yggdrasill-Fetichism gave

the first impulse to a love of country-Animal worship-Serpent

worship-Its connection with worship of rivers-Symbolical ser-

pents-Jörmungandr-The Python-Worship of stocks and

stones a relic of fetichism-Worship of unshapen agalmata in

Greece-Sculptured trees-Influence of fetich worship on the

beginnings of art-Survivals of fetichism-Vitality of the belief

in magic-Transition from fetich worship to nature worship-

The intermediate stage-The dryads, nymphs, fauns, apsaras,

centaurs, &c.-Music born of streams-The contest between the

newer and the older gods.

[blocks in formation]


pont-The oldest Greek divinities-Zeus as the storm-The
Pelasgic Zeus-Combat with a still older fetich worship-The
gods and the Titans-The wives of Zeus-Nearly all originally
earth goddesses-Hêra distinct from the others-Poseidon and
Hadês-Plûtôn divinities of the older pantheon-So also Arês
and Hêraclês, who were sun gods.

Worship of Apollo and Athênê softened the natures of the
other Greek gods-The Dorians-Spread of their influence-The
birth of Apollo-Apollo at Delphi-His fight with the Python-
His wanderings-His relationship to Hêraclês-Death of the
sun god-Of Heraclês-Of Apollo, implied in one myth-The
narrowing of hell-Apollo and Zeus.

Goddesses born of water-Aphroditê, Athênê Tritogeneia

-Earth and cloud goddesses-Athênê's virgin nature as Pallas,

Parthenos-Shows her essential identity with Artemis-Athênê's

second birth-Hymn to Athênê-Athênê Polias-Polybûlos-

Polymêtis-Athênê and the Gorgon-Athênê in the Iliad-In the

Odyssey-Apollo and Athênê the mediators-Zeus the highest

Greek ideal of God

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